The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 7, 1986 -Page 7 I Keeping things cool on the ice Linesman Dave Kronenberg must keep players, and in this case countries, from fighting, as Canada's Paul Cavalini and Michigan's Frank Downing look to go at it. Referee Dave Fisher stretches out before Michigan's After a schuffle with a Lake Superior player, Myles O'Connor is ushered into the penalty box by Linesman Refere Dihae FshersretEd Sneddon. game with Lake Superior. Kronenberg clears out of the way while keeping an eye on the action. officials enter each game ready to do battle Short on padding but long on stamina, hockey's with the players or, rather, ready to keep the players from doing battle with each other. One referee and two linesmen stay on the ice for the entire game, whereas the players are never on the ice for more than two minutes at a time. The head referee has the burden of calling penalties. It is up to him to determine when a little clutching and shoving becomes holding and roughing. This power enables him to control the tempo of the game. If he does not call any penalties, the game could turn into a brawl. When this happens, the of- ficials have their hands full. Too often, they have found out that two-hundred pound men with sticks and gloves are not easy to separate when they have their hearts set on a fight. By the ean of each game the officials are physically spent. Although the locker room provides no positive reinforcement for a job well done, it does provide shelter from screaming coaches, players and fans. Because of the control the officials must exert on the game, they are often the scapegoat. But in the end, they have only themselves with whom to discuss their performance. I.