cl be Mitt IaiIQ Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Ann Arbor, MI PERMIT NO. 1 3 Vol. INXS - No. Code Kopyright, Michigan Daily, 1986 Ninety-six years of leftist rhetoric Something About Trees, Michigan - April Fools Day, 1986 The Front Page Reagan calls Ortega 'chip off the old block' home these chips, these Ortega-brand to new administration spokesman Reaction in Congress was mixed By MUCK RAKER tortilla chips, and they were nice and Kurt Muenchow, "those sons of bun- "Don't tell him. We're going to try t Special to the Daily crusty... er... crunchy, just the way I nies." convince him that Bishop Tutu i d. o s WASHINGTON-President Reagan reversed his policy on Nicaragua yesterday, urging Congress to give the Sandinista government $200 billion in humanitarian aid. Reagan, asked about the sudden switch, said, "Well, Nancy brought like my Froot Loops.Y "ANY GUY who can make chips like those just can't be a dictator," the leader of the free world said. When told that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega does not make tortilla chips, Reagan replied, "There you go again," and muttered Reagan was also asked about the Sandinistas' alleged Marxist leanipgs. "Well I know Harpo didn't say much, but Groucho...I remember one time, me and Joe McCarthy were sitting around burning books, and Groucho comes along..." really an exiled Russian ballet star," said 'Sen. Edward (John and Rob's brother) Kennedy. Presidential hopeful Robert Dole was vacationing on his pineapple plantation and could not be reached for comment. See SENILITY, Page 1988 Reagan ...kills Commies Ortega ...makes taco chips New VP Duderstadt reveals Kock By MERKE COMMIE In a surprise twist yesterday, new Vice President for Academic Affairs, James Duderstadt revealed that he is *really MSA military researcher Ingrid Kock. Just after his/her/its nomination was approved by the Bored of Regents, Duder- new vice president ripped off her suit, revealing a tye-dyed t-shirt and mood beads. "THERE will be no more research on this campus," Kock proclaimed, as Regent r Thomas Roach (D-Saline Solution) screamed, "That's why we need a code!" But Regent Deane Baker (D- Canterbury House) threw a Nicaraguan Bag over his head, and ripped off a mask of his own, revealing a beard and a t-shirt saying "No SDI research on campus." "It was all a joke," he yelled. "All that stuff about the Soviets taking over Ann Arbor. You really didn't ex- pect an intelligent man like me to support Reagan did you? You know, the Russians love their children too." After several other regents sud- denly began screaming that they were the reincarnations of Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin, the regents decided to rename themselves the University of MIchigan Revolutionary Council. They immediately divested from com- panies that do business with anywhere bad. See REVOLUTION, Page 1 Regents plan I to revive Diag -'Hash Bash' 'Everybody must get a stoned, 'Neelsin says h - M.- V It's business as usual at the Diag (which was destroyed yesterday), as University engineer Toto D. Struction takes an eye exam. Struction had helped build the 'Star Wars' shield which was guaranteed to be three times more absorbant than the leading form of university protection. Diag shocked b toxic shield By ANITA BONGBITT All eight members of the Univer- sity's Board of Regents said yester- day they plan to participate in the previously defunct Hash Bash at noon today on the diag. The Hash Bash, which began April 1, 1972 to celebrate Ann Arbor's lenient marijuana law, has dwindled in popularity throughout the 1980s. Last year, nobody showed up. REGENT Thomas Roach (D- Hicksville) said the regents plan to revive the event by "getting totally shitfaced, totally blown away." "You just can't trust these college students to carry out what I believe is part of the University of Michigan's tradition of excellence in all areas-and that includes getting stoned," said Roach, who made his millions after inventing the roach clip. Regent Deane "Dino" Baker (R- Ann Arbor), who once was a vocal op- ponent of the city's $5 pot law, said he changed his attitude when he vacationed in Jamaica last year. "That reggae music, mon," he said, "it gets inside of you, and the ganja is so cheap down there, mon." BAKER declined to elaborate. University President Harold Shapiro, who said he is "a lot hipper than people think I am," said he hadn't heard about the regents' plans, but added, "It sounds like a good idea to me. It would probably loosen up a few of them, especially Sarah (Power)." Shapiro said the move doesn't sur- prise him, because the regents oc- casionally smoke weed in their "executive sessions," when the media and general public are not allowed to attend. Although the regents seems to discuss things like personnel matters and pending legal cases, they actually ponder highly important matters, like who will make a run to Taco Bell. DIRECTOR of Campus Safety Leo Heatley said security officials will videotape the regents and follow them home after the demonstration. "It's just our standard procedure," he said. "Anytime there might be protesters, we like to be there in case something happens." Heatley added that he doesn't think there will be any arrests, becuase technically, the regents own all University property, including students and faculty. Regent Kneel "Rasta" Neelsin (R- Brighton) said he plans to attend the bash because Ann Arbor is "so much cooler" than Brighton. "You want to talk dull? In Brighton, a crazy night out is bowling and TV. Students don't know how good they've got it," he said. "Everybody must get stoned." LSA Dean Peter Steiner said he does not approve of the regents' plan. "There's something about marijuana," he said. "It gives me gas, and it makes my glasses fog up." Steiner said he may try to take advan- tage of the regents' happy-go-lucky mood today by trying to get them to approve a $3 million plan to paint the LSA Building dark brown. "I think it would be more dignified," he said. By CLIFF PROTO The University's recently-built "Star Wars" defense shield went beserk on the diag yesterday, killing 3,000 student protesters and leveling the Graduate Library. Spewing beams of space death, the 5,000 Gigawatt particle beam collap- sed in a heap of failed technology, shaking windows as far away as Lawrence Livermore Labs in Berkeley, Calif. "IT WAS just a test-we'll get it right next time," said electrical engineering professor Theodore Bir- dsall, who designed the $10 trillion toy. "If the students won't let us protect them with a code, then, by gosh, we'll just have to keep building defense shields," said University President Harold Shapiro. He then expressed his "profound regret" for the victims, who were incinerated into piles of microdust. Yesterday's tragedy had been scheduled as ademonstration of the first project completed under the University's new classified research guidelines. The guideines forbid all research that does not pose a "direct and violent threat to human life." DR. JOSEPH Mengele, who succeeded Prof. Phillip Converse as head of the committee that changed the guidelines, called yesterday's test a successful demonstration of ad- ministrative power against certain unnamed leftist organizations. "Zis weel be veddy effective against zees people," said Mengele, once thought to be killed on a safari in South American. When asked to comment on the new guidelines, University Vice President for Research Linda Wilson smiled, went into her office, and closed the door. ISA debates doing nothing, can't decide By SOME DEODORANT The Michigan Student Assembly debated for four hours last night whether to pass a resolution resolving to ban future resolutions. The matter was left unresolved. Outgoing Assembly President Paul Josephson, who proposed the move, complained that the dozens of resolutions passed by the assembly this year "have not accomplished cow dung." ITHAT'S the last time I'm ever talking to a Daily reporter while I'm getting laid," Josephson said afterwards. Law school representative Eric "Be it resolved" Schnaufer, who had never failed to voice his opinion about a proposed resolution, called the measure a "Blatant political move." by Josephson. Schnaufer said Josephson "is just trying to spoil my fun. Now what am I going to do on Tuesday nights? Study?" SCHNAUFER further accused Josephson of pushing for the resolution in order to get home in time to catch the second half of the NBS televsion show the "A-Team." During last night's episode, Mr. T. 'That's the last time I'm ever talking to a Daily reporter while I'm getting laid.' -Former MSA President Paul Josephson (who thought he'd be an LSA representative) mud which deluged the MSA offices during last week's MSA elections. Fortunately, none of the mud lan- ded in any nearby University offices. - "We're just thankful none of it lan- ded over here in the Fleming (Ad- ministration) Building," said Unvier- sity President Harold Shapiro. CANDIDATES from the "Penguin" and "Granola" parties had traded scathing accusations during the recent MSA elections. 'Penguin' party representatives originally accused Granola candidates of trying to take over the campus in a violent com- munist revolution after four were seen walking into a showing of the Marx Brothers' "Duck Soup." "We have a signed statement right here from Jenifer Faigel that she and Mark Weisbrot once were members of the Harpo and Groucho Worker's Par- ty in Nicaragua," said Penguin Kurt Muenchow. Granola candidates soon retaliated by distributing a picture of Muenchow inserting a live trout into his trousers. Muenchow blasted the Granola Party for "fish-baiting." Independent candidate Ziggy over- whelmingly won the election after asserting that he liked neither Groucho Marx nor John Lenin, and opposed the cruel treatment of living things, particularly those being put inside Muenchow's trousers. See FISH-BAITING, Page 3 and Ingrid Kock stopped the evil Dr. Shapiro from unleashing the evil code ray at a midwestern public university for out-of-state students who can't get into Harvard. Assembly representatives gasped as Schanufer hurled charges that Josepheson is hopelessly addicted to the program, and even pilphered MSA funds to buy a VCR so he could watch the show repeatedly. LAST NIGHT'S meeting was held in, the Pendleton Room of the Union, sin- ce work crews are still cleaning up TODAY- Ciao, Babes This is the last day of publication for The Michigan Daily. After being abused and unapprecated by everybody on campus,awe nrP t~ak i mo nmcinea nd going home- Ray who? By the way INSIDE GRANOLA: Opinion attacks Donny Osmond as fascist. See Page LOVE. ENIGMATIC: Arts reviews the comeback of the antithesis of esoteric disco. See Page HATE. F or the first time in more than five years, political science Prof. Raymond Tanter disappeared from campus media this week. The controversial professor The University Board of Regents yesterday passed the code of non-academic conduct, banning speech by all students except when spoken to, and then only "yes, sir." MSA was unavailable because memhrs I