I OPINION Page4 Monday, January 13, 1986 The Michigan Daily Editn mdbtat ni t Mi Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan America the beautiful? Vol. XCVI, No. 72 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Balancing Act 0 THE GRAMM-RUDMAN Act is ' a powerful piece of legislation. C Because of the Reagan Ad- ministration's intended policies, the act is likely to be harmful, especially for the poor. Under the provisions of the act, the White House and Capitol Hill must cut the deficit by $11.7 billion this year, reduce the projected 1987 deficit by $50 billion, and make similar cuts each year until the budget is balanced in 1991. If lawmakers cannot follow the prescribed schedule, automatic cuts, both in defense and social programs, will go into effect. The law itself seeks a favorable end - a balanced budget. The current budget deficit is a burden to the national and international economy. The federal gover- nment's enormous demand for capital to cover its debts keeps in- terest rates high. As a result, long- term investment decreases and unemployment increases. In ad- dition, short-term foreign invest- ment in American banks, prom- pted by high interest rates, leads to an overvalued dollar, a slowdown in exports, more unemployment, and defaults on American loans to foreign countries. Clearly, reducing the deficit should be an important'national priority. However, the Reagan Ad- ministration's method of cutting the. deficit is to force the poor to assume the cost. Reagan's plan is consistent with earlier attempts to increase economic growth at the expense of those who are least able to afford it. Specifically, the President proposes to eliminate programs that currently aid America's distressed cities, including $4.6 billion revenue-sharing programs, $400 million in funds for develop- ment grants, and the sewage treatment program. Reagan also proposes to freeze public-housing subsidies and cut funds for mass transit. In addition, Reagan plans to cut such programs as medicaid, medicare, and student loans, all of which are already underfunded. He would have the public believe that cuts, however unfortunate, in these and other social programs are necessary to achieve a balanced budget. However, it is possible to have both a balanced budget and well funded social programs. Under an administration more concerned with the needs of the poor, Gramm-Rudman could be a positive act. Cuts in the forecasted $286 billion military budget, steep taxes on speculative corporate takeovers, and a highly progressive federal income tax could constitute the revenue needed to close the deficit gap in accordance with Gramm- Rudman's prescribed schedule, and the entire society could benefit. Such a conscientious ad- ministration does not presently oc- cupy the White House. In the mean time, voters should urge represen- tatives to resist cuts in badly needed social programs, to support overdue cuts in military spending, and to increase the taxes of those who can afford it. By Brian Leiter The widespread promotion and main- tenance of illusions and falsehoods in American public life is facilitated by the fact that outward appearances suggest an independent and critical mechanism - the media - through which any claim about public life must be filtered. This contrasts markedly with the totaletarian societies where the media cannot support a pretense of critical independence because of the widely acknowledged role of government in the promulgation of all information; con- sequently, the media can not function as a legitimator of knowledge. American media, on the other hand, are always careful to foster debate between "opposing" views and even, under special circumstances, to admit a radically divergent perspective; similarly, the media and its spokesmen are continually busy remarking on and celebrating - in an almost masturbatory fashion - their independence and critical acumen. Yet an examination of how the major media handle almost any issue and a com- parison of this treatment with that afforded in a host of equally if not more credible sources (e.g. scholarly research, the West European press, legitimately non-aligned international watchdog groups and research centers) reveals the existence of deep- seated and pervasive norms and ideological commitments which inform and shape American news reporting. And for this to be the case is really not surprising 'if the character of the major American media is considered more fully. In totalitarian societies where disbursement of information is subject to government con- trol, no one doubts that Big Government - which represents the interests and needs of a particular power constellation, typically the governing party elite - requires news to conform to certain norms and ideological purposes. American media, while not sub- ject to explicit government control, are sub- ject to corporate control, whether it be Time-Life, Inc., the American Broadcasting Company, or the New York Times, Inc. Big Corporations, like their totalitarian coun- terparts, represent the interests and needs of particular power constellations, in this case, the capitalist economy elite (stockholders and top-level management and facilitators). In both cases, we should expect the principle to be the same: a power constellation will not allow itself to be the vehicle for information which upsets its own power base. In terms of their instinctive commitments, Time publisher John Meyers and Mikhail Gorbachev have more in com- mon than their superficial divergent political views suggest. The actual operation and implementation of regulating norms and ideologies in the American media is a complicated matter, which I will say more about tomorrow. I want to turn now, however, to an illustration of this phenomenon: the media treatment of U.S. foreign policy. Media treatment of U.S. foreign policy is governed by three regulating beliefs: 1. U.S. Leiter is a graduate student in law and philosophy. foreign policy is driven by a desire to promote freedom and democracy abroad; 2. Given this motive, the U.S. is justified in in- tervening in the affairs of other countries to serve this end, especially where this in- volves resisting communism, the primary enemy of freedom and democracy; 3. When the U.S. supports or commits atrocities or rights violations it is either a. the product of the force of circumstance (e.g. it's either Botha or communism in S. Africa), or b. an isolated and anomalous phenomenon resulting from, for example, some over- zealous anti-communism (a frequent liberal line on Reagan's war in Nicaragua) or the immoral and universally condemned acts of particular individuals (e.g. My Lai and Lieut. Calley). In all events, such crimes are "misfortunate" and represent a depar- ture from the norm of moral and idealistic foreign policy. Seen from a distance, these beliefs con- stitute a very clever propaganda system which any fascist regime would be proud to implement with the same success enjoyed by the U.S. media. This is not to suggest a conscious campaign of deception; quite the contrary, it is likely that the members of the media themselves adhere to this, world- view. That fact suggests the far-reaching character of these myths. But they are myths nonetheless. Belief 1 is not only unsupported by the historical evidence, but it is flatly contradicted by almost every major foreign policy decision, especially since WWII. Consequently, the frequent invocation of Belief 2 is, not sur- prisingly, almost without exception the cover for the installation of regimes of terror and exploitation. The brilliance of the system is realized however in Belief 3. For the inescapable fact is that when a country is engaged in brutality and aggression on the scale which the U.S. has been, it is highly likely that unpleasant incidents and facts will surface. 3 quickly assimilates those events that surface into a framework in which they are dismissed as anomalous and universally subjected to moral op- probrium, even by the very government of- ficials whose directives these events are only symptomatic of. Thus, theaU.S. and the media turned on Lieut. Calley with a vengeance, quickly obscuring the fact that heavy civilian casualties were a regular part of the U.S. war, that the U.S., along with the Diem regime, had been involved in systematic extermination of civilian populist and democratic activists as early as 1957, and that during the war the CIA was involved in numerous extermination programs aimed at striking fear in the civilian populace, the most notorious being the Phoenix Program between 1968-70. The success of the implementation of this belief system within the general populace requires a review of some of the major U.S. involvements since WWII to illustrate the scope of the deception. Consider these even- ts: *The first applicaton of the Truman Doc- trine was in Greece where, following the collapse of the British-imposed royalist government, the CIA organized the inter- nment, exile, "re-education," and/or execution of tens of thousands of Greeks (communists and anti-government non- communists) - all without trial. eWith U.S. support, Thailand's post-WWlI democracy was gradually undermined by the military, leading to the return to power of Thailand's pro-Axis dictator from the war, Phobue Songkham. *In 1953, the U.S. toppled the Iranian government and installed the Shah. eIn 1954, the U.S. overthrew the reformist, Arbenz government in Guatemala replacing it with a fascist regime, predecessor of today's brutal military diec tatorship. *In 1957, the U.S.-installed Diem regime in S. Vietnam commenced a campaign of rural terror against widespread populist op- position. This culminated with the U.S. in- vasion in 1962 and the systematic bombing of rural areas and the herding of villager into concentration camps in order to flush out the rebel elements. Before the first N. Vietnamese troops entered S. Vietnai (1965), this campaign had killed over 150,000 S. Vietnamese. In 1964, the Brazilian government was overthrown in a U.S.-backed military coup. 'I" 1965, there was a U.S.-backed coup iii Indonesia followed by a tremendous influx of military and economic aid; meanwhile the Indonesian government pursued a Viet- namese-style campaign of rural terror killing some half million peasants; the U.S. aid continued in the late '70's during the In- donesian invasion of East Tim or and the eh- suing genocide (the U.S. also blocked U.N. action on the genocide). eIn 1965, U.S. marines invaded the Dominican Republic following the election of a socialist; new elections were held iti which an acceptable candidate won. *In 1973, the CIA and several multinational corporations organized and 6 backed the overthrow of the democratically- elected Allende government in Chile, replacing it with the brutal Pinochet regime. eIn keeping with its traditional foreign policy prerogatives, the U.S. is now working to overthrow the government in Nicaragua. In addition to these quite explicit inter- ventions, the U.S., usually via the CIA, has been responsible for .training the secret police in the Shah's Iran and the roami death squads of Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay. (The notable achievement of the Paraguayan secret police has been alter- nately the enslavement and the exter mination of the Ache Indians.) The. U.S. government also has supported and/or is supporting government in the Phillipines, South Korea, El Salvador, Argentina (in the 70's), Nicaragua (under Somoza), and Hon- duras - regimes allknown for their disregard for human rights and political. liberties, their widespread use of torture, and, in some cases, their commitment to controlling the populace through terror and murder. All the regimes the U.S. has been involved with have crushed popular movements (lef- tist and non-leftist), destroyed labor unions, resisted reform, and institutionalized the economic and political power of business and military elites. Tomorrow, Leiter will examine media treatment of the history of U.S. policy.; Civilian victory G UATEMALA has recently witnessed the election of Social Democrat Marco Vinicio Cerezo Arevalo. Cerezo's un- disputed victory establishes him as the first civilian president since the U.S. sponsored counter- revolutionary coup in 1954. Since that time, Guatemalans have suf- fered under successive military juntas that have indiscriminately employed internal repression to protect the oligarchy in the interest of the status quo. Although Cerezo and his fellow Christian Democrats denounce past military excesses and pledge to instill true democratic principles as promised in the social revolution of 1944, they also pledged not to take "vengeance" against the existing military structure. En- couragingly, Cerezo has stated that he will curb military excesses by limiting the army's role to defen- ding against counter-insurgency in the countryside. While this realignment should limit repression in the urban sector, what relief can be expected in the countryside? In the past, most military abuses have come in the countryside at the expense of Indians who constitute half the country's population. In 1985, these Indians earned an average income of $85. Because the oligarchy controls over 95 percent of the country's arable farmland, these Indians have been reduced to Communists did accompany the Indians' attempt for reform, they were directed not by Moscow but rather by indigenous grievances. After the fall of Somoza in Nicaragua and a revolutionary coup in El Salvador in October 1979, General Romeo Lucas or- dered a full-scale war on the guerrillas. Following the exter- mination of some 3,000 civilians between 1979-1980, the country's civilian vice president resigned stating, "There are no political prisoners in Guatemala, just political assassinations." In response, President Carter publicly denounced the slaughter and made further military aid con- ditional on the respect of human rights. Current policy is based on the Administration's publicly stated distinction between "authoritarian" and "totalitarian" governments. As former United Nations Ambassador Jeane Kirk- patrick explains, authoritarians preserve traditional societies and maintain open capitalist economies. Totalitarians, in con- trast, rigidly control all phases of the society and thus stifle capital investment. Today, in response to the growing restlessness of guerrilla factions, President Reagan has reopened and significantly in- creased assistance to the Guatemalan military. Wasserman Ut.WA IN SIGNING %S1ISI lToRIC BIJD6ET NSVS% M4AMS SO NMANY OW50 BALANCING 1LE6ISLTION, I WOULD O MUCHl... LIETO NOTE- ~ /f/l COM~ES NEST? 0n TNR RK)I Wh!.AASY wRcsR CW p'e c~s~svv LETTERS: A rticle misconstrues pound release " To the Daily: I am writing on behalf of the Humane Society of Huron Valley in response to the artical " 'U' scientists defend animal resear- ch" (12/11/85). The article clearly confuses the issue of pound release with the con- troversy surrounding the use of animals in research. Although seemingly related, the two are distinct issues. The pound release system allows animal shelters to release pets from their facilities for use in research. The animal shelters (pounds) throughout Michigan that practice pound release are by choice the least developed in terms of combatting pet- concerning pet-overpopulation, eliminating any impetus to solve the problem. Consequently, responsible animal shelters and humanitarians across the state, as members of the Michigan Federation of Humane Societies, drafted the Michigan Impounded Pet Act (Senate bills 393/394) to prohibit pound release and man- date the spaying or neutering of any dog or cat adopted from an animal shelter as a long term solution to pet-overpopulation. Of importance here, is that the proposed legislation does not ad- dress the question of animals as research subjects - it simply ad- dresses the appropriate disposition of shelter animals. pound release was ignored in favor of promoting the more dramatic misconception that the bills are aimed at eliminating animals as research subjects by focusing on dialogue defending the use of animals in research and dialogue questioning the use of animals. It is a shame the Daily opted for controversy in- stead of good solid reporting on one issue or the other. The Michigan Impounded Pet Act was not conceived as part of some plan to eventually bring a halt to animal research. There may be people who would like to see that happen, but it simply has not been shown to occur in the states that have already banned pound release, including Massachusetts. The article points to the research community's defensive posture concerning their use of animals. Imagine the goodwill that could be generated if th' University's researchers would support us on this one. If they try it, they just might like it! -Leslie Coates December 13 Coates is the director of Community Education. I