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April 09, 1986 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-09

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Racism forum held

The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 9, 1986 - Page 3
A2 politicos sign fake
SAfrican passes

' ~(Continued from Paste 1)
"THE University is accepting a
very high 'death rate' for minority
students," he said. For example, only
55 percent of all black students who
enter the University graduate in six
years, compared with a rate of 72 per-
cent for white students.
"There are many possible reasons,
but it is important to note that
academic reasons are usually not a
significant factor," Goto said, adding
that "no one knows exactly why"
minority retention rates are low.
Members of the panel said the Un-
iversity neglects racism on campus.
'They pointed to delays in the release
of a retention report by Sudarkasa as
an illustration of such neglect.
Although that report was scheduled to
be released months ago, Linzie, who
sits on the committee that is working

on the report, doesn't think it will be
released until later this spring.
"WE HAVE to remember, though,
that we all gain collectively whenever
we gain in individual ways, no matter
how prolonged they may be," Linzie
Although skeptical of the ad-
ministration's actions against racism,,
panel members said they are in-
terested to see what results the newly-
appointed presidential task force on
racism will produce.
In the meantime, UCARe plans to
launch a campaign against racism by
beginning to remove racist grafitti
from the Graduate Library.
"It's very dangerous to think that
recent incidents of racism are
isolated. They are very integrally
connected," Jacobson said.

Four local political figures were
among 30 people who last night signed
facsimiles of pass books which blacks
in South Africa are required to carry.
The signing ceremony was sponsored
by Amnesty International as a part of
its protest of racist policies in South
The participants put their names,
address, race and citizenship, and
their photographs on the mock passes.
Each participant will send his "pass"
to the South African Embassy in
Washington, D.C., with a letter
adressed to the president of So4h
Africa, P. W. Botha.
THE PASS-signing ceremony was
the kick-off for the local Amnesty
chapter's letter-writing campaign to
South African officials to protest the
pass laws, which are used to control
the movement of blacks within South
The pass laws require all non-
whites in South Africa over the age of
16 to carry passes. Blacks are not

allowed in urban areas except under
special circumstances.
Mayor Ed Pierce and members of
Amnesty International chapter No. 61
expressed doubt that the pass laws
will be reformed soon.
"WE DON'T have a world gover-
nment that is capable of imposing the
world (view) on the country of South
Africa," Pierce said.
He added: I'm personally very
pessimistic, but I'm pleased to be
here to take this very small action.
Others among the thirty who filled
out pass books were State Represen-
tative Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor),
and City Council members Kathy
Edgren (D-Fifth Ward) and Jeff Ep-
ton (D-Third Ward).
Alice Roelofs, Regional Member-
ship Coordinator for Amnesty Inter-
national in Michigan, said other Am-
nesty chapters have conducted
similar protests to the pass laws, in
which Chicago Mayor Harold
Washington and Michigan Sen. Carl
Levin signed similar replicas of the

_ -


What's happening
around Ann Arbor

Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE

Ann Arbor Mayor Ed Pierce prepares to mail a replica of a South African
passbook to protest laws requiring South African blacks to carry passes.

Campus Cinema
Shoah (Claude Lanzman, 1985) Hill
St., 6 p.m. (part 1), Mich.'
Critically acclaimed, this is Lan-
zmann's 9/ hour documentary
about the Holocaust. Beautiful.
Effi Briest (Rainer Werner
Fassbinder, 1974) AAFC, 7 & 9:30
p.m., MLB 3.
This movie, based on Madame
Bovary, involves itself around a
woman who is both mediocre and
anti-conformist. Married life is not
suiting her too well. German with
From the Life of Marionettes
Ingmar Bergman, 1978) CG, 7 & 9
p.m., Nat. Sci.
Bergman tells of the marriage of
two people swept about by forces
they cannot control. The husband, to
subliminate his murderous hatred
for his wife, murders a prostitute,
and in effect brings himself into two
relationships that he can neither
fulfill nor handle.
Lawrence of Arabia (David Lean,
1962) Hill St., 8 p.m., Hill St.
Peter O'Toole plays the man who
corrals the squabbling chieftains of
the Arabian Desert into a united front
against the Turks.
Masks and Welcome to Con-
ditioning - University Residence
Hall Repertoire Theater, 9 p.m.,
Hillel. 1429 Hill St., (663-3336).
University drama graduate
student Scott Weissman directs
University students in these original
pieces about sex roles and racism.
The Pirates of Penzance - Univer-
sity Gilbert and Sullivan Society,
8:15 p.m., Mendelssohn Theater,
Steven Krahnke directs this
musical farce of 19th century
Bars & Clubs
THE ARK (662-1451) - Open
Mike Night.
- Ron Brooks Trio, jazz.
THE BLIND PIG (996-8555) -
Irie, reggae.
THE EARLE (994-0211) - Larry
MR. FLOOD's PARTY (995-2132)
- Los Chickens.
(994-5436) - DJ, dance music.
2747) - The Force, pop and classical
U-CLUB (763-2236) - Laugh
Zvi Gitelman - "Is Hungary the
Future of Poland?" Russian and
East European Studies, noon,
Commons Room, Lane Hall.
Tony Reznicek - "Diversity,
Evolution and Systems in Carey
(Sedges)," Botany, noon, 1139
Natural Science Bldg.
Caroline Jones - "En-
trepreneurship in Advertising,"
School of Business Administration,
4:15p.m., Hale Auditorium.
Richard Shiff - "Index and Icon
in Modern Art," Museum of
Art/Residential College/Art
History, 4 p.m., Aud. D, Angell Hall.
Mahmood Mamdan - "Uganda:
From Amin to the NRA,"
Afroamerican and African Studies,
noon, 109 W. Engineering Bldg.
Warren Rohsenow - "Boiling
Heat Transfer," Mechanical
Engineering and Applied
Mechanics, 4 p.m., 1017 Dow Bldg.

Faye Wattleton - "International
Family Planning: Concern and
Compassion for a World in Need,"
Corsa Memorial Fund, 7 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater
Ferdinand Osterreicher -
''Divergence-Measures of
Probability Distributions,'
Statistics, 4 p.m., 451 Mason Hall.
Arthur Burks - "The Logic of
Evolution," Biology, 4 p.m., Lecture
Room II, MLB.
Sy Berk, Terence Carroll - "The
Impact of Changes in Health Care
Financing," Social Work, 12:15
p.m., 3063 Frieze Bldg.
Mila Turla - "Serotonin-Induced
Contractions a nd
Phosphatidylinositol Metabolosm in
Hypertensive Rat Aorta,"
Physiology, 3 p.m., 7745 Medical
Science Bldg.
David Folks - "Psychiatric
Disorders in Geriatric Medical-
Surgical Patients," Psychiatry,
10:30 a.m., Auditorium, Child and
Adolescent Psychology Hospital.
Kester Freriks - "Paradox of
Writing: The Writer Between In-
dividualism and Society," Germanic
Languages and
Literature/Netherlands Am erica
University League, 8 p.m., Inter-
national Center.
Yong-Woon Juno - "Synthetic
Approaches to Taxane System,"
Chemistry, 4 p.m., 1300 Chemistry
George Dvorak - "Recent
Developments in Plasticity of Com-
posite Materials," Engineering, 4
p.m., 1017 Dow Bldg.
Paul Letourneau - "Tissue
Culture Studies of Nerve Fiber
Elongation and Guidance," Biology,
12:05 p.m., 5732 Medical Science II
Archery Club -8p.m., Coliseum.
Dissertation Support Group - 8:30
p.m., 3100 Union.
Ensian Yearbook - 7 p.m.,
Student Publications Bldg.
Science Fiction CLub - Stilyagi
Air Corps, 8:15 p.m., League.
Michigan Gay Union - 9 p.m., 802
Women's Rugby practice - 4
p.m., Coliseum.
Hunger Knows my Name:
Growing Dollars - The Politics of
Hunger Film Series, 7:30 p.m., 4070
Frieze Bldg.
Reasons for Pursuing A
Graduate Education - Minority
Organization of Rackham program,
7 p.m., Mosher Jordan Hall.
Women's Softball - Bowling
Green, 3 p.m., varsity softball diamond.
Safety class for new shop users,
session I - Student Wood and Crafts
shop, 3 p.m., 3063 Frieze Bldg.
dBASE III, Part I - Microcom-
puter Education workshop, 8:30
a.m., 3001 School of Education Bldg.
Help on tax forms - 11 a.m.,
Tutoring in Math, Science and
engineering - Tau Beta Pi, 7 p.m.,
307 Undergraduate Library; 8 p.m.,
2332 Bursley Hall; 7 p.m., Red Car-
pet Annex, Alice Lloyd Hall.
Worship - Lord of Light Lutheran
Church, 7:30 p.m., 801S. Forest.
Impact Jazz Dance workshop -
University Activities Center, 7
p.m., Union.
Holy Communion - Wesley Foun-
dation, 9:30 p.m., 602E. Huron.
Beans and rice dinner - Guild
Tae Kwon Do practice - 6 p.m.,
2275 CCRB.

Vest replaces Duderstadt as acting Dean


(Continued from Page 1)
national search committee.
"I anticipate that the needs of the
college would favor an internal ap-
pointment, but that presumption
needs to be tested in light of com-
parative evaluation of a broader field
of talent' "Frye wrote.
Frye's letter also said that a
national search committee will
probably consist of three or four
engineering faculty members, one
student, one alumnus, and possibly a
A defense
against cancer can be
cooked up in your kitchen.
Call us.

faculty representative from another
school or college that has instruc-
tional or research ties with the
College of Engineering.
H e said that Shapiro could appoint
and charge the committee by the

middle of this month.
Duderstadt commented on the
engineering college's growing
momentum, and said he sensed a
growing excitement and intensity
within the college.

"I am going to miss what will
probably be the most exhilarating
time in the College of Engineering"
Duderstadt said. "It's in the 'go to it"
attitude," he said. "It can take the
college almost anywhere."

V.P.-elect stresses academics for 'U'

(Continued from Page 1)
has been to build up "spires of ex-
cellence" within the college in order
to attract revenue and well-qualified
faculty. Over one-third of the entire
engineering staff have been hired
during his administration.
During the meeting yesterday,
Duderstadt said that the current
momentum within the college and its
ability to capitalize on its resources
should serve as a model for the whole

HE OUTLINED a three-point
strategy for his upcoming term as
vice president. Duderstadt's
nomination is expected to be ap-
proved by the Board of Regents later
this month.
First, the University must pick up
its pace while sustaining its commit-
ment to quality, Duderstadt said.
Second, it must focus its resources
to get the job done, and get away from

the idea of "doing everything." He
commended Shapiro's current
philosophy of "smaller but better."
Third, and most important, Duder-
stadt stressed the need to build up the
University's intellectual disciplines.
"They drive the institution," he said.
He cited the declining reputation of
the sciences during the 1950s and 60c
as a tragic example of the erosion a
the University's intellectual core.

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