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April 11, 1986 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-11

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The Michigan Daily

Friday, April 11, 1986

Page 5


Jam returns to Ann Arbor

By Alan Paul
T he Comedy Jam returns. After 5
years of annual Detroit Comedy
Jams, a hit HBO special, and two Ann
Arbor sellouts in the fall, the Ann Ar-
bor Comedy Jam is back in town
The show will be hosted by Bir-
mingham native Mike Binder, who
created and produced both the
original Detroit shows and last summer's
mer's HBO special. At 27, Binder is
considered somewhat of a wun-
derkind among show biz types.
After high school, Binder enrolled
at Oakland Community College but
found that the scholastic life wasn't
for him.
"I went to OCC for two days," Bin-
der said. "One of these days I do plan
on going back to finish the week."
So in 1976, at the age of 18, Binder
neaded off for Hollywood to make a
name for himself. Though Binder has
been in California for ten years, he
has hardly forgotten his hometown.
In 1981, the first Detroit Comedy Jam
was held and the project started
rolling. A few of years later, he raised
$200,000 from Detroit area investors
for the Comedy Jam film project.
However, Binder ran into heavy skep-
ticism on the west coast as almost all

the behind-the-scenes people were
"Everyone said, 'Fine, you raised
the money. Now why don't you get
this (Hollywood) guy to direct it?' "
Binder recently recalled.
The young comic shopped the film
around Hollywood with no intial suc-
cess. However, George Carlin then
saw the show and urged HBO to make
the purchase. They did, and the show
aired last summer to favorable
ratings and reviews. Another HBO
show is being planned.
Dave Coulier, a star of the Comedy
Jam special and his own cable series
Out of Control will also be featured
tonight. Coulier, a St. Clair Shores
native with movie-star looks
specializes in warped childhood
memories of mom and dad and
possesses a subdued stage persona.
Also on the bill are Joe Nipole, Tony
Hayes, and Detroit soul band Domino.
Nipote, a Southfield native who has
appeared on TV's Happy Days, his
own cable comedy specials, and is
now the WRIF morning show comic
host, has a much different style than
"He's a clown, real upbeat and kin-
da wild. A Howie Mandel type," ac-
cording to Binder.
Hayes is a Detroit comic discovered
by Binder at a local comedy club.
"He's like a young Bill Cosby. He's

got great ability to be warm and ob-
servational, yet still do cutting black
humor," Binder said.
Though previous comedy jams have
featured people such as Rich Hall
of Saturday Night Live, Howie Man-
del of St. Elsewhere, and Paul
Rodriguez of Norman Lear's A.K.A
Pablo, this edition does not boast any
big name talent.
"We wanted to do something dif-
ferent,'' stated Binder. "We're trying
to establish the Jam itself, to show
that it's funny without needing
national talent."
"I could have gotten anyone with
the right money," Binder said. "But
big stars tend to overshadow the Jam.
"We wanted to get away from the Rich
Hall show or the Howie Mandel show
and make the Jam in itself a star.
People should think that it's always
good, always funny, but never the
So, as Binder et.al. try to establish
their niche in the world of comedy,
why should you come out to see the
show? As the Comedy Jam motto
says, "Because life is good."
The Ann Arbor Comedy Jam,
"'The Sequel, " is tonight at the
Michigan Theatre. There are two
shows, at 7:30 and 10:30, and
reserved seats are $10.50.

Comedian Mike Binder hosts tonight's Comedy Jam at the Michigan Theatre.


Glee Club sings at Hill

By Nolan Feintuch
ON SATURDAY, at 8 p.m., the
University of Michigan Men's
Glee Club is going to take to the stage
at Hill Auditorium and perform their
12th Annual Spring Concert. The
second oldest glee club in America, it
is highly respected among men's
Director Dr. Patrick Gardner has
led these gifted young men around the
world to show off their talent and en-
hance the image of the University of
Michigan. During the summer of 1985,
he took the club on a tour which in-
cluded stops in Greece, Italy, Austria,
Yugoslavia, West Germany, France

and Great Britain. According to
Michael Osborne, Publicity Director,
"The club was highly received and
performed well, especially in France,
Austria and Germany. We were so
well received that we are contem-
platipg another tour of Austria and
This Saturday, listeners will be in
for a treat as the ensemble performs
works of Debussy, Earnest, and the
late great Duke Ellington, as well as a
rousing selection of spirituals. In ad-
dition, not only will those ever-
popular Michigan songs will be per-
formed, but the Friars will also ap-
pear to perform in their light-hearted
and spontaneous style.

"I have been practicing all week for
this concert and I am real excited.
The song selection is great and we will
perform them with a lot of energy,"
said club member Eric Robinson.
Take it from him and do not miss this
Tickets are on sale for this
musical tradition at the Hill
Auditorium Box Office. It is open
on April 7-11 from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. and April 12 from 8 a.m. to 8
p. m. The prices for tickets are $6,
$5, $4, and $2 for students.

New Talent:
The University Department of Dance will present its Young Choreographers Concert tonight and Saturday at
8 p.m. The concert offers new dance pieces by the department's gifted students. Admission is $3.00.

Campus mags house student writing

By Per Hoffman
y ou are walking through the fish-
bowl and notice two lonely,
ignored individuals yelling at studen-
ts. They are selling something and
your conditioned response, the result
of countless solicitations, is to block
them from your minds. As you ap-
proach, their pitch grows louder and
you hear they are selling a magazine
- a collection of student writing. You
think "Oh, just another one..." though
you haven't read any of them,
What you didn't buy could have
been Barbaric Yawp, Blue Noise, Ar-
temage, or a number of other student-
run and written magazines. Te yield
of a long winter's work has hit the
campus and they have arrived en
masse, with entries as far-ranging as
interviews and essays, poetry and
photography. Categorizing the
publications can be difficult.:
"The theme of our magazine is
art," said Bonnie Garmisa, an editor
of Artemage, which in only its first
year is already the campus' most
mispronounced publication. (pr. Ar-
tema-gay) "We don't have a set for-
mat of what we print, as long as it
adheres to the theme of our magazine.
Our goal is to provide a showcase of
art in and around the university
community, and to be a source of in-
formation about art outside of the arts
Garmisa and the editors of Ar-
temage believe that many students
feel helpless by the inaccessibility of
the art community. Their magazine
helps lighten this feeling by offering a
preview ofthe Diego Alivera art ehibit
at the DIA, an interview with student-
artist John Kerr, a poem, a prose
piece, and other articles covering
almost every field in the arts.
Another first-year magazine,
Shaking Through, showcases a
variety of student creativity. There
are stories, poems, photography, and

even a comic strip in the magazine.
Shaking Through is widely read, with
of circulation of 1100, which must
somewhat satisfy Peter Stuck, a
founder and editor of the magazine.
Struck feels that though there are
many student publications, few are
ever read by the student-body.
Shaking Through has a definite pur-
pose, to "bring high-quality writing to
the campus on a frequent basis."
Barbaric Yawp emerged three
years ago because "there was no real
campus literary magazine" accor-
ding to Robert Salkin, one of its
editors. It was a well-needed concep-
tion, for in its first year the magazine
received 250 submissions. This year,
though, competing with other
magazines, it received almost 350
Deciding what will go in is the most

difficult aspect of putting this
together," Salkin said. "The editors
individually read all the submissions
and rate them. Then we discuss our
choices and sometimes there will be
Deciding what will be printed is also
the hardest decision for the editors
of Blue Noise, the Honors literary
magazine, which is also in its third
year. "There's a lot of talent here and
many writers," a Blue Noise editor
explains. "We decide by using a
strict rating system, and printing the
submissions that receive the highest
Though Blue Noise is published as
the honors magazine, it receives and
prints poetry and short prose from all
university undergraduates.
One of the more obscure campus
productions, possibly because it tries
* Graduation * Weddings
* Passport-Immigration
" Resume Application
" Portraits
c. Division - Ann Arbor

its best to defy categorization, is
Blister, a longtime "underground"
gazette that has only recently sur-
faced to present "printed and recor-
ded matter," as Tom Morgan,
organizer of Blister describes. It not
only offers a collection of student
poetry and prose, but also a 90-minute
cassette tape featuring music of un-
sung student composers and ohter
audible concoctions. The 'whole
package comes in a manila envelope,
along with a piece of "found" art, and
is free, but because high production
costs only 100 copies will be made.
All these magazines
will be availablesin the fishbowl
during the next few weeks, except for
Blister, which can be picked up at the
East Quad food co-op by the 25th of

Major anthology now seeks poems: love, nature, haiku,
song lyrics, reflective, free verse, religious - all types!
Beginners are welcome! Our editors will reply within 7 days.
Send ONE POEM ONLY, 21 lines or less, to:
Dept. AP a 2431 Stockton Blvd. * Sacramento, Calif. 95817


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