Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 14, 1986 'CILAIJFiJfIIIIII A4 IU4t- IO iSO7 FOR RENT FOR RENT PERSONAL LOST & FOUND FOR RENT FOR RENT FLOPPY DISK found outside Angell Hall. Call John to identify. 994-5890. 63A0417 REWARD!! Lost Friday evening, April 4. Grey Cordura Camera Bag with Two Older Cameras, Accessories, and Extremely Important Class Work on Film. The Cameras are not worth much but have great sentimental value. Desperately need for class. Excellent Reward. Call Ann at: 769-5153. Please help me! 53A0414 LOST - pink oral retainer on lawn across from Steve's, 3/29. REWARD. Call 763-0886. 76A0414 LOST: Black Cat with White feet and chest wear- ing red collar. East U and Packard area. $50.00 RE WARD. 665-0694. No Questions asked. 82A0416 FOR SALE ACT NOW! DISKETTES. Bulk 5-1" DS/DD. 4-cents each. Lots of 50. These are not seconds. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. No questions asked. Call MEI, 1-800-634-3478, 9-9 EST M-F; 10 6 Sat. Offer expires 5/15/86. 21B0423 MOVIE POSTERS: James Bond, Indiana Jones, Mil Gibson. All movie posters available! Call Greg, 764-0640. 36B0419 GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1. (u repair). Also delinquent tax property. Call 805-687-000 Ext. GH-10152 for information. 03B0423 APARTMENT SALE: Sleeper sofa, chairs, plant stnd, bar stools, dehumidifier, sun lamp, desk bedroom set, waffle iron, miscellaneous. Offers, leave message, 434-1006. 77B042l BICYCLE - RALIEGH. Men's 12-speed, 21" frpme. Mint condition. 665-0026. 71B0416 COMPACT STEREO, AM/FM receiver, dual cas- settes, turn table, 8-track, speakers, $50 or best of er. 769-8572. 66B0414 * AUTOMOTIVE '78 FORD Fairmont Wagon. Good condition. $1$00/best 973-7671. 70X0423 '77 DATSUN 280Z 2+2, 4 Speed, Air, AM/FM Stpreo, 46,000 miles, excellent condition. $6,500. 663-5250, after 5 p.m. 99X0422 194 MGB, excellent condition, 64,000 miles, A1'FM stereo cassette, many new parts, stored winters, $2495, 764-8866. 11X0417 194G AUDI 4000, Air conditioning, sunroof, AM-FM stero, automatic transmission. Very Good con- ditWon. 769-6838. 78X0425 FqRD FIESTA '78, 83,000 miles. Good Condition, $1000/- CALL RAVI AT 665-0172. 64X0414 1983 GRE 650. Nice Road bike. $1050. Call Jim after 7 p.m. 662-9346. 93X0414 COUGAR '78. Good Condition. 4 dr, air, AM/FM an more. $1500/best, 663-4115. 14X0416 ARCURE MOTORS, INC. 617 Detroit St. 663-3309 eXtc FOR RENT FANTABULOUS SUMMER SUBLET. 525 Walnut. 3 bedrooms, all available. Live in Air conditioned LUXERY. $120 per room per month - negotiable. Jill.764-1015. 54C0418 SUBLET: May-Aug., N. Campus, Large Single Bedroom Apt., Pool, Tennis Court, Furnished. $325 - Negotiable. 995-8379. 65C0418 SUMMER SUBLET: 832 Packard # 6. Air condi- tioned, 2 bedroom apt, with balcony. Fully fur- nished and cable ready. $300/mo. including utili- ties. Call 761-7312. 67C0418 TWO SINGLES IN CO-OP, coed house, laundry, parking, furnished, no smoking. for 2 grad. M or F. May to May lease. Call 996-1705. 65C0418 VERY ATTRACTIVE SUMMER SUBLET. Well cared for, 2 bedroom apt. Excellent location and management. Laundry, Free parking, Free cable. 911 South Forest. 663-1031. 69C0422 WILL TAKE BEST OFFER on Spring/Summer sublet. 1-2 females needed to share 2 bedroom apt. A/C, laundry, parking, great balcony. Jen or Karen 665-6856. 59C0418 FOOD FALL '86 Utilities, Cable T.V., Furnishings ... everything! Just $225 a month. Call now, 769-5935 or 769-3410. cctc 1-6 PERSON Spring/Summer sublet. Great lo- cation. S. Forest and Hill. Furnished, laundry, parking. Price negotiable. Call 764-4977. cCtc AVAILABLE NOW: Opening in three bedroom. house near campus. Laundry, dishwasher, off street parking. 668-4004 or 995-9751. 24C0414 FALL OCCUPANCY - 2 bedroom, unfurnished apt., 1 mile from diag on AATA busline. Parking, laundry and storage, $380/month. Includes heat and water. 663-4101 cCtc THOMPSON APTS., 350 Thompson Street. Large Eff., 1 bdrm. and 2 bdrm. apartments available for fall. Completely furnished, .water, storage, laundry room, resident managers and 24 hr. emergency maint. For more info. call 996-3945 or 483-7232. cCtc BEAUTIFUL SUMMER Sublet. Two sundecks and front porch. Washer/dryer, dishwasher. Four levels, 2 full baths. On Michigan St., 10 minutes walk from campus. $90/person/month. Call Brian or Mike evenings 665-9818. 87C0414 SPRING SUBLET. Great location, near V.C. and bars. Price negotiable. 996-4197. Ask for Randi or Kim. 81C0414 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET for females. Fur- nished bi-level with A/C, laundry, parking, great location, rent negotiable. Call 662-0559. 91C0416 FALL, Burns Park. Large 1 bedroom unfurnished. Grad couple preferred. 769-6478. cCtc ARE YOU ELIGIBLE FOR FAMILY HOUSING? 2 bedroom, furnished row house, washer/dryer, Northwood four. 665-0026. 70C0416 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET, Oakland, 3 blocks from Business/Law School, Female, furnished, private room, reduced rent includes utilities, parking, kitchen privileges. 663-9328. 62C0414 SUBLET - AVAIL. MAY 10, Unfurnished, 1 bed- room. Willowtree Towers, pool, Parking, a/c. Save, only $300 mo. 996-3914. 72C0416 SUBLET, spring/summer, 1-3 people, Spacious bi-level apartment, A.C., Laundry, Monroe St., Parking, Negotiable, 769-8572. 67C0415 SUMMER SUBLET - May/August, 2-4 people; air conditioning; dishwasher; furnished; patio; 2 Min. from campus; laundry, storage & parking facilities available; Most utilities paid. 995-5168. 74C0414 CAMPUS one bedroom, furnished, carpeted, no pets. May to May. 350/mo plus utilities. 663-5861. cctc SUBLET WITH FALL OPTION - 15XX S. Uni- versity, clean 1 bedroom, large sundeck, back- yard, may consider pet, $250/mo. 995-3998. 27C0423 CAMPUS efficiency, furnished, carpeted, no pets. May to May, 250/mo. plus utilities. 663-5861. Uctc UNIVERSITY TOWERS Furnished Apartments 536 S. Forest 761-2680 cCtc NOW LEASING FOR FALL '86 Listings now available for efficiency, and one bedroom apts. Pick up listings in our office. CAMPUS RENTALS LTD. 1335 S. University (Corner of Washtenaw) "Across from the Mudbowl" 665-8825 M-F 8:45-5:15 SAT. 12:00-4:00 cCtc AWESOME SUBLET - Furnished room in 4 Bedroom apt., 5 Min. to campus, available May 1 or sooner, rent $105/month, negotiable. Call Mike 662-4229. NCC0415 FALL '86 House Available. Great Location. Houses 5-8 people. Call 995-1577. 08C0414 FEMALE SUBLEASOR needed - Share a large one bedroom Apt. on Packard. (May-August). Laundry, Parking. Price negotiable. 668-8190. ncC0415 SUBLET, May-August, 2 bedrooms, Aircondition- ed, near CCRB, 410 Observatory, # 1, Call 665- 8002. 41C0423 FALL One bedroom apartments. Fine old build- ing. Excellent campus location. 662-9429. 30C0423 SUPER SUMMER sublet. 4 bdrms, sleeps 5, near E.Q., price negotiable. 764-4975.. cCtc SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. Listings now avail- able at our office. Campus Rentals, 1335 S. University (Corner of Washtenaw). cCtc HUGE 1 bedrm, perfect for couple, backyard, dishwasher, fireplace, windows, $375.00/mo. Avail. May or June. 662-9235. 86C0421 SUMMER and/or FALL, for female, to share a beautiful 2 bedroom apartment, Willowtree, North Campus. Luxurious furniture, excellent computer system, microwave, etc. Also: pool, teinis courts, jogging track and air condition. $250, or best offer. Call 663-7392, leave message. 97C0415 PETS ALLOWED in this sunny summer sublet. Please call Erin at 668-0226. 94C0417 STRANGE SUBLET NEED a house for May-July? OR just the month of JULY? Call Gayla 665-6686. NCC0416 SEPT.-SEPT. Leases Available. Near Forest & Packard, E. Williams. Efficiencies - $335-$350/ month, includes ALL utilities; 1-bedroom - $385/month, furnished, includes heat and water; LARGE 2 bedroom apt. - $650/month, includes ALL utilities, brand new, Lots of Character! CALL 663-7702 before 9 p.m. cCtc SUBLET - Large 2 bedroom Apt. AC, dish- washer, furnished. 995-0628. 00C0415 SUBLET - 2 bedroom available in large 3 bedroom apt. May 10-Aug. 23. Packard and East U. 662-6899. 14C0415 SUMMER in Ann Arbor can get lonely - NOT IF YOU LIVE IN THIS BEAUTIFUL HOUSE with some great roommates! Rick's and Charlie's are right down the street. Call Felice 668-6427 or Beth 668-7531. NCC0416 SUMMER SUBLET - Inexpensive! Own room in house beginning June 20 thru end of August. Fantastic housemates, free laundry, parking. Call Jill 662-2931. ncC0415 BEST SUMMER SUBLET - Arch between Oak- land and Packard. Newly remodeled, rent re- duced, a.c. and more. 1-7 people. 7644961 day or evening. cCtc FEMALE SUBLETS wanted. May-Aug. Air, parking microwave. On S. Forest near Village Corner. Rent $125 negotiable. 665-5935 23C0414 BEST CAMPUS LOCATIONS Popular campus addresses now renting for Fall. Don't miss the opportunity to choose from among the finest campus apartments available. Call for your personal appointment now. Spears Corpora- tion. 663-3050. cctc WILLOW TREE APARTMENTS North Campus location. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments on U of M and AATA bus lines. Call 769-1313. cctc SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET - 1 Bedroom in 4 bedroom house. Front and back porches, back- yard, large kitchen, living rom, Dining room, garage, great location. 662-0162. 07C0416 ARBOR FOREST huge furnished two bdrm on Campus for May or sublet, also 1 or 2 bdrm for fall. Baker Mgt. 662-6626. eCtc FALL-MAY - SUBLET 1-3 bdrm apts off or on Campus. Baker Mgt. Company. 662-6626. cCtc HISTORICAL SUMMER SUBLET - Fully restored and furnished. Modern remodelled kitchen and bathroom. $150/room/month. 668-0481. 52C0417 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. Beautiful 3 bdrm apartment on Church, great location, rent negotiable. Call Michelle, 764-6914 or Florence, 764-2849. cC0423 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET - 1 Bedroom, apt. building near med. center, parks, Krogers, Laundry, parking, Furnished, $150.00. 764-6163 or 663-9495. 38C0423 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET! 2 Huge Bedrooms, 3-4 people, $100 - $150/mo., a/c, parking, furnished. Call 662-2941. 39C0417 SUBLET: 2 Bedroom Apt. Furnished, A/C, laundry, parking, rent Negotiable. Call 663-2919. 47C0416 SUMMER SUBLET, North Campus, Two Bedroom, Furnished, Bus, Pool; 761-7663. $270/month, (negotiable). 42C417 SUMMER SUBLET. 828 Brown Street. 1 Bdrm in 5 Bdrm House. Furn. $100/month + utilities. May-Sept. 662-6149, Chuck. 46C0414 TWO Furnished SUMMER SUBLETS: $260/170 per month. Vince 665-7802. Call after 6:00. 48C0417 TWO ROOMS AVAILABLE for summer sublet in a six-bedroom house. Great roof for sunbathing or partying. Call Eric or Erik at 663-6759. neC0417 UNIQUE BI-LEVEL Apartment in newly remodelled home. 3 bedrooms, large modern kitchen, completely furnished, woodburning stove and beamed ceilings in living room. Need 3-5 people for one year lease, starting Sept. Thompson near E. Williams. $950 per month plus utilities. 663-7702 before 9 p.m. cC0423 CAMPUS HOT SPOTS Now is the time to rent for fall. Don't miss the opportunity to choose from the most desirable campus locations. Call today for your personal appointment. Spears Corporation 663-3050. cCtc OLD WEST SIDE, a wee bit off campus. HURON near SEVENTH. Modern 2 bedroom apts. We'll provide the transportation and escort you thru the apts. Call today for an appt. Modern Manage- ment. 668-6906 or 663-3641. cCtc SEXY SUBLET. 2-Bedroom, Bi-level. Superior Location. Call 665-4662. 24C0416 SUMMER SUBLET - Great Location! On Church near Hill - short walk to Rick's, Blue Front, IM Bldg., Large house w/1 or 2 bedroom apts. avail- able. Parking. Call anytime. Jon 7646747. Jim 764-6758. Ryan 764-6744. 25C0416 SPRING SUMMER SUBLET room in 3-bedroom apt. Air conditioning, perfect location, laundry, 2 baths, furnished, FREE: parking, water heat. Ne- gotiable. Call Parker, 665-5729. ncC0416 TOP TOP LOCATIONS ROOMS AVAILABLE For FALL '86 Furnished, All Utilities Included * Church near S. University * Geddes near Observatory * Oakland near Arch MODERN MANAGEMENT 6686906 663-3641 cCtc BEST 1 block from Union 1 & 2 Bedroom Furnished Apartments FREE HEAT in certain units. Tiffany Apartments Colony Apartmets Madison Apartments Leasing Office, 736 Packard 665-2194 Hours 9-5 ALPHA TAU OMEGA FRATERNITY 1415 Cam- bridge Rd. 761-1345. Spring/Summer rooms avail- able. $80/double, $100/single. 18C0418 APT. FOR RENT: 1 bedroom near U of M hos- pital. Furnished, all utilities paid. Call until 4 p.m. 761-1463. 33C0423 DIVISION NEAR HURON-Fall '86. FEATURED IN THE A' news. Efficiencies and 1 bedrooms in impressive restored historical home. Furnished, heat and water, parking, & laundry. We'll provide the transportation and escort you thru the apts. MODERN MANAGEMENT. 668-6906 or 663-3641. cCtc BARGAIN APARTMENTS! Just a short walk from campus. Old West Side Residential Area. For Fall '86. Madison near Seventh: 2 bedroom apt. Liberty near Fourth St.: efficiency, 1 bedroom apts. Furnished, carpets, drapes, parking. Call today for an appt. We will chauffeur and personally escort you thru the apts. MODERN MANAGEMENT. 668-6906 or 663-3641. cCtc LOOKING FOR someplace special? WE'VE GOT IT! For Fall '86-ASHLEY NEAR MAIN. 3 bed- room house, furnished, carpet, drapes, parking. Call today for an appt. We'll provide transporta- tion and escort you through the house so you can rent HASSLE FREE. Modern Management. 668- 9606 or 663-3641. cCtc "MINT" SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET - 4 large bedrooms in 6 bedroom colonial house: large kitchen; furnished: price negotiable. Call 995- 1915. Hurry! (First Five Callers Get Great Porch View Of Church/Oakland Strip). 29C0416 *STUDENTS'S DELIGHT* TOP TOP LOCATIONS For FALL '86. Furnished, Some with laundry & Parking. *GEDDES NEAR OBSERVATORY: Very large, Luxurious 3 bedroom apt. Suitable for 5-6 people. BEAUTIFUL! Built-in shelves, fireplace, origi- nal hardwood floors. All utilities included. 'WASHINGTON NEAR STATE: Efficiencies and 1 bedroom apts. Deluxe furnishings, laundry. Within walking distance of all central campus. *PACKARD NEAR HILL: Modern, large & spac- ious 2 bedroom apartments. With air condition- ing, some with patios. CALL NOW AND DON'T MISS OUT! We'll provide the transportation and escort you thru the apts. MODERN MANAGEMENT 668-6906 663-3641 Open 7 days 9-5 p.m. cCtc CONFIDENTIAL & INEXPENSIVE GYNECOLOGICAL CARE PLANNED PARENTHOOD 3100 Professional Dr., Ann Arbor (Near Washtenaw & Huron Pkwy.) 973-0710 Educational Materials and Gifts Available In Our Bookshop cFtc STUDENT SERVICES NEED HELP WITH FRENCH? Tutoring, proof- reading, editing by native speaker. Call Ariel, 662-3591. 90G0414 RESUMES - written - also word processed or typeset; coverletters, too. 662-4530. cGtc QUALITY TYPING SERVICES: Fast, accurate, professional. Reasonable rates. Call Karen 662-0913, cGO423 .7 I YOU'VE HEARD it on WDTX. Experience it yourself at Schoolkids Records. Detroit's PRESS. "In Hot Pursuit." 97F0415 GOT A MESSAGE? Say it with a T-shirt. Custom lettering while you wait. Eric's Sports - 419 E. Liberty, 2 blks. off State. cF0423 I 4 ACCURACY INK Editing/Word Processing Reasonable Rates. 971-4139. cGtc Write Your Own RESUME All you need are a few simple instructions and some samples to follow. You can do it yourself, we guarantee it! Send $4 for your instructions to EXECU-TOPS, 3001 S. State, Ann Arbor, 48104. cGtc I HELP WANTED ,. . PART-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE NBD ANN ARBOR BANK will be interviewing for parttime tellers and other parttime positions on April 15, 1986 at the Michigan Union, Michigan Room, form 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Competetive salary and benefits. 73H0415 ACCOUNTING $15,000/YEAR TO START. NOW HIRING, CALL TODAY. 1-419-471-1440 Job Exchange Only Fee $65.00-ADV.-Job. Info. cH0418 COMPUTER OPENINGS FOR: PROGRAM- MERS, OPERATORS, ANALYST AND OTHERS. NOW HIRING, CALL TODAY. 1-419-471-1440 Job Exchange. Only Fee $65.00-ADV.-Job Info. DORM DOINGS I.: JEWISHNESS & JESUS?? Thousands have made the connection. Send for free brochure. P.O. Box 176, A', 48104. cDtc CUPID'S HELPER SWF LOOKING for dark, mysterious male; seek- ing adventure and romance. Keep reading this column for more information. ncV0414 TO: CIE: You're my sweet dream! Should we talk once before it's really too late?? Come, my splendid flower, the remarkable life (with a gen- ius and poet) is calling for you!!! Where're you??? Zhi-Bin 80V0414 PERSONAL ENGINEERING $30,000-$40,000 A YEAR. CALL TODAY. HIRING NOW. 1-419-471-1440 Job Exchange Only Fee $65.00-ADV.-Job Info. LOOKING FOR individual to post flyers U of M campus area. Payment $20.00/neg Call 485-0079.5 MANAGEMENT POSITION $25,000-$35 YEAR. ENTRY LEVEL. HIRING NOW. C. 1419-471-1440 Job Exchange Only Fee $65.00-ADV.-Job Info. cH0418 MARKETING $20,000-$25,000 A YEAR NEED TO HIRE, CALL US TODAY 1419-471-1440 Job Exchange Only Fee $65.00-ADV.-Job. Info. MICHIGAN ADVERTISING WORKS n driver/clerk for Spring/Summer terms. advertising experience. Must have wor allotment, $4.25-5.00. Contact Pam Horn 5900. PHARMACIST $34,000 A YEAR. HOW HIRING. CALL US AT 1-419-471-1440 Job Exchange Only Fee $65.00-ADV-Job Info. SOCIAL WORKER NEEDED, $20,000-$3 YEAR. HIRING NOW. CALL 1-419-471-1440 Job Exchange Only Fee $65.00-ADV.-Job Info. cH0415 cH0416 y around otiable. 58H0415 .000 A' ALL W cH0418 4 eeds a Great k/study ° ne, 763- 55H0423 cH0415 0,000 A cH0416 CAMPUS APTS. FOR SPRING & FALL 1986 Pick up listings at our office and UM off-campus housing. Or Call us today, Wilson White Company, 150 S. 5th Ave. Suite 200. 995-9200. Member Ann Arbor Apartment Association. 61C0422 1010 Catherine St. LOOKING FOR A STEAL? 1-2 Females Wanted for May-August Sublet. State and Packard. Many ONE & TWO BEDROOM extras. 769-9288. 68C0423 SUBLET - May-Aug. 2 rms. available in 5- person house. Near campus, CCRB, medical com- plex. For grads or undergrads. Rent $100/mo. negot. Call 761-2475. 72C0418 ' Intercom Entrance - Parking close to Md aru SUBLET 923 State at Packard F tal info ti Huge 5-bedroom house Own bedroom Associates Large Patio Parking & Storage Negotiable Rent 663-6334 49C0418 73C0415 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe HAVE HEALTHY HAIR! All the supplies you need at the Village Apothecary. 1112 S. University. cFtc HEY FORMER ALICE LLOYD GUYS! Chris, Burton, Jim, Pete, Randy, Gary, Andy, Loren, Jimmy, Marty, Eric, Roger, Rob - get ready for a blast from the past at The Abbey, April 19, 7 p.m. Bring your MEAL CARDS! Eda, Emily, Julia. ncF0418 "IN HOT PURSUIT" the EP by Detroit's hottest act, PRESS, now available at Schoolkids Records. 98F0415 EARRING SALE - All 25%-50% OFF. Lasting Expressions. 209 State. Upstairs. 26F0417 COLUMBIAN STUDENTS: I will be teaching in Baranquilla for 2 years and would appreciate in- formation about moving, culture, etc. Call Mau- reen, 434-2503. 06F0414 RELAX INSIDE/OUT New Age cassettes and LP's for meditation, re- laxation, guided imagery, creative movement. Selections played for your convenience. Also featuring subliminal study, weight loss, sleep and other self help tapes. Earth Wisdom Music. 314 E. Liberty (inside Seva). 769-0969. cFtc ACROSS 1 Cleo's pursuer 5 Fall bloom 10 Guzzle 14 Copper center of Venezuela 15 "Hey -": 1954 song 16 Bump 17 TV adjunct 19 "Winnie - Pu" 20 Clobbered 21 Editor's aide 23 Apt. dweller 24 Vault 25 Biddings 29 Venus, Earth, etc. 31 "Thanks -!" 32 Legislator, for example 34 Colorful Nether- lands export 36 Arthur Conan Doyle title 37 Statute 38 Copenhagen coin 39 Greeter 41 Specified 43 Good-natured - banter 44 Brat 46 Football strategy 48 Place in office 49 Red or Black 50 Fabricated 53 Burke's subject 57 Attila's followers 58 Straw man, in a Woau 3 Court wear 4 Grey's Oscar- winning film 5 Proves 6 Tool holder 7 Earl Grey 8 Drops a stitch 9 Uses for support 10 Snort 11 Gobbled up 12 At liberty 13 Will of film 18 Nettles 22 Rhine feeder 25 Wingding 26 Marner's creator 27 Sign of a stable mind? 28 Energy form 29 Was a smash 30 Agra attires 33 Escape 35 Dole out 40 Betrayal 41 Reporter's purchase 42 Leaves high and dry 43 Shredding 45 Spill the beans 47 Snail's lack 50 Prattle 51 Dominate 52 Art movement of the Twenties 53 Soccer great 54 1969 Mets hero 55 "Bloodbrothers" star 56 Valentine card figure 59 Misplay on words? RANDOM OR DER by Greg Huber ®* } }1 986 G Huber "The woman at window F will tell you which line to get in." BLOOM COUNTY SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Put-in-Bay Island, Ohio - Carry out Deli. 40-44 hours/week. Contact Irwin or Marilyn, 419-865-3793. 41H0423 SUMMER HELP WANTED: Murry Hotel, Macki- nac Island, MI 49757. Needs cooks, housekeepers and personnel for rotation between waitress- waiter and other hotel jobs. Send request or call for application. P.O. Box 7706 Ann Arbor, MI 48107 (313-665-3307). 71H0423 WORK WITH THE U-CLUB The U-Club needs dishwashing help M-F days, and all evenings and weekends. Opportunity for ad- vancement. Great Working conditions! U of M students only please. Apply in person to Kather- ine, 2400 Michigan Union. A non-discriminatory, affirmative action employer. 37H0418 DAY CAMP TALENT SEARCH. College Students living in Southfield, Farmington, West Bloomfield, Birmingham. General Counselors, Arts & Crafts Specialists, Water Safety Instructors needed June 16-August 22. WILLOWAY DAY CAMP, 2580 Harvard, Southfield, Michigan 48076,557-7170. 45H0416 FEMALE COUNSELOR: Wanted for Girl's Summer Camp. Call MEG at 800-327-8287. FULL-TIME mother's helper wanted for summer. Birmingham area, 1-827-7000. 34H0419 PROGRAM STAFF to directly assist persons with developmental disabilities in residential setting. Must have driver's license. Call Washtenaw Association for Retarded Citizens, 662-1256. 51H0421 WORKSTUDY students for Spring/Summer at gift shop - Museum of Natural History. Call Ruth soon. 764-0480. 43H0417 BABYSITTER NEEDED - for one infant in my Ann Arbor home, full-time this summer, begin May 5. Hours may vary but good pay. References required. Call 663-2968, evenings and weekends. 02H0422 WORK FOR ACADEMIC Credit or volunteer at the Pound House Children's Center this Spring or Summer Term. Located at Hill and E. Univer- sity. Pre-registration available for Fall. Come over for a visit or call 764-2547 for more informa- tion. 60H0516 A I -I 1~ ANSWERTO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: D ATE S C A P T E C 0 N ANA IS ANNE LOLA LAURENCEOL IVI ER E T T E OHS ENERGY SET CAR STAFFEDTSMAN HOT E L P AS A MA E L I Z A B E T H T A Y L O R SE L A AA V A LUE A T T RACT RO0A ME R S A S K S E R EL A TE D I A L A R I A GO RE E OBOE A.RE O N E R P E ND PO0S T S 4/14/86 by Berke Breathed Iy 1 101" al 1 -- 1 -i F 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 28 29 32 33 34 37 Ti 12 j YAWN... IU 7 _-- I I 6U0!~5..I~q# 4I~2 1LM - iN61 A~Y6 EMPTY POCKETS -WALK XiOWIY NO JOKE' - $3.85/HOUR Accepting applications for all shifts, opening through closing. Full or part time positions avail- able. Apply in person. Burger King 530 E. Liberty (at Maynard) 13HO416' // / I 31t 24 I Haw/ YE5 . ywl.[ Wkr a 16 St/N7 7XOiV1 T 7 I 1 1 ii V'c a nhic Time onmmitmont u i