cl ble Sir igan Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom tti1u Vol. XCVI -No. 119 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, March 26, 1986 Eight Pages Action against Libya continues lU.S. jets, ships destroy two Libyan boats, WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. jets and warships destroyed two Libyan patrol boats and damaged a radar missile site yesterday and the Pen- tagon declared the renewed American action a defense against "hostile in- tentions," even though no hostile fire provoked it. White House spokesman Larry Speakes said the U.S. forces attacked after a Libyan missile-guidance radar installation that had been hit earlier was determined to be still functioning. AT THE Pentagon, spokesman Robert Sims backtracked on his earlier statements that the latest U.S. attacks were in retaliation for new firing from the Libyans. Speakes said guided missiles from the cruiser Yorktown and carrier- I. uw based jets had fired at five Libyan boats yesterday. Three were set afire or sunk; a fourth was damaged but returned to port; the fifty may have escaped, Speaks said. At least 150 crewmen were believed to aboard the Libyan vessels. Speakes said the United States struck again at a Soviet-built Libyan missile site at Sirte that had been reported knocked out in the initial retaliatory strike on Monday. SPEAKES, who spoke with reporters at midday, said there had been no firing from either side in at least 11 hours. The spokesman said there were no reported U.S. casualties or damage. Monday's strike came after six anti- aircraft missiles were fired at - but missed - U.S. warplanes crossing Libyan leader Mohammar Khadafy's "line of death" at the mouth of the Gulf of Sidra. Early today, the Pentagon reported that the renewed U.S. attacks on at least two patrol boats and the missile site came after Libya fired six more missiles at carrier-based warplanes operating over the gulf. BUT SPEAKES later said the United States could confirm only six missiles had been fired in all and suggested the new reports may have duplicated those announced earlier. Asked if he was saying that the only confirmed firing following Monday's announcement of conflict had come from U.S. forces, Speakes said, "That's correct." Later, Pentagon spokesman Sims said no Libyan missile firings had been detected since Monday after- noon Eastern time, or Monday evening in the Mediterranean. Sims also acknowledged there had damage m been internal confusion within the Pentagon over the precise number of missiles fired by the Libyans. HE SAID the Defense Department had been unable to confirm the num- ber of missiles launched during each issile sites "firing event." Sims said the Pentagon had confir- med that a minimum of six missiles had been fired; "probably" eight and See U.S., Page 3 Experts doubt Reagan motives By ADAM CORT pressing concern that the conflict University experts voiced skepticismmay precipitate increased Libyan yesterday about the Reagan ad- terrorism abroad, possibly in the ministration's insistence that United States. American military exercises in the EDGAR TAYLOR, a recent Gulf of Sidra were not intended to Political Science graduate student provoke a response from Moammar with expertise in the Middle East, Khadafy. said he believes the American They also questioned the wisdom of maneuvers were intended to be confronting the Libyan leader, ex- provocative. He cited the unusual cg presence of three aircraft carriers in the Gulf of Sidra as evidence. Gerald Linderman, a University professor of history who teaches a course on 20th century wars agreed. "I think that we were probably provoking an expected confrontation, anticipating that we would use it to humiliate Khadafy," he said. See KHADAFY, Page 7 gives $20 million to Honduras WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan gave $20 millibn in emergen- cy military assistance to Honduras yesterday and agreed to the use of U.S. helicopter pilots in response to an incursion by troops of the Marxist-led government of neighboring Nicaragua. As many as 1,500 Nicaraguan troops had crossed the border into Honduras, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said. The Honduran gover- nment confirmed the incursion and said it had requested U.S. aid.. SPEAKES said U.S. personnel are "not to be introduced into combat situations." "The use of the president's authority responds to the unforeseen emergency which exists in Hon- duras," Speakes said. Nicaragua's Marxist-led Sandinista government, however, called the bor- der crossing report "one more lie by the Reagan administration." Administration officials described the Nicaraguan military move as the largest of more than 100 Sandinista border crossings into Honduras since the Nicaraguan rebels began using that country as a base of operations more than four years ago. WHITE House Chief of Staff Donald Regan, after meeting with Republican Senate leaders, said tran- sportation assistance will be supplied by U.S. helicopters and pilots. He said they are in Honduras already as part of an on-going military exercise, "Operation Big Pine'86." Regan said that while they will be used in support of the Honduran military forces "they will go no where near the location of the invasion." The president's action came as the Senate prepared to consider his request, already rejected by the House, for $100 million in aid to the Contras opposing the Nicaraguan government. Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE Spring fever With weather escalating to the high 60's yesterday, students crowd onto the Diag, enjoying the first spring thaw. See REAGAN, Page 7 Sports ticket prices to increase I By STEVE HERZ The Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics has decided to raise both football and basketball ticket prices for next season. Athletic Director Don Canham confirmed at last night's board meeting that football tickets will escalate from $14 to $16. Basketball prices will rise from $7 to$8. ALTHOUGH the athletic department brought in $400,000 more in total spectator revenue - mostly due to the basketball team - increased costs limited profits to a minimum. In addition to the larger attendance, which led to more commissions on concessions, the school netted $40,000 for its contest against Georgia Tech in the Tip Off classic. Football made nearly as much money as in 1984 because of a $2 increase in ticket prices and Michigan's $750,000 share of New Year's Day Fiesta Bowl proceeds. Canham said these factors enabled Michigan to play six home games in- stead of seven last year. The second rise in ticket prices in as many years is not confined to the University. Ticket prices have risen at schools throughout the Big Ten and the nation since the United States Supreme Court upheld a ruling that came out of a suit by the Universities of Oklahoma and Georgia that prohibits the NCAA from regulating college foot- ball. THE 1983 ruling led to a flood of televised college games, a tremendous drop in ratings, and a redu- ced paycheck for the schools. "What you have is schools playing four times as many games just to make as much as they did off of one game in the past," Canham explained. The Big Ten conference signed a three year deal with CBS to broadcast college football on Saturday afternoons, but conference lawyers inadvertantly failed to sign the necessary papers - leaving the conference without a contract for the upcoming season. See FOOTBALL, Page 3 Aquino signs interim'freedom constitution' By AMY GOLDSTEIN Philippine President Corazon. Aquino V signed an interim "freedom con- sititution" yesterday that gives her potentially dictatorial powers to reform the government and enact laws, until a permanent constitution can be ratified by a popular referen- dum. The constitution allows Aquino to abolish the National Assembly, guarantees human rights, gives the president power to: enact laws; call for elections; appoint and dismiss mayors and governors; appoint judges, reorganize government provisions, and name the 30-50 mem- bers of the constitutional commission, which will draw-up a draft for a per-, manent Filipino constitution. THE COMMISSION which is to be appointed within 30 days, will then have 90 days to come up with a new constitution. The constitution will then be put to a popular plebicite for ratification. Although the "freedom con- stitution" resembles former President Ferdinand Marcos'martial law, University Journalist in- Residence Melinda Quintos de Jesus said there are two provisions that make it different from martial law. Quintos de Jesus pointed to the freedom of the press and the writ of habeus corpus, which forces the authorities to justify the detention of prisoners, as two rights that make the Aquino government under the "freedom constituion" significantly different than the Marcos government under Martial law. "Marcos has left a legacy of a system that she has to uproot," said Mike Cullinane, program officer for the Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies. Cullinane said Aquino had to abolish the National Assembly, which was comprised mainly of Marcos suppor- ters, because, "if she kept it intact, she would be handcuffed, especially on the local levels." He said "war lor- ds" on the local levels must be removed for Aquino's policies to be See AQUINO, Page 7 Eeny-m eeny . . . Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE LSA freshman James Wittenbach contemplates his MSA election ballot in the Fishbowl yesterday. See story, Page 3. TODAY Up for grabs -INSIDE Murray Jackson-an original signed poem. The auc- tioneer for the event was Ray Brown, a HACE student whose beguiling Texas drawl helped make the day a success. .. , aI Department of Senior Citizens and Human Resources and a Silver Wings Plus discount card from United Airlines. The mailings began in 1982 when Boo, then 27, received a letter inviting him to join the American Association of Retired Persons. As a musician, he could appreciate the letter's references to Benny Goodman, Harry James, and Bunny Berrigan, but he rartni entidn't remember "donnine saddle shoes" SEX DISCRIMINATION: Opinion looks at policies of all-male organizations. See Page 4. 1