a6 OPINION Thursday, January 16, 1986 Page 4 The Michigan Daily te abt anichigan Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Fact competes with fantasy Vol. XCVI, 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Encouraging trend :MARSHALL McLUAN'S now- famous statement, "The media is the message" aptly describes how college students view themselves and how the rest of the nation views them. For the past five years the media have por- trayed college students of the eighties as selfish. Innumerable studies have found statistics to show that today's college student favors money and personal success over developing a philosophy of life or working toward solving problems like hunger and nuclear war. On the basis of these figures, a number of magazines printed ar- ticles on the selfish college student of the eighties, making the inevitable comparison to the politically active, concerned college student of the late sixties and early seventies. It is partly in this context that the recently released report on the at- titudes of the fall 1985 freshman class should be welcomed. The report, published by the Cooperative Institutional Research Program and sponsored by the American Council of Education and the University of California at Los Angeles graduate school of Education, reported that the per- centage of college freshmen who consider it very important to make Shop a w /ANY STUDENTS think that selecting classes is like shooting dice: random chance determines if courses will satisfy or disappoint, stimulate or anesthetize. However, students do have the ability to affect the out- come of each semester. The method is simple: shop for classes. Faced with deadlines, many students fill out their CRISP elec- tion sheets the night before registration, and others, seeing the word closed on the computer screen, are forced to make last- minute decisions. Fortunately, students may use the next twelve days to search more selec- tively, and may drop, add, or modify their courses until January 28. Rely on first impressions. This is the cardinal rule of class shopping. If a professor bores, patronizes, rambles, or pontificates on the first day of class, don't expect im- provement. On the other hand, if the first lecture stimulates, expect a stimulating semester. In judging courses, reading lists a lot of money decreased for the first time in over fifteen years The study also found that there was an increase in the number of students considering a career in teaching. These figures should give en- couragement to the media to write about the new, politically concer- ned student. At the very least, perhaps the report will force the media to reconsider the image - that it helped to perpetuate - of the selfish young generation motivated primarily by money. But to blame the media solely is to avoid the facts. Too many students do see their time at the university as four years of drunken fun, acquisition of money making skills, or both. Too few students take advantage of the learning op- portunities this and other univer- sities have to offer, both in and out of the classroom. The recent report's findings are encouraging. Fewer students enter college with the main intention of making money. If this trend con- tinues in future years, it will force the media to acknowledge that students are socially concerned. More importantly, this pattern may produce a domino effect on students themselves, and cause them to reconsider their life goals and personal values. round are indispensible. Many classes require three or more hours of reading per hour of class time. Therefore, students should know what they are expected to read before committing themselves to a semester in a particular class. The idea of trying out different classes should not intimidate students. The myth persists that all "worthwhile" courses are closed well before the term begins, and that class shopping is a waste of time. On the contrary, only a han- dful of courses are impossible to en- ter early in the term. Instructors are flattered by high attendance, and will usually grant as many overrides as possible to en- thusiastic students. Of course, students with uncommon interests have an edge in acquiring overrides, since their classes are less popular. Take advantage of the diversity that the University offers. Sit in on a few classes, collect syllabi, study the course guide and time schedule, and browse through the bookstores. But do it now ... only twelve shopping days remain. By Jonathan Ellis If fact continues to compete with fantasy for campus headlines, how long before the following become "news" items: The top-rated University of Dollars foot- ball team announced today that it will fran- chise its football operation at schools around the country. "We think we have a success formula at Dollars," a team executive explained. "If delivered pizza and college bookstores can franchise on campuses nationwide, why not athletic teams?" The University of Michigan athletic department is reported to be considering the lease of Michigan Stadium to a Dollars U. franchise squad for Saturday afternoons next season. When asked where Michigan's own foot- ball team might play its home games, an athletic department official said, "Schem- bechler just couldn't match the price Dollars U. offered for the pse of the stadium. Maybe Bo can play in Ypsilanti." The Dollars U. franchise squad in Ann Ar- bor would be called "the Michigan Stadium Football Team," to differentiate it from the University of Michigan football team, the Ellis is an occasional guest contributor to the editorial page. athletic official reported. "If Barnes and Noble can become the Michigan Union Bookstore, surely no one would think a Michigan Stadium Football Team was connected with Michigan studen- ts." The official was referring to the situation where the current bookstore in the Union basement, while called the Michigan Union Bookstore, is actually owned by Barnes and Noble, a for-profit company. The University Cellar, which is now on Liberty Street but once rented space in the Union, is the Michigan student-owned and student- controlled bookstore. The Cellar is non- profit. In a related development, University of- ficials have decided that another gala celebration will be held on campus to com- memorate the second national project which was founded at the University, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). SDS, a radical protest group, was the other 1960s movement which had its begin- nings here, along with the Peace Corps whose anniversary was celebrated last Fall. Paralleling the Peace Corps festivities, the SDS event will include participants of national prominence. Reports have been circulating that Attorney General Edwin Meese, though an arch-conservative, will be asked to headline the SDS commemoration. "Ed Meese has at least as much in com- mon with the founding goals of SDS as George Bush had with the Peace Corps," commented one University administrator. The possible Meese invitation was over- shadowed this week by another University announcement that, beginning next term, all tuition fees will be cancelled. Instead, University courses will be offered on a "free-drop" basis like The Michigan Daily, Under the play, the academic department will be required to solicit paid adver- tisements to fund their course offerings. Commercials would be read by professors at intervals during each class. The possible effects of this funding change are still emerging. Presumably the Michigan football team could have in-class ads saying where it has moved, if the athletic department does rent the stadium to Dollars U. Classroom ads for the Michigan Union Bookstore are still unclear. Would every ad read in class have to tell you the store was owned by for-profit Barnes and Noble, lest the professor's 'accuracy in academia" rating be compromised? Ironically, the* big winner under the academic ad plan could well be the Univer- sity Cellar. As the student-owned and non- profit bookstore, the Cellar might qualify for classroom public service announcemen- ts, free. Wasserman }{ow DoQt TUTUA JS8A P?1ONY CNQW B11 to? u r195T - MIS A PA&CF5T, MM Y'ou r VLNQWW NNT T A~T f'hEAN s =Jr. - f u 0 0 t4 SScONt- IF YOU CAN W &NE - SRS CR21TICtZED ROWNt P.PAW f-VEN IWISVNis OWN Tv. SHOW K I A, AN.w If i1* I OD- Ot LETTERS: Zionism opposes S. African racism .. . . . ,. . , i To the Daily: In response to Ibrahim Dawud's letter "Zionism is racist as Apartheid," (1/10/86) we believe that Mr. Dawud appears to be confused about the differen- ces between Zionism and Apar- theid. First, and foremost, Apar- theid is a law accepted by the white ruling government of South Africa. This law racially segregates and oppresses the black people of South Africa. Zionism, in contrast, is a belief held by the majority of Jewish people which states that there sould be a Jewish homeland. At no time is Zionism a law held by the ruling government of Israel. Also, Zionism is not a belief of segregation and oppression. All that Zionism contends is that the Jews of the world should live in Israel. From this standpoint, Zionism and Apartheid are diametrically opposed. The Israeli government does not support any form of mass arrest or indiscriminate uprooting of Palestinians in Trael Tnstead the adontinn nf squalid sort of lesser human and are pathetically and abjectly destined to remain that way." While this is the policy of South Africa, it is not a policy in Israel. Mr. Dawud fails to recognize the unprovoked, terrorist acts committed by the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) against the peoples of Israel. He is quick to point out, in a negative and incorrect way, the military acts invoked by the Israeli military. These acts are in response to or defense of Israeli National security and are only directed at combatants, as was the case in Israel's attack on PLO headquarters in Tripoli a few months back. Israelis, unlike the PLO, do not attack non- combatants by bombing hospitals,nschool buses,band kin- dergarten classrooms. When Israel fights for her security, she fights to protect Jews and non- Jews alike from terrorism. We do not deny that there are religious and racial tensions in occurances and take an active part in either supporting or protesting them. American Jews scream in protest of Apartheid because we know what it feels like to live under years and years of oppression. Until the Israeli government adopts policies of racial oppression as law like the South African gover- nment has; we will continue to support Zionism, to promote as. Mr. Dawud phrased it "our own survival as a people." -Stacey L. Colemai Barry A. Schreier January 13 Students question the code SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE To the Daily: It was reported that the University of Maryland College Park Campus, "led all other major colleges in the nation in reported violent crime in 1984," with 53 violent crimes reported," (Daily Nov. 12). This is ironic considering that the University of Maryland implemented a code of non-academic conduct six years ago in order to reduce violent crime and increase the safety of students (Journal of College and Higher Education Law, 1979). The statistics show that Marvland's nce rnPd snot solve proposed code "is largely.based on- Maryland's code. All that our administration did was slightly revise Maryland's code befora6 proposing it to the community, Moreover, Regent Sarah Power said' that a code should be im- plemented because "the safety of people are involved" (Daily Nov. 15). However, it has been' clearly shown that a code of non- academic conduct does not im- prove campus safety. The Regen- ts seem to ignore the fact that codes do not protect students at other colleges. Tharafnrpitist +h rocnnI I i