Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 16, 1986
City zoning board gives sorority OK
The Ann Arbor Zoning Board of Ap-
peals voted yesterday to allow the
Alpha Xi Delta sorority zoning
variances on their site plan to make
the University-owned Kalmbach Cen-
ter their new home.
The Alpha Xi Delta sorority, which
revived itself after being dormant for
several years, immediately began
looking for a house after pledging 115
members in October.
THE KALMBACH Center at 1735
Washtenaw Ave. was purchased by
the University from the Alpha Chi
Omega sorority in 1972. Until recently
the center was used by the University
as a convention center and to host
University guests, but the center is
now vacant.
Tuesday night the Ann Arbor Plan-
ning Commission voted 8-0 to give the
sorority a special exemption use and
site plan approval contingent on
yesterday's vote at the Zoning Board
of Appeals. City zoning requires a
special exemption to be obtained from
the planning commission for all large
groups who wish to live in this par-
ticular area.
Because the sorority's plan violated
a few zoning codes, the sorority had to
ask for zoning variances. These
violations include reducing a lan-
dscape buffer from 15 feet to 2% feet,
parking within 10 feet of the building,
and using 14 parking spaces instead of
the required 15 spaces. According to
Ann Arbor law there must be one
parking space for every five beds. The
sorority plans to house 75 women,
which would require 15 spaces instead
of the 14 spaces the lot can hold.
THE ZONING Board of Appeals
voted 9-0 on the landscape and
parking buffer variances, and 6-3 to
allow 14 parking spaces instead of 15.
Since the sorority's revival, mem-
bers have been meeting in Angell Hall
and other public places, but they want
their own home, said Alumni
President Jennie Lombard.
"The sorority needs a house to
provide unity," said Lombard. "When
the girls have a home there is con-
stant communication. They have a
chance to build up a sisterhood."
Sophomores fight
(Continued from Page 1) en enrktir isia
a 1
more concerned about students who
lock themselves into an academic
program during their freshman year.
"COLLEGE is a time to explore
your interests and part of that is un-
certainty," he says.
But the uncertainty is only part of
the slump, sophomores say. Another
oUI111 ld CC 51 la c
motivation to study.
"Everything seems to take
six times longer," say:
sophomore Mia Schmiedesk
former valedictorian from]
High School in Ann Arbor. "
like to go here, but just not s
wish I were more motivated,
s L
I wo
ymptoms o
of somethingI can't do."
LSA sophomore Jim Lydon put it
or more precisely.
LSA "SOPHOMORE slump is the period
a when you consider college a big
Weer blowoff, and you wake up when your
ould grades come in." Kraus agrees.
y...I "Getting good grades isn't as im-
it's portant to me as it was before," she
says. "I'm only doing what I have to
in order to get by, and it makes me
feel really guilty."
But Dr. Charles Judge, director of
LSA academic services, feels that
lack of motivation and anxiety about
the future can be found at all grade
levels. "It happens to everybody...I
don't find it limited to any one group."
that the University's sophomore and
junior class had the highest number of
expulsions last year, Judge remains
"I'm always struck at how many
juniors and seniors who have done ob-
viously well up to that point end up
being dismissed," Judge says. "(The
dismissal rate) can also reflect those
people who get into programs too dif-
ficult for them and it's finally cat-
ching up with them," he adds.
"IF YOU HAVE a house the girls
are able to communicate and form
life-long friendships," Lombard said.
"I have friends I made in college and
still feel a bond between us whenever
we communicate."
Lombard added that the sorority
members are eager and enthusiastic
about the Kalmbach Center. Neigh-
bors also welcome the move. They
have shown their support at both the
planning commission and zoning
board meetings.
Neighbor Douglas Crary, who lives
at 1842 Cambridge Rd., said at
yesterday's meeting that he is "ab-
solutely delighted that the possibility
that a sorority will return to this
the slump
Yet, it is during their second year at
the University that the slump hits
most students the hardest - and most
bounce back in their junior year.
"LAST YEAR I didn't do well at all,
but this year I'm kicking a--," said
Andrea Greer, a junior who decided to
major in English.
"I was too busy trying to develop
myself as a human being. Last year I
had to find out who I was and what my
goals were and now it's a lot easier to
work because I know what I want to
do, and I'm really excited about it."
After a .9 increase in her semester
G.P.A. from sophomore to junior
year, Greer reflects that the slump
was a learning experience.
"I learned to take easier classes.
You learn the tricks of the trade," she
said, "what classes to take and not to
take, what homework to do and not to
do, and how to get through all the red
tape at the University."
But take heart sophomores. Greg
Morton, an engineering student,
maintains that there are worse things
in life than sophomore slump.
"I guarantee that fifth year senior
slump is a lot worse than sophomore
slump." Morton said.
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8 P.M., MONDAY, JAN. 20, 1986
'U' director
prompts NCAA change
Aquino's leader killed
MANILA, Phillipines - Gunmen shot to death one of opposition can-
didate Corazon Aquino's local campaign leaders yesterday in the first
killing that has been linked to the Philippine presidential election cam-
Opposition leaders claimed that the killing in Aquino's home province
of Tarlac, north of Manila, was designed to frighten the people who sup-
port her bid to unseat President Ferdinand Marcos in the Feb. 7 election.
Former congressman Jose Yap said the victim, Jeremias de Jesus,
was shot to death a day after he told a U.S. Embassy political officer of
armed men "terrorizing" opposition supporters in the province.
Yap said there were reports that de Jesus' driver also was killed in the
shooting in Capas municipality, 55 miles north of Manila. Yap said he had
no details of the killing, but Assemblyman Luis Villafuerte said reports
from the area indicated de Jesus was aboard a jeep when he was shot.
Aquino was campaigning on the central Philippine island of Panay, 250
miles south of Manila, when the shooting occured.
100 killed in Beirut warring
BEIRUT, Lebanon - President Amin Gemayel's militia defeated his
Christian rivals in a 10-hour showdown with tanks, artillery and gunboats
yesterday. The fighting killed 100 people and wounded 300.
Military sources said Elie Hobeika, the Lebanese Forces militia chief
fighting the Maronite Catholic president for leadership of the nation's 1.5
million Christians, had surrendered to the Lebanese army commander.
Gemayel opposes the peace agreement Syria negotiated with the
Lebanese Forces and the country's two most powerful Moslem militias in
an attempt to end the decade-long civil war that has cost at least 100,000
The victory of the Gemayel loyalists appeared to dash hopes for the
success of the peace pact.
The Syrian-brokered accord would give Moslems more power in the
government and military, which traditionally have been dominated by
Christians. It was signed Dec. 28 in Damascus by Hobeika, leader of the
largest Christian militia; Druse chieftain Walid Jumblatt and Nabih
Berri, leader of the Shiite Moslem militia Amal.
Budget balance triggers cuts
WASHINGTON - A $11.7 billion first installment toward a balanced
federal budget was triggered under a new deficit-reduction law yester-
day, paving the way for cutbacks in hundreds of programs and a near
governmentwide hiring freeze.
Some federal officials said layoffs of federal workers also was a
possibility. However, budget director James Miller called on agency
heads to look for other ways to make the required reductions including
cutting down on travel expenses and not filling vacancies.
"The administration's firm position is that we're going to meet these
challenges in a way that minimizes disruptions," Miller told a news con-
The cuts were set in motion by the issuance of a joint report by Miller's
Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office
projecting that the fiscal 1986 deficit would soar to $220.5 billion - $8.6
billion above last year's record flow of federal red ink.
Miller said he doubted that these cutbacks - amounting to 4.3 percent
for domestic programs and 4.9 percent for the military on March 1 -
would result in widespread disruptions or anything "like closing the
Washington Monument or draining the Tidal Basin" here.
Shultz warns against lax
U.S. terrorist policy
WASHINGTON - The United States risks having "a policy of
paralysis" unless it is willing to take open and covert military action
against nations that support terrorism, Secretary of State George Shultz
said yesterday.
"We cannot let the ambiguities of the terrorist threat reduce us to total
impotence," Shultz said in a speech dotted with references to Libyan
leader Moammar Khadafy. The United States must have "the stomach,"
even when results are slow, to keep up on the pressure against state-
sponsored terrorism, he said.
Otherwise, "it would amount to an admission that, with all our
weaponry and power, we are helpless to defend our citizens, our interests,
and our values; this I simply do not accept," he said.
Shultz, one of the Reagan administration's strongest advocates of using
military power against terrorism, made the remarks in a speech to the
Pentagon-sponsored "Conference on Low-Intensity Warfare," at which
Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger spoke Tuesday night.
Gorbachev announces plan
to rid earth of nuclear arms
MOSCOW - Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev announced in a
statement read on national television yesterday that the Soviet Union is
proposing a plan for "ridding the Earth of nuclear weapons within 15
The statement, on the eve of the fourth round of Geneva arms control
talksbetween the Soviet Union and the United States, said the Soviets
also will extend a unilateral moratorium on nuclear testing for another
three months.
The unilateral ban on testing was announced in August and expired
Jan. 1.
The announcement was made at the beginning of the nightly television
news program.
"The Soviet Union is proposing a step-by-step and consistent process of
ridding the Earth of nuclear weapons, to be implemented and completed
within the next 15 years, before the end of this century," Gorbachev said
in the statement, read by an announcer.
Vol XCVI - No. 1
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los-Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.
(Continued from Page 1)
view. "I think your high school
grades should be enough," he said.
The NCAA also passed a new drug
testing rule mandating that players in
championship and football bowl
games be screened for a wide range of
drugs. According to the rule, which
was authored by University pathology
Prof. Paul Gikas, both the player and
the coach face a stiff penalty if the
player fails.
Tutu rallies support to
oppose apartheid system
(Continued from Page 1)
paigning for basic human rights,"
said Tutu, "the laws of our country
are against us."
AMONG what Detroit Mayor
Coleman Young termed "a veritable
gaggle of bishops and clergy and a
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flock of politicians" surrounding Tutu
during his speech, was Rosa Parks,
one of the first people to set off the
civil rights movement in the '50s by
refusing to give up her seat on a bus to
a white person.
Tutu said he was pleased to be in
Detroit during Martin Luther King's
birthday. Although many similarities
have been drawn between Tutu and
King, Tutu said he is "not in the same
league as Martin Luther King Jr."
He said, "he is a tremendous, tremen-
dous orator ... and far more an
original thinker than I would ever
hope to be. He is something that I am
not. He is a pacifist. I am not a
pacifist. I am a peace lover."
Tutu said, "Quite simply. I'm op-
posed to all forms of violence." But he
said if he had to choose between the
violence of the apartheid system, or
the violence required to overthrow
it, he would choose violence to over-
throw the system.
TUTU SAID he feels there are cir-
cumstances where one must use force
but "it is possible for change to hap-
pen through nonviolent means." Tutu
drew similarities between himself
and King, as he believes both he and
King sought to use moral authority
and to draw power from the church.
Tutu also spoke at the Cathedral
Church of St. Paul last night and ap-
peared on a PBS live broadcast.
Today he will speak at the Detroit
Economic Club and hold a community
rally at Cobo Arena at 5:00. Ad-
mission to the rally, which includes
performances by local gospel and en-
tertainment groups is free.
Can we
serve you?
Editor in Chief.................NEIL CHASE Chief Photographer...............DAN HABIB
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