COVER TORY U V U U U. S1 : Working to establish credibility and communicate efi Fectively with st By Mary Chris Jaklevic THE MICHIGAN Student Assem- bly was first recognized by the Board of Regents as the University's official student governing body 10 years ago this September. The change to the "Michigan Student Assembly plan" was meant to increase the effectiveness of sub- sequent student government and divorce it from the existing Student Government Council, which had been plagued by low voter turnout and the discovery that two SGC officers had embezzled funds. Today there are no embezzlement charges hanging over the heads of MSA representatives, but according to many students and adminstrators, MSA still lacks respect. Assembly members say they must deal on one hand with student apathy and accusations of being ineffective and on the other hand with powerlessness in the face of the ad- ministration. When the assembly passed a resolution last fall opposing Vice President George Bush's speech on campus for the Peace Corps anniver- sary celebration, the action set off a barrage of criticism from students both inside and outside of MSA. Some students threatened a cam- paign to defund the assembly, and MSA members who opposed the resolution considered resigning over its political nature. For many other students, it was one of the rare times they noticed MSA, and considered where the $5.07 fee they pay for MSA operations each semester is going. Though no one resigned and defun- ding efforts died down, the incident left a bitter aftertaste that MSA members must combat. Politically enticing issues like the Bush resolution overshadow other MSA ac- tivities and often leave students thinking that MSA is isolated from the rest of the student body-not concer- ned with campus issues. MSA members dispute this negative image and say that few students acknowledge their efforts to stand up for student interests. They point to their less visible work on securing more student financial aid and legal service and student representation on University committees. They also mention a recent campaign to im- prove communication with the student body. One group that has clashed con- tinually with MSA's politically- oriented stances is the Engineering Council. The council asked MSA to work on more student-related issues after the Bush resolution, and last month the council condemned MSA's decision to place on the MSA election ballot a referendum asking whether certain companies should be disallowed from recruiting on campus if they support "international terrorism." Engineering Council President Mark Chapo, an engineering senior, said MSA did not allow sufficient discussion among students before put- ting the referendum on the ballot, and violated the freedon of choice of Engineering students to choose the companies with whom they interview. Chapo said he thinks MSA officers are making an effort to bridge the gap; between the council and MSA, but that "when you look beneath the surface you wonder whether it is really a student assembly."r LSA senior Allan Lutes, President of the Inter-Fraternity Council said MSA has alienated itself from studen- ts by taking political stands. Lutes3 said MSA needs to keep in better; touch with the rest of the students. "You can't expect everyone to come to you with all of their problems. You have to meet people half-way," Lutes; said.. Lutes suggested that MSA send its representatives to dorm council meetings and prioritize agenda items; so that meetings are not sidetracked; into long discussions about political issues rather than immediate student concerns. Lutes also hopes that MSA; will allow IFC to send a non-voting representative to assembly meetings. The Panhellenic Association has; also been making an effort to get representation in the assembly. LSA senior Steve Glass, an officer of the Inter-Fraternity Council, said the low voter turnout for MSA elec- tions shows that most students are not aware of what MSA is doing. Last year, only one fifth of the student body voted, the largest turnout in recent history, according to MSA officials. "To be honest, I don't know as much about MSA as I should," Glass said. "It's very hard to see how some of what they do, like taking a political view, affects students," Glass added. MSA, by contrast, sees.itself largely as a group which lobbies the ad- ministration and state and national governments on behalf of student in- terests. "I don't think students realize that their $5.07 is well spent, if for not other reason than because we're getting more financial aid for students when we're lobbying," said MSA President Paul Josephson, an LSA junior. MSA also strives to include more student voices in University decision- making by lobbying the ad- ministration for student seats on University committees. Assembly members say that the term "student government" is a misnomer because MSA does not make or enforce University policies. Most of MSA's budget goes to funding student services under its own direc- tion, such as Student Legal Services and the Tenants Union, and funding the projects of other student organizations. MSA also publishes ADVICE. a course evaluation guide. Law school representative Eric Schnaufer describes MSA's problems as a Catch-22 situation. "Students on the one hand expect very little from MSA, and they also expect a lot. They expect us to do great things for them, but they don't want to give us the Y money to do it," Schnaufer said. MSA Vice President Phil Cole said he does not take stock in "people on the sidelines who are throwing in plays to the quarterback.' 'When they read something in the Daily that they disagree with, they don't always see the work involved. They don't dig a little harder," Cole said. MSA members said many students who complain about the assembly refuse to spend the time needed to un- derstand the issures or to help MSA work-on them. Cole said most students are generally only interested in how something will affect their grades. "This campus is considered active, along with Berkeley, but percentage- wise students really aren't that in- volved," Cole said. "MSA needs students who worry not about what's going to happen to them after they graduate, but what's hap- pening to them while they're in school. Because if you aren't concer- ned about what's happening to you in school, you're not going to realize it until it hits you in the face," Schnaufer added. Josephson said opposition to MSA consists of a vocal minority of studen- ts, and the silent majority of students supports MSA actions. In the past het has cited as an example of this sup- port a student referendum which passed overwhelmingly in support of MSA's plans to restructure.' He added that students are better informed about MSA since Daily cir- culation increased last September due to a free drop circulation policy, but that the added publicity has brought mixed blessings. Josephson said he is better. recognized by students than last year's president Scott Page was, and that he expects a higher turnout in this year's MSA election due to an in- crease in student awareness of MSA But Josephson also complained that the Daily helps to promote a bad image by publicizing too often negative and controversial aspects of the assembly and not often enough the effective things the assembly does, such as traveling to Lansing to lobby the state legislature. This year MSA hasttried to improve communication with students by manning aninformation table in the Fishbowl and a phone line called 76- GRIPE for several hours each week. Both efforts have drawn only modest student response, but Josephson is hopeful. "MSA is not operating in a vacuum anymore. There is no way the Bush resolution would have passed in October if they had the kind of contact they're getting with constituents now," Josephson said. But others on the assembly are not optimistic. MSA member Richard Layman said that there is still a lack of awareness of MSA among students, and the assembly shot down the phone line after a few weeks because few students called in. I "This campus is considered active...hut percentage-wise students are not that n - - AISA Vice-President Phil Cole "We need to do more than just stick ourselves in the Fishbowl. We need to where the people are, and that might mean going to a frat or sorority or co- op... On the other hand, that's not easy when the people here are also studen- ts, and they have tests and papers, and a lack of knowledge just like everyone else," Layman said. Layman said he personally does not go out of his way to relate MSA ac- tivities to students "because they would not know what the hell I was talking about, or be interested in it like I am. The University is a very complex, interwoven, screwed-up weird thing. Dealing with ad- ministrators, trying to promote change, little victories here, major defeats there. I think it's really in- teresting, but a lot of people wouldn't get the kind of excitement out of it thatIdo." THE ASSEMBLY has been plagued by its workload. This year MSA has made numerous changes in its in- ternal structure in an effort to make itself more effective and to insure that all the work is not left to only a few dedicated students. One provision of the new structure requires all representatives to hold seats on committees and to maintain close contact with constituents. Although constituent contact is dif- ficult to monitor, the provision does encourage more work to be done in committee, rather than at general meetings, and will make assembly members more knowledgable about issues that come up in general meetings. "It probably takes 60 hours a week to be knowledgeable about all of the issues otherwise," said Rackham representative Bruce Belcher. The MSA elections have also been changed dramatically. Starting with the fall of 1987, the assembly will hold two elections a year so that terms of office will overlap, a move which assembly members hope will provide greater continuity. Josephson's assembly has also in- creased the number of represen- tatives from 37 to 50 to provide more manpower and broader viewpoints within the assembly. In addition, MSA elections this term have been moved up to late March to help representatives adjust to their new role before final exams. Josephson also believes that paying MSA officiers a salary for their work would allow more students to put in longer hours on assembly matters. N ADDITION to working on its image among students, MSA is struggling to win credibility with a University administration that often ignores its wishes. Assembly representatives complain that MSA gets little respect from ad- ministrators, and that com- munication easily breaks down on issues over which MSA and the ad- ministration disagree. Although the regents recognized MSA as "the legitimate student government" in 1976, they failed to specify how far MSA's powers would extend, and MSA leaders have since clashed with administrators over the assembly's involvement in University decision-making. The MSA Constitution gives the assembly sole prerogative over ap- pointing students to serve on Univer- sity-wide committees, and assembly members cite this internal document as evidence of MSA's representative authority. But the constitution was never of- ficially approved by the University and administrators can thus ar- bitrarily ignore MSA's wishes as events dictate. Last fall, for example, ad- ministrators overruled MSA protests when University President Harold Shapiro allowed governments from all schools and colleges to submit student nominations for a committee reviewing classified research guidelines. The regents' by-laws, which dictate the structure of University decision- making, only give MSA power to nominate students to eight individual committees, which include the University Council and the Board of control of Intercollegiate Athletics. They say nothing of ad-hoc or presidential committees like the guideline review committee. The by-laws maintain, however, that "student participation in Univer- sity decision-making is important to the quality of student life at the University, and shall be encouraged." Despite this statement, MSA mem- bers say they are frustrated by their lack of power and influence within the University. "MSA has so little power that often what comes out of individuals' ac- tivities are personality conflicts, so that all you can do is scream and yell at each other, because you can't effec- tuate any change in the University," Schnaufer said. Layman said students are frustrated with MSA because they don't realize that MSA is only one cog in the complex machinery of Univer- sity decision-making. "People on campus and in general society are anive about how complex organizations work... We exist at the pleasure of people in 503 Thompson (Fleming Administration Building) and tomorrow we could be gone if they say 'No more student government,"' Layman said. MSA representative Ed Kraus, an LSA sophomore, said the ineffec- tiveness MSA often feels in dealing with the administration is compoun- ded by student apathy. "In the '70s the administrators were afraid of student government. Now the administration knows this is Yup- pieville, USA, and they know there is only a small core of students that is going to oppose them," Kraus said. Kraus added that apathy is a problem even within the assembly. "I came to a University where I thought I was going to find a lot of long-haired students who were in- terested in issues. You want students to care, (but) there are actual representatives who don't seem to care themselves," Kraus said. Shapiro said he does not know any administrator who does not respect students, but he agreed that com- munication between MSA and the administration is a serious problem. He added that both sides must work to improve the situation, a plan that might improve relations. Shapiro said the communication problem is not caused by Frye said that the present leaders do not act in an adversarial way, though they may oppose the ad- ministration's efforts to institute the Code, a set of regulations which would allow the administration to punish students for non-academic crimes. "several years ago there was more of a militant opposition," Frye said. Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline) said administrators do not rely com- pletely on MSA as the representative body of the students. "We don't have the perception that just because the student body president says something, that's what all the studen- ts think. We get input from a lot of sources," Roach said. Roach said he views the role of MSA mainly as a supporter of student organizations and a forum for student discussion for the purpose of lobbying for student concerns. Josephson has tried to promote un- derstanding by inviting ad- ministrators to speak at MSA meetings. "I've tried to stress to the represen- tatives more self-reliance in dealing with administrators. In general, com- pared to the last two assemblies, we've had better relations," Josephson said. Josephson said that some students are too quick to label administrators as "anti-student." "There are a lot of administrators out there who are extremely pro- student, and who are very much along the political lines of a lot of people in MSA. But the organizational con- straints of working for the University don't allow them to always make a pro-student decision," Josephson said. Josephson added, however, that the will of the regents or the nature of the University often dictates the positions administrators take. "Right now I can think of 10 or 15 administrators who are either direc- tors of various student services or assistant vice presidents or vice presidents at the University who do not like the Code. But there is no way they would ever publicly say that they are opposed to the code," Josephson said. Associate Vice President for Student Services Thomas Easthope applauded Josephson for his efforts to "find some common ground" with the administrators. "Some of his opinions I don't agree with, but I'd disagree with any student leader on them, such as the Code." Easthope said he doesn't think that any MSA members trust the ad- ministration, but some of them feel more comfortable dealing with ad- ministrators than others. Schnaufer, a vehement opponent of the Code and other administration policies, said he trusts administrators on issues where it is clear that they have the same interests as MSA. "The administration represents its own interests, which are to get higher salaries, to increase the size of the administration and generally make sure that students don't gain any sub- stantive power over the University," Schnaufer said. MSA held a rare closed-door greeting on Feb. Ih eventual/y resulted in the resignation of the assen "... we should comunicate better, and listen better, on both sides. " - University President Harold Shapiro disagreement over issues. "It's a matter of each side trying to think of how they can help each other more creatively... We may or may not come to agree with each other, but we should communicate better and listen better than we do-on both sides," Shapiro said. Vice President for Academic Af- fairs Billy Frye agreed that MSA and the Administration need to establish more regular communication. "We need more ongoing discussions and more delegates. Whether they agree or disagree isn't the point," he said. Frye said that in recent years MSA leaders have seemed more anxious to communicate with the ad- ministration, but that many MSA members used to take a more adver- sarial attitude. Chairman. Layman said he is wary of MSA members being too friendly with ad- ministrators. "It's pretty easy to get romanced by administrators-we call it co-opted. In general the administration does not like MSA because we're an organized body that says they are doing things that are wrong," Layman said. "The fact is that we still have very limited access to the decision-makers, and it's not sytematic in any way, so that puts us at an extreme disadvan- tage," Layman said. Some assembly members feel that an increase in the student fee would make the assembly more effective as a lobbying group. "If MSA has more resources, then MSA can lobby more, and can, so to say, raise more hell," Schnaufer said. "Unfortunately the regents here seem to have much more control over stude to re keepi said. He nmer Mass each exam De. bers aboul Sai good we fo look a ni Co the g for pe like it there to cor 'MSA is not operating in a vacuum anymore. " -RASA President Paul Josephson 6 Weekend-March 7, 1986 Wee