The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 14, 1986 - Page 3
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LSA students
.may face more
8 a.m. classes
More students could wind up atten-
ding 8 a.m. and evening classes if the.
proposed renovation of the East
Engineering Building takes place as
scheduled in 1987.
In a report to the LSA faculty
yesterday, James Cather, associate
dean for curriculum and ad-
ministration, said that to accomodate
the shutdown of 18 East Engineering
classrooms, departments will have to
schedule more classes during the less
desirable times - before 9 am and af-
ter 3 pm.
president for state relations, said that
the $16-22 million project is expected
to get initial state approval and fun-
ding within a month. If all goes as
planned, construction could begin in
April 1987, Kennedy added.
Cather urged the LSA faculty to ap-
prove a two-year renovation plan,
which would completely shut down
the building. The other option is a
four-year plan that would allow some
classrooms to remain available
during the construction.
SBut Cather noted the classrooms
would be noisy from the construction
and that a longer plan could cost
significantly more.
Cather said that only 20 percent of
the LSA classrooms are currently
being used at 8 a.m., while 80-90 per-
cent of the rooms are utilized between
9 a.m. and 3 p.m. "The only way we
can make it work is to reschedule
before 9 and after 3," Cather said.
Some faculty members raised con-
cern about whether students would
register for 8 a.m. classes. But
Cather responded, "I think we would
have no difficulty." LSA Dean Peter
Steiner agreed, and said that depar-
tments could schedule their most
popular classes at 8 a.m. "The way it
works is that students will be coerced
into taking class at 8 or not at all,"
Steiner said.
Although there was no formal vote,
the faculty agreed to accept the two-
year plan. The final decision is up to
the University's executive officers.
Speaking to faculty members,
Steiner said the college was facing a
two- to five-year crisis for classroom
space. "Our student load has in-
creased over the last two to three
years and is expected to increase even
more," Steiner said.
In addition, Steiner said the college
needs to create more space for com-
puters. He and Cather have submit-
ted to the executive officers a 10-year
plan to create the needed space.
Besides the availability of
classrooms, their report addresses
the problem of scattered departments
and needed building renovations.
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Lisa Farley, window designer for Middle Earth on South University Friday fooled a few passers-by who mistook her for a mannequin in a
New Year's display.
is she alive? Designer stumps passers-by
*U.S. won't sanction Syria
Lisa Farley says she was "just
trying to liven things up a bit."
At least that's the reason she gave
for playing dead Friday in the front
window of Middle Earth on South
University. Farley, the designer
behind Middle Earth's always eye-
catching window displays, had
passers-by stopping, doing double-
takes, and tapping on the glass to see
if she was really a human.
Wioth ier jet black hair wound up in
curlers and a handkerchief, her fair
skin heavily made -up, her eyes hid-
den behind cat-eye glasses, and her
bathrobed body slumped in an old
arm chair, Farley was the center-
piece of a display entitled, "A Toast to
New Year's."
SLICES of toasted bread were scat-
tered about the floor, on a table
behind Farley's chair, and on a small
black and white TV which was turned
on all day.
About the time The Flintstones
came on - around 10 a.m. - Farley
began to concentrate on not moving
when passers-by walked up to the
"People don't realize I can hear
them through the glass," the 1984 art
school graduate said later in the af-
ternoon. "But they were wondering
whether or not I was a mannequin. I
guess I should have drawn black lines
on my wrists to look like joints.
"Some kids would stand here for
about two minutes, waiting to see if I
would breathe. I could barely hold my
breath that long."
Farley said she had been stumped
for a display theme because Christ-
mas had left her short on regular
items stocked in the store and because
January is generally an unexciting
That was until her boss challenged
her to try a "live" display.
WASHINGTON (AP) - The United
States has "no plan or thought" to im-
pose sanctions against Syria, despite
intelligence reports that the terrorists
who attacked the Rome and Vienna
airports last month were trained in
the Syrian-controlled Bekka Valley in
Lebanon and traveled through
Damascus on the way to the airport
* assaults, Secretary of State George P.
Shultz said.
"To what extent, of course . .. that
involved the Syrian authorities, we're
not able to say," Shultz said Sunday
on the CBS program "Face the
President Reagan, citing evidence
of Libyan support of the terrorists,
last week froze Libyan assets in the
United States and ordered an
economic boycott of that nation.
SHULTZ said while Syria is on the
State Department's list of countries
supporting terrorism, "Syria's
behavior toward all these things is
rather different from Libya's."
"And beyond that, of course, we are
working with Syria on a number of
fronts in a constructive way," Shultz
Shultz was apparently responding
to Syrian officials quoted in Sunday
editions of The New York Times, who
expressed irritation over remarks last
week by a U.S. official that sanctions
might be imposed against Syria.
Robert Oakley, head of the State
Department's counterterrorism unit
was asked by reporters last Thursday
if sanctions might be imposed against
Syria. "It could possibly come to
that," he replied.
OAKLEY also charged that Syria
supports Abu Nidal, the renegade
Palestinian faction U.S. officials
believe was responsible for the Dec.
27 attacks on the European airports
'U'student to welcome husband from Soviet Union
that killed five people and left 19
Shultz said the Reagan ad-
ministration decision to focus on
Libya in its anti-terrorist campaign
was due to what he called "a whole
pattern of terrorist activity" carried
out by the government of Col Moam-
mar Khadafy.
Shultz refused to comment on
reports that the United States was
contemplating other actions against
the Khadafy government, ranging
from military strikes to providing
covert support to opposition groups or
efforts to overthrow the Khadafy
Defense Secretary Caspar Wein-
berger, appearing on the ABC
program "This week with David
Brinkley," said "We have certainly
the means, we have the capabilities of
doing other things," without
elaborating on what other steps might
be taken.
(Continued from Page 1)
Michigan also wrote letters, she says
as did administrators here at the
University. President Harold Shapiro,
LSA Dean Peter Steiner, and
Engineering Dean James Duderstadt
wrote letters on her behalf, Gubin says
they argued for Lodisev's release as
only fair, given the University's fair
treatment of visiting professors from
the Soviet Union.
The battle has taken its toll both
emotionally and physically on Gubin.
A YEAR-and-a-half ago Gubin took
a leave of absence from the Univer-
sity because, as she explains, "I could
not support myself, work on my
dissertation, and lobby for my
husband's release at the same time."
She has lived with her parents in
Kalamazoo and worked for her
father's company in the interim.
She visited her husband in July 1982
and again last August. Until recently,
she ran up monthly telephone bills of
$300 for calls to the Soviet Union and
to Washington.
Her constant lobbying bore fruit
November, when Soviet officials an-
nounced the list of 10 citizens who
would be permitted to emigrate to the
United States. That same day, the
American under-Secretary of State
called Gubin and told her that her
husband's name was on that list.
THE NEXT day Gubin called
Lodisev to give him the news. He then
contacted Soviet officials who confir-
med that his name was among those
on the list. Lodisev was told, however,
that he would have to reapply to get
an exit visa. He received it just one
week ago and last weekend boarded a
train to Moscow from his hometown,
He is scheduled to arrive in Newark,
New Jersey next Monday. She hopes
that she and her husband can move to
Ann Arbor, where he will try to find a
job as a computer programmer and
she will resume her studies at the
Gubin believes she and her husband
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would have been reunited sometime
this year, but she says the summit un-
doubtedly helped spur his release.
"I'M GLAD there was a summit
irrespective of my position . . . I feel
the summit helped."
"I don't think this issue should be
part of politics . . . I think it demon-
strates a lack of seriousness on their
part. This gesture shows they are
becoming more serious, but only
when it ends (keeping families
separated) will *e know that they are
definitely serious."
The excitement and disdain are still
audible in her voice when she explains
that her role for the coalition is not
"I'm hopeful that the time if right,
that relationships are getting better,
and that this new regime is smarter
than the last one ... We're hopeful we
will see the resolution of all of these
cases ... and I certainly will continue
until this occurs."
William Holinger, assistant professor of English literature, will read
from and speak about his first novel, The Fence Walker, about an
American soldier in Korea in 1968. The lecture, sponsored by the Ann Ar-
bor Public Library's Booked for Lunch program, will begin at 12:10 p.m.
at the library, 343S. Fifth Ave.
Michigan Theater Foundation - Body Double, 8 & 10 p.m., Michigan
School of Music - Recital, trumpet, Daniel D'Addio, 8 p.m., Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Psychobiology - Ernest Johnson, "Cardiovascular and Behavioral
Concommitants of Anger: Implications for Treating Hypertension and
the Type-A behavior Pattern," 12:30 p.m., room 1057, MHRI.
Chemistry - David M. Hercules, "Surface Analytical Studies of
Heterogeneous Catalysts," 4 p.m., room 1300, Chemistry Bldg.
School of Business Administration - Arthur M. Stein, "The Investor
Owned Health Care Service Industry," 4:15 p.m., Assembly Hall.
Ecumenical Campus Center - Lunch forum, Michiyo Yamamoto,
"Japanese Women Today," noon, 603 E. Madison.
Biology - James H. Brown, "Ecology of Desert Rodents'; Community
Organization and Impact on Ecosystems," 4 p.m., room 3056, Nat. Sci.
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