4 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, April 17, 1986 The Michigan Daily 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Wasserman Wq ! NOT ! NOT ! # Gi Vol. XCVI, No. 135 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 s \W AT ;>/you WANT U5 To PUT /C/ ON t-V.) (/1I5 ' s . ' ' ' d , Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. NOW and forever L OCAL FEMINISTS will be hit- ting the streets on Saturday in a march to celebrate women's lives and reproductive rights. The march, sponsored by the Ann Ar- bor-Washtenaw chapter of the National Organization of Women, is another step in the right direc- tion. NOW has suffered a decline in active membership locally during recent years. While much of the energy has apparently been con- structively redirected to single issue community service projects and groups such as the Women's Crisis Center and Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament, it is important to continue to support the umbrella women's rights organization. During the early 1970's local women were instrumental in securing the passage of the Michigan Abortion Referendum. Now that federal abortion legislation appears to be threatened, local NOW chapter president Madeline Hansen says it's time to mobilize to protect those rights. In the early 1980's the Equal Rights Amendment provided NOW with an accessible rallying point. The proposed legislation offered a tangible blueprint for the more ab- stract concepts aimed at restruc- turing American society. Unfor- tunately, when the amendment failed ratification, many activists became discouraged. Local activists are taking their cue from NOW's national leader- ship. Eleanor Smeal, who was re- elected last summer as NOW's national president, has consisten- tly called for more visible and vocal action. Last month's march in Washington attracted more than 80,000 women and men, including 100 members of the local chapter of NOW. Ironically, many of the successes of the women's movement have made it more difficult for NOW to operate. Long hours of grassroots organization and lobbying are out of the question for many women who have pushed through the doors opened to them during the 1970s, and are now firmly established in the business world. While com- munity outreach services for women in the Ann Arbor area are excellent, there is a tendency for those groups to be highly specific and insular. Effective organization in the 1980s to insure those freedoms gained over the past twenty years is vital to the women's movement. Continued funding for Medicaid abortions, rape awareness and comparable worth are issues that need attention and enthusiastic advocacy. Saturday's march is a step in the right direction. But local women must remember that in the larger context, it's a long haul. 14 -a-a INF --0- - --------- -\"-.".- "". --om .. - - - -" ,, " ~ -- - --.4 ? Shapiro m ish an dles Man dela degree Hidden past EVIDENCE IS mounting that former United Nations Secretary General, Kurt Waldheim, was a Nazi during World War II. Waldheim is curren- tly the leading Austrian presiden- tial candidate; he should drop out of the race. Waldheim's continued inadequate response to the charges against him and the security surrounding his UN file arouse suspicion. In 1938 Waldheim joined a Nazi paramilitary organization called the Brownshirts. Though he has referred to this group as purely social, it often attacked Viennese Jews. Waldheim wrote in his autobiography that his military career on the Eastern front ended in December, 1941. Now he admits to having served as a staff officer, in the Balkans, but claims ignorance of any atrocities com- mited there. Considering his previous denials, however, it is dubious that Waldheim did not know about his own army group's brutality. Waldheim served under General Alexander Lohr who was responsible for the deportation of 46,000 Jews from the city of Salonika in Greece. As an inter- preter, Waldheim would have had to translate orders and as an or- dinance officer he would have been required to implement them. Recently publicized evidence from the UN archives accuses Waldheim of "murder, (and) put- ting to death of hostages." Waldheim has also been im- plicated for burning three villages in a reprisal against Yugoslav guerillas fighting German oc- cupation. United States intelligence ser- vices may have known of the charges against Waldheim because the Yugoslav government requested his extradition in 1947. It seems that the CIA protected Waldheim because his knowledge of the Balkans would be helpful during the Greek civil war. In light of this possibility and the evidence which has been revealed, it is a positive sign that the Justice Department's Office of Special in- vestigations is participating in the inquiry into Waldheim's past. The UN's release of Waldheim's file to the governments of Israel and Austria suggests that justice may finally be served. To the Daily: The university admnistration's handling of the nomination of Nelson Mandela for an honorary degree has been both educational and disillusioning to those of us close to the process. After five months of silence since the nominating process was begun last November, the Free South Africa Coordinating Committee (FSACC) learns that Mr. Man- dela will receive no recognition from this university despite the fact that he is currently serving his twenty third year in prison and is in ill health. Yet President Shapiro and the degree commit- tee inform FSACC that it is not a disagreement with Mandela's political struggle for freedom that obstructs the bestowal of the honor. Rather, because his refusal to accept conditions placed on his release by the neo- Nazi apartheid government of South Africa prevents Mandela from donning a cap and gown for the commencement ceremony, Mandela is ineligible for the degree. PresidenttShapiro's perfor- mance in the last week has revealed a rather cavalier at- titude toward the concerns of students. After a march through the streets of Ann Arbor on April 4, in which an estimated 500 students, faculty, staff and com- munity members participated, members of FSACC have spent hours each day speaking with any administrator willing to listen. The president has not been among them and has not accep- ted an invitation to meet with the delegation. On Wednesday April 9 after the Daily broke thenews that a technicality in the Regents by- laws made Mandela ineligible, Dr. Shapiro instructed a- secretary to inform us that any questions we still had would be answered by his press release the following day. Also on Wed- nesday, we learned from a repor- ter for the Detroit Free Press that recommendations for degrees had already been f or- warded and that Mandela's name was not among those put forth. Pressing further for an ex- planation FSACC members were told by Vice President Kennedy in the Office of Government Relations that no future meetings of the nominating committee were scheduled or likely to occur this semester, On Thursday, in the aforemen- tioned press release, the President essentially offered a non-statement saying that the University to inform either FSACC or the nomination's in- itiators of the by-law's existence, Students look to Dr. Shapiro, administrators and faculty to provide moral leadership. The granting of an honorary degree to Nelson Mandela would make clear that the University of Michigan stands in solidarity with those oppressed by apar- theid. It would also be en- Oppose tyranny, honor Mandela. 4 Dear Dr. Shapiro: I am surprised, disappointed, and ashamed to learn from the newspapers that the honorary degree committee has decided, on ostensibly procedural groun- ds, not to offer an honorary degree to Nelson Mandela. The ostensible grounds are that a recipient must be present in Ann Arbor to receive the degree. It surprises and disappoints me, in the first place, to learn of the committee's decision at this late date and through the press Why were those of us who, like me, wrote to you supporting the nomination not told at once that such a nomination was im- possible for procedural reasons, if that was indeed the case? And why have we now learned of it only through the newspapers? The long delay in advancing this In absentia To the Daily: Nelson Mandela cannot come to graduation to speak, so he will probably not be given an honorary degree. Regent Thomas Roach said giving Mandela a degree "would be an exercise in futility." But how futile is it to honor a man whose forced silen- ce, along with his refusal to renounce his views for his per- sonal benefit, speaks louder than any speech that could be given at commencement? His silence and all that it symbolizes speaks so loudly, yet the regents have not heard. One reason offered for not giving Mandela a degree is that an honorary degree is not meant to honor anybody, that it's just a ritual attached to the graduation ceremony. This means that all the people who have spoken and received honorary degrees were not really honored, and the whole idea of honorary degrees is poin- tless. If this argument is used to refuse Mandela a degree, the name should be changed from "hnrarv" fto "worthless. argument and the manner in which it finally became public create a most unfortunate im- pression of bad faith. Even if the committee mem- bers have acted in good faith, however, their action shames me as a member of this community and ought to shame them as well. The point of offering Nelson Mandela an honorary degree is to tell the world that the University rejects totalitarianism and honors those who place life and liberty at risk to oppose it. Mr. Mandela is a prisoner today, unable to travel to Ann Arbor to receive an honorary degree, because the regime in South Africa denies the elementary rights of human being and citizen to a majority of its people. Does the University respect and en- dorse that denial, and even ac- cord it standing in our own deliberations? Shall the Univer- sity announce to the world that we dare not declare hostility to tyranny except within the restric- tions that tyrants impose? I hope that you, the committee, and the regents will think again, and think hard, before making such a disgraceful announcement to the world. -Barbara J. Fields Associate Professor April 14 couraging to those who actively oppose racism at home as well as abroad. Finally it would fill an urgent need given Mandela's plight and the current climte of oppression and unrest in South Africa. Professors, students, literary and political dignitaries, MSA, and other who have writ- ten, petitioned, marched, spoken before the Regents, met with administrators and spent cold nights staffing the shanty on the Diag' deserve greater respect than President Shapiro has of- fered. The Free South Africa Coordinating Committee deman- ds that consideration be given to changing or suspending the by- law and that the nominating committee be reconvened before the end of the term. -Ron Shore April 14 4 Politics start at home To the Daily: The Michigan Republican Par- ty's newly-established precinct delegate system, the first step in nominating a candidate for the presidency, will serverely impair the Party's chances for a state- wide realignment, particularly on the local level. The defeat of incumbent Councilman James Blow, as well as the narrow vic- tories for other Republican in- cumbents, may be due in part to the shifting attention spans of the local Republican establishment. Much energy has been devoted to lining up precinct delegates for the August elections and atten- ding campaign speeches by presidential hopefuls, rather than helping local Republican can- didates win their elections. For example, this past Saturday Jack Kemp spoke on campus. Yet, local candidates who were busy campaigning that day could have used the support of students at- tending the speech. Unfor- tunately, presidential politics can be much more glamourous than a city council election. Even the gubernatorial primary has been subordinate to the presidential maneuvering in the state. The state Republican Party continues to sing of grand days in the future while ignoring the reality that true realignment can only begin on the local level. -Seth B. Klukoff Editor-in-Chief The Michigan Review April 8 .--' I I ;, E i We encourage our readers to use this space toI w _ ... i 1