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April 08, 1986 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-04-08

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Women's Tennis
vs. Ohio University
Track and Tennis Building
Page 8


vs. Bowling Green
Varsity Softball Diamond

Tuesday, April 8, 1986

The Michigan Daily

Gibson homers hammer Bosox

(Continued from Page 1)'
Morris pitched seven innings,
allowing 12 hits and one walk, to get
the win. Despite retiring the first two
batters in the final four frames he
worked, Morris did not have a one-
two-three inning.
Former Red Sox star Bill Campbell
pitched the eighth for the Tigers, set-
ting down the side on three groundball
LEFT-HANDER Willie Hernandez
came in to face Boston's lefties in the
ninth. The 1984 Cy Young Award Win-
ner retired the three batters he faced,
including a strike out of Rice to end
the game. Hernandez earned the

Gibson saved the day for the Tigers
and 51,437 fans. The subject of a bit-
ter off-season contract dispute, the
former Michigan State star proved
that his troubles are behind him.
"He is the kind of guy who can start
a rally," said Evans, "and he is the
kind of guy to finish a rally, too."
BOSTON'S Wade Boggs killed as
many rallies as Gibson started or
finished. Last year's American
League batting champion went oh-for-
five, including striking out his first
three at bats. Boggs left the bases
loaded with one "K," and a player at
third with another.
In a surprise move, Tiger manager
Sparky Anderson started Darrell
Evans, the 1985 AL home run champ,

at first base. Anderson had said he
would use Evans only as a designated
hitter against right-handed pitchers.
But the 38-year-old opened at first
against Hurst, a left-hander.
Hurst went four and two-thirds in-
nings, allowing eight hits and four

runs. Stewart took the loss in relief.
It was a relief for both pitching
staffs when the game ended.
Together, the teams combined for six
home runs, two triples, two doubles,
and 15 singles. Collins and Larry Her-
ndon had two hits apiece for the

Grand openings for
Indians- and Reds

BALTIMORE (AP) - Mel Hall, in-
serted into the Cleveland line-up after
Carmen Castillo pulled a leg muscle
during pregame warmups, drove in
two runs yesterday as the Indians
defeated the Baltimore Orioles 6-4 in
their American League opener.
Baltimore's Mike Flanagan, who
missed the first half of the last season
with a torn Achilles tendon, walked
Brett Butler to open the game, Joe
Carter doubled, and one out later,
Butler scored on Andre Thornton's
grounder to shortstop Cal Ripken Jr.
Hall's double, following a one-out
walk to Tony Bernazard, made it 2-0 in
the second. Hall scored when rookie
Andy Allanson singled and left fielder
John Shelby bobbled the ball for an
Flanagan was lifted in the third af-
ter Julio Franco doubled and Thor-
nton walked. Brook Jacoby's single
off reliever Rich Bordi scored Franco
and Thornton came home on Hall's fly
ball to center field, widening the In-
dian's lead to 5-0.
Reds 7, Phillies 4
and Dave Parker rocked Steve
Carlton with home runs yesterday to
catapult the Cincinnati Reds to a 7-4
victory over the Philadelphia Phillies
in the National League's traditional
season openera

Davis' three-run homer in the
second inning helped Mario Soto sur-
vive an erratic performance and earn
his fourth consecutive opening-day
Carlton, a 41-year-old left-hander
with 314 career wins, allowed nine hits
and all seven Reds run in four-plus in-
nings. The' loss dropped Carlton's
opening-day record to 3-9.
A crowd of 54,960 - Riverfront
Stadium's largest regular-season
crowd since the ballpark opened in
1970- enjoyed sunshine and tem-
peratures in the low 70s.
Brewers 5, White Sox 3
CHICAGO (AP) - Ernest Riles' two-
run homer and a rooftop blast by Rob
Deer powered the Milwaukee
Brewers to a 5-3 victory yesterday
over Tom Seaver and the Chicago
White Sox in their American League
Seaver, extending his own major-
league record with his 16th opening-
day start, lasted 5 1-3 innings before
the opening-day crowd of 42,265. He
was charged with seven hits and all
five Milwaukee runs. He is 7-2 on
opening day for his career, 1-1 with
the White Sox.
Teddy Higuera, a 15-game winner
last year as a rookie, allowed seven
hits, walked four and fanned five in
seven innings.

Gibson coos .. .
.. from rawn to well done
W HEN KIRK Gibson left Michigan State he was better known for his
abilities on the gridiron than on the baseball diamond. "But his
potential is incredible," said Tiger management. "He'll get by on raw
talent alone."
"Raw" was the word to describe him. The results of Gibson's early at-
tempts to hit a 3-2 curveball were about as successful as Detroit Mayor
Coleman Young's attempts to be cheered by yesterday's crowd. Both
struck out.
To help Gibson over his tension for wreaking havoc in the outfield, the
Tigers dragged Hall of Fame outfielder Al Kaline out of the broadcast
booth to coach Gibson. Before then, Kaline had been a vociferous critic of
Gibson. Though Kaline spent no time in the minors, it became clear that
he thought Gibson had shortchanged the farm system.
Critics abounded. Original comparisons to Mickey Mantle were scoffed
at when Gibson started slowly. Soon his critics were suggesting that Gib-
son trade in his Detroit Tigers' uniform for a St. Louis Cardinals' uniform
- of the National Football League Gibson himself reportedly considered
joining the Cardinals, who owned his NFL rights.
That would have been the biggest error of Gibson's career.
Instead, Gibson decided to stay with the Tigers. Things in Detroit
haven't been the same since.
The 1981 Tiger team was the first Detroit team to vie for the pennant
since 1972. There to lead the Tigers in their drive for the 1981 division title
was Gibson.
Nothing could stop Gibson in the second half of the strike season. The
talked-about potential became reality as Gibson batted .375 in the second
half on his way to a .328 average forthe season.
Most importantly, he became the one the Tigers relied on in the clutch.
In an important August game against the Yankees, Gibson came to the
plate against reliever Ron Davis in the bottom of the ninth.
With two outs, two strikes and a man on, Gibson belted the ball into the
upper deck of center field. Fans danced outside the stadium in hopes of a
Tiger pennant.
It was Gibson who led the Tigers to their championship in 1984, and it
was appropriate that Gibson sealed the World Series win with two home
But after the 1985 season, Gibson had a fallout with Tigers'
management. Gibson didn't want a contract for only three years, and did
want more money. "I'll puke before I sign a three-year contract," said
Gibson. Gibson finally did sign, albeit at the last minute.
It is the loyal Detroit fans who should be sick at any thought of losing
Gibson. Gibson has become the heart and soul of the Tigers, and his per-
formance yesterday typifies his importance.
And though he may not be pleased with the contract he signed, the Gib-
son seen yesterday will continue with similar heroics. Gibson won't let
unhappiness over his contract deteriorate his play. If anything, he is
likely to play harder and show that one of the other teams should have
picked him up when he was available.
Don't thank Tigers' owner Tom Monaghan for signing Kirk Gibson.
That was but a small part of what made yesterday's performance. Gibson
could have glided through spring training and the season, million-a-year
contract in hand. But he didn't, and he won't. Consider yesterday as sup-
porting evidence.


Associated Press

Kirk Gibson jumps for joy after hitting the
yesterday's opener. His four-for-four, five
Tigers to a 6-5 victory.

first of his two homers in
RBI performance led the


coach relishes playing Blue E

Uncle Bill never had it so good.
The 1986 version of A Family Af-
fair takes center stage at Ray Fisher
Stadium this afternoon, and win or
lose, Wayne State baseball coach
Angelo Gust will be a happy man.
IF DIVISION II Wayne State wins,
Gust's satisfaction will come from the
Tartars' creaming of the nationally-
ranked Wolverines. If Michigan
wins, Gust will take pride in the ac-
complishment of Michigan outfielder
Christ Gust-Angelo's son.
"As a father I want to see him do
well and as a coach' I want to see us

win. So far he's got the upper hand,"
said the elder Gust.
The Wolverines swept last year's
three games between the two teams,
winning 21-1, 11-2 and 11-3. Scores like
that probably make Angelo wish he
had a son on every team to which he
SINCE HE doesn't, he is making up
for it by "adopting" members of the
current Wolverine squad. The senior
Gust has become acquainted with
many of the Wolverines simply
because they are teammates of his
son. He also has coached several of
the players in the Adray Summer
League in Detroit. Among father

Gust's favorites are the seniors who
belong to the same class as Chris:
Casey Close, Dan Disher and Kurt
Zimmerman, to name a few.
"That was an excellent freshman
class four years ago," said Angelo.
"The majority of the kids on the team
I'm personally familiar with, and I
think this is a very fine ball club."
Indeed it is. After losing last Friday
to last year's national champion
Miami Hurricanes, the Wolverines
came back to beat Miami Sunday, 7-5.
Casey Close belted a grand slam with
two outs in the bottom of the ninth to
beat the Hurricanes, who are now
ranked second in the nation.
BUT ANGELO doesn't want to spoil
'these boys. A Wayne State win would
suit him fine. And this club might be
able to pull it off.
The Tartars started the season with
eight wins in their first ten games, in-
cluding an 11-7 win over Division I
Dartmouth. First baseman Steve Toth
and right fielder Brad Silverstein lead
the offense.
After weekend action against
Saginaw Valley, Toth's average was
still above .400 and Silverstein led the
team with three homers. The two
probably will occupy the third and

fourth spots in the lineup. Though
their numbers don't match those of
Michigan's third and fourth hitters
(Casey Close and Hal Morris), the
Tartars have greatly outhit their op-
ponents thus far.
"WE'RE MORE or less gappers,
really," said Tartar assistant coach
Rich Kortkizko. "We don't rely on the
long ball, but we score a lot of runs
and rely on our pitchers to do well."
The pitchers are led by fireballer
Rich Wood. In Wood's first 18 and one-
third innings, he collected three wins
while striking out 30 and allowing only
three earned runs. Coach Gust in-
dicated that if Wood sees action
against the Wolverines it will be in the
relief role.
"The key to beating Michigan is to
make the plays. They put the ball in
against you. We can defense that."
said the elder Gust.
"You really can't defense a home
run," he said, obviously worried
about Michigan's long ball ability.
But you know he won't be too
unhappy if the person coming home
has the name "Gust" on the back of
his uniform. 4

M'falls to Gophers,


From staff reports
Yesterday's hero is today's goat.
Casey Close committed two
critical errors to help Minnesota to
a 7-2 victory over Michigan last
night at the Metrodome in Min-
After his heroics Sunday against
Miami, Close could not catch up to
two Dave Hentges' line drives in

two different innings, leading to
three unearned runs for Min-
nesota. Close, however, was not
the only culprit as the Wolverines
had seven errors in all.
Jim Abbott, had trouble as well.
He was knocked out of the box in
the fourth inning and was even-
tually charged with four runs.

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Michigan's Kurt Zimmerman slides into second in a late March contest
against Grand Valley State. Zimmerman is no stranger to the coach of
the Wolverine's next opponent, Wayne State. Tartar coach Angelo
Gust's son, Chris, plays with Zimmerman for Michigan.


rackster tandem stands out

Ailing 'M' netters
to battle with Ohio U

Running just a second shy of the
Michigan' half-mile record, Omar
Davidson's second leg in the two-mile
relay earned the Wolverine track
team a fourth-place finish in the
Texas Relays Saturday.
"When you talk about range,
Omar's got to be one of the best
quality runners in the country
because he can run from the 300 to the
880. He blew everybody out today,"
said head coaci Jack Harvey. "He got
the baton in third and gave it to
Steverson about 20 yards in front."

got some recognition because we held
the lead for a leg-and-a-half or so,"
said Harvey.
The race was the third time in three
weeks the Wolverines have competed
against the superior Southern teams
and the results have been deflating,
in seconds that is.
The only other Wolverine in action
Saturday was triple jump sensation
Butch Starmack whose performance
failed to qualify him for the finals.
Starmack is presently five inches off
the NCAA qualifying standard of 52-8.
Women fare well

time was 8:44.8.
All-American, took fourth place in the
5,000-meter run with a time of 16:02.
"I'm happy with what they (Schim-
dt and Schroeder) did," said Henry.
"But they will of course do better.
"They both trained really hard and
came through in the meet. I didn't
think they'd do better because of how
hard they trained last week. Since this
was our first meet, my goal wasn't for
them to be at their peak, but rather to
just be competitive."

for improvement.


Golfers place tenth
The Michigan's men golf team had
a frustrating weekend, finishing tenth
in a fifteen team field at the Purdue,
However, the Wolverines were'
without two of their top players, Chris
Westfall (ankle) and Scott Chipokas
(sore back).
Michigan was lead by senior cap-
tain Peter Savarino and freshman
Hersh Patel. Savarino shot 221 and
Patel 226 over the three-round tour-

Still fighting nagging injuries and
coming off weekend losses to powers
Miami of Ohio and Northwestern, the
Michigan women's tennis team faces
off this afternoon against Ohio
University at the Track and Tennis
Ohio, of the Mid-American Con-
ference, isn't expected to give the
Wolverines too many problems.
However, this will be the first outside

to play Ohio, filling the sixth singles
Wise also will team with Leslie
Mackey in second doubles. Doubles, a
trouble spot all year for the
Wolverines, is especially nettlesome
considering the recent injuries. Paula
Reichert and Erin Ashare, the only
doubles team to pull out a victory over
the weekend, will play in the first
spot. Monica Borcherts and Susie
Patlovich will round out the lineup,j

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