The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 22, 1986 - Page 3,
'U' minority plight fits U.S. trend
Bom bedAssociated Press
Libyans walk amidst the rubble of a totally damaged Boeing 727 at the Benghazi Airport Monday. The aircraft
is one of the two that were destroyed in the American raid on Libya last Tuesday.
The University administrator in
charge of minority recruitment and
retention told the Senate Assembly
yesterday that there is "no segment of
the University where minority
enrollment should not be increased
with all possible speed."
Reviewing a state report on
minorities in higher education that
was released last week, Niara
Sudarkasa, associate vice president
for academic affairs, emphasized the
role that the University's faculty can
play in correcting the "grave
problem" that the report depicted.
"The closer we are to the classroom,
the better our chances are for suc-
cess," she said.
Last week's report said the drop in
minority enrollment from 13.1 percent
in 1976 to 11.8 percent in 1985 is due
primarily to a drastic decline in black
enrollment. It noted declines in black
enrollment at two of the state's major
universities since they peaked in the
mid-'70s: a drop of 34 percent at the
University of Michigan and a drop of
32 percent at Wayne State University.
THE REPORT, which was written
by a special advisory committee ap-
pointed by State Superintendent
Philip Runkel and chaired by
Sudarkasa, says that any rises in
minority enrollment have been
almost entirely dependent upon sharp
rises in Asian-American enrollment.
Since 1976, Asian-American
enrollment has tripled at the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
'ut exodus
murders to retaliate against the U.S.
attack on Libya and Britain's decision
to allow British-based U.S. bombers
to participate in the air raids April 15.
The group, the pro-Libyan Arab
Fedayeen Cells, pledged to "continue
attacking American and British
targets in retaliation for the raids on
Libya and the Libyan Arab people."
Five other Americans kidnapped
since 1984 still are missing in Lebanon
and their fate is not known.
OPEC meeting ends
GENEVA (AP) - A weeklong
OPEC meeting ended yesterday with
no final decision on a comprehensive
strategy for reversing the collapse of
oil prices, cartel officials said.
It was the second time in a month
that the group failed to reach a con-
Although the proportion of Hispanic
students has increased at all three
major research universities in the
state, the report discloses that they
comprise less than 2 percent at each
institution. Sudarkasa contends that
the number of Native Americans
enrolled at the universities is so small
that comparisons aren't useful.
"If there is any one finding that I
want to emphasize, it is that what has
happened at this University parallels
developments in the state and the
nation," Sudarkasa said.
She noted that enrollments in com-
munity colleges currently account for
43 percent of minority enrollment in
higher education statewide. "It is a
hard core fact that the recession has
hit minorities - especially blacks -
very hard," she said.
SUDARKASA SAID there are three
key reasons for the diminishing op-
portunities available to minorities:
shrinking financial aid dollars, con-
tinuing inequalities at the pre-college
level, and increasing overt and covert
attacks upon Affirmative Action
In order to improve the problems of
minority enrollment, Sudarkasa said
the problem of recruitment must be
targeted. Through an increase in ap-
plications and "a more personalized
approach," Sudarkasa hopes to in-
crease the number of minority
students at the University.
In response to criticisms that she
hasn't concentrated on minority
retention, Sudarkasa said the Univer-
sity's committment is evidenced by
the Opportunities Program that
provides services to all minorities.
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Call us.
..speaks to Senate assembly
Pro-Libyan retaliatio
-- E 7 -o-
BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -
Westerners fled Moslem west Beirut
and Lebanon yesterday in an exodus
spurred by the murders of an
American and two Britons by pro-
Libyan gunmen in retaliation for last
week's U.S. attack on Libya.
Five foreigners left Moslem west
What's happening
around Ann Arbor
Campus Cinema
The Graduate (Mike Nichols, 1967)
MTF, 8 p.m., Mich.
A classic American comedy about
a college grad who is "a little
worried about his future. Dustin
Hoffman falls in love with Katheine
Ross, the daughter of the woman
(Anne Bancroft) who seduces him._
Ann Arbor Civic Chorus Spring
Concert - Ann Arbor Recreation,
Department, 7:30 p.m., Slauson In-
termediate School, 1019 W.
Washington, (994-2326).
Ruth Kenny will direct this 60-
member adult chorus in such selec-
tions as Stars and Stripes Forever,
Country Roads, and selections from
West Side Story.
University Symphony Or-
chestra-University School of
Music, 8p.m., Hill Auditorium, (763-
Gustav Meier will conduct this
farewell concert for Billy Frye,
University provost and vice
president for academic affairs. The
program will include Beethoven's
Violin Concerto, Rachmaninoff's
Symphonic Dances, and Rossini's
Overture to The Barber of Seville.
Bars & Clubs
- Bill Heid Trio, jazz.
THE BLIND PIG (996-8555) - The
Burdens, rock and R&B.
THE EARLE (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville, solo pianist.
(994-5436) - DJ, dance music.
2747) - Jeanne and the Dreams,
U-CLUB (763-2236) - DJ. reggae.
Dynamics,'' Aerospace
Engineering, 4 p.m., 107 Aerospace
Engineering Bldg.
Richard Holmes - "The
Mechanism of Crystal Separation in
a Practionating Grandiorite Magma
Chamber," Geology, 4 p.m., 4001 C.
C. Little Bldg.
Edward Katz - "Cloning and Ex-
pression of the Tyrosinase Gene
From Sterptomyces Antibioticus,"
Biology, noon, 1139 Natural Science
Arie Van Der Berg - "Triumph of
Death in Dutch Poetry," Netherlan-
ds America University League, In-
ternational Center.
Ernst Katz - "Aspects of Karma:
Specific Examples," Rudolph
Steiner Institute, 1923 Geddes.
History of Jazz Lecture Series -
Eclipse Jazz, 7:30 p.m., Welker
Room, Union.
Bill Savage - "Toward
Philosophy: The Evolution of
Western Chou Political Theology,"
Asian Language and Culture, noon,
Commons Room, Lane Hall.
AIESEC-International Business
Club - 5:30 p.m., 131 Business
Farm Labor Organizing Commit-
tee - 5:30 p.m., University Club.
Take Back the Night - 7:30 p.m.,
Fire Department.
Multiple Sclerosis Society -
Cpunseling Group; Significant
Others Group, 7 p.m., Washtenaw
United Way.
Business and Professional
Women's Club - 7:30 p.m., Ann Ar-
bor Women's City Club, 1830
Continuing Education of Women
Awards Program - 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater.
The Resolution - Russian and
East European Studies film and
video, 4 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
i spurs neir
Beirut yesterday while 21 British
residents, who were evacuated earlier
to the Christian sector of the capital to
escape reprisal by pro-Libyan gun-
men, sailed to Cyprus from the port of
Jouni, 12 miles north of Beirut.
Education Minister Selim Hoss and
other Moslem leaders lamented the
evacuation of foreigners from west
"THE evacuation of foreigners was
a painful blow to west Beirut, but we
can only blame ourselves for what
happened. We brought this upon our-
selves," said Hoss, a moderate Sunni
"We chased away businessmen,
teachers, diplomats, and foreign
journalists. We had no mercy on
anyone and in the end we had no mer-
cy even on ourselves," Hoss told
Shiite militia leader and Lebanese
Justice Minister Nabih Berri called
the flight of Westerners "a well-
planned conspiracy which constitutes
part of schemes to partition and can-
tonization. The evacuation of
foreigners is a . . . blow against the
national resistance in south
Lebanon," where Israel maintains a
'security zone' in the border area.
Druze militia chief Walid Jumblatt,
who despite his anti-American
policies has kept open channels with
the West, pointed an accusing finger
at some Arab states but stopped short
of naming them.
"WE DON'T understand why
foreign residents are protected in
some Arab countries while they are
being killed here,"said Jumblatt.
Two British and three French
teachers at the U.S.-managed In-
ternational College escaped the
Moslem half of the capital to the
Christian east yesterday one day after
35 Westerners, including two
Americans, were evacuated by the
British Embassy.
Most foreigners who earlier crossed
to East Beirut left by sea for Larnaca,
Cyprus on Monday. British Am-
bassador John Gray said those
remaining in the Christian east of the
city were "free to do what they want. I
cannot order them to get out."
THE evacuation was triggered by
the slaying last week of American
Librarian Peter Kilburn and British
teachers Philip Padfield and John
Leigh Douglas by pro-Libyan gun-
men, who said they committed the
Duderstadt appointed
On May 1, James Duderstadt, dean
of the University's College of
Engineering, will become the new
vice president for academic affairs
and provost. Duderstadt's appoin-
tment was approved by the University
Board of Regents at their April 17-18
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