4 PINION Page 4 Monday, March 31, 1986 The Michigan Doily te bst a n M ichig an l Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVI, No. 122 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board Great Greeks HE MONEY that the Greek . system raised for charity during last week's "Greek Week" is a fine demonstration of students successfully mobilizing for a worthwhile cause. "Greek Week" consisted of various competitive events - ranging from a spaghetti "chow- down" and jello jump, to dance and song contests. The money collected for each event will be donated to a specific charity. The jello jump alone generated $2,400 for muscular dystrophy, and the dance contest raised $2,000 for the Arthritis foundation. The proceeds of the entire week's activities :totalled $30,000 - a rather im- A:pressive sum in exchange for fun. } The Greek system utilized its primary resource - its members - to their utmost potential. "Greek Week" is an excellent. *example of the "power of the ,masses", each contributing a 'small part to achieve a greater goal. The most necessary factor, perhaps, is motivation - and determination that people working together can realize their expec- tations if they are realistic and cooperative. During the week of Michigan Student Assembly elec- tions, most students didn't care enough about the issues to get in- formed and vote. Such a situation denies MSA of its only resource - students. MSA like the Greek sy- stem, needs the support of its con- stituency in order to attain its goals, and subsequently affect a change in University life. The organizers of "Greek Week" were only able to raise the money that they did through the com- bined efforts of many people, who share a common interest and are dedicated to affecting change. "Greek Week" is an inspiration to all students who doubt the merit of individual participation in a group effort, whether it be a political protest, student gover- nment ... or a bed-stacking race. £N L INTO MW 6-ULE A&ND) WN&N&h MkY PAi2MP AND 9-L'LY MYPASeNjaM1e5 To SUPoRT Me A 1*r-ME A K12AM~ON&r Y D'IVDP EDOVLI. , I E~ &You t' Military researcher rights Spring blooms 'SPRING IS HERE. Officially, it started last Thursday at 5:03 p.m. but ol' Man Winter stayed around last weekend, accompanied by frigid temperatures and gusty winds. In the past few days, however, certain signs of spring have appeared: sunny skies and 60 degree temperatures and the release of the Fall, '86 course catalogs. These happenings have. surely convinced even the most ,skeptical that spring has arrived. What does this new season mean? It means walks through the Arb, hacky-sack and people- watching on the Diag, outdoor par- ties, and the temptation to skip the class you haven't gone to in a week in order to soak up the afternoon sun. But spring also means the return of preachers, of Mike and Brother Jed to the Diag to preach to the spectators and hecklers their ver- sion of the truth. It also means the winding down of classes; hold on, they've only got a month to go. Then comes summer, with its more leisurely pace for those working, vacationing, and even for those continuing to study. So take advantage of the new season. Make that trip up to North Campus and explore the solitude. Unrust that bike and explore the seldom frequented parts of old Ann Arbor. It'll make the finals season go a little easier. While the chill and rain might return for a while, don't despair. They're only temporary, and necessary to make the flowers grow. Spring is here to stay ... or at least until summer pushes it aside. By David Vogel The University of Michigan has been living under a dictatorial-like set of rules since 1972, and yet most "campus leaders" are fully in support of them. The guidelines I refer to are those regulating classified research on campus: they ban any research that has publications restrictions beyond one year ("secret" research) or research that contributes to the destruction of human life (weapons research). The restrictions are intended to create a better research en- vironment at our university. However, the. restrictions on weapons research are im- moral and undemocratic and must be abolished. Immoral? Indeed, the main argument against weapons research is that it is inten- ded to kill people, and that morally, it is wrong to contribute to such death and destruction. Furthermore, opponents argue that the current US-USSR arms race and weapons build-up is pushing us toward ar- maggedon; thus the University must refrain, in the name of peace, from con- tributing to world tensions. This is the predominate view held by most campus leaders in Michigan Student Assembly and other student/faculty groups. Their decisions to not suppport military research are due to a strong, personal moral conviction. That, however, is all that is involved: a personal, moral opinion. Their arguments have no legal basis; that is, there are no court cases or laws in this country that would specifically support their views. Opponents to the research just basically believe that weapons research is wrong. Well, wake up to reality. This is America. David Vogel, a junior in aerospace. engineering is publisher of the Michigan Review. not a totalitarian dictatorship, but a pluralistic society that honors all different views and morals. The basic precepts of the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Indepen- dence, and all American politics (the un- derlying moral codes of our society) are that no one has the right to enforce their morals and opinions over other people. Per- sonal morals, while honorable, have no place in laws and society when they directly prohibit the exercise of someone else's moral ethics. (Anybody who wishes to argue with this position cannot possibly call him/herself a true believer in democracy.) The Supreme Cuort's Roe v. Wade. decision, supporting a woman's choice for abortion, is an excellent example. While the Court never said that abortion is "good", it merely said that the "abortion is bad" argument is based on personal opinion and not legal fact. Thus right-to-lifers, if they do not like abortions, do not have to have them. But they have no right to tell other people, who believe abortion is not "bad," that those people cannot have abortions. The bottom line on the abortion issue, as far as American courts and legislatures have determined (as well as' the National Organization of Women) no legal, legitimate proof exists to show abortions should be illegal; thus, if someone believes abortions are not wrong, they may choose to have an abortion. The parallels to military research are identical. Some people believe that weapons research is undesirable; that is- their person- al opinion. Fine, then. They do not have to participate in such research. But these people must admit that there are opinions that military research is good - that it helps strengthen our military, protects our nation, and thereby enhances world stability. Which side is correct? American law recognized neither side as correct. Legally, neither argument is "more right" than the other, stressing the word "legally." Thus, it is a violation of the Con- stitutional rights of professors and students to say that they cannot participate in research that to some may be very offen- sive. For those appalled at the research, recognize that it is immoral to force your opinions on those who wish to do the resear- ch. The crime is that the people who are op- posed to weapons research are mostly LSA students and faculty; the people who want the research tend to be engineers. Fur- thermore, it is the engineers who would ac- tually do the research. What we have is a group of people enforcing their will on the group who want the:research. (A vaguely familiar scenario with the abortion issue!) Are our campus leaders acting in a manner consistent with our pluralistic democracy? Are they considering the rights and wishes of the minority? One disturbing excuse offered for the existence of the guidelines is that engineers are "biased" toward the research: that sin- ce they are the ones who actually benefit from the research, they naturally support it. Supposedly this has caused them to become "ignorant" of the moral aspects of weapons research. Again, this argument has no legitimate basis when applied to American ideals. Courts have consistently upheld that it does not matter why a person holds a certain belief, only that they hold it. (Naturally, a poor pregnant teenage girl might support abortions. Has she been made "ignorant"? I think that campus women's groups would vehemently disagree.) I urge the many leaders on our campus, whether student, faculty, or administrator, to dismantle the current research guidelines. I realize that most leaders are sickened at the very thought of weapons research. But I challenge them to show their commitment to democratic principles. Put aside your own personal opinions; Summon your will power; do the morally right policy. Let democracy return to our campus. Congratulations LETTERS: H AVING WON the presidential and vice-presidential seats of the Michigan Student Assembly, Kurt %Muenchow and Darrell Thompson deserve the support of the student ,body. The time has come for both Student Rights and Meadow to leave behind irresponsible cam- paign tactics, and develop good relations to work together .toward resolving the issues that were carefully defined during the cam- paign. MSA election marked by dirty politics NOW T IT wive BEV E7c7kp, q-t Vo NJr= Do lyoW > iY t KNOWA Lrn WRIT ovi-p WE o0 Atvt . ' NY tiN K R EC7 % Y AK y . t Alf RZ To the Daily: This spring's MSA elections were preceded by the poorest cam- paign activities that I have seen in the last three years. Although the elections are now over I would like to comment on some of the things I saw or heard. One Meadow party poster used a picture of the Code Rally and as one of those present in the photo I would like to draw attention to the fact that the prominence ac- corded Kurt Muenchow in the picture is no relation to the prominence of his activities against the Code. All MSA mem- bers were asked to attend the rall and mann nf us did shnw im that the Meadow poster designer cropped Student Rights presiden- tial candidate Jen Faigel from the photo that appeared on the poster. The Oct. 14, 1984 Daily and the Jan/Feb 1985 issue of the Michigan Alumni magazine didn't delete her. Her removal does not take away from the fact that she was there, was photographed and thus has as much claim for taking part in the "action" as Muenchow. The mudslinging and dirty politics exhibited by the Meadow party over the Marxist Group in- cident was also disturbing. As past Student Organizations Board chairperson for MSA I saw many groups coming into the of- fice with forms missing signatures. Often these groups needed to be recognized in or'3r to use facilities or receive money, often they did not have time to hunt down members. MSA mem- bers and student employees were often asked to sign these forms. Thus I myself became a member of the Black Greek Association and the Michigan Alliance again- st Disarmament even though I was never associated with these groups. Additionally the fact that red baiting happened by students who might be representing University students is disturbing. What happens when those groups with Marxist philosophies seek recognition or funding, will they receive fair treatment? Anyway, I hope that in the future MSA elections are a little more professional, reasonable and a little less ridiculous. -J. Homer Thiel MSA member Mar. 1984 to Oct. 1986 T1nTl rr nr s s ntr T1rni1 r vs irnr inty I I.a