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March 04, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-03-04

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Ninety-six years of editorial/freedom


Vol. XCVI - No. 103

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan -

Tuesday, March 4, 1986

Eight Pages

Aquino s


sparks protests

From AP and UPI
MANILA, Philippines - Moves to
replace local officials with supporters
of President Corazon Aquino yester-
day sparked the first public protests
against her government and warnings
of a "social upheaval" from leaders of
the deposed Ferdinand Marcos
Amid charges the new government
is "manifesting dictatorial tenden-
cies," Vice President Salvador Laurel
announced a new constitution would
be written within 90 days "reflective
of the true aspirations of the Filipino
HE SAID the document would be
submitted to the people for approval
in a plebiscite, followed by local elec-
Laurel told a news conference that
a commission "of the best minds and
most credible citizens in the country"
would be appointed to write the con-
stitution. He said the current
document "was invalid from its out-
set in 1973 because it was not ap-
proved by the people."
The announcement apparently reflec-
ted a desire on the part of Aquino's
administration to shift to a con-
stitutional government as soon as
possible. Justice Minister Neptali
Gonzales said the new government,
which took power last week after a
military-led revolt forced Marcos
from office, is "in reality a
revolutionary government."

IN ANOTHER development, com-
munist rebels yesterday killed at least
16 people - 12 policemen, a constable,
and three civilians - in a roadside
ambush in the central Philippines,
military headquarters and the state-
run news agency said.
Col. Jovencio Sales, national police
chief for Albay Province, said about
200 guerrillas waiting on both sides of
the road fired on the truck as it drove
onto the bridge at Guinobatan, a town
210 miles southeast of Manila, and a

minibus was caught in the crossfire.
The truck was riddled by machine
gun fire, swerved and crashed into
another vehicle, Sales said. Com-
munist insurgents had been relatively
inactive since the election Laurel
predicted after Marcos fled the coun-
try last Wednesday that most
guerrillas would lay down their arms
when a new government took over.
See MARCOS, Page 7

Aquino faces political
dilemma, panel says

Dog day
In celebration of the 8th anniversary of Le Dog hot dog stand on E. Liberty, Jule Van Dyck-Dobos offers free
wieners during lunch yesterday.
,RSG resolves electi~on
dispute, validates ballots

Philippine President Corazon
Aquino faces a political dilemma as
she tries to consolidate her political
power and restore order to her nation,
said Edilberto de Jesus, a visiting
professor from the Asian Institute of
Management in Manila.
De Jesus and four other panelists
explained the implications of recent
events in the Philippines at a forum
sponsored by the University's Center
for Southease Asian Studies last night.
DE JESUS warned that Aquino may
have to violate some of her own ideals
of fair play to eliminate many Marcos

supporters from government in-
stitutions. "Aquino is publicly com-
mitted to the restoration of rule and
law and she has done so in steps, but
she has to consolidate her political
power quickly and thus may have to:
bypass some of the rules," he said.
De Jesus sees danger in Aquino
rewriting the political rules of the
country to consolidate her power
because it may set a precedentthat
would encourage her successors to
rewrite the rules when they enter the;
Aquino should establish her
See U.S., Page 7

The Rackham Student Government last night
recognized winners of three representative seats that had
been undecided since last month's RSG elections due to 29
disputed ballots.
The conflict ended when RSG members accepted votes
on 19 of the questionable ballots, declaring as winners In-
stitute of Public Policy student Erik Stalhandske, Geology
Research Assistant Sonja Pettingill, and incumbent
Physical Sciences representative Gus Teschke.
STALHANDSKE received a total of 59 votes compared
to 53 for his closest .challenger, Pettingill garnered 17,
while Teschke came away with 15. Both of these students
were elected.
RSG members had debated the ballots' authenticity
because voters omitted their names, ID numbers, or
Rackham school division numbers. According to RSG
bylaws, voters must sign their ballots and provide their ID
numbers for verification.
Pettingill questioned the need to sign the ballots in the

first place, but RSG member Mark Weisbrot said the pur-
pose behind the signing ballots was to prevent fraud and
the members tried to accept the maximum number of
votes possible. She designed a proposal dealing with only
10 of the disputed ballots, all of which lacked either ID
numbers, or signatures, or both.
During the debate, members' presented differing inte-
rpretations of the election bylaws. Representative Alice
Haddy said that the bylaws fail to state a clear policy
about the use of ID numbers. She said that while the
bylaws required voters to show student IDs before voting,
she was unsure if that meant the ID numbers had to ap-
pear on a valid ballot..
Representative Ed Hellen, however, contended that the
bylaws say both the name and ID number are required to
appear on a ballot. "Either throw out all the ballots or ac-
cept them all," he urged the assembly.
RSG VOTED on each part of Lee's proposal separately.
See RSG, Page 3

Council rejects parking plan

The Ann Arbor City Council voted 7-4
last night to again defeat a city or-
dinance amendment that would have
allowed the developer of the proposed
Huron Plaza Conference Center to
add underground parking without
reducing the floor space planned for
the project.
Project developers will submit a
revised conference center to council
later this month. The coun-
cil rejected a similar parking plan

last November.
THE proposed conference center
located at Huron and First Streets
would surpass city size restrictions if
the 389 underground parking spaces
had been added. The amendment
would have made it possible for the
developer, Richard Berger, to build a
390,000 square foot hotel, conference
center, and retail shops, and also have
underground parking.
Although council members agreed
that underground parking is good for

the city since it freesvland for other
uses, most did not favor creating an
ordinance to facilitate this particular
Councilmembers felt that no one
had considered the negative effects
the conference center might have on
the neighborhoods and traffic flow in
the downtown area.
"THESE effects have not been
carefully studied and the assurance
that nothing bad will happen does not
See HURON, Page 3

Laser project leads
. chem. renovation

English prof.
brings energy
to his classes

The University expects to begin
work soon on a laser laboratory in the
chemistry building as part of a
project to renovate that building as
well as construct a new facility next
The Board of Regents at their
meeting last month approved $400,000
for construction of the laboratory in
an area of the Chemistry Building
currently unusable because of ven-
tilation problems. The renovation,
estimated to cost $3 million, will
provide for a more modern exhaust
CHEMISTRY Prof. Arthur Ashe
said current research projects which
could utilize the laser include detec-
ting pollutants in the atmosphere,
analyzing energy levels of molecules,
and studying how energy is absorbed
by various chemicals.
The laser lab begins a program to
renovate University chemistry
facilities that was initially funded by a
$30 million state appropriation last
year. The other half of the project's
$60 million price tag will come from

the University's general operating
The renovation and new building,
which is expected to be completed this
year, also arose from a serious over-
crowding of chemistry office and lab
PLANS FOR the renovation began
in 1979 when University officials
discovered that poor ventilation in the
chemistry building violated city
building code standards. The new
building will have a more modern
ventilation system and the old
building's system will be renovated to
increase the amount of air intake.
Workers in the old building have
complained of difficulty breathing,
headaches, loss of muscle control, and
nausea due to the inadequate ven-
University maintenance workers
blamed these symptoms on a poor
exhaust system that sometimes was
unable to remove dangerous
chemicals from the air.

Students who complain that English
literature bores them may change
their minds after taking a class from
a professor who says that
Shakespeare is "just like the Hardy
Assistant English Prof. Stanton
Garner, who teaches classes on
Shakespeare and dramatic literature,
went into teaching because he "found
that it was important to me to be able
to share what excited me ... and I'm
good at it."
His colleagues agree.
"HE'S incredibly dedicated to the
job," said English Prof Bob
Weisbuch. "I've never seen anyone
jump into the life of the college as well
as he does."
The key to his successful teaching
may be his engaging sense of humor.
"Do you know that when I came to
teach here, I had to swear a loyalty
oath. I thought, what does that mean
- I'll be kicked out if I ever buy a

Toyota?" the youthful red-head jokes.
FORTUNATELY for him, he still
drives a 1967 Ford Falcon.
"I drive a car that's older than
some of my students," he says.
Thirty-year-old Garner spent most
of his life on the East Coast before
coming to the University, and still
roots for his alma mater's football
team - the Penn State Nittany Lions.
Pro file
coached by one of his two favorite
heroes, Joe Paterno.
His other hero is rock singer Mick
Jagger, because "he's so
GARNER says he is a sports fanatic
and an avid fan of Wolverine basket
ball. He admits he is a frustrated Red
Sox fan.
See GARNER, Page 6

Daily Photo by DEAN RANDAZZO
English prof. Stanton Garner finds Shakespeare as interesting as the
Hardy Boys. His colleagues describe him as extremely dedicated.

Eletion time
A 11 .antc , mn av a fran m a nA nf uin nfnr n

Excuses, excuses
A contest for the best excuse for being late has a
ha winner: "My pig fell down the furnace, and I
had to take it apart to get him out." David Klee, of

project-and tumbled down one of the ducts, he said.
"You could hear it snorting and squeaking and all
that," Klee said. "It didn't dawn on me that the pig
might get up and walk around." Klee said he was
delayed an hour while he pried the porker from the
dct and his s imrvisnrs at GM laghed hfore

STEREOTYPE: A look at the proposed "Women
of Michigan" calendar. See Page 4.



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