C, bt lit3ttgan :EkiiI Ninety-six years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVI-No. 114 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Doily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 19, 1986 Eight Pages Guideline review faces troubled past By ROB EARLE Editor's note: This is the first of a two- part series examining the University's review of its guidelines governing classified research. Today's installment focuses on the history of the research guidelines leading up to the review. Tomorrow's story will examine the im- pact this review is likely to have on the University. As a review of the University's guidelines on classified research nears completion, the fate of millions of dollars in research funds and the efforts of dozens of University scien- tists hang in the balance. Currently, only two classified research projects are underway at the University, with a combined budget of nearly $370,000. With an increasingnationwide emphasis on military research, especially on the Strategic Defense Initiative, and a com- mitment by adminstrators to draw more defense dollars to the University, classified research guidelines have become in- creasingly important to researchers here. THE BOARD of Regents adopted the current policy in 1972. Five principles compose that policy: " Research is not considered to be classified if the project requires only that a researcher have access to classified infor- mation; if only specific technical details of the results are classified; or if a review is required to be certain the results don't con- tain classified information; " The University cannot accept a research contract if findings cannot be published a year or more after completion because of classification restrictions; * The University cannot accept any research project, the purpose of or any ap- plication of which is to destroy human life; " The research project's sponsor and the very existence of the research must be public knowledge; and * The purpose and scope of the research must be open to public scrutiny. The 1972 policy also sets down certain procedures to determine if a proposed project meets the criteria. If a researcher's dean or unit head thinks a project conforms to the guidelines, he sends the proposal to the University's vice president for research. The vice president then must send a copy of the project proposal to the three members of the Classified Review Panel. The panel never meets, but the two faculty members, ap- pointed by the faculty senate, and the student member, appointed by the Michigan Student Assembly, must determine if the unit head was correct in his assessment of the project's conformity. IF ALL three members of the Classified Review Panel agree that the project con- forms to the guidelines, the project receives clearance to begin. If any one of the mem- bers objects, however, the proposal is referred to the Research Policies Commit- tee. The 15-member committee consists of four students, 10 faculty members, and a liason from the faculty senate. Research vice president, Linda Wilson, her assistant, and the Assistant Vice President for Research Alan Price are all ex officio members of the committee. Once complete, the RPC's report goes to Wilson, who makes the final decision on whether the University accepts the project. FEW research proposals encounter problems in the acceptance process. In the 14-year history of the guidelines, only two projects have been rejected for non- compliance. But both of those projects were submitted in the last two years and this, combined with concerns that the guidelines may be outdated, led to a review of the 1972 policy. The rejection of a project last August which would have studied informal means See CONTROVERSY, Page 7 Police arrest 20 protesters By JOSEPH PIGOTT A group of 45 protesters watched as the Ann Arbor Police Department arrested 20 of their group outside of Rep. Carl Pursell's office last night. The protesters, in their fourth day of demonstration, are demanding that Pursell meet with them to discuss his support of a bill that would send $100 million to the rebels in Nicaragua. At 5 p.m., John Seeley, landlord of the property, announced that Pursell had agreed to meet the protesters next Monday if they would end their demonstration. Members of the group refused, saying they needed to see him before Thursday's scheduled vote on the bill in Congress. The Ann Arbor Police Department was not aware if any of the protesters had been arrested in any of the recent demonstrations at the office. Seeley read the protesters the Trespass Act at 7:15 p.m., and minutes later the police made arrests. Later, they were released without, being booked. Barry Scanlan, an Eastern Michigan University studen- who was arrested at the office, said the protest was the only way he could let Pursell hear his views on the issue. "I've written him two letters, and he responded by sending me two form letters in which he didn't even address what I wrote about. He said that he: will look into Nicaragua, whatever; that means," Scanlan said. Ann Arbor Police Chief William~ Corbett said he could not take further action until the prosecutor, who. See 20, Page 7 College Republicans support Contra aid a By AMY GOLDSTEIN After several demonstrations at Rep. Carl Pursell's office against sending aid to Nicaraguan rebels, the University's chapter of the College Republicans struck back yesterday by staging a rally on the Diag to sup- port sending aid to the Contras. -The rally, co-sponsored by the College Republicans and Americans for Biblical Government, attracted 30 onlookers and 18 participants. CONGRESS is expected to vote tomorrow on whether the United States should send $100 million in military and humanitarian aid to the Contras, who are trying to overthrow President Daniel Ortega's leftist government.. Since last summer.; students, faculty members, and Ann Arbor residents have been arrested in See 'U,' Page 7 Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE One of 20 demonstrators arrested at a protest of Congressman Carl Pursell's support for increased aid to the Contras is led away from Pursell's Pittsfield Township office yesterday. Shapiro 'regrets' following of protesters I -- - ------ - ---------- By WENDY SHARP University President Harold Shapiro yesterday said campus security officials "overreacted" to a non-violent demonstration earlier this month. About a dozen protesters demon- strated against Lawrence Livermore Labs, which designs most of the nation's nuclear missiles, at the Stearns Building on North Campus March 7. The protesters were videotaped by a plain-clothes police officer, prevented from entering the Stearns Building, and followed back to Central Campus by a policeman and a campus security officer. IN A LETTER to the Michigan Student Assembly, which had called for a public apology from the Univer- sity, Shapiro said the stringent security precautions were unwarran- ted. "Peaceful, non-violent d-mon- strations that do not infringe on the legitimate rights of other members of the University community present no threat to our academic community," present no threat to our academic community,'Shapiro said. "following students to Central Campus was not appropriate and may have been an overreaction by security personnel." See MSA, Page 3 Ford speaks on media, polities at conference 'U' to play key*rolein 'high-tech' future of city By CAROLINE MULLER The University will play the key role in making Ann Arbor the leading technological innovator in the Midwest, College of Engineering Dean James Duderstadt said yesterday. Speaking at the 54th annual luncheon sponsored by the Citizens Trust of Ann Arbor, Duderstadt said several other universities - such as Stanford, the University of California at Berkeley, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - have promoted technological advancements in their surrounding cities. "WE'VE GOT to play in the big leagues and compete with the Stanfor- ds, the Berkeleys," he said. "Only a handful of schools can play this game. " Since his arrival at the University in 1981, Duderstadt has been respon- See 'U,' Page 7 By STEVE HERZ Former President Gerald Ford yesterday kicked off the fourth annual Presidential Library Conference on the Public and Public Policy, a series of seminars designed to "provide a vehicle to bring public wisdom to policy-makers." In an inaugural speech, Ford, a University alumnus, emphasized that people must be educated about their government and let their represen- tatives know their feelings. "If citizens are to arrive at a consensus, it is essential for the people to speak to their policy-makers in a non-partisan way, not as lobbyists," he said. THAT, FORD said, is the purpose of the two-day conference, which is co- sponsored by the Domestic Policy Association and the Ann Arbor News. The Domestic Policy Association is a nationwide network of educational organizations which has grown to a membership of 100,000 since its incep- tion in 1983. "May I remind you," Ford said, "that the agenda is filled with very troubling issues. But getting around to the issues is always put off." "Democracy is not a spectator sport," Ford said. "It should not be limited to the elite few. That's why I applaud the DPA. They are doing what others are putting off." The American media has made politics into a horserace," Ford told the crowd.wInGeneva, the per- sonalities were given far more prominence than the issues them- selves. I suppose that's the way people like it-history should be a spectator sport with the most charismatic people as winners.' THE FIRST part of the conference was a panel discussion on the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, entitled "The Soviets: What is the Conflict About?" Panel member Harriet Walther opened the discussion by saying, "The Soviet Union is not superpower but a super military power. The Soviets can't feed and house their people." John Buchanan, a former congressman and present chairman of People for the American Way, ad- ded, "We tend to think of the Soviet See PRESIDENT, Page 7 Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE Former President Gerald Ford says media election coverage em- phasizes personalities over issues at the Ford Library yesterday. Ford was kicking off the fourth annual Presidential Library Conference on the Public and Public Policy. TODAY Naked nights qm T MAV RF thos echilly Nehraska niahtQ hut percent of the Democrats. OF those who identified themselves as Independents, 35 percent said they wear nothing to bed. I -. - of this year's spring break-related arrests - far more than last year's 889 - have been for misdemeanors, such as disorderly conduct. She said most people arrested were not college students. One likely cause for the arrest increase is a new ordinance that prohibits drinking on the street and in cars, she said. "If you're walking down the street drinking a beer, you're fair aam" ' Wight -,aid INSIDE- SPRING FOOTBALL: Sports looks at the foot- ball squad's first spring practice. See Page 8. ALL ABOARD: Arts takes a ride of "Female I