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February 20, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-02-20

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Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, February 20, 1986


Vol. XCVI-- No. 100

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ten Pages




Thea Lee (left), incumbent vice-president of Rackham Student Government and Melissa Mackenzie (middle),
graduate student, speak with voter Sara Newton at the Union yesterday, the last day of the RSG elections.
RSG elections set voter record

From AP and UPI
MANILA, Philippines-Accusations of election fraud
and veiled threats to close U.S. military passes descended
on President Ferdinand Marcos from Washington yester-
day. Corazon Aquino, who claims she won the presidency,
spoke of mass revolt.
Also yesterday the Senate voted overwhelmingly to
condemn the Phillipine elections as a fraud despite a war-
ning by Secretary of State George Shultz that the United
States should not walk away from its longtime ally.
BUT SHULTZ hinted that the Reagan administration
would consider withdrawing from Clark Air Force Base
and Subic Bay Naval Base if it decides Marcos kept power
by fraud and no longer has his people's support.
"Let's put our stake in democracy and freedom above
the bases," Shultz told the Senate Budget Committee.
U.S. aid is a major factor in the Philippine economy,
and American officials have tied future support for the
government to an election that is perceived by Filipinos to
be free and honest.
THE SENATE registered its mounting distaste for
Marcos, who long has enjoyed U.S. support. On a lopsided
85-9 vote, it declared the results of the Feb. 7 election were
"marked by such widespread fraud that they cannot be
considered a fair reflection of the will of the people of the
Brushing aside a threat by Marcos to impose martial
Blue set to bw~
By BARB McQUADE know the difference.
Michigan State played alarm clock "They went throu
to Michigan earlier this season, slump like most gre
waking the Wolverines up with a 91-79 Michigan State h
ringing in East Lansing. This time, Heathcote. "When
however, Michigan realizes it can't either loses a close o
just roll over and hit the snooze but- one, they never fee
ton. playing up to thei
"We're not going to lose this game," game might have be
said Wolverine guard Antoine Joubert for them realizing t
of tonight's battle at Crisler Arena. hard to win."
"You can quote that. It's not being Since then, Michig
cocky. It's just having confidence in Ten) has won fivet
the coaching staff and in my team- proved its shooting
mates, myself and our fans." and strengthened its
AFTER THE upset at Jenison "I'M REAL pl
Fieldhouse, Joubert and Co. should team," said Wolve

law, Aquino escalated her call for a civil disobedience
campaign yesterday and said she would ask governments
to withhold recognition of his disputed reelection.
Yesterday Marcos got his first, and only,
congratulatory message on his disputed election vic-
tory-from the Soviet Union.
MEETING earlier with leaders of his ruling party,
Marcos hinted he might impose martial law if other
methods fail to control street protests and boycott a pro-
Marcos businesses called by Aquino, who insists she won
the election.
"I will exercise to the limit the provision of the law and
the constitution to prevent turmoil," said Marcos, who
was declared the winner of the election Sunday by the
Marcos-controlled Natioml Assembly. An independent
watchdog group did its own vote count and said Aquino
won more votes.
In other Phillipines-related news, the Los Angeles
bureau manager of the Philippine News, a newspaper that
has oposed the regime of Marcos, was shot to death in his
home yesterday, a spokeswoman for Sen. Alan Cranston
(D.-CA) said.
Word that Oscar Salvatierra was shot came from the
San Francisco headquarters of the Philippine News.
Cranston spokeswoman Chris Lopez said. Salvatierra has
received a warning that "you will be executed," Ms.
Lopez said.
qt SleMS

Incumbents Dean Baker and Thea
Lea were re-elected to their respec-
tive offices of Rackham Student
Government president and vice
president, according to unofficial
election tallies.
Baker defeated challenger Peggy
Kuhn by a 134-72 margin, while Lee
won over challenger Bart Edes, 140 to
A RECORD number of voters tur-
ned out for the elections which were
held yesterday and Tuesday, Baker
said. This year, 248 Rackham studen-
ts went to the polls, while less than 70
students voted last year.
During the campaign Kuhn and
Edes, who are both students in the In-

stitute of Public Policy, have accused ins, Sonja Pettingill and Alison Barry
the current RSG of not com- were too close to call.
municating with graduate students Many people came out to support
and of not accurately representing Pettingill and Barry as write-ins. One
what graduate students really want. woman who refused to identify her-
Kuhn and Edes had promised to poll self, said she voted for the two write-
graduate students to find out their ins and voted for Baker and Lee
concerns if they were elected. because "they support LASC (the
In the race for the social science Latin American Solidarity Commit-
representative five people vied for tee) and I like what they do."
two seats. Incumbent Mark Weisbrot Many people who voted for Baker
had won one of the seats as of 11:30 and Lee, who have supported such ac-
p.m. last night. Votes for incumbent tions as the RSG's condemnation of
Mark Greer, Eric Norenberg, Erik Vice-president George Bush's visit,
Stalhandske, and Daniel Holliman and a resolution to declare the Un-
still had not been counted. iversity of Michigan a sanctuary for
IN THE physical science and Central American refugees, also
engineering school spots, votes for in- voted for Weisbrot and Greer for
cumbent Gus Teschke and two write- Social Science representatives.

ugh a mid-season
eat clubs do," said
head coach Jud
a club like that
ne or wins a close
el like they're not
ir potential. Our
een a springboard
they have to play
gan (22-3, 10-3 Big
of six games, im-
g and turnovers,
work ethic.
eased with my
erine head coach

.Students rally
in support of
Soviet Jewry

"You hold the key to freedom" was
the theme for yesterday's rally on the
Diag on behalf of Soviet Jews being
held prisoner in their country or
denied exit visas.
The afternoon's events, sponsored
by the University chapter of Student
Struggle for Soviet Jewry, featured a
mock prison holding a dummy that
symbolized prisoners of conscience,
and a post card signing campaign to
send to President Reagan.
struggle member, differentiated bet-
ween prisoners of conscience and
refuseniks. Prisoners of conscience
are Jews who are arrested on trum-
ped-up charges and sent to prison,
whereas refuseniks are Jews denied
exit visas.
During the 15-minute demon-
stration at noon, ten SSSJ members
4 stood opposite the prison, linked
together by a rope, and donned
nametags of refuseniks and prisoners
of conscience. Each member told the
history of the Jew they were represen-
ting to a crowd of about 100 people.
Karen Muchin represented Tania
Bogomolny, a refusenik the chapter
has adopted. "My husband Beniamin
applied to emigrate in 1966. He is
listed in the Guinness Book of World

Records as the most patient
refusenik. I have recently discovered
that I have breast cancer. Medical
care for refuseniks is barbaric. I must
emigrate immediately to survive,"
Muchin stated.
'MUCHIN AND fellow student
struggle member Jennifer Roth
visited the Bogomolys last year. "In
spite of all their hardships they have
remained extremely optimistic,"
Muchin said.
By adopting the Bogomolys, the
group writes to them regularly, and
contacts legislators on their behalf.
They also write letters on behalf of
other Jewish families in the Soviet
Other student struggle members
visited refuseniks in Russia last year.
"Once you go to the Soviet Union and
you see the situation that these people
are in you understand the need to
make some noise," Fleisher said.
"Human rights are violated every day
and it's our responsibility to change
that," she added.
FLEISHER said Hebrew teachers
in Russia have been imprisoned at the
rate of one per month since last year.
Their only crime is teaching Hebrew,
although that is not what they are
charged with, she said.
See STUDENTS, Page 2

Bill Frieder. "The intensity level has
been good."
Michigan may need more than at-
titude to beat the Spartans (17-6, 8-5
Big Ten), who have won six of their
last seven games, and currently boast
the third highest shooting' percentage
in NCAA history at 56.8 percent.
They trail only North Carolina and the
1980 Missouri squad.
"I've never had such a concern
about a game in my life," said
Frieder. His worries center on shut-
ting down that shooting game, namely
Scott Skiles.
THE 6-1 guard is a scoring wizard,
See SMOKIN', Page 10
in comm.
The LSA curriculum committee ap-
proved revised requirements for a
concentration in communication
Tuesday. The revisions, which reduce
the requirements for the concen-
tration program, will go into effect
next fall.
The revisions lower the total num-
ber of hours for the concentration
from 38 to 31 and increase the hours of
cognate hours from six to nine.
UNDER THE new requirements,
students must take courses 103, Media
of . Mass Communication; 202,
Freedom of Expression; and 401,
Selected Theories in Communication.
In addition, students must take three
hours each from the following groups
of courses: theory and research, in-
stitutions, and communications skills.
Two courses which are currently
required for concentrators - 101, In-
terpersonal Communication, and 210,
Persuasive Communication - have
been dropped because of staff shor-
tages and because they. fall outside
the field of mass communication.
The revisions follow a request from
the executive committee last year
that the department narrow its focus.
ACCORDING TO Marion Marsold,
associate professor in charge of the
undergraduate curriculum, students
See LSA, Page 3

Daily Photo by PETE ROSS
LSA senior Paula Schipper, LSA sophomore Phyllis Glink, and LSA seniors Jennifer Roth and Marcy Fleisher
(left to right) stand in front of a mock prison yesterday, after a demonstration in support of Soviet Jewry. The
figure in the cage represents all Soviet prisoners of conscience.

No camping
NO CAMPING in the Arb! That goes for
parents too. Gil Jaeger, superintendent of
the Arboretum, wants everyone to get that
straight in spite of a Daily story which
facetiously advised students' parents to pitch tents in


night and that's that," he said. The Arb is primarily a
nature study area and we don't allow camping," he
said. In the past Jaegar said he has received calls
about rock concerts and weddings, but those festivities
are forbidden as well. He has not gotten any calls about
camping yet, only one from a concerned neighbor, but
he expects to get as many as 500 in the next few weeks.
Jaeger said he is not angry about the Daily's

Methodist Church in this Pittsburgh suburb. Silk said
yesterday that his father, J. Meryl Silk, had apparently
borrowed the book from the church library about 1910.
His father was 12 years old then. The book, entitled,
"The Life of John Wesley" by C. T. Winchester, is
about the founder of the Methodist Church. An inside
page of the book warns, "Books are loaned for two
weeks only." Silk said the book may have inspired his

OLD MAIN: Opinion looks at converting the
old University hospital. See Page 4.




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