OPINION Page 4 Thursday, March 6, 1986 The Michigan Daily m m I Edite an d managedbtsaU ivit l Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Moving toward 'new work' Vol. XCVI, No. 105 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board Aquino takes over he recognition of Corazon I. Aquino as de facto Philippine president by former President Ferdinand Marcos' parliamentary majority Monday signals cooperation in that embattled country. However, President - Aquino faces enormous problems emanating from a stagnant economy, a communist insurgency and a government still dominated by Marcos loyalists. These problems can only be dealt with if Aquino has the power to act, something which Marcos' New Society Movement party members may try to deny despite having recognized her. Among Aquino 's options is to declare a revolutionary government, enabling her to remodel existing governmental structures and design a new constitution. Already Aquino has moved to replace } members of Marcos' party from mayorships around the country. To empower Aquino, such changes are necessary but they should be made with caution. Too much power centralized in the presidency is dangerous. A democratic way for Aquino to establish herself . would be to declare new parliamentary elec- *: tions to replace the current parliament, one which has been universally condemned as the product of fraudulent elections. Aquino must also work with her own cabinet which includes Mar- cos' former Defense Minister and Minister of Social Services. She has already had to overcome inter- nal resistance to release political prisoners from the Marcos era. It is imperative that the differences within the government be ironed out so that Aquino can begin to deal with crucial Philippine problems such as poverty in cities and in the countryside. To revive the economy the commercial monopolies and endemic corrup- tion which remain must be eliminated. Dialogue should com- mence soon with the communist rebels to end the civil war which consumes both money and lives. The United States can help make Aquino's transition to power easier. Strong backing of Aquino and her policies would go a long way toward making them a success since American influence in the Philippines is enormous. Economic aid should be increased and the United States should aid the Philippine government to recover the estimated $3 billion in assets Marcos purchased in the United States with money stolen from his people. United States diplomacy in the peaceful transference of Marcos' power should set an example to future dealings with authoritarian despots such as Chun Doo Hwan of South Korea, Augusto Pinochet of Chile, and Pieter Botha of South Africa. The United States achievement, as a middle force in negotiating a solution dispels the myth that the only alternative to an authoritarian dictator is a com- munist regime. The success of the Philippines is a sign of hope for the world's oppressed peoples and something the United States should actively encourage. By Clay Agree We can trace this way of thinking to the boureois revolutions of the eighteenth cen- tury. Against the aristocracy's claims on status and power by right of birth, the rising bourgeoisie proclaimed the natural equality of mankind: One's social status must be earned, through worldly achievement, sin- ce merit is not transmitted by blood; one's value as a person is determined by one's productivity; thus, in a rational social hierarchy the productive bourgeoisie rather than the idle aristocratic consumers ought ot enjoy the preeminent position. The prestigious aura surrounding work in our own society is a remnant of this ideology which the bourgeoisie originally devised as the rationale for wresting power from the aristocracy. These notions which once proved useful in countering the mystifications underlying the medieval/aristocratic worldview have now outlived their original purpose, have become perverted, and now represent im- pediments to further progress. The original formula conferred status on the basis of work because work was necessary for social progress and such progress was seen as the greatest good; now the middleterm of the formula has been dropped and we find work extolled as a good in itself, without referen- ce to its purpose; one must labor long hours in order to be a worthwhile human being, wholly irrespective of the social utility of one's labor; quantity or productivity becomes the main measure. This is why politicians and business leaders like us to know that they are "workaholics," com-, pulsive work addicts; this is their way of - garnering all the prestige which accrues to one with a great capacity for work without seeming to be immodest. The strength of the connection we make between one's labor and one's human worth is such that we are even willing to esteem one whose toil is the expression of a neurosis. The tremendous prestige of work in our culture leads many people to consider engagement in some socially useless or destructive occupation (of which there are many) to be more dignified than retirement. In such an atmosphere mandatory retirement is often experienced as a sort of degradation, as the reduction of one's being to a subhuman level. "These people can still be productive" is the common refrain of ad- vocates for the elderly. This can be tran- slated as, "These people still have human worth." So strong is the identification of the value of one's being with one's labor that it is not all unusual for seemingly healthy people to drop dead shortly after retirement; work was more than their means of sustenance - it was the justification of their existence: Like a plow horse grown too old for the fields, one whose identity has been based solely on an oc- cupation becomes a used-up implement, with no raison d'etre, upon retirement. Agree, a recent LSA graduate is currently involved with the Center for New Work. As we valorize work time we also denigrate time away from the mob: Rather than being an end in itself, we feel that free time needs to be justified as a recharging period for the frail human plow horse, an unfortunate necessity for the maximization of our productivity. (One wonder how many times a day a student in Ann Arbor justifies listening to some music by telling himself he will be able to study so much more efficien- tly afterwards.) For the retired and unem- ployed, free time lacks even this paltry justification and is often experienced in anguish. The Need For Alternatives We need to find some way in which the ever-diminishing number of job hours can be equitably distributed; this calls for some new ways of scheduling those hours. As things now stand, we a situation in which either one is employed for the bulk of one's waking life or one is unemployed. In light of the impact of technology, we are headed in the direction of annever-increasing number of unemployed citizens lacking the human dignity we reserve for one employed full time. To enable the redistribution of job hours we need to re-evaluate the way we nowthink about job time and free time: Job time cannot remain a jealously-guarded commodity whose gross quantity is a cen- tral factor in a person's self-worth; free time must become a desirable end in itself requiring no shamefaced justification. We must begin to re-orient our lives around that time away from the job. The Center for New Work is a community education organization concerned with these issues. The Director of the Center is' University Phiolsophy Professor Frithjof Bergmann. The Center has an office in Flint and has been in dialogue with General Motors and UAW officials there. A ten-part video series, produced by Flint's public television station, is nearing completion. At this time the Center is becoming more ac- tive in the Ann Arbor community and will soon be opening an office here. There will be a discussion/meeting on Thursday Mar. 6, 6:30 p.m., at the Canterbury House, 218 N. Division (2 blks. north of Huron). If you would like to get involved, or if you are sim- ply curious and would like to learn more, please feel free to drop by. Yesterday's article examined the impact of technology on employment. The trend was seen to be one in which the number of available job hours is being greatly diminished as automation makes each of those hours much more productive. If we hold onto the notion that a full time job must consist of at least forty hours per week, and if a "Proper" life remains one in which a person works at this schedule almost con- tinuously until age 65, then the inevitable consequence will be massive unem- ployment. Given this state of affairs the ob- vious question becomes, "Why aren't we reducing everyone's working time rather than throwing people out of work?" In the 1950's sociologists speculated on the impact that technology was likely to have upon the average American. Modern in- dustrial efficiency and the general availability of time-saving domestic ap- pliances were thought to portend a tremen- dous increase in the amount of "free time" people would enjoy. A shorter workweek seemed in the offing; a great enhancement of life seemed possible in the coming "affluent society." In 1986 we find instead that folks are still working 40 to 50 hours per week, generally in jobs they find un- fulfilling; the effect of increased industrial efficiency has been to throw people out of work rather than to reduce the work time f those still employed. What now passes as a general "enhancement" of life is the greater affordability of entertaining gadgets which promise temporary escape from the workaday reality, gadgets which we now find we need. In the '50s it was assumed that work would decrease as the labor time necessary to fulfill needs decreased; in the 80s we find that needs tend to increase to the degree necessary to justify the traditional work schedule in light of increased efficiency. Labor time has not decreased since the r50s because such a decrease runs counter to our culture's peculiar "ideology of work",. We view life exhausted in toil both as an immutable dictate of nature and as a requisite of human dignity: "It's natural to spend the bulk of one's waking life on the job ...things have always been that way ... we already have more leisure time than any other culture in history ... the most thatwe can hope for is a reduction of the unpleasan- tness of those working hours" - such is our common way of thinking. But is this natural? Have things really always been this way?6 Anthropological studies indicate that people in primitive cultures (whom we usually think of as "closer to nature ") - generally did not work as much as we do - four or five hours per day seems to have been the norm. In such cultures it was ap- parently considered "natural" that one ought ot work as little as possible; toil was seen as a necessary evil to be minimized, as in some sense degrading. The same was true in aristocratic societies where one's . dignity was proportional tto thedistance between one's life and the necissity of working; for the aristocratic world toil was "natural" only for the masses, in order for them to maintain the elite in luxury. Finally, people in third world cultures of our day often bridle at the prospect of long work hours: Western companies which try to set up industrial facilities in these countries of- ten bemoan the lack of a "disciplined labor force." The token of truth in our picture of work in other times and places is the fact that we do work quite a deal less than people _ did during the height of the industrial "- revolution; in the broad context of human history, however, that period was an anomaly. In short, the natural necessity and dignity of a life revolving around labor seems to be conceptions peculiar to modern Western culture. Give him shelter Final part of two part series. 6 . # 5 i w k pd F t ii 6 kt }N . T HE UNITED States owes Fer- dinand Marcos nothing beyond the courtesy of asylum. Washington must provide Marcos with sanctuary because he has been a vital ally, supplying the United States with two-important strategic air and naval ~bases Clark Field and Subic Bay. Like i or not the United States has sup- portea Marcos for most of his 20 year rule. Reagan's invitation to Marcos and his family, contingent on his stepping down from office, has been hailed as a key act of diplomacy toward preventing violence. Clearly, now it is Aquino who deservers United States priority attention and economic aid in transfering power and rebuilding democracy. Still, having offered Marcos asylum, the United States has taken on the responsibility of providing him with safe refuge. It would be grossly irresponsible for the United States at this point to leave Marcos unprotected. At the same time, Marcos can obviously afford all the protection he needs. While Marcos is establishing per- manent residence, it is appropriate that the secret service protect him. Any future long term expenditures of U.S. funds on Marcos' security, however, are unnecessary and un- warranted, especially since he ac- cumulated his fortune largely by pocketing U.S. aid to the Philip- pines. Additionally, Marcos' American investments are con- siderable. Though Marcos can pay for his own protection, the United States has an obligation to ensure his safety until he is settled. A haven, after all, is a place to rest peacefully. Woolson O 1ftNANCI AID, I I a a 'y t'4\\ f;~ E~ Q - 7Li tt V. '. I;zl We encourage our readers to use this space to discuss and respond to issues of their concern. Whether those topics cover University, Ann Arbor I 4 - E~ inuuUu ~