High court candidate speaks at law school The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 8, 1986 - Page 3 Le Dog is gourmet chef's pet project By TIM DALY Appellate Court Judge Antonin Scalia, a prospective Supreme Court appointee, yesterday criticized the in- creasing use of legislative statutes in Supreme Court decisions. "Judges who rely on legislative statutes to make decisions assume there is congressional intent in each statute," said Scalia, who addressed a crowd of 100 people in Hutchins HALL. "However, the majority of congressmen are blissfully unaware of the details of each statute," he ad- ded. SCALIA said bills passed by congressional committees often do not represent the views of the full Congress. "Committee members usually don't have middle-of-the-road views, yet the bill they produce is of- ten passed by the full Congress." he said. Decisions should be based more on judicial interpretation of statutes than on legislative history, Scalia said. "By relying on statutes, judges are taking the easy way out." Nonetheless, Scalia said, legislative history should not be abandoned. "Judges should be more selective in the type of legislative history they use. For example, extended floor debate should be evaluated instead of committee reports." "COMMITTEE reports are prepared by staff instead of the memers. They should be the last thing judges look at, not the first," Scalia said. Scalia is known for authoring the opinion that struck down a provision of the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings budget reduction law. The opinion stated that it was unconstitutional for the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to administer the law which is now overseen by the Office of Management and Budget. Scalia is considered one of three leading candidates for the next Supreme Court appointment. "Scalia is well-respected and has a good chance of being nominated for a seat if President Reagan gets to select the next justice," said Georgie Fishman, vice president of the Michigan Federalist Society, a group of law students. Yesterday's talk was sponsored by the society and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. (Continued from Page1). working at The Bakery as a dish- washer," the chef says. "I returned two year later as the manager of the $1.5 million-a-year revenue-producing restaurant," Van Dyck-Dobos says. In between those two years, "I guess you could say I worked my way through an appren- ticeship program. "You have to go through and pay your dues. In my case, it was dish- washing, busboying, prep cooking, waitering, being a captain, a whole gamut," VAN DYCK-DOBOS believes these "apprenticeship" years are necessary for a person's education as a chef. "Cooking is not only an art, but a science," he says. "You must understand the underlying basic prin- ciples before you can call yourself a chef," he says. "I've had people apply for positions who called themselves chefs, but it later turned out they only flipped hamburgers at McDonald's of Wen- dy's," he says. Although an educated and intelligent man, Van Dyck-Dobos says he never got frustrated during those "appren- ticeship" years. "I don't think in- telligence has anything to do with what you like doing," he says. THE CHEF does recall one frightening episode, when he was dessert cook at the Bakery. "One of my most interesting experiences was to have the executive chef run after me with a 13-inch knife and chase me five times around the table." "I guess that was a little frustrating," he says. "He didn't like the way I was preparing" the poached pear in chantilly sauce, Van Dyck-Dobos recalls. "I don't remember the details exactly, but I'm sure I was doing something wrong." "THANK GOD he was slower than I was," he says, smiling. Although frightened by the episode, Van Dyck- Dobos understands the executive chef's behavior. "Chefs are very tempermental, I'm very tempermen- tal myself." he says. "My wife won't work for me in the kitchen, not even at home. I won't let her in the kitchen. I do all the cooking at home." Van Dyck-Dobos says working at Le Dog has other advantages over working at The Bakery. "In Chicago, I used to work from 9 in the morning to 3 the next morning. Here I work 9 (a.m.) to 3 (p.m.)," he says. Le Dog is open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, but Van Dyck-Dobos says he spends the extra hours preparing the specials. "It takes quite a long time to do roayt duck or lobster bisque, or to cut out 40 ponds of fresh strawberries everyday." for the shakes, he says. SELLING HOT dogs is the way Van Dyck-Dobos manages to keep such short hours and to make up for the money he loses on the specials. The prices of the specials, he proudly maintains, never exceed $3.95. "I don't want to sit here for 12 hours a day selling gourmet food to 50 people. We serve about 200 a day. Fifty of them are going to be our specials. And 150 of them are going to be hot dogs. Now you know why I do hot dogs," he says. When Le Dog closes down in January and February, Van Dyck- Dobos leaves Ann Arbor to search for new additions to his menu. "Every January, I go looking for new recipes from the four corners of the earth: I just got back from Germany, Fran- ce." "he says. "Last year, we were down in St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands looking for native recipes," he says. "We brought back some...bouillabaisse '(fish stew) recipes." "We (my wife and I) don't have any children so we can go off to various places of the world." When Le Dog is open, the chef spen- ds around 50 hours a week working both at the stand and on the Le Dog catering service. "I enjoy what I'm doing extremely. I don't think there is ever a morning when I don't enjoy coming to work. And not too many people can say that," he says. "Every day we have so many customers we know already. They greet me by name. I know them, quite a few by name," Van Dyck-Dobos says. "I know exactly how they like things. I know whether one likes to have their bouillabaisse spicier than the other. We cook for individual: customers. We don't cook for the mass of people." I Daily Photo by PETE ROSS Jules Van Dyck-Dobos, owner of Le Dog, displays a shake and hot dog - two popular items that his gourmet food/hot dog stand sells. Terrorism dissuades overseas travelers I =ME M=~4 What's happening around Ann Arbor . Bars and Clubs THlE ARK (761-1451)- Alistair Anderson, new music, classical and ragtime. BIRD OF PARADISE (662- 8310)-Bill Heid Trio, bebop and Latin tunes. THE BLIND PIG (996- 8555)-Flowers, techno-pop dance band. THE EARLE (994-0211)--Larry Manderville. MR. FLOOD'S PARTY (996- 2132)-902, blues-rock. THE NECTARINE BALLROOM (994-5436)-DJ, dance music. RICK'S AMERICAN CAFE (996- 2747)- Frank Allison and the Odd Sox, rock 'n' roll. U-CLUB (763-2236)-DJ, reggae. Speakers Jim Burchfield-"The Negative Impacts of American Foreign Assistance," MSA, 7 p.m., Inter- national Center. Peter Boeve- "The Impact of Israeli Policy on Palestinians," 9 p.m., Common Lounge, Baits II Bldg. Frances McSparran- "The Editing of Medieval Texts," COSCS, 4p.m., WestConf. Room, Rackham. Mutsuto Kawahara- "Finite Element Analysis for Shallow Water Wave," Mechnical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, 2 p.m., 1017 Dow Bldg. G. Alan Zindler- "Mantle Cryp- tology," Geology, 4 p.m., 4001 C.C. Little Bldg. Martha Seger- "Challenges Facing Bank Regulators," School of Business Administration, 4:15 p.m., Hale Auditorium. Yi-tsi Feuerweker-"Liu Bei Thrice Visits the Recluse Zhuge Liange: Interacting Texts and Dialogues on History in the Ming Novel Three Kingdoms," Chinese Studies, noon, Commons Room, Lane Hall. Joan Blos-"Recreating the Past: Writing Historical Fiction for Young People," Booked for Lunch program, 12:10 p.m., Public Library. Kitty Wallace- "Visiting Ireland's Past History Today," Ecumenical Campus Center, noon, 921 Church. E.P. Muntz-"Liquid Jet Breakup," Aerospace Engineering, 4 p.m., 107 Aerospace Bldg. Arthur Burks-"The Logic of Evolution," Biology, 4 p.m., Lee. Room 2, MLB. Thomas Chenert-"Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Flow," Bioengineering, 3:45 p.m., 1017 Dow Bldg. Jim and Susan Galbraith-School of Art, 2:30 pm., Auditorium, Art and Architecture Bldg. Jim Burchfield,-"The Negative Impacts of American Foreign Aid," Appropriate Technology Association," 7 p.m., International Center. Farm Labor Organizing Commit- tee- 5:30 p.m., University Club. AIESE C-International Business Club-5:30 p.m., 131 Business Club. Engineering Faculty-3:15 p.m., Carroll Auditorium, Chrysler Cen- ter. Furthermore Is There a Legal or a Moral right to Provide Sanctuary in the U.S.?-Hispanic Law Students Association panel, 7:30 pm., 100 Hutchins Hall. The Gauss Bonnet Theorem; Cycloidal Curves: Tales From the Wanklenberg Woods-Math Show films, 4 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Student Recognition Awards Ceremony-Union/League/ Comprehensive Studies- Oppor- tunity Program, 7 p.m. Racism-SODC forum, 6:30 p.m. Pond Room, Union. American Cancer Society Freshstart Clinic-4:30 pm., Ann Arbor VA Medical Center. Women's Tennis-Ohio Univer- sity, 3:30 p.m., Track and Tennis. Women's Softball-Kent State, 3 p.m., Varsity softball diamond. Spreadsheeting With Excel, Part I-Microcomputer Education workshop, 1 p.m., 3001 School of Education Building. FinalWord 11, Part I-Microcom- puter Education Workshop, 1 p.m., 3001 School of Education Bldg. Help on Tax For- ms-MSA/Student Services/LSA student government/Union/Bsiness Administration/Beta Alpha Psi, 11 a.m., Union. Effective Selection Inter- viewing-HRD workshop. Tutoring in Math, Science, and Engineering-Tau Beta Pi, 8 p.m., 307 Undergraduate Library. Weekly Praise and Message-Christians in Action, 8:30 p.m., Union. Campus Cinema Shoah (Claude Lanzman, 1985) Hill Street, 6 p.m., (Part 2) Mich. Critically acclaimed, this is Lan- zman's 91%, hour holocaust documen tary that was 10 years in the making. Performances Arts Chorale-University School of Music, 8 p.m., Hill Auditorium (764-4726). Delta D. Gier will conduct this chorus of non-music majors in Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms. Concert of the Month-Michigan Union Arts Programs, 8 p.m., Michigan Union Pendleton Room, (764-6498). The principal cellist of the Unvier- sity Philharmonia, Ruth Waeffler, By ELLEN FIEDELHOLTZ The recent surge in international terrorism will hinder travel plans abroad in the upcoming months, say local travel agents and University students and professors. In the wake of last week's explosion aboard a TWA jet that killed four Americans on a flight from Rome to Athens, Dan Smith, manager of con- sumer affairs for the International Air Lines Passenger Association, said his group was advising Americans not to travel in the Mediterranean area unless it is necessary. THE BOMBING was the latest in a string of terrorist acts that travel agents fear will intimidate inter- national travelers. The fear of terrorism combined with the weakening U.S. dollar has taken a considerable toll on overseas travel plans, according to Patricia Morrisey, manager of Great Places Travel in the Union. Morrisey said that although travelers traditionally finalize their plans around this time of year, reser- vations are down significantly from last year. Greece, Italy, Egypt, and Israel are especially worried about their tourism industries. In Egypt, where tourism is the fourth-largest industry, officials expect to lose at least half of their tourism revenue this year. By February, tourism in Israel had reached only 41 percent of last year's level. TO OFFSET losses, some airlines are offering reduced fares to attract more passengers, Morrisey said. Pan American Airlines, for example, cut $150 off fares for flights to the Mediterranean area. Morrisey said such discounts are "unheard of" during the peak tourist season. Steve Goldberg, a University business student, plans to change his airplane reservations, which have him passing through Athens airport. Goldberg said he wants to avoid Athens because it has been a "hot spot" for terrorist attacks. "Chances are nothing is going to happen, but I don't plan to wear an American flag," he said. SEVERAL OTHER students have cancelled their travel plans altogether. Sarah Sasson, an LSA senior who planned to travel in Italy, England, and France, said her mother has forbidden her to travel near the Mediterranean this summer. LSA senior Kim Martins said she is considering cancelling her plans to study in Florence this summer. "I won't go as spur of the moment as I would have otherwise," she said. "I'm worried about going into really touristy places." At the same time, Martins says she does not want terrorism to keep her from living a normal life. "I tend to believe it will never be me. The situation is very undependable, but at the same time I can't not go out of the house in the morning," she said. MICHAEL ZEGEV, an LSA senior, plans to visit Europe this summer despite his concern about terrorist at- tacks. "I will not allow my travel to be dictated by terrorist attacks. If I were to submit to that, it would just prove that terrorism is working," he said. "You can't avoid problems; there is always a risk in life," Zegev said. "But things are worse - it's getting at the point that the risk might outweigh the benefit." LSA senior James Aronovitz says he will not cancel his plans to see England, Amsterdam, Switzerland, Italy, and Paris this summer, although he admits that fears of terrorists have caused him to have nightmares during the past few nights. "I'm not going to tell people I'm American and I plan to get in and out of train stations as quickly as possible," he said. Once he gets to Europe, he added, he will travel by trains rather than airplanes. - The Associated Press filed' a report for this story. UN chief chosen to speak at graduation (Continued from Page 1) recent ceremonies." The changes, the report continues, are "designed to en- sure an appropriate environment for the ceremony.'' "Were just trying to have a dignified, decent commencement," said James Short, an assistant to University President Harold Shapiro, who served on the commencement committee. Short also said that University security officers will be stationed at Michigan Stadium - or Crisler Arena in case of rain - to confiscate any alcoholic or carbonated beverages. He could not be reached for further comment last night. ERIC SCHNAUFER, an MSA representative from the Law School, disapproved of the administration's commencement changes. "MSA did not think increased security was the answer to the alleged problem. The problem was the speaker, not the crowd," he said. Schnaufer said the choice of Blan- chard last year was a "political ploy" by the University to get more money from the state. He was unimpressed by this year's choice, and decried what he called the lack of student participation in the selection process. "People don't know who he is; they don't care who he is," S hnaufer said. Schnaufer doubted whether the new drinking policies would prove effec- tive. Students "are just going to have a good time. They'll be drinking and playing frisbee; I don't think they'll be attentive," he predicted. Pere de Cuellar began his career as a Peruvian diplomat in 1940. He wasp elected as Secretary-General in 1982.4 -Daily staff writer Jill Oserowsky filed a report for thiZs story. Faculty refuses proposal for ROTC academic credit (Continued from Page 1) ersity and one of the 52 to reject the proposal, said "The cases for gran- ting credit were just too weak." FRIER SAID he feels that many ROTC instructors are not as qualified as LSA professors. According to the subcommittee report, "As a rule, ROTC instructors have no advanced degrees in the subjects they teach." "It is fair to say that none of the present ROTC instructors possesses the educational background usually expected of Michigan's faculty," the report concluded. Leland Quackenbush, a dean in the engineering college, who is chairman of MOEPC, a liaison organization. between ROTC and the University, voted for the proposal granting credit. HE SAID he felt the move would help lighten the work load of ROTC students, who must not only complete 120 credit hours in LSA but also however many credits their branches of the armed services requires. Quackenbush said Navy ROTC students were under especially strong pressure from the Navy to complete an extra 20 to 22 credits and still graduate in four years. - Daily staff writer Kery Murakami filed a report for this !! COMPUTER WAREHOUSE SALE II SATURDAY, APRIL 12th, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Limited quantity of used, off-lease computer hardware: TERMINALS, PRINTERS, and MODEMS All equipment sold in as-is condition. Cash in on these savings at: NEWMAN LEASING 1550 Baker Road FOR INFO., CALL: 994-3200 (D/2nile north of 1-94 on Baker Road- Exit 167) (4 ' * * Available " "" " U1r Now seni r o' f r ATTENTION SENIORS Place your orders now for T-Shirts, Jerseys, Sweatshirts at FLOPPY DISKS SONY 3/" SS/DD... . Eli u.1I" Qfmnl a . . . . . . . . . . . $22.95 CAA A I I U