4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 11, 1986 SCIENCE _ Physicists search for PASADENA, Calif. (UPI) - Not long after Einstein published his Theory of Relativity 71 years ago, physicists began searching for something they call TOE - or Theory of Everything. Now they think they are on the brink of that discovery with a theory called superstrings. THE CONCEPT seeks to illustrate the interrelationship among the four basic forces of nature - gravity, Savin babies is Support the March of Dimes BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATn elecromagnetism, and the quantum strong and weak forces. These forces are responsible for all things in nature. Physicist John Schwarz of Caltech, who developed superstring theory with another theoretician in London, has set the scientific community astir with the concept. Superstring theory grows out of the notion that prior to the Big Bang - the supposed catastrophic explosion that created the cosmos - only one force existed. According that idea, Schwarz said, the single force then split into four. "SUPERSTIRING theory is a proposed mathematical theory of elementary particles which is based on three new ideas," the physicist ex- plained, that show how the forces of nature are all intimately related. Superstrings define the forces of nature not as pointlike elementary particles such as tiny gravitons that transmit gravity or electromagnetic photons that transmit light, but as in- finitesimally small one-dimensional loops and strings of energy. These invisible loops and strings also would include the atomic strong force, responsible for holding together protons and neutrons in an atom and the weak force, which is the key in radioactive decay. THE LOOPS and strings, according to Schwarz, are so intimately linked, they indicate there was just one force prior to the Big Bang. He said the strings may be curled, packed into tiny balls of energy and occupy up to 10 dimensions, changing current concepts of space and time. Schwarz also theorizes that because superstrings are not points but oscillating, vibrating strings - one- billionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a centimeter long - their rotation, configuration and interaction would determine the force they represent. BUT PROVING the configurations that the loops and strings create requires development of a new branch of mathematics. "A proper description of super- strings is not possible in the conven- tional language used for describing geometry now," he said. "There are hints that we need to develop a new type of geometry in which strings, rather than points, play a fundamental role. This hasn't been done yet so the idea is still a little vague. "All over the world physicists and string mathematicians are trying to 4N . . M. .. S' * 1T .TE A NN. I AL. ................. SoAft, .......... KIM.: . . ..... . TOE develop the geometry, much in the same way physicists required the cooperation of mathematicians for all of the important developments in physics over the centuries." Schwarz cited Einstein's need for the development of differential geometry to help explain the Theory of Relativity in 1915. "It seems to me if you are commit- ted to working (in the area of) elementary particles, this is the most exciting place to be," he said. "This is the branch of science that tries to an- swer the most fundamental questions about nature. Parks talks to. 600 at BursleY Hal (continued from Page i) Recounting the bus boycott, Parks said she had not planned to get arrested, but that events in her life had built up to her decision. One, she said, was the arrest of a 15-year-old black girl who refused to stand up to give a white male student a seat on a bus. "I was very, very upset, and very concerned," she said. "When they told me to move, I felt that no matter what anyone thought or did, I would never again ride in a segregated public vehicle," she said. Parks's arrest led to a year-long boycott of Montgomery's buses, and eventually to a Supreme Court ruling that segregation is unlawful in inter- state and intra-state transportation. Parks said that involvement in the movement is not limited to a single incident such as her arrest. "It's a life-long struggle," she said. Parks also spoke about racism in South Africa, saying it is "just as bad, if not more so than we had. I remem- ber reading about the situation there in the 1940s and 1950s and being just as concerned about apartheid as I am now." Speech culminates dorm's effort (Continued from Page 1) weapons, and then asked "Are you drunk?" The treatment of Parks spurred area black leaders to organize the 381- day Montgomery bus boycott. Throughout 1956, therblacks of Mon- tgomery walked, rode taxis, and organized car pools. Their leader, a 26-year-old Baptist minister named Martin Luther King Jr. earned national reognition during the event. So the boycott initiated King's non- violent tactics which would eventually land him the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize. Park's simple refusal to move to the back of the bus thus proved to be one of the primary sparks in igniting the Civil Rights movement. "Mrs. Parks represents the extreme power that rises out of an apparently unimportant single individual," said Prof. Lemuel Johnson of the Center for Afro-American Studies. "Many people were waiting for a movement to begin, but one woman made the decision andthe individual dignity of that stand spurred larger develop- ments." Resident Advisor Andy Silverman, the program coordinator, agreed. "We brought Mrs. Parks to campus to show students a real, living part of history. Her story is one of real significance and inspiration." Parks, now a 72-year-old recep- tionist living in Detroit, still con- tributes to the future of the civil rights movement, Johnson said. "She reminds us that we are faced with the need to confront struggles." Correction Michigan Student Assembly President Paul Josephson said yesterday he and Vice President Phil Cole will run for the positions of LSA . ..onn :..i : in th n-enmhl . IN BRIEF COMPILED FROM ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL REPORTS Shutde 'crew remains' studied CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.-Pathologists yesterday examined crew remains recovered from Challenger's shattered cabin, sources reported, while the ocean search continued for more body parts and debris such as data tapes that might provide clues to the disaster. Some remains and cabin wreckage were brought ashore secretly Saturday night by the Navy salvage ship USS Preserver, which entered port witlout running lights, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. In announcing Sunday that the cabin debris and remains had been located, NASAS did not say whether anything had been recovered. The agency said it would respect family wishes and not comment again until the operation was completed. NASA spokesman said nothing yesterday. The Navy, which is conduc- ting the search, said the 213-foot Preserver was at the scene where the cabin debris was found but declined to say whether divers were on the ocean floor. The condition of the bodies was not known by the sources, but they said "we're talking about remains, not bodies." Data tapes that were in the cabin could shed light on the cause of the explosion, but it was not known how well they survived. Aquino holds opponents funds MANILA, Philippines-Corazon Aquino's government has frozen the bank accounts of more than a dozen close associates of Ferdinand Marcos to make sure the money stays in the Philippines, an official said yester- day. Aquino moved into offices in the presidential palace compound for the first time since Marcos abandoned it and she became president. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, is on a commission charged with recovering billions of dollars in assets allegedly plundered by Marcos and his associates during the 20 years the former president was in power. About $50 million is in the frozen accounts, said the official, who refused to identify their owners. Some belong to former members of the Marcos government, the officials said. Marcos, his family and entourage fled the country Feb. 26 and were taken to Hawaii in U.S. Air Force planes. Hazardous material transport dangerous, new study says WASHINGTON-Three-fourths of the nation's police and firefighters are inadequately trained to respond to accidents involving transportation of hazardous materials, a new congressional study says. And even if a trained team reaches the scene of a ruptured tank truck, an improper labeling of the vehicle's contents can produce a wrong, dangerous response, the Office of Technology Assessment said in a study released yesterday. OTA quoted state officials as saying that from 25 percent to 50 percent of the identification placards required on hazardous material shipments are incorrect and that shipping documents "are sometimes incomplete or inaccessible." "Emergency crews must assess the risks of the hazardous material and make decisions on how to respond based on information that may or may-not be accurate," said OTA, a nonpartisan congressional agency. "The wrong response to a hazardous material endangers both emergency personnel and the neighboring communities," said the study, which urged adoption of federal training and response standards to replace a mishmash of state requirements. French hostage may be dead in Lebanon, photos show BEIRUT, Lebanon-A Moslem fundamentalist group yesterday produced photographs of what it identified as the corpse of one of eight French hostages kidnapped in Beirut, and it threatened to kill again. Three black-and-white photographs showing a person wrapped in a blanket and a coffin with a cross next to .it were left at a Western news agency office in Beirut. An attached statement signed by the pro-Iranian Islamic Jihad, or Holy War, identified the person in the picture as researcher Michel Seurat and said it held three other French captives. The group has demanded the release of two pro-Iranian Iraquis ex- pelled by France and sent to Iraq, and five men jailed for an attempt on the life of an Iranian former prime minister. It also has demanded an end to French support for Iraq and the return of $1 billion the late shah of Iran lent a French company. S. African police kill 7 blacks JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-Police killed seven blacks in the remote tribal homeland of Lebowa north of Johannesburg, and nine blacks died elsewhere in tribal faction fights, authorities said yesterday. In the eastern Cape Province, at least three more blacks were killed in the daily anti-apartheid rioting that has left more than 1,200 dead in the past 18 months. Meanwhile, thousands of miners at two major gold mines staged strikes and go-slow action in new labor flare-ups. In Cape Town, a delegation from CBS News met government officials to appeal a decision to expel three CBS staff members because the network aired footage of a funeral from which cameras were banned. No decision emerged, and the two sides will meet again today. An introduction to the funeral footage when it was broadcast in the United States said it was filmed by an amateur and obtained outside South Africa. Vol. XCVI - No. 108 The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms. Subscription rates:, September through April-$18 in Ann Arbor; $35 outside the city. One term-$10 in town; $20 outside the city. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and College Press Service. I4 # netGC: U t , u ..ng tMnet , esydirectin _____ pMblic 4:.ut"g.jac4ities.................................. or~camus:4.hee iLn ":hf. 'f " "h ..h' sur'e:. Pae cop1ies also available ________________{_________ 1.L.:_t:_'.":._" at a{nyf1':"publM1ic: "1tation1' I :: c*' For additional i nformation, call the CAC at 763-0583 U U Use it to alter your grades. You just got a C+ in /b st-War Foreigi /blkl! You just got a B- in C'OmluhInfiCa iOIs L11: You just got an F+ in Adanc)d P;)rh].( An F+? Boy, vou could use some help. From a Macintosh' personal computer. 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