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February 17, 1986 - Image 1

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVI - No. 97

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan -

Monday, February T7, 1986

Ten Pages

New 'U' hospital
move succ

Emergency aid stations designed to handle cardiac
arrests, seizures, and nausea lined the route along which
University Hospital employees pushed and wheeled more
than 350 patients across a connecting bridge to the new
Main Hospital Friday.
But the stations went unused - a sign of the smooth
transfer that was over in five hours, about four hours
ahead of schedule.
"It was just a sea of people," said Sally Sample,
associate director of the new hospital who observed the
"We were very fortunate," said Alla Gains, a hospital
administrative assistant.
The move, originally scheduled for Jan. 4, had been
postponed until Friday because the hospital violated state
fire codes, and failed to obtain proper certification for its
medical gas system.
State officials confirmed that the new hospital complied
with the regulations and obtained approval to open last
week. Gene Schmitt, a lieutenant of the state Fire Mar-
shall's Department, said the hospital last Wednesday
received word that its fire walls, smoke barriers, smoke
detectors and sprinklers met the standards of the state's
fire code.
In addition, Dennis Kirkwood, an assistant hospital
director, said the state notified the hospital that its gas;
system had passed state regulation last Tuesday. The
hospital had originally failed to obtain certification
proving that gases such as oxygen and nitrous oxide were
correctly connected to their respective systems.
With these problems solved, the hospital began the
delayed move at 8:04 a.m. on Friday. Opal Glenn, a 66-
year-old resident of Detroit, was the first patient wheeled
into the new building.

Glenn, along with all other intensive dare patients were
moved first. Some of the more seriously ill patients
required as many as six hospital personnel to accompany
them, according to Nancy Foram, a hospital nurse.
Mable Craig, chair of the patient move committee, was,
responsible for coordinating the 200 nurses, doctors, and
other hospital employees who volunteered to aid in the
Only 70 of the 200 actually helped transfer the patients;
Craig said. Most of the remaining 130 helped guide
relatives along the route, made sure the path was free of
obstructions, and oversaw the various "command posts"
along the route.
Staffers who did move patients were also responsible
for watching intravenous bottles, and pushing monitors,
and other equipment, Craig added.
Jenny James, a director of nursing at the hospital, said
that most patients went through the "move path" in,
groups of three supervised by one nurse.
"Any unstable patients," however, were attended in-
dividually by separate nurses, she said.
"It went fine," Robert Coppola, a heart transplant
patient, said of his 12-minute move from the old hospital.
"I was treated really well," he added, referring to the
attention he received from the two nurses who accom-
panied him. "They were trying to make the move as
comfortable as possible."
Coppola said he prefers his new accomodation to his
former "tiny" room, which offered him a view of ven-
tilation exhaust pipes at the old hospital.
"These rooms are gorgeous," he said of his new room.
Gains coordinated the emergency stations
the route that employed the remainder of the volunteers.

See AID, Page 3

GOP primary for City

Council set for

Doily Photo by DAN HABIB
Antoine Joubert eyes the court while Iowa's Ed Horton pursues him during Saturday's basketball game at
Crisler Arena. The junior guard led Michigan with 19 points and five assists.
Blue guns ow n Hawks,82-66

Michigan's deadeye accuracy
led to a 13-point explosion in
the second half Saturday, as the
Wolverines shot down Iowa, 82-66
at Crisler Arena.
All five of Michigan's starters
scored in double figures, shooting
66 percent, 70 percent in the second
half. In the end, the Hawkeyes
were no match for that attack.

George Raveling. "We're using
rifles and those guys are using
missiles. It's tough to fight in that
kind of warfare. It's kind of like
the United States versus Libya."
Michigan's guards certainly
weren't diplomatic, sparking the
onslaught. Antoine Joubert led all
scorers with 19 points, and Gary
Grant tallied 18. The pair scored.28
of their combined 37 points in the
second half.
"We shot the ball well from out-
side," said Michigan head coach

Bill Frieder, whose team stands in
the first place in the Big Ten at 10-
3. "Joubert and Grant made some
big, big baskets at crucial times.
"They have to play well if we're
going to be a good basketball team
because teams are going to sag on
Roy (Tarpley). They have to shoot
"Everyone's keying on Roy so
that makes it that much easier,"
Joubert pointed out. "When the
guards penetrate we can hit one

The Republican primary for
seats on Ann Arbor City Council
from the Third and Fifth wards
will be held today. Polling places
will be open from 7a.m. to 8p.m.
Below is a summary of the Third
Wards candidates and issues.
A report on the Fifth Ward can be
found on Page 3.
Donna Richter, a member of the
Ann Arbor Planning Commission, is
challenging incumbent Jeanette Mid-
dleton in today's Republican primary
for the Third Ward's seat on City
The winner of today's election will
represent the Republican ticket in
next April's City Council race against
Third Ward Democratic candidate
Susan Contratto.
The local Republican Party has
pledged its support to Middleton, who

was elected to city council two years
ago. But Richter believes she can
overcome her disadvantages with six
years of work on the city's planning
"Because I have a planning
background and the experience and
knowledge that a city council member
needs to judge the city, I can help the
city through this critical growth
stage," Richter said.
The contest between Richter and
Middleton hasn't focused so much on
city council experience or party sup-
port, as it has on a controversial
zoning issue that affects group living
arrangements such as sororities and
fraternities in the Hill, Lincoln,
Olivia, and Cambridge Streets area.
On this issue as well, Richter seems to
be the underdog.
As a planning commission member,
Richter last Jurie voted against
allowing Collegiate Sororis to occupy
a house at 903 Lincoln. The sorority
wanted to purchase the house and

build a 4,400 square foot addition
despite opposition from the neigh;
borhood North Burns Park
Association. The planning com-
mission and-the city council
ultimately approved the sorority's
move into the- house, but the
homeowners' association sued, saying
group occupancy was illegal.
Until 1984'a house in that area could
not be converted to group use unless it
contained more than 5,000 existing
square feet - excluding unihabitable
spaces like the attic and basement.
But that year, in the processes of
clearing up language in some zoning
laws, the word "existing" vanished
and "unihabitable spaces" was
changed to include floor space. No
one knew about this change until
Collegiate Sorosis petitioned for the
According to the tax records, the
house at 903 Lincoln measures 3,400
square feet, but the Planning Dapar-
See ZONING, Page 5

"We just don't
firepower," said Iowa

have the
head coach

MSA officer refuses to
resign; blasts assembly

Philippine armed
forces chief resigns

Lawrence Norris, the Michigan
Student Assembly's minority affairs
committee chair, told the assembly's
steering committee yesterday he will
not resign his post. He also en-
couraged black students at the Un-
viersity to withdraw their funds from
Norris was asked by the assembly
to resign last week for a variety of
misconduct charges, including his
holding a work/study job with the Un-
viersity's chief of minority affairs,
MSA'S LEADERS believe Norris's
job with Niara Sudarkasa,the Univer-

sity's associates vice president for
academic affairs, may be a conflict of
interest with his work for the assem-
bly. They also charged Norris with not
representing the interests of minority
groups other than blacks, and
physically threatening former MSA
administrative coordinator Cheryl
The steering committee-which is
made up of MSA's executive officers
and committee chairs-delayed until
tomorrow afternoon their decision on
whether to recommend Norris's
dismissal to the full assembly.
In a 14-page letter given to the
steering committee yesterday, Norris
wrote that he feels MSA has not been
concerned about the interests of black

students on campus.
leaders never seriously discussed a
20-page report on minority retention
and recruitment written by Roderick
Linzie, MSA's minority researcher.
Norris also wrote that he opposed
several of the report's recommen-
dations, including the grouping of
minority services in one University
office. "Rather, black people and
issues must infiltrate every office
from the President's to MSA," he
MSA President Paul Josephson said
he supported centralization in order to
See NORRIS, Page 2

MANILA, Philippines (UPI)
President Ferdinand Marcos yester-
day announced the resignation of Ar-
med Forces Chief Fabian Ver as hun-
dreds of thousands of Filipinos jam-
med a downtown park to protest Mar-
cos' fraud-tainted re-election.
Ver, Marcos' cousin and his most
trusted aide, was acquitted in
December of conspiracy in the 1983
murder of opposition leader Benigno
Aquino, husband of presidential can-
didate Corazon Aquino.
Hours after Marcos was proclaimed
winner of the Feb. 7 elections by the
Marcos' controlled Naitonal Assem-
bly, Aquino outlined a seven-point
plan of non-violent protest, including
strikes, during an address to a crowd

estimated by reporters and police to
number between 250,000 and 1 million.
Marcos has been under heavy
pressure from Washington to replace
Ver as head of the troubled 250,000-
member military, which is fighting
internal corruption and a growing
communist insurgency.
The President said he planned to
meet U.S. special envoy Philip Habib
today to discuss the election, which
President Reagan said was marred
by widespread fraud.
He acknowledged, "It has already
become evident, sadly, that the elec-
tions were marred by widespread
fraud and violence perpetrated largely
by the ruling party."
See AQUINO, Page 3

accepts resignation

W HAT CAN you do with a picture of Libyan
leader Moammer Khadafy, a Barbie doll,
and a Hostess Ding Dong cake? A team of
Purdue nniversiy studntsed e to n

extra step to remove the cap from a tube of toothpaste
and by showing a bit more "team spirit," said Vernard
Foley, one of three judges. "The team also used a more
precise method to squeeze the toothpaste onto the
bristles," Foley added. "Because the contest was so
close this year, we had to take some of these things into
consideration." The winning entry included a spring

engineering. "You can brush your teeth in a jiffy."
Tipsy test
A MUNICIPAL judge, frustrated by people who
lurch drunkenly into his courtroom, bought a por-
table breath-testing machine for on-the-spot sobriety

PRO-LIFE:Opinion criticizes the methods of
anti-abortion protesters. See Page 4.
DAU A a.. iw.. - .L. U. ........ i .




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