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January 10, 1986 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-01-10

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The Michigan Daily
Siouxsie and the Banshees
- Cities in Dust - 12"
Single (Geffen)
So you think the Banshees have had
enough. You think they're too old, and
should just go home and have kids
and watch "Dynasty." Well, the Ban-
shees won't go away. And they have
no reason to. They have been the most
consistently strong British band in the
last eight years. Even their only
major label release in the US was a
howling good one (Hyaena). "Cities
in Dust" is the new single. Not out-
standing. Solid. Confident.: And
spellbinding. Siouxsie always comes
up with a good tune, and the b-sides
are interesting little dirges. Just look
around the British scene and see all
the bands that they have inspired and
you will see that Siouxie and the ban-
shees are still doing it better.
-Richard Williams
Angst-Lite Life (SST)
Angst has had it, alright. You know,
the usual malcontent with politics,
government, relationships ... all
that general disgust which
culminates in "angst." But hey, the
name of the record is Lite Life, lest
we forget, so don't get down partner.

Friday, January 10, 1986

Page 5



Unlike many of their peers, this San
Francisco trio doesn't vent their biting
lyrics over the whirl and shurl of har-.
dcore. Instead, a lyric like just to
please you, I could be you is sar-
castically tossed into a cheery upbeat
with crisp, undistorted guitar lines.
And "Never Going to Apologize"
features droning vocals meshed with
an equally peppy and steady rhythm.
Most of these songs make griping fun,
but here and there the formula fails.
It's like the band doesn't know how
far to go. "It's all a Lie" in particular
's just too melodramatic for it's own
good. But on tracks like "This Gun's
for You", Angst keeps the mood light,
the music mildly threashy, the gripes
coherent, and the effect is a good,
partying bitch-out.
-Beth Fertig
"Tiny Dynamine" 12" &
"Echoes in a Shallow
Bay" 12"
This is 'a strange and ultimately
silly concept. Release two 4 song, 20
minute 12" within a few weeks of each
other. Why not just one eight song LP?
Who knows? Anyway I think they
realize that their fans will. buy

anything they put out no matter what
form it's in.
These represent their least inspired
works. The Cocteaus are floating in a
stagnant pool. Between the two 12"s,
we get songs with titles like "Sultitan
Itan" and "Melonella" and the same
old lush and voluminous echoed or-
chestral sound. Only this time there's
less structure and definition. The Coc-

teaus are really incapable of making
a bad record, just boring ones.
Nothing here has the vibrant release
of "Gold Dust Rush" or "The
Spangle-Maker." It is possible that
they are becoming too perfect and
sedate. I hope I'm wrong. It seems as
if their "sound" is taking them over.
--Richard Williams


P 1--*
Or chetra'1
Krzysztof Penderecki,
Yo-Yo Ma, Cellist
Penderecki: "The Awakening'of
Penderecki: Cello Concerto No. 2
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 6
in Bminor

The Executive Officers of the University of Michigan are
considering a proposal from the University of Michigan Hos-
pitals to discontinue the Nurse Anethesist Program on the
Ann Arbor cam pus. An Open Meeting to consider this issue
will be held Wednesday, January 22, 1986, from
7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the Pond Room of the Michigan
Union. Persons interested in speaking to this issue should
contact Margaret Lemley at 3060 Fleming Administration
Building (phone 764-0151) to arrange a time. Speakers
are limited to a five-minute presentation, but may submit
additional written material to University administrators at
that time. All persons who have information pertinent to this
pending decision are invited to make their views known.

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TM~ll-oucaneat, aked potato
includes the World's Biggest, Best Salad Buffet" with Hot Spot" Cal~ouo d an a rtybae.ott
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Z ©1986de.neroanej~~

Saturday, January 11,
8:00 pm, Hill Auditorium
Ticket Prices: $16, 14, 12, 8
University Musical Society
Burton Tower, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone (313) 665-3717; (313) 764-2538
Office hours: weekdays 9-4:30, Saturday 9-12

Use Daily Classifieds


i Michigan Union


"The Right Place at the Right Time"
Open 7 days, most nights 'ti 10:00 p.m.

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List price: 37.00

Title: Precalculus
Crse: Math109, 110
List price: 28.95
Our price: 27.50

Title: Fundamentals
of Physics
Crse: Phys 140, 240
List price: 40.45
Our price: 38.25

Textbook Specials for Winter '86

Open late all semester long

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