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March 31, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-03-31

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Nityaa t
Ninety-six years of editorial freedom


Vol. XCVI - 'No. 122

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 31, 1986

Ten Pages

look for
With just under five weeks left
before final exams end, students
trying to sublet their apartments for
the summer terms are getting
desperate and settling for low prices
and loose contracts.
The Daily's annual summer sublet sup-
plement begins on Page 5.
'Students are looking for sublets
later than usual this year, said Joe
Rumsey, assistant director of the
Housing Information Office, but the
number of students seeking summer
lodging has remained constant.
RUMSEY said her office has posted
about 300 notices advertising sublets,
although many more locations are
subletted through word-of-mouth. In
addition, some students simply give
up looking for subletters because it's
such a buyer's market.
Because there are about one-third
as many students enrolled during
spring and summer terms as during
fall and winter terms, it's possible to
get a room for less than $100 a month;,
"Everything gets more negotiable
the closer we get to the end of winter
semester," Rumsey said.
Rumsey said students hoping to
sublet their apartments should make
careful arrangements with both the
See TENANTS, Page 7

Students may
sue Meadow
over election

Three members of the Michigan
Student Assembly, including former
Student Rights party presidential
candidate Jen Faigel, said yesterday
they plan to sue members of the
Meadow party, the Michigan Review,
Students Proud of Campus Knowledge
(SPOCK), and possibly the assembly
The students say their names and
social security numbers were
illegally revealed when Meadow party
members displayed assembly
documents to the Engineering Coun-
cil, the Daily, and employees of
Kinko's copying.
Faigel's signature and those of Law
School representative Eric Schnaufer
and MSA military researcher Ingrid
Kock were displayed on a form which
was submitted to MSA by the
"Marxist Group" so that group could
be officially recognized by MSA. The
form was later used on a poster put up
around campus by SPOCK, although
the social security numbers were
crossed out to make the posters.
Schnaufer said he and the other
students whose names appeared on
the forms will meet- this week to
decide if they will take legal action.
Schnaufer cited the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act,

also known as the Buckley Amen-
dment, which restricts information
the University may disseminate about
a private citizen.
Also over the weekend, the assem-
bly released election results for LSA
representatives and four referenda
questions on the ballot.
Representing LSA next year will
be: Kimberly Washington, John Cac-
chione, John Fitzgerald, Ashish
Prasad, Ken Cohen, and David
Newblatt, all of the Meadow party;
Lisa DeYoung, Kathleen O'Connor,
Rebecca Felton, Hillary Farber
Michelle Fischer, Michael Margolis,
Susan Carter, Lisa Russ, Matt
Tucker, Ken Weine, Ed Kraus, and
Deborah Weisman, all of the Student
Rights party.
Three of the four ballot*referenda
were approved. They mandate MSA
approval of a code of non-academic
conduct, urge student organizations to
divest funds from organizations with
holdings in South Africa, and to
request that each school set its own
college government fee.
Proposal C,which asked if the
University should allow firms suppor-
ting terrorist activities to recruit on
campus failed by a margin of 53-47

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Balancing act
Ann Arbor resident Dave Cloutier does tricks on his bicycle at the corner of East University and South Univer-
sity on Friday afternoon.

Opening of Tally Hall may cut Union's business

Businesses in the basement of the Michigan Union are
getting nervous about the impending opening of Tally
Hall, which will contain at least 20 restaurants and as
many as 15 shops.
The mall, scheduled to open June 26, could mean a
drop in business for the Union shops because they are
only three blocks away from Tally Hall.
FRANK CIANCIOLA, director of the Union, said he
expects the MUG's business to drop slightly when Tally
Hall opens. In the long run, however, the mall's impact

on the MUG will be minor,'Cianciola said.
"The MUG was designed to be more than a place to get
a burger. It's a place to meet a cross-section of the
University, a place to hang out," he said.
Cianciola said Tally Hall will force the Union
businesses to gear their operation more toward studen-
ts, the Union's primary customers, but there are curren-
tly no plans to expand the variety of food services of-
fered in the MUG. "We're not preparing for anything
specific right now, but we are always looking for
possibilities," Cianciola said..

PATRICIA MORRISSEY, manager of Great Places
Travel in the basement of the Union, said she doesn't
think her store will be seriously hurt by Tally Hall.
Initially, though, she feels the overall business in the
Union might slow down because people will explore the
new mall.
The mall, located on East Washington between
Division and State streets, will have a ground level food
court containing 22 to 25 restaurants around a common
eating area, a retail level for 11 to 15 shops, and a
parking structure with spaces for 600 cars.
Other private entrepreneurs are also concerned about

the impact of Tally Hall. Mike Watassek, owner of
Jacques Patisserie on North University, said he hopes th
the mall will bring more people to Ann Arbor, even
though he is concerned that his business might suffer.
Watassek said he suspects that the quality of food ser-
ved at the mall will not be as good as his. He said he per-
ceives the mall as a place where "high school kids will
hang around and get burgers and soda."
JULIE SMITH, manager of Mrs. Peabody's Cookies,
See MALL, Page 7

. .. .......

A2 Cit council
candidate patches
*area potholes
City Council candidate Dave DeVarti, armed with a
half-ton of cold patch gravel, shovels, road flags,
brooms, construction gear, and eight volunteers, set out
Saturday to patch up the potholes in Ann Arbor's Fourth
"Patching potholes will demonstrate my commitment
to improving road conditions," said DeVarti, a
Democratic candidate who has consistently accused
Republicans of neglecting the city's streets.
CITY ELECTIONS will be held on April 7.
DeVarti estimated that he and his crew, which in-
cluded several students, managed to fix 60 percent of the
ward's potholes in a four-hour session that lasted until
around 2 p.m.
Starting at Dominick's, a restaurant and bar on
Monroe Street that is owned by DeVarti's father, the
"pothole patrol" headed up Oakland Street, where they
filled 10 potholes.
THE VOLUNTEERS stuck to side streets such as
Hoover, Hutchins, and East Madison, avoiding major
thoroughfares so thev would not disrupt traffic.
See DEVARTI, Page 7

82 students sign complaint
letter against Prof Tanter

Eighty-two students in political
science Prof. Raymond Tanter's class,
"The Arab-Israeli Conflict," have
signed a letter of complaint against
Tanter, which they plan to present to
the chairman of the political science
department today.
The letter charges that the course is
too pro-Israeli and that Tanter
patronizes his students.
"THE DIRECTION of the course, in
terms of the material being covered in

his lectures, is wholly inadequate,"
the letter says. "While claiming to be
unbiased and 'even-handed,' he con-
tradicts this ideal by dealing with only
one side of the issue."
"Questions or points that the
students bring up are often responded
to with comments regarding their in-
validity or irrelevancy," the letter,
said. "As a consequence, many
students walk away from lecture
feeling patronized, abused, insulted,

or ignored. Attendance to his lectures
has been dropping as a result of such
Both Tanter and John Kingdon,
chairman of the political science
department, declined to comment.
THE LETTER cited a recent incid-
ent when Tanter "felt cornered" by
students' questions. Herallegedly
responded by singling out a student in
See STUDENTS, Page 7

Court arraigns protesters today

The first of 39 of 118 protesters who
were arrested inside Rep. Carl Pur-
sell's (R-Ann Arbor) local office 21/2
weeks ago will be arraigned
tomorrow on charges of trespassing.
The protesters were arrested over a
four-day period beginning March 14
as they demonstrated against Pur-
sell's support for President Reagan's
plan to send $100 million in military
' and humanitarian aid to the
Nicaraguan Contras. The aid bill,
which was rejected by the House of
Representatives, passed the Senate

last week and will return to the House
fo another vote later this month.
The demonstrators met at East
Quad on Saturday to discuss the
"legal implications of being
arrested," said Dean Baker,
Rackham Student Government
president and one of those arrested.
According to Dmitri Iglitzin, a third
year law student who is being
arraigned today, most of the
protesters will plead not guilty. Iglit-
zin added that no protesters have
lawyers yet, but will start to get them

"A lot of attorneys have volun-
teered their services for no fee," Iglit-
zin said. He added that he thinks most
of the students will go to Student
Legal Services first.
Mark Weisbrot, another graduate
student protester, said he believes the
charges would be dropped.
"Let's put it this way," Weisbrot
said. "They're not going to put 118
people on trial. In the past, Pursell
has always dropped charges. I don't
believe he's willing to attract more
publicity for his support of terrorism
in Central America."

Daily Photo by JAE KIM.
City Council candidate Dave DeVarti receives help from
volunteers as he fills potholes along Oakland Street


Good news
THE NEWSPAPER delivery boy brought the best
news possible to Nancy Halvorsen. Along with The
Columbus Dispatch, Steven Rumbalowski, 13, dropped

Idaho fried
W HERE ELSE would frozen potatoes get french
fried by the truck load? A tractor-trailer rig

GREAT GREEKS: Opinion applauds the fund-
raising success of Greek Week. See Page 4.



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