Indians celebrate
culture in Pow Wow
The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 14, 1986 -Page 3
Student group attempts to
produce weekly TV show
Amongst the flurry of feathers and
the pounding rhythms of small drums,
Native Americans from across the
Great Lakes region met last weekend
for the 14th annual Ann Arbor Pow
Wow, a community and student
celebration of American Indian
culture and heritage.
The event, sponsored by the Native
American Student Association and
Minority Student Services, is one of
the many Pow Wows held throughout
the country in the spring and summer
when Native Americans meet friends,
buy and sell crafts, educate others
about the Indian way of life- and
most of all, dance.
Craftsmen from areas in Michigan,
Wisconsin, Illinois, and Canada came
to sell their silver and beaded produc-
ts: necklaces, earrings, bracelets,
and rings. Stalls lined the sides of the
sports coliseum while in the middle
children and adults danced in native
dresses in rounds of contests.
MIKE DASHNER, who organized
the events, said the Pow Wow was
similar to an ethnic festival, designed
as a University and community
celebration of American Indian
Culture. He called this "showcase
event" a recruitment tool for Univer-
sity Native American students.
"Once they come out to see the Pow
Wow, they see the colorful, powerful
culture and become active," Dashner
0 "It is a time of celebrating and re-
enacting our heritage. You're sharing
with other people, meeting new frien-
ds, and seeing old friends," said LSA
junior Cheryl Peck.
"There's a part of it that's a
spiritual aspect of what we're doing.
It touches a deep chord inside of you,"
Peck said.
THERE ARE 156 Native
American students in the University,
104 undergraduates, and 52
graduates. But counting the number
of Native American students, said
Bob Eckstein of Minority Student
Services, is difficult because of the
inaccuracies in the process.
"This is the one (ethnic group) that
is the most problematic," Eckstein
said, "with Native Americans the
federal definition is quite specific.
You have to have one quarter Indian
blood and a tribal affiliation," he said.
Eckstein said some students had
previously identified themselves as
"Native American" on University
forms because they or their family
were born in America. The University
is changing its method and asking for
tribal affiliation, in an effort to reduce
the number of misunderstandings
leading to an inflated number.
The Native American Student
Association also sponsored a law day
held Friday, discussing the different
aspects of Indian affairs, and
problems specific to laws within the
Indian community. This was designed
to raise consciousness in the law
school community of Indian affairs
and the relations to the law.
(Continued from Page 1)
believe that we could use the studio,"
Hayes said. "We were misinformed.
(Schmidt) said that she liked David
and me, and thought that we were
responsible enough to use the studio."
"It was probably our fault,
however, that we did not follow the
rules, but we thought we had Martha's
okay," she said.
Despite the problems involved with
the production of Jampacked, the
students behind the project say
they've learned a great deal about
LSA SENIOR Jim Schoenberg, the
script supervisor for Michigan
Productions, said part of the problem
stemmed from the group's inex-
"What we wanted to accomplish in
one term was not feasible without
pre-planning," Schoenberg said.
"I've got an idea now of how to
produce a show. We learned from our
mistakes ... we delegated our tasks
too much."
With Schoenberg and Pascal
graduating, Hayes hopes to continue
Michigan Productions. She said she
will try to solidify the group's internal
ALTHOUGH it is not certain:
whether Jampacked will ever find its
way to local living rooms, Hayes said
she's still optimistic about the idea.
"Just because Community Access
didn't help doesn't mean it will die."
Honor for Mandela urged
Daily Photo by CHRIS TWIGG
Ji Chen, a graduate in electrical engineering, and sociology graduate
student Feng Wang enjoy yesterday's sunshine in front of Stockwell Hall.
Shanty vndahlized rebuilt
(Continued from Page1)'
director of the University's Center for
Afro-American Studies, but couldn't
reach a consensus. A committee
member who spoke on condition of
anonymity said the bylaw played a
large role in preventing the commit-
tee's support.
The committee has already sent
several recommendations to regents
for approval at this week's regents
Hector Delgado, one of the leaders
of the Free South Africa Coordinating
Committee, said yesterday the group
agreed to take some action "to get
Shapiro to take us more seriously."
But Delgado said the group hadn't
decided on what kind of action to take.
The regents in January rejected the
honorary degrees committee's -i
recommendation to give University
alumnus Wallenberg the honor
because of the bylaw. Wallenberg,
who saved the lives of thousands of
Hungarian Jews in Nazi Ger-
many, was arrested by theSoviet
Union and is believed to be dead.
What's happening
around Ann Arbor
Campus Cinema-
Shoah (Claude Lanzmann, 1985) Hill
St., 6 p.m., (Part I), Mich.
This is Lanzmann's 9 hour
Holocaust documentary which was
ten years in the making. Beautiful.
University Campus Orchestra -
University School of Music, 8 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium (763-4726).
Tonight's freeperformance
features Yves Cohen conducting
Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5 and
Robert Pazur conducting Debussy's
Afternoon of a Faun.
Dizzy Gillespie - Jazz for Life, 10,
a.m., Hill Auditorium.
A special benefit performance for
elementary, high school and Univer-
sity faculty, students, and staff.
GKW - Performance Network
Works-in Progress, 8 p.m., Perfor-
mance Network (663-0681).
This local avant-garde rock band
offers an unusual blend of electronic
and pre-taped music, which tonight
joins founding members Ben Miller
and Bob Curry with friends who
have worked previously at Sinewave
Bars & Clubs
THE ARK (761-1451) - Saline Big
Paul Vornhagen & Friends, latin
jazz and swing-bop.
THE BLIND PIG (996-8555) - The
Rothchilds, new music rock 'n' roll.
THE EARLE (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville, jazz.
- (994-5436) - DJ, dance music.
2747) - Blue Front Persuaders.
Gary Brudvig-"Structure and
Function of Manganese in Photosyn-
thetic Water Oxidation,"
Chemistry, 4 p.m., 1200 Chemistry
Michael Freedman-"A.
Strange Group Action on the 3-
Sphere," Mathematics, 4 p.m., Aud.
D, Angell Hall.
The Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum
- Faculty Women's Club, '11:30
a.m., Michigan Room, League.
Elias Chacour - "The Path to
Peace in the Middle East," Near
East and North African Studies, 4
p.m., East Conf. Room, Rackham.
Alex DeJonge-"Writing About
Stalin," noon, 200 Lane Hall;
"Thoughts on Dostoevsky," 4 p.m.,
Lecture Room 1, MLB, Russian
and East EuropeanStudies.
Peter Rosset - "Food and Far-
ming in Nicaragua," International
Development Forum, 7:30 p.m.,
Welker Room, Union.
Jean-Pierre Vernant -
"Feminine Figures of Death in
Greece,' Classical
Studies/Rackham, 4 p.m., Rackham
James House - "Productive Ac-
tivity, Stress, and Health Over the
Life Course," Population Studies,
noon, 1225S. University.
Miles Lord - Law School Student
Senate/Women Law Students
Association/Law Student Division of
American Bar Association, 4 p.m.,
100 Hutchins Hall.
Nicholas Delbanco, Lemuel John-
son - Guild House reading, 8 p.m.,
802 Monroe.
George Mendenhall - "The
Language of the Syllabary of'
Byblos," Near East and North
African Studies, noon, Commons
Room, Lane Hall.
Lesbian/Gay Pride Week - 7
p.m., 238A W. Engineering Bldg.
SocietyAfor CreativerAnachronism
-7 p.m., East Quad.
Women's Rugby practice - 8
p.m., Coliseum.
Art Print Sale - Arts and
Programming, 9 a.m., Ground floor.
Basic Concepts of Microcomputer
Database Management -
Microcomputer Education
workshop, 8:30 a.m., 4003 School of
Education Bldg.
Basic Concepts of Internal
Microcomputer Communications -
Microcomputer Education
workshop, 10:30 a.m., 4003 School of
Education Bldg.
Macintosh Disk and File
Management -Microcomputer
Education workshop, 3 p.m., 3001
School of Education Bldg.
Help on tax forms - 11 a.m.
Tutoring in math, science and
engineering - Tau Beta Pi, 7 p.m.,
307 Undergraduate Library; 8 p.m.,
2332 Bursley Hall.
Tae Kwon Do practice - 6 p.m.,
2275 CCRB.
Square Dance lessons - A-
Squares, 7 p.m., Union.
Bible Study - Wesley Foundation.
6 p.m., 602 E. Huron.
(Continued from Page 1)
structure, Hill said. The two men, one
of whom was a student, were allowed
to leave, even though a charred piece
of paper lay next to the shanty.
THE SHANTY was built by mem-
bers of the Free South Africa Coor-
dinating Committee in order to educate
people about the South African gover-
nment's policy of racial
discrimination known as apartheid.
The second attack occurred at ap-
proximately 4 a.m. yesterday, accor-
ding to an engineering junior who
spoke on the condition that he not be
identified. Two while males ripped the
boards off one side of the shanty with
their bare hands and turned the shan-
ty onto its front, the source said.
He said the two men, who wore
sweatsuits and "looked like studen-
ts," called the shanty "nigger-shack"
and "piece of shit" while they at-
tacked it.
Campus security has not received a
report on the second attack, Hill said.
A MEMBER OF the Free South
African Coordinating Committee
guarded the shanty untiltabout 3ta.m.
yesterday, according to committee
members Barbara Ransby and Hec-
tor Delgado. Atout 10 members of the
committee repaired the shanty
yesterday afternoen.
"We plan to continue to repair the
shanty every time that it is attacked,"
Police Notes
said Ransby. Ransby said the attacks
on the shanty show how important is it
to educate people about racism.
The latest attacks on the shanty
follow several previous attempts to
destroy it, including two instances of
arson and one instance of a man
tearing down the shanty with his bare
On campuses around the country,
shan; 2s built to protest apartheid
have been destroyed, either by
university officials, or by conser-
vative students.
University of Maryland officials
tore down three shanties erected on
campus by students protesting the
University's South Africa-related in-
vestments, while Yale University of-
ficials vowed to do the same to shan-
ties erected on their campus.
At the University of California at
Berkeley, shanty builders accused
members of the Theta Xi fraternity of
stealing their shanty, repainting it
with the slogan "Golden Bear," and
trying to sell it.
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Theater evacuated
The State Theatre was evacuated
yesterday at 1:10 a.m. after the Ann
Arbor Police Department received
word that a bomb had been planted in
the theater. No bomb was found, said
theater manager Linda Markham.
"Some woman called the Milan
police saying that her boyfriend had
~planted a bomb," Markham said. The
Milan police notified the Ann Arbor
police, who notified the theater.
- Dov Cohen
Student hospitalized
A Bursley Hall resident passed out
at the School of Education field on
Friday after holding his breath for too
long, a campus security official said
The student suffered a small cut
near his hairline and bruised the back
of his head, said Gary Hill. The
student was taken to University
Hill would not give the student's
name and said he did not know if he
had been released, but the student has
been known to hold his breath before.
Bursley Hall Resident Directors
would not comment on the incident.
- Eugene Pak
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