j:j; b r fRtcttgan IatQ Ninety-six years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVI - No. 2 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, January 16, 1986 Eight Pages ............ . .. .. . ..... 'U' plan spurs new change in NCAA rule By STEVE HERZ A new National Collegiate Athletic *Association rule that tightens academic standards for student- athletes has attracted a plethora of media attention this week, but the University administrator who wrote the rule said yesterday much of that attention is misplaced. At its annual convention in New Orleans, the NCAA overwhelmingly approved a minimum requirement of a 2.0 high school grade point average nd a cumulative SAT score of 700 for all college athletes. The new rule is flexible, however, because it allows students who fail one requirement to make up for it by doing well in another. Thus, a student with a 2.5 high school G.P.A. and a 660 on the SAT would qualify for athletic com- petition. Undergraduate Admissions Direc- tor Cliff Sjogren, who drafted the proposal in 1982, said a more significant part of the new rule is that student-athletes will be required to complete at least 11 academic courses in high school and maintain at least a 2.0 in those courses -.regardless of the students' SAT scores. "This is the meat behind the plan," Sjogren said. He added that he old rule, which did not require college athletes to have taken academic cour- ses in high school, discouraged them from taking hard courses. 0 Sjogren acknowledged that the rule still is flawed because high schools can simply designate "blow-off" courses as academic. "The high school can say that 'Fun with Num- bers' is an academic course if they choose to. There will be some of that," said Sjogren. LEADERS OF southern black universities have ' charged that the rule discriminates against blacks because the SAT is racially biased, but OSjogren and NCAA Chairman Walter Byars maintain that the SAT measures skills needed to succeed at college. Michigan basketball player Steve Stoyko, a sophomore with a 3.4 grade point average in pre-med, said "I think their proposal is a good idea, he said. "But then again, I got like a 1200 on the SAT." Senior Butch Wade took a different See 'U,' Page 2 Tutu Ues. 4 seeks aetion in S.Afia By EVE BECKER Special to the Daily DETROIT - Bishop Desmond Tutu winner of the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize, spoke in Detroit last night as part of his three week visit to the United States to rally support to oppose South Africa's apartheid system. Tutu, the Anglican bishop of Johan- nesburg and spokesman for black South Africans, said the U.S. could promote change in South Africa by imposing economic sanctions on South Africa's government. "IF REAGAN was to treat South Africa the way he would treat Nicaragua, apartheid would end tomorrow," Tutu said. President Reagan has imposed a trade embargo on Nicaragua and is backing rebel contra groups there, but he opposes economic sanctions on war-torn South Africa. Tutu, under restrictions of his government, was not allowed to discuss divestment of economic funds. Tutu said he was on a three-point mission to come to the United States. He said he wantefl to "say thank you to people all over the country...who have committed themselves to our struggle of peace, justice, and recon- ciliation," to intensify the awareness of the struggle in South Africa, and to raise money for two scholarship funds he has set up to aid South African refugees. EIGHT OF the recipients of the scholarships attend American universities. He is also raising money to help South African political prisoners and their families. Tutu said black South Africans are helped by any sanctions opposing the South African apartheid government. He said a "cumulative effort (of smaller countries) will affect the morale of victims of apartheid...to show the world does care." "It's not so much the quantity of policies, but the psychological im- pact," he said. "We're not cam- paigning for civil rights, we are cam- See TUTU, Page 2 Bomb threat An anonymous caller to The Daily last night said that three bombs were set to go off around campus today. The caller said the first bomb would explode in the Undergraduate Library at 8 a.m., the second would go off at 11 a.m. in Angell Hall, and the third would go off at 2 p.m. in the Michigan Union. The caller, a woman who spoke in an Arabic-sounding accent, refused to identify herself, saying only, "Khadafy reigns." Daily Photo by DEAN RANDAZZO Bishop Desmond Tutu speaks in Detroit, gathering support to oppose South Africa's apartheid policies. L _... _._....... _._ _J Regents not yet expected to act on code By KER Y MURAKAMI University administrators and members of the Board of Regents said yesterday they do not expect the regents to act on a code of non- academic conduct at their monthly meeting this afternoon. University President Harold Shapiro, accor- ding to students on the council, said in private meetings last October that he might bypass the University Council and ask the regents to ap- prove a code this month if the council hadn't finished its work. SHAPIRO and several regents have felt the council has been stalling in coming up with a code, the students said. But apparently, councilmembers placated these fears last week when they announced they will release "emergency procedures" for discussion by the end of the month. These guidelines would regulate how the Univeristy responds to life-threatening situations. According to Paul Josephson, president of the Michigan Student Assembly, Shapiro said in a meeting this week he felt the council was making progress, and had showed "good faith" by planning to release the emergency procedures. SHAPIRO declined to comment last night. Another University administrator, Virginia Nordby, who has been reporting the council's progress to Shapiro, said yesterday she doesn't expect any action on the code today. "The University Council is working effectively and making real progress. Its co-chairs are to be commended for their leadership and its members for their perseverence and hard work," she said. HOWEVER, THE administration's decision not to pursue a code this month is by no means a carte blanche for the council. Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey) yesterday said he doesn't expect any action on the code today, but he added that the regents would not hesitate to pass an interim code if they felt progress was not being made. Josephson said he was hopeful the regents will continue to be patient. "I think they've grown impatient because they haven't seen anything come out of the council. I expect that by mid-February, discussion will be able to begin taking place on the emergency procedures," he said. But as for problems that are not emergen- cies, the council has discussed leaving rule- making up to individual units of the University - dormitories, libraries, and sports facilities, for example. Such a plan would not be ready to implement until at least the fall. Steiner appointed rape crisis center to Students struggle to stifle the sting of sophomore slump By LAURA BISCHOFF Almost a year after a student rotest at a top administrator's office rought a promise for the establish- ment of a rape crisis center, Julie Steiner was named coordinator of the center. Steiner, who begins her new job on February 3, is a 1976 University graduate of the Natural Resources Environmental Advocacy Program. She said she does not yet have a blueprint of programs for the center. - "THE FIRST thing I want to do is meet with as many people as possible a- nd find out what people have been doing and where they'd like the center to go," Steiner said. The 31-year-old coordinator was in town last weekend to find a place to live and to review what has already been done. "I'm not coming in saying 'I know. everything we're going to do here," .Steiner said. But she did say that the center will focus on education and 4 awareness programming, victim assistance, and safety issues on campus, she said, but declined to get anymore specific than that at this point. THE PUSH for the rape preven- tion and awareness center began last year when 30 students demonstrated in the Vice President for Student Ser- vices Henry Johnson's office with a list of demands for a safer campus. Johnson drew up a proposal for a cen- ter, and the University executive of- ficers approved $75,000 funding in May. The hiring committee started looking for a coordinator over the summer andtdecided on Steiner earlier this month. A group of students, faculty, and administrators organized a workshop program focusing on date and acquaintance rape, the most frequent rape situation. The workshops, run by student facilitators, began this fall. STEINER SAID she will continue these workshops. She said peer See STEINER, Page 3 By LAURA COUGHLIN At a time when their parents may be experiencing "mid-life crisis," many college students may be suf- fering their own mid-career doldrums - that trauma popularly known as "Sophomore Slump." It struck LSA sophomore Susan Kraus last September. During her fir- st year at the University, Kraus says, she and her friends never thought about majors. And now with the decision drawing closer, Kraus ad- mits she's a little apprehensive about choosing her major. "I HAVEN'T had enough classes to really experience different areas," she says. "I don't think I'm going to be able to pick a major within next year." Sophomore Paul Lyon has had his major - engineering - picked since he enrolled two falls ago, but so far he hasn't seen how his class lessons will relate to the real world. "I don't have the slightest idea what an engineer does, but I'm in engineering," Lyon says. "My goal is to get through." "SOPHOMORE year turns out to be confusing," says psychology Prof. Charles Morris. "There is lack of a sense of direction." That state of confusion is similar to the "mid-life crisis" many adults exerience, Morris adds. Sophomores' anxiety about picking a major is valid, he says, but he is See SOPHOMORES, Page 2 State ed. spendigmay' icrease By AMY MINDELL He projected a 5.5 percent increase in spending for Wire wire reports education at all levels, which include a small increase in Gov. James Blanchard yesterday unveiled a "hold-the- student aid for college students. line" budget proposal for 1986-87 which actually reduces Bob Endris, a budget analyst in the state budget office, spending $11 million from this year, but increases wouldn't reveal exact figures yesterday. "If he's not going education spending. to give out numbers, I'm not going to either, he said. ebillion in general tax Blanchard's "hold-the-line" stance means the Univer- The governor's budget totals $.99 bisity almost certainly will not receive the 18 percent ap- spending for the year. propriation increase administrators say they need. In- Blanchard released highlights of the budget and an- stead, Blanchard is expected to recommend an 8 percent swered only a few questions. Full details will be released increase in funds for higher education, which would fall next Tuesday. See BLANCHARD, Page 3 Steiner ... appointed to post TODAY to get him out. When he was finally released, however, the unfortunate boy was taken into custody on suspicion of burglary. Nor further details were available, other than that he was taken to a local hospital and treated for cuts and abrasions. tained in a survey commissioned by Times Mirror Co., which owns the Los Angeles Times, Newsday and other newspapers, and conducted by the Gallup Organization. The survey concluded that "the vast majority of the citizenry believes that the major news organizations in -INSIDE- SHOP AROUND: Opinion urges students to select courses carefully. See Page 4. I i