41 OPINION Wednesday, March 12, 1986 Page 4 The Michigan Daily . ....... .. 4 n medbtiganve Micang Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Left-wing double standards Vol. XCVI, No. 109 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board Can the coke B ASEBALL COMMISSIONER Peter Ueberroth's plea for mandatory spot drug testing on all players represents a restriction on personal liberties which would in- still a sense of paranoia among the athletes. Although his office should now emphasize drug education progams, the commissioner's. suspension last week of seven players formerly addicted to cocaine and supsequent clemency in exchange for future testing still seems an appropiate response to a malignancy that threatens to destroy any integrity the game still possesses. Baseball's battle with cocaine mirrors a society in which over 20 ,million Americans have used the dangerous drug. Estimates of cocaine abusers in the major leagues vary, but many players have guessed 40-50 percent, and players from nearly all 26 teams have been tied to cocaine use in criminal court cases. Ueberroth has correctly called drug abuse baseball's primary problem and his actions last week stay tenously within the bounds of management jurisdiction. Unfortunately, reality dictates that baseball teams are now run like giant corporations. Players, making an average of $360,000 per year, often lack the gusty A motivation of an earlier era where only Babe Ruth made as much as the president of the United States. Corporations should not be allowed to control their employees' personal lives, but cocaine snorting often inextricably entwines with lower productive capacity at work. When drugtaking interferes with the work a player or any other em- ployee is paid to perform, management then retains the right to impose disciplinary measures. Doctors, owners, and the players who did drugs agree that their habits have, in the words of the New York Times, "tarnished in- dividual performances, shortened careers, and influenced the out- comes of games and pennant races." Players such as Tim Raines and Lonnie Smith, two of the- seven suspended, have described how cocaine's initial stimulus degenerated into reduced coordination, alertness, and vision, and drained them of the motivation characteristic of any great athlete. Raines suffered a .27 drop in his batting average the year of his ad- diction. Smith and other players have complained of difficulty fielding and running the bases. Though the players are now ap- parently drug-free, they fully deserve their 200 mandated hours of "drug-related community ser- vice". However, drug testing throughout their careers is a harsh order and contributing 10 percent of their salaries to drug prevention won't dent their accumulated wealth. If Ueberroth wins his on-going battle to extend testing to all players, however, the national pastime will take on the ethics of a police state. Unannounced tests will virtually accuse the players of drug abuse without any evidence, and may lead to unpleasant scenarios where managers run for a urine bottle any time a player makes a typical mistake. The current system of voluntary testing at the request of individual teams should prove adequate, par- ticularly if the commissioner pressures management to keep alert for symptoms. Commissioner Ueberroth should invest his valuable time into ex- panding the presently underfunded program of seminars for players on the dangers of cocaine addiction and for management on how to check for symptoms. He should also give players emotional sup- port. When players need coun- seling, Ueberroth's office and in- dividual teams should pick up the tab. By focusing on education, prevention and counseling, Ueberroth could reshape current trends and help give the institution as well as individual players a brighter future.. By George Nammur Jr. No sooner had the news about the "peaceful Filippino transition" come out, that Congress and major mass media ex- pressed their (often relentful) support for the positive role played by the U.S. ad- ministration in general, and by President Reagan in particular in this almost democratic process. Evidently, this is only understandable, for the United States had to stand up to its image as the Leader of the Free World. Indeed, finally giving up on Marcos' collapsing regime was a commen- dable move by the Reagan administration since anyway it would have been very dif- ficult for the United States to back a "loser", who has been deprived of his troops' allegiance. Of course, one might argue that this change of attitude came a bit late, but oh weel, better late than never. The bottom line of the story is that the pro- American tyrant is out, another pro- American democratic government is in place in Manilla, the two U.S. military bases in the Philippines will survive after all, the Filippino people are happy, and so are the people at home, and President Reagan got his certificate of good standing. No problems in the Philippines! Or almost no problems, since Marcos was a better steal than Aquino against the communist osmosis (not everyone in the Philippines is thrilled about the release of all jailed com- munists, previously detained for subver- sion), but nobody wants to think about that yet. No. The problem is much closer than the Philippines. It is here; the problem of people with double standards. Why is it that a leftward shift is very welcome, while an. adjustment to the right would mean the end of the world? Even if the "hand" that the U.S. gave to the Filippino rebels was more active, or less subltle, nobody would have had anything to say about it, for the cause of these rebels, that is democracy, is sacred. Dictators should be overthrown no matter what! Granted. But then why all these Nammur is a graduate student in civil engineering. vociferous complaints, all the kicks and all the jumps about the U.S. covert support to the freedom fighters in Nicaragua? Is Nicaragua a utopian democracy that the contras are trying to turn into totalitarianism, or is President Danial Or- tega too just of a ruler for his rule to be questioned? In fact, the situation is the other way around. Democracy and justice are missing in Nicaragua, there is no way around it. Now that the truth about the political repression in Nicaragua is out in the open, no second thoughts are permissible with regards to an active U.S. support of the freedom fighters. Nobody should fight the Nicaraguan people's war. It is their perogative and their duty. An American in- vasion of Nicaragua would not do too much good under the circumstances. However, these people need some help, military as well as moral. How can the Free World stand mute vis-a-vis the exactions and tor- tures committed by Ortega's men against the political prisoners in the jails of Managua? And although the number of political prisoners presented by the Per- manent Human Rights Commission of Nicaragua (Daily, 2/21/86) might be somewhat exaggerated, the fact remains that freedom in Nicaragua is very restrained, to say the least. How could it be explained to Nicaraguans struggling for their basic right of freedom that there are people (and many of them) here in the United States, ad- vocating for leaving the freedom fighters to their fate?. Nobody is nostalgic for the Somoza days, and certainly not President Reagan, who made his point clear during the 1984 presidential campaign. To hell with dic- tators like Somoza! But isn't Ortega nothing but a communist Somoza? The tyranny in Nicaragua changed hands and names, but Nicaraguans are still being subjugated by the squarely communist a la Castro regime of Managua. An American policy of non-intervention is certainly out of place in this instance, and would do more harm than good. Not only have Ortega and his clique betrayed the people of Nicaragua and the sacred cause of freedom the people fought for back in 1979, they are also posing a serious and definite threat to small democracies in Latin America, such as El Salvador and Hon- duras, hence creating an instability that cannot but spread out in this hemisphere. This instability is a latent but sure menace to the United States. In case a leftist (say socialist) gover- nment is democratically elected in Latin America, then such a regime is in no way worrisome to the United states, and neither the U.S., nor any other country have the right to thwart people's choice, no matter how socialist or leftist the choice. The role of U.S. government and military in Chile back in the early 70s, for example, is anything but praiseworthy, and American support of the military government in place in Santiago is less than commendable. Indeed, Allende's government, unlike Pinochet's, was reinforced by the Chilian people's trust land support. That's more than can be asserted about Ortega's regime. Nicaragua is now a Cuban satellite which in turn moves in the Soviet orbit. Nicaraguaconstitutes a center for the exportation of communism in Central America, and communism, as is well known, has no borders, and no limits. What is the red line that the communists need to cross, for us to start being concerned? Are we awaiting the fall of El Salvador and Hon- duras, or is it Mexico perhaps? Communists have been winning, and win- ning fast in the last few years. First Afghanistan, then Nicaragua, then Poland, and then...? It takes more than just a slap on Ortega's wrist to deter him from going on with his misdeeds. The red expansion in Latin America ought to be stopped, and now is the time to start moving. U.S. support to the freedom fighters in Nicaragua is a matter of national security. This support should be overt and open, not covert and hidden. The $100 million in aid that the Reagan administration has requested for the freedom fighters is really the dead minimum that can be offered to the people of Nicaragua. And what the people of Nicaragua need most now is money, weapons, military training and the solidarity of the American people and ad- ministration, not green bikes. 4 q 4 C 4 Bering 45 NiIfiTh4ARFA Ufo...).AirY? NOT 1 SitlS T hAD DANIELI 4NAW uA OR RfIA LDWA.*4GAIN AfP2R 1fE 13EAT 'IH KEPT Gory' ALL 7${E 4Y ,To AMEYICO f 7AAAY GooM. ,5s! ANTD AYTisFR TYE CoueKwS5 I To rAND rjjajg. ITO NbWEEK' HEl MAS~ Workplace safety OVID . rxYJlvxTI Fgj U5.A/J AST WEEK, President Reagan nominated John Pendergrass of The - Minnesota Mining and rManufacturing Company to head the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Pendergrass fills the position vacated by Robert Rowland's resignation at the end of May 1985, and it is speculated that he will face little opposition to his confir- mation. Reagan's placing business leaders in government relaxes in- dustry regulations, assumes a trust in business to maintain worker safety, and focuses attention on business instead of worksite needs. Though experienced in job safety, Pendergrass is consistent with the Reagan Administration's policy to appoint government of- ficials from business and industry, ted to OSHA as a prime example of government interference in in- dustry - a role he sought to reduce. OSHA gained a reputation for being lenient on industry from its two previous Reagan appointed, pro-business administrators. It seems that Pendergrass' appoin- tment will further mar OSHA's poor reputation. Not only could Pendergrass' connection with the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Com- pany be a potential conflict of in- terest, it must be questioned why a marketing manager was chosen over a health care professional who could better understand the issues in job health and safety. A public health adminstrator would be more likely to heed the human element over industrial interest. The choice of an administrator LETTERS: 'U' asked to unite against hunger I To the Daily: We watch it on the evening news, day after day; millions of children dying the same tragic way. Some of us cry - some shake their head in disbelieving sorrow, do you wonder how many people will remember them tomorrow? In qualifying these few lines from a song I wrote a few months ago about hunger and starvation in the world today, I find it in- teresting to note that we seldom if a virus were to descend upon London, killing 18 children per minute, without stop, week after week after week. Imagine our concern if nuclear weapons. were to explode in the capitals of the world's major industrial coun- tries, killing 13 million and maiming and injuring a billion more in the surrounding coun- tryside. These are the figures of human devastation resulting from hunger - 1 billion chronically undernourished; 13- 18 million dead per year, two- thirds of whom are children. DeSnite these astounding place in the residence halls (in cooperation with Food Service) and consisted of over 3,000 students skipping one meal per month and then having that money donated to theiHunger Project, a non-profit, non- religious organization whose goal is to make the end of hunger an idea whose time has come. I would like to invite you, the students at the University of Michigan, to join us in the fight against hunger. Be it as a senior staff member, a student, or as a faculty member, I urge you to organizeyour own hunger project up to us to keep hunger in the news. This letter is appearing in more than 80 major college and univer- sity newspapers throughout the nation. If we stand together, we have a voice of over two million! Let us sing loud and strong; "committment generates action, and action transforms an idea in- to reality." - Joe Vigneux March 3 Vigneux is a graduate student in counselor education at Northern ..,, ,,- - 2 ..---- ..-