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March 10, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-03-10

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVI - No. 107

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 10, 1986

Eight Pages

Michigan nabs




Blue routs IUfor
second straight title

The picture finally arrived Satur-
day at Crisler Arena. And to everyone's
surprise, it arrived early.
No buzzer shots. No final minute
madness. No way. Not this time.
THIS TIME, the Michigan
Wolverines sealed their second con-
secutive Big Ten Championship in
gallant fashion with an 80-52 crushing
of the once mighty Indiana Hoosiers.
This time, all but the opposition
provided the drama, and when Rich
Rellford, Gary Grant, Roy Tarpley,
and a grinning Bill Frieder joined
arms in a victory embrace with 2:25
remaining in the game, the picture
was complete.
Saturday, the Wolverines showed
their artistry.
They dabbed, brushed, and literally
dunked Bob Knight's Hoosier's in
maize and blue paint. Then they hid
the turpentine.
For 14,198 bellowing faithful who
expected a heated contest, Michigan
chilled their expectations and instead
gave them a blowout. But if anyone
left disappointed, Indiana was
THE WOLVERINES entered the
game tied with the flourishing
Hoosiers. Fourty minutes later, they
departed with the Big Ten trophy and
Hoosiers at their feet, after kicking
sand in the collective face of Indiana.
The game was about as one-sided as
"The 700 Club." Michigan labored out
to an early 18-12 lead, then quickly
took the Hoosiers out of the game with

two consecutive 6-0 runs sandwiched
around a Winston Morgan baseline
When Grant stole the ball, rushed
downcourt and dunked it, the
Wolverines held a 32-16 lead and half
one still had six minutes remaining.
"THIS IS two games in a row (In-
diana and Ohio State) where we jum-
ped on teams," said Grant, "and we
were ready to go in the beginning.
"The thing that we're doing now is
being ready when the game first star-
ts, and then getting an eight-or 10-
point lead."
But this lead on this particular
Saturday was 16, then 18 and finally 19
when halftime arrived.
If the picture had been blurred at
the start, it was crystal clear when
Michigan took a 44-25 advantage into
the locker room. This time, there
would be no letdown, no contagious
throw-the-game-away mistakes.
"We said once we get them on the
ropes, we can't do like we were doing
early in the year," explained Rellfor-
d, who pumped in 13 points and pulled
down six rebounds in his final regular
season game as a Wolverine. "So we
just kept the heat on."
Every Wolverine sizzled as
Michigan set a club record for vic-
tories with a 27-4 finish, overturning
last year's mark of 26-4. The fire,
however, started away from the
MICHIGAN ran up the score mainly

Michigan seniors Roy Tarpley (left) and Richard Rellford bask in the Tarpley scored 21 points and Rellford added 13 against Indiana in their
glory of their second consecutive Big Ten championship on Saturday. final Crisler Arena appearance.

Special to the Daily
WASHINGTON - More than 125,000 people
marched under sunny skies in the nation's
capital yesterday to show their support for
birth control and safe, legal abortions.
The "March for Women's Lives,"
*qrganized by the National Organization for
Women, drew marchers from around the
country who walked from. Constitution Mall
to the Capitol chanting slogans such as "not
the church, not the state, women must
decide their fate."
Marchers gathered on the steps of the
Capitol to hear speakers who addressed
civil rights and abortion issues.
IN AN arousing speech, NOW President
Eleanor Smeal told the demonstrators that
"you cannot sacrifice women on the altar of

rally support for legalized abortions

self-righteousness." She urged pro-choice
supporters nationwide to take action and
show that they are a majority.
"The number game is over. The silent
majority will be silent no more," she said.
"This is just the beginning. We in 1986 are
going to stop anti-abortion referendums on-
ce and for all."
Two thousand people are expected to con-
verge on the capital today to lobby against
the anti-abortioin rider attached to the Civil
Rights.Restoration Act.
The rider, which would make abortion
illegal, is holding up the restoration act in
Congress. The act would renew legislation
prohibiting discrimination on the basis of
sex, race, age, or physical disability.

MADELINE HANSEN, the president of
the Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County chap-
ter of NOW, estimated that about 100 Ann
Arbor residents and University students at-
tended the rally. Many children also joined
the men and women who showed up to
pledge support.
Amy Simon, an LSA junior, said she was
pleased with the number of men who atten-
ded the rally. "So many times abortion is
considered a women's issue, but it's ob-
viously an issue for everybody," she said.
Simon warned that students should not
take the right to a safe abortion for granted.
"It's hard to see that there's a real threat to
lose the right. But I think the threat is real.
They could take it away - they have to be

fought," she said.
A FEW anti-abortion protesters lined the
three-mile route, but there was no violence.
One man was arrested after he shoved a jar
containing an aborted fetus at the mar-
The march culminated on the steps of the
Capitol with speeches by legislators,
educators, and religious leaders.
"Our nation and churches and synagogues
need to affirm women as moral decision-
makers who are the equals of men," said
Barbara Ferarro, a nun who refused orders
by the Vatican to recant her pro-choice
Ferarro is one of a group of 24 nuns, called
the Vatican 24, who took out an ad last year

in the New York Times saying that some
Catholics disagree with the Pope on the
abortion issue.
"That which makes us human is choice,"
Ferarro said in defense of a woman's right
to an abortion.
Gay Williams, a recent graduate of
Harvard University and president of the
National Poliical Congress of Black Women,
urged the younger people in the audience to
fight for women's right to choose an abor-
tion. "When young people move, the world
turns over," she said.
Yesterday's rally was the largest
women's rights demonstration ever. A
similar event is scheduled to take place next
Sunday in Los Angeles.

Ann Arbor police and campus
security officers followed several
protesters from North Campus to
University President Harold
Shapiro's office Friday after a rally
against a major defense contractor.
Members of Campus Against
Weapons in Space, Michigan Alliance
for Disarmament, and other campus
groups stood near the two entrances
to the Stearns Building on North
Campus, where Lawrence Livermore
Labs were conducting job interviews
at the engineering placement office.
Livermore is one of the nation's
largest defense contractors.
The dozen protesters arrived at th.e
career planning office about 1:40 p.m.

MSA starts funding
cominuttee investigation

nsa. .

The Michigan Student Assembly
Steering Committee yesterday took
its first step in a politically-charged
investigation of the assembly's
Budget Priorities Committee.
A special panel consisting of five
Steering Committee members was
appointed to investigate charges that
the BPC discriminated against liberal
groups in its allocation procedures
and that it made some groups wade
through excessive red tape before get-

ting their allocations.
THE SPECIAL panel, which in-
cludes BPC chair Kurt Meunchow,
will begin the investigation this week
by mailing questionnaires to the
groups that requested BPC funding in
the last year.
The Steering Committee agreed not
to release the results of the in-
vestiga.tion until after the MSA elec-
tion later this month, a move which
some Steering Committee members
See ASSEMBLY, Page 2

..:" 'Crew remains' detected

The wreckage of the shuttle
Challenger's crew compartment has
been found on the debris-littered
seabed off the coast of Florida with
"crew remains" still on board, the
space agency announced yesterday.
NASA spokesman Hugh Harris, who
stressed that he did not know how
many of the shuttle's seven

astronauts may be inside the
wreckage, said the cabin was found
Friday by sonar at a depth of about
100 feet.
At that time, Harris said, family
members of the slain astronauts, in-
cluding New Hampshire high school
teacher Christa McAuliffe, were
notified. Recovery operations are ex;
pected to take several days.

Daily Photo by PETE ROSS
Protesters (left to right) Tobi Hanna-Davies, Jim Augsberger, and Dave Buchen demonstrate against recruit-
ment by Lawrence Livermore Labs outside the Stearns Building on north campus Friday.


EVERAL local public figures took
time out from their political and
business careers Saturday to get

Park yourself
R OSA PARKS, whose refusal to move to
the back of an Alabama bus sparked
the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, will speak
tonight in Bursley Hall's west cafeteria at 8

HARASSMENT: Opinion looks at the in-
fringement on student rights to protest
Livermore labs' recruiting on campus. See
Page 4.

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