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March 07, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-03-07

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 7, 1986

Twelve Pages

Vol. XCVI - No. 106

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily



Blue munches

guide lines
let victims,
in classes
The University has accepted an in-
dependent health organization's
guidelines which recommend
allowing AIDS victims to attend
classes, as well as educating students
about the disease.
The American College Health
Association (ACHA) indicated that
students with AIDS should be given
access to student unions, cafeterias,
and other campus facilities. The group
also recommended that residence hall
staffs receive education about the
THE guidelines are "based on the
best currently available medical in-
formation and on recommendations of
the Public Health Service and the
} Centers for Disease Control ... '(and
are) derived from the best
epidemiological data," the
association said in a statement.
According to the statement, current
AIDS research shows that the deadly
disease cannot be spread through
casual contact, such as coughing,
sneezing, swimming, or eating food
handled by an AIDS victim.
Affirmative Action director
Virginia Nordby, who chairs the
University task force on AIDS appoin-
ted last fall, said the University will
adopt the guidelines, "but that is not
to say they must be literally inter-
See 'U' Page 2




The result was so clear, Michigan
coach Bill Frieder hardly talked
about what happened in last night's
99-82 basketball win over Ohio State.
Instead of breaking down the blowout,
Frieder chatted about injuries,
television and Saturday's conference
showdown with Indiana.
"It's not too complicated," said
Ohio State coach Eldon Miller. "You
don't have to dissect this one."
Miller should know. In his last visit
to Crisler Arena leading the
Buckeyes, he watched his team get
torn up more thoroughly than a frog in
a high school biology experiment.
For Michigan, Roy Tarpley stepped
to the head of the class, scoring a
team-high 22 points and sharing

rebounding honors with Richard Tarpley's eight-foot fade away fin-
Rellford. Each grabbed seven boards. ished the run, which helped him to a
Tarpley also led the second half 15-point second-half showing.
barrage that put the game out of THE WOLVERINES maintained
reach after the first five minutes of the torrid pace for the next eight
the period. That's when the minutes, stretching their lead to 28,
Wolverines completed a 11-2 run to in- 82-54 with 7;35 remaining.
crease their lead dto 20, 58-38. "There's no question we were ready
THE 6-11, senior started the to go,". said Frieder, "maybe too
scoring, hitting one free throw, and ready."
then missing the second, the only one "Our kids got a good lesson today,"
of his 11 charity tosses that didn't fall. said Miller. "We didn't play strong
Tarpley then stole an Ohio State pass, enough."
hitting Butch Wade on an outlet pass THE STRENGTH deficiency came
for a dunk. in great part from the absence of 7-0
Rellford tipped in a missed Tarpley senior Brad Sellers, who spent almost
jumper. Tarpley followed that with a half the game on the Buckeye bench in
fast-break dunk from Antoine foul trouble. The allconference cen-
Joubert, who scored Michigan's next ter picked up his third foul seven
basket on yet another fast break. See 'M', Page 12

'UI' Council limits


academic sanctions

Doily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY

Michigan forward Richard Rellford stuffs home two of his 12 points early
in the first half of Michigan'ss 99-72 victory over Ohio State. Rellford, who
scored half of his points on dunks, is watched by Buckeye Dennis Hopson.

Rackham minorities organize

A recently formed organization of graduate minority
students has the potential to play a decisive role in
minority recruitment and retention at Rackham, accor-
ding to several deans at the University's graduate school.
The group, the Minority Organization of Rackham
(M.O.R.), is growing rapidly, said Thomas LaVeist, a
member of the steering committee.
"ALTHOUGH in the early 70's there were similar effor-
ts to organize such a group for all minority graduate
students, none have been as focused as this group's," said
Byron Groespeck, associate dean for Rackham ad-
"Such interest and activism can keep their concerns

close to available surfaces," according to George Jones,
Rackham's Interim Associate Dean and the ad-
ministrator who provided the original impetus for the
group's organization. -
Last spring, Jones began a series of luncheons with
graduate minority students to assess their concern and
desire for such a unifying body. Once he found a core of
a bout ten people, he passed the responsibility for the
group on to them.
"MY ROLE is essentially advisory, and I want all the
success to be based upon their efforts," Jones said.
Currently, the group is writing its constitution and has
see MINORITIES, Page 5

The University Council agreed yesterday that any
punishments a hearing board applies to a student accused
of violent crimes can only last up to 15 weeks.
The council, working on an alternative to the ad-
ministration's proposed code of non-academic conduct,
also said however, if the University feels the accused still
represents a threat after the sanction expires it can
request another board hearing.
THE BOARD would then decide whether to continue
sanctions for up to another 15 weeks.
These sanctions, councilmembers previously agreed,
would range from barring a person from contact with a
certain person or place - such as a dormitory -
requiring that the accused undergo counseling.
The 15 weeks, said law student Suzanne Cohen, co-chair
of the council, is the minimum need to protect others while
giving the accused time to rehabilitate.
OPPONENTS of the code have expressed concern about
giving the University the power to apply long-range
punishments such as suspension or expulsion for non-
academic crimes. They have said the threat of such
punishments could be used to stifle dissent on campus.
But councilmembers yesterday said they could justify
applying sanctions tantamount to a suspension - such as

'I can understand a sanction, but
we shouldn't go any further than
-Prof. Shaw Livermore
'U' Council member
barring a student from classes - if the student represents
a danger to people in the classes.
Councilmembers have stressed -that "any restrictions
shall be in proportion to the assessed threat and shall be
the minimum necessary."
"I CAN understand a sanction, but we shouldn't go any
further than that," said History Prof. Shaw Livermore,
one of three faculty members on the council.
The council also agreed yesterday that the accused
should have the right to an appeal if new evidence is un-
covered after the hearing. It failed to decide, however,



women, speaker says

Traditional conceptions of women
in history must be reshaped to
acknowledge that women played
major roles in social historical
periods ranging from the industrial
revolution to peace movements in the
1960's, a visiting historian asserted
last night.
Carol Berkin, an American History
professor at Baruch College in New
York, who specializes in women's
studies, said that predominantly male
historians have often excluded women
from the forefront of historical
Berkin's speech in the East Quad
Auditorium kicked offs the 19th an-
nual Women's Weekend, sponsored by
the Campus Coalition of Women.
Events will continue through Sunday.
"THE PAST holds the promise of
answers to the present," Berkin said
to the audience of 20 male and female
students and community members.
"Women need not move into battle
witout a knowledge of successes, and

failures, of the battles of the past."
Berkins said her work is primarily
concerned with "restoring women to
their proper place in text books and
classrooms because this "will provide
young children with a more com-
prehensive picture of what ou history
was really about, and will help
produce a generation which sees both
men and women as integral parts of
our past and present."
As a long-time scholor of women in
history who has written several books
and tried to incorporate gender issues
into school curiculums, Berkin views
the work of scholars like herself as the
catylysts which are causing
"carefully constructed models of the
past to crumble;"
THESE models that exclude women
from history have been created,
Berkins said, because the field "has
long been monopolized by white mid-
dle class males who had the natural
tendancy to write about things familia
to them."
See WOMEN, Page 5

University students are shocked
and disheartened with the plans to go
ahead with parade welcoming former
Philippines presidentuFerdinand
Marcos to Honolulu this Sunday.
According to Filipino graduate
student Nina Carpio, this parade "will
show that there's a lot of support for
Marcos, and that he still holds a lot of
power. It's like Marcos is alive and
"THOSE who support Marcos will
be heartened by it. Those who don't
support him will get the message that
they have a lot to do," she said. Ac-
cording to Carpio, this means
educating the world about the Marcos
See STUDENTS, Page 2

raping up Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Hockey referees Dave Kronenberg (front), Dave Fisher (back left), and Ed Sneddon (back right) prepare to
officiate Michigan's game against Lake Superior State College this season. For a pictorial profile of the
CCHA referees, see Photostory on Page 7.

PRESIDENT REAGAN, taking an undeleted
expletive another step, held up a yellow
T-shirt emblazoned with the letters "S.O.B."
at a White House breakfast meeting with a
grnnn nf rennrters The nresident then turned the shirt

Stolen identity
A MAN unexplainably riddled by debt, convicted
of writing bad checks, discharged from the Air
Force, and suspected of carrying AIDS finally found
out why. Somebody else adopted his identity. Police in-
formed Joseph Miller. 25. of Amityville. N.Y.. Wed-

research revealed how the imposter ran up huge bills
on Miller's credit card and was even tossed out of the
Air Force using his former friend's identity. Giraud is
now in the prison wing of the Nassau County Medical
Center, officials said, because he said he has been
diagnosed as carrying the HTLV-3 virus, related to
acquired immune deficiency syndrome. "The infor-
mntinn h em in;in thi,. nnri rlrnh "Mllarcam "

SPEAKING UP: Opinion supports pluralism in
the Catholic Church and Sunday's march in
Washington, D.C. See Page 4.



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