Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 11, 1986
SngFreshman Goldberg sparkles for
'M' netters at first singles spot
Dan Goldberg was down five games
to four in the second set in Iowa's
McEnroe protege. Someone in the
gathering crowd yelled out an affec-
tionate nickname, and won a quick
smile from Goldberg, Michigan's top
tennis player.
A freshman from Avon, Conn.,
Goldberg went on to take that match
in three sets, never cracking under
the antics of his foot-stomping,
Swedish opponent. These distractions
never razzled Goldberg's concen-
tration; in fact, he managed to laugh
off most of his opponent's bratty stun-
"PEOPLE HAVE said that Dan
seems to always have a smile on his
face when he's playing," said Mrs.
Goldberg, Dan's mother. "Tennis
hasn't been a job for Dan, he's always
enjoyed playing."
Goldberg, an only child, began
playing tennis at the age of ten. With a
set of tennis-playing parents, he was
soon engrossed in the game and star-
ted testing his skills in junior tour-
naments at 12.
Although the left-handed baseliner
jokingly- admits to an early-round
defeat in his first ever tourney, he
soon found frequent success. Fearing
a bad court attitude was developing
from his new found triumphs, Gold-
berg's parents decided to pull Dan out
of the 12-and-under competition for
three months.
"I TOLD HIM to act like a decent
human being on the court," said Mrs.
Goldberg. "And from that time on,
Dan showed that he could be a good
sport as well as a good player."
Goldberg never fell into the peren-
nial pit of teenage burnout. His casual
approach to the game may have
rescued him from a premature fall-
out. Until arriving at Michigan tennis
coach Bryan Eisner's home court this
fall, Goldberg would often be found on
the courts only two or three days a-
week during the indoor season.
"During the summer months I
played a lot in tournaments," said
Goldberg, a graduate of the
Kingswood Oxford School in West
Hartford, Conn. "But during the win-
ter, I could go for a week or so without
picking up a racquet."
"I KEPT telling him if he didn't
practice more, I wouldn't let him play
in tournaments," Mrs. Goldberg ad-
ded. "He's not a natural athlete, but a
determined, heady player."
It was that perserverance that
helped Goldberg become New
England's number-one player in the
18-and-under division last year.. He
did not lose one match in that area all
Ranked 12th in the nation last year,
Goldberg was recruited by many
big name tennis schools but decided to
come to Michigan for both its highly-
regarded academic and tennis
"WHEN DAN went out to visit last
year, he really clicked with Brian
Eisner," said Mrs. Goldberg. "His at-
titude was that he wanted the very
best academic school with a good ten-
nis program. With Michigan, he got
everything he ever wanted."
"I definitely came here more for the
academics," Goldberg added. "The
tennis program here is also much
more relaxed than other schools."
Goldberg has started his Michigan
tennis career with a deep backhand
shot down the line for a winner.
EISNER believes it is a com-
bination of talents that has hastened
the freshman's quick climb to the top
of the Wolverine's roster. "Dan has a
great deal of confidence in himself,"
said Eisner. "For a freshman, it's un-
"His style of play is predicated on
making very few errors. He will not
make (hitting) mistakes. In that sen-
se, he will not beat himself."
Goldberg developed his unorthodox,
yet accurate and consistent, ground
strokes and his deceivingly powerful
serve while playing number-one
singles at Kingswood Oxford for three
ONE OF Goldberg's greatest
assets, however, is his relaxed, "low
key" on-court attitude. Eisner said,
"he's a master of taking a person
mentally out of his game.k
Does all this talent make him a
master of many sports? According to
Goldberg, no. He enjoys skiing, but
for the most part, tennis is Goldberg's
only athletic claim to fame.
This year the freshman has already
beaten some of the toughest players in
the nation, but his main goal is team
"OF COURSE I would like to go the
NCAAs, but I think I would like more
to help the team win the Big Tens and
then go to the NCAAs as a team." he
In the long term, Goldberg can't
see himself spending the rest of his
days competing on the tennis courts.
"I would definitely like to play in
some pro tournaments," Goldberg
said. "But, I can't see making a living
from it."
For now, the new Wolverine super-
star will continue to battle players
like Mats Malmberg from Iowa with
skillful strategies, exciting ground
strokes and a little laughter here and
Goldberg enjoys tennis for what it is
- a game.
Martin Tbrant-clies
4 r i
By Adam Martin
_ '
IT'S DIFFICULT to find any justice in sports
today, especially with never-ending drug
problems, out-of-control player contracts and an
unrelenting (though necessary) emphasis on
The current academic-athletic scandal at the
University of Georgia is no exception. Georgia's
Board of Regents last Friday released a special
audit showing a pattern of academic abuse in the
admission and advancement of student-athletes
at the university.
The report concluded that several of Georgia's
high officials, including university president
Fred C. Davidson, football coach Vince Dooley
and other official officers, conspired in commit-
ting the injustice.
Davidson and the State Board of Regents Mon-
day agreed not to engage in a fierce battle over
the charges of favorable treatment for student-
athletes. Davidson had at first categorically
denied the state's audit, but Monday he praised
the school before the Board and reaffirmed his
intent to leave Georgia on July 1.
The state's investigation wastpartly the result
of a jury award of $2.57 million to Dr. Jan Kemp,
a formeraEnglish instructor in the university's
Developmental Studies Program, who sued the
university for unfairly dismissing her in 1983 af-
ter she protested the favorable treatment given
to student-athletes.
_ In the wake of the Kemp decision, the state
went ahead with the audit, prompting Dooley,
who is also the head of the school's athletic
department, and Davidson to issue complete
- denials of everything the
academic officers cited fo
claimed they acted under
which Davidson also claim
It doesn't take a geniu.
University of Georgia',
academic abuse reflects
academic cover-ups.
Davidson, the universit
as a result of the scandal k
officials' failure to take
favorable treatment awar
says little for the govern
play of college athletics.
The charges against th(
are uncommon only in th
information because of t
stantiation. Questions ab
ment for athletes have
schools, and rumors at
matriculating athletes ha
for years.
According to Michiga
Schembechler, Georgia4
because similar problems
on any campus. Georgi
Schembechler said, becau
than-impressive graduati
"Georgia could have w(
Dr. Kemp)," Schemb
could have gone into cour
its graduation rate for at
(that of) the regular stude
"But Georgia apparentl3
A scandal at Georgia...
where is justice?
audit charged. And the by not being able to do that, you're vulnerable as
r violations in the audit hell. The thing that people are most concerned
r Davidson's approval, about is that, of the athletes that you bring in,
re heDevergsapvthat you graduate a similar percentage ,as the
ed he never gave, regular student body.
s to figure out that the "You gotta be able to match that percentage,
s alleged pattern of and I think you ought to try to beat it."
a similar pattern of Clearly, the University of Georgia had no
defense, other than the incredulous claims of
y's president, resigned Dooley, Davidson and the school's officers. The
but his and other school school made no mention of its graduation rate.
responsibility for the But if the illegal advancement of athletes and
ded to student-athletes the accompanied academic conspiracy which
ling and assumed fair- occurred at Georgia can happen at almost any
e University of Georgia campus, schools should first work to prevent
at they became public similar problems from arising and second from
he State Board's sub- surfacing in a way that damages the school's
out preferential treat- reputation and personnel.
been asked at many "We (at Michigan) try to be perfect," Schem-
bout schools illegally bechler said. "I'm not saying we are, but we're
ve been going around gonna make a run at trying to graduate every kid
that comes in here.
n football coach Bo "The other thing is that we've established that
cannot be singled out unless you maintain a "C" average, you're not
s could probably occur going to be eligible. We try to establish the 2.0
a ran into difficulty, GPA because that's required for graduation."
The care that Schembechler said Michigan uses in
use of the school's less- monitoring its athletes' academic progress was
on rate, as invisible at Georgia as justice is generally in
on (the suit brought by sports.
echler said, "if it Not surprisingly, Dr. Kemp, whose case is
t and shown them that currently under appeal by the state, will sell her
hletes was higher than story for $75,000 to a video production team, ac-
nt body. cording to her attorney.
y couldn't do that. And Whither justice?
Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Southpaw Dan Goldberg's serve combines with his strong groundstrokes
for a nearly mistake-free game.
'Mnetters g eared
for Purdue, Illinois
This is the second consecutive
weekend of dual meets for men's ten-
nis team in the Big Ten. This is also
the second weekend that conference
teams will travel to Ann Arbor to
meet Michigan, the defending Big Ten
If last weekend's clearing of North-
western and Iowa is any example of
the Wolverine's talent, Maize 'n Blue
fans will be treated to another set of
THE TREAT may continue this
weekend with Purdue and Illinois.
Purdue rolls onto the Wolverines
home court today at 2:30 p.m. Head
coach Brian Eisner said the Boiler-
makers are touted as the third best
team in the Midwest.
"They're a young team with solid
players," said Eisner. "We should
have a very, very good match with
"SINCE THEY'RE so young and
well-coached, they feel as if they've
got something to prove."
Eisner said the two players who will
give Michigan its most trouble are
Purdue's top two players.
"They're number one and two
singles are at least six foot three and
physically strong," said the 18-year
Wolverine coach. "They also play
doubles, so they'll be a threat there as
SINCE MICHIGAN has a great deal
of depth Eisner is not sure if he will
use the same lineup that opened last
weekend. Dan Goldberg, Jim Sharton,
Ed Filer, John Royer, Jon Morris and
Michael Pizzutello filled first thorugh
sixth singles last weekend.
Saturday, the Wolverines play host
to Illinois. According to Eisner,
"Illinois has always been a tough
Last year, the Wolverines beat the
Illini in the semi-finals of the con-
ference championship, leaving
Illinois with a third-place finish. Even
with the loss of Illinois' one and two
singles players to graduation, Eisner
still believes the match will be close.
"We've got to play well to win these
matches this weekend," Eisner said.
"If we don't play well, we'll be
fighting for our lives. By no means
will these be easy matches for us."
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