The Michigan Daily
Tuesday, January 14, 1986
Crosslands hits big time
By Joseph Kraus
T HE ARK'S stage is only about
six inches high, but those six inches
are an awfully big step for Dave
Crosslands tonight.
Crosslands, a junior and residential
advisor at Bursley, makes is
professional solo debut at the Ark, the
first University student to do so since
the Ark moved to its new location and
the first in perhaps as long as four
Distinguishing himself both at last
year's Starbound talent contest and at
various "open mike" nights
throughout the past semester,
Crosslands was signed to open for folk
legend Tom Paxton last Thursday as
well as to play tonight.
At the Paxton show he proved large
crowds don't intimidate him as he
won an untold number of fans from
the 300 person audience during an all-
too-brief set.
Capable of writing and playing both
gentle ballads and feisty bluegrass
tunes he seems almost like two dif-
ferent performers. Gifted with a well-
controlled and rich voice he is suc-
cessful at both styles.
Crossland has some professional
experience, having performed with a
bluegrass band while he went to Walt
Whitman High School in Bethesda,
Maryland. Laughing, he described
how the band had once filled in for a
gig at the Pentagon.
" I remember playing for all the
generals with all the funny colored
squares on their chests like they have
in the movies,"he said. "I wanted to
sing 'Alice's Restaurant,' but at the
time I didn't know all the words."
But Crosslands seems most at ease
with dreamier ballads. "My better
songs are my sad songs," he said.
Perhaps the most memorable of those
sad songs is "Seija," a haunting and
beautiful guitar piece.
As young as his career is, Crosslan-
ds seems to be winning praise all
around. After his set he was loudly
applauded by an audience that had
not expected him. Later, Paxton, a 26-
year veteran of the folk scene, said,"1
think he's got a lovely future . . . He
certainly plays and sings well and I
don't see any reason he won't do well
if he sings and plays and puts the time
Crosslands has never played in
public for a full-lenth show, and he
says he plans to do both original and
familiar folk songs. Tonight's show
may be a big step, but from what he's
already demonstrated, it looks as if
Crosslands is ready for it.
Tickets to the show are available at
the door for $5, $4 for members.
Showtime is 8 p.m.
Dance Theatre Studio
Junior Dave Crosslands makes his professional solo debut as the first University student to headline at
the Ark in over four years.
Classics ignite with Cracow and Yo Yo
Classes in ballet,
modern, jazz, tap,
and ballroom.
New Classes
beginning January 13
By Rebecca Chung
performance by the Cracow
philharmonic, Krzysztof Penderecki
'conducting, was definitely not a con-
'cert for the closed-minded, let alone
the uninitiated. Featuring two of
Penderecki's own compositions, The
Awakening of Jacob and his Concerto
No. 2 for Cello and Orchestra, as well
as the Symphony No. 6 in B minor by
Shostakovitch, the program was filled
with sounds and ideas that might
have made Bach turn over in his
However, there are few things more
exciting than watching a composer
conduct his own works, and Pen-
derecki seemed more than capable of
handling the task. The opening of
Jacob had the entire hall sitting on the
edge of their seats. The unconven-
tional use of instruments contained a
l5$auty of their own, and one had to
admire the musicians for their ver-
satility and control (how does one
learn how to make a violin sound
raspy, deliberately?). Penderecki
was in control of every note, his left
hand making the baton quiver ever-
so-slightly, his right hand making
calculated and delicate gestures.
The second piece was undoubtedly,
for many, the highlight of the perfor-
mance, because the phenomenal
cellist Yo-Yo Ma did the honors as
soloist. He was awesome, walking on-
stage with his "ordinary-guy" smile
one moment, playing like a possessed
man the next. All discussions of the
merits of the piece aside, it was in-
disputable that with his control of
technique (some of the triple stops
and glissandos were almost unear-
thly) and tone, coupled with his un-
deniable intensity and musicality,
Ma's international reputation is well-
Before the Shostakovitch began, I
wondered if Penderecki would give as
much care and concentration to it as
he had his own works. As I watched
him, I soon saw that he was not as
exacting. The movements were less
precise - there was much more
"mirror" conducting - a definite
relaxation of the control he had
However, this rein-loosening on
Penderecki's part was probably the
key factor in the success of the piece.
Throughout the Shostakovitch, there
was a wonderful sense of freedom and
liveliness. Most exciting of all was
listening to the musicians express
themselves in a more familiar and
understandable way.
The Cracow Philharmonic has
some of the finest woodwind players
I've heard anywhere. From piccolo to
bassoon, there was openness,
liquidity, sincerity, and intensity in
their playing; the flutists awed me
with their fullness and projection. The
quality of the musicians overall
seemed to be very high, as evidenced
by the sonorous, full chords, the con-
trol of the percussionists, and the
richness of the brass (although there
was a cracked pitch or two).
Understandably, there was a sense
of both controversy and confusion in
Hill after the concert. I caught people
arguing over Penderecki's talents,
lamenting their incomprehension,
and exulting in the modernity. I loved
it. It was the first time in a while I had
heard more than "Wasn't that good?
I'll go get the car."
For current class
schedule and
more information
call 995-4242.
Support the
March of Dimes
The correct location of the Major Events
Usher meeting on Tuesday, January 21, is
the Anderson Room, MICHIGAN UNION. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may
have caused.
711 N. University (near State Street) * Ann Arbor
A Workshop on Prevention
WED., JAN. 15, 7:30 P.M. AT HILLEL
A coeducational workshop addressing the issues of
sexual assault and coercion. A new program devel-
oped to educate students about the myths and facts
of date/acquaintance rape, sex role stereotyping and
communication in relationships. Only 35 students per
Call HILLEL 1429 Hill St.: 663-3336
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