The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 9, 1986 - Page 3 Study group says alcohol policy should be clafied ---- - By VIBEKE LAROI An alcohol study group's report released yesterday puts pressure on University housing officials to em- brace or reject for the entire dorm system a "no kegs" policy instituted last September in Couzens Hall. The 13-member panel of students, residence hall staff, and housing of- ficials was formed last October in response to student outcry that the Couzens' policy was inconsistent with other residence halls. THE PANEL concluded that one rule about kegs be made uniform throughout the housing system, as should the role of residence advisers in enforcing the alcohol policy. The panel also recommended that residence hall staff get more training in handling alcohol-related incidents. John Heidke, associate director for housing education, said he expects to clarify the alcohol policy within the next two weeks. He would not say whether or not he favors a "no kegs" policy. ALTHOUGH THE panel's report didn't recommend a specific stance, panel member Marvin Parnes said "the majority of the mem- bers...leaned in the direction of a policy that would prohibit kegs and large quantities (of alcohol). But it was not unanimous." Parnes is assistant director of residence education. The alcohol policy, as it is currently written, states that the State of Michigan prohibits people under 21 from drinking alcohol and that alcohol may not be consumed or dispensed in any public area of residence halls. Panel member Deba Patnaik, building director of East Quad, thinks the current policy doesn't go far enough. "There must be a clear and consistent keg policy," he said, ad- ding that he supports a "no kegs" rule to "minimize the danger of irrespon- sible use (of alcohol.)" ANOTHER PANEL member, RA John Gant, agrees with Patnaik's goal, but argued that a "no kegs" rule would create friction between RAs and their residents. "If they said no kegs, it would be putting the burden (of enforcement) on residence staff, and that would be the worst mistak'," said the West Quad adviser. Gant's feelings point to another issue the study group says Heidke must resolve: how resident advisers can enforce the state law while respecting students' right to privacy. Heidke called the role definition a "paradoxical situation" in which the University, as a public institution, must uphold state law, while at the same time tolerate student ex- perimentation. Daily Photo by DEAN RANDAZZO Profiled The brilliant afternoon sunlight outlines pedestrians along S. State Street yesterday. FDA adopts new implant rules Polygraph experts disagree WASHINGTON (AP) - The Food and Drug Administration, responding to concerns about strokes and internal ,bleeding among artificial heart recipients, said yesterday that it had ,adopted new rules for permanent im- plants of the Jarvik-7 heart including :closer scrutiny of patient care. At the same time, it said it had for- bidden further emergency use of a smaller, unapproved version of the Jarvik-7 until the agency can review _its safety. A 40-year-old Minnesota ,woman received the unapproved heart in an emergency operation last month. BOTH statements were questioned by Dr. Robert Jarvik, developer of the heart, who said he hoped the FDA an- nouncements misstated the situation. The permanent implant restrictions announced went beyond recommen- dations, he said, while the emergency implant restrictions, as announced, could mean that surgeons would "sit on their hands while the FSA shuffles paper.". The FDA action followed a lengthy debate by a scientific advisory panel last month on whether serious medical complications among the four men who have received per- manent implants have shown the Jar- vik-7 heart to be too risky for per- manent use. Jarvik told the panel it has perfor- med "extraordinarily well" under dif- ficult circumstances, as well as early versions of other exotic medical devices. BUT CRITICS cited "devastating results". in the first four implants, in which two patients died and the remaining two suffereddebilitating strokes, in calling for the FDA to revoke permission for the three ad- ditional implants still authorized by the agency. The panel instead recommended new restrictionson the Jarvik-7, in- cluding. case-by-case approval of fur- ther implants, new procedures for treating patients and periodic reports to the government on patient status. The FDA said yesterday that it had adopted the panel's recommendations and asked Symbion Inc. of Salt Lake City, the heart's manufacturer, for a revised research protocol. The protocol specifies the steps that will be followed in a research program. FDA IS requiring that it approve the revised protocol before the next potential candidate for a permanent artificial heart is evaluated for possible implantation," the agency said. That interpretation was questioned yesterday by Jarvik, who said it went beyond the recommendation of the advisory panel. Jarvik, in a telephone interview from his Salt Lake City of- fice, said the panel clearly did not recommend a moratorium on implan- ts pending approval of the protocol. "If an emergency arose, DeVries is fully legally able to implant the next patient today," he said, referring to Dr. William DeVries. The panel did not propose that implants be halted while the protocol was being revised, he said. JARVIK declined further comment, saying he was unsure whether the FDA statement was an accurate ac- count of the.FDA positon. After last month's panel meeting, Jarvik said the advisory committee's recommendations would pose no problems to the artificial program and that he would cooperate with the information reporting requirements. The new rules involve only per- manent implants of the full-size Jar- vik-7 heart. They do not cover so- called "bridge," implants of the Jar- vik-7 heart, in which the device is used temporarily to bridge the gap bet- ween removal of an irreparably damaged heart and transplantation of a yet-to-be-found natural heart. Bridge implants of the full-size Jar- vik-7 can cotinue at the three U.S. medical centers where they now are authorized. But in a related development the FDA said it has forbidden further emergency bridge implants of a smaller version of the Jarvik-7d that has not yet been approved for human testing. The smaller version is still unap- proved because of a lack of data on how its 30 percent smaller size affects blood flow and whether the change might damage blood cells, the FDA said. WASHINGTON (AP) - While President Reagan contends that polygraph testswill discourage the sale of America's secrets to its enemies, critics said yesterday that the gadgets sometimes ensnare the innocent and absolve determined liars. The polygraph, or lie detector, has an accuracy rate of between 50 per- cent and 95 percent in criminal in- vestigatons, experts say, but there is no scientific evidence that it is useful for screening those seeking sensitive jobs or security clearances. "YOU ARE likely to miss in- dividuals who are trained spies. In training, they have been given tests and suggestions on how to pass them," said Leonard Saxe, an associate professor of psychology at Boston University who prepared a report on polygraphs for the congressional Office of Technology Assessment in 1983. The polygraph may be useful in criminal investigations when the list of suspects has been narrowed and a great deal is known about the offense, said Saxe, but "there is no scientific research on its use as a screening tool." "I don't believe that lie detectors work very well and therefore, in order to properly protect the safety of the nation, the Congress must continue to insist that they not be used as the sole screen to rid ourselves of terrorists, because any terrorist or spy can get through a lie detector like water through a sieve," said Rep. Pat Williams, (D-Mont.). WILLIAMS has proposed legislation to bar the use of lie detec- tors to screen employees for private companies outside the defense in- dustry. At a news conference Tuesday night Reagan denied reports that a secret order he signed Nov. 1 would require with Reagan random screening of 2.5 million government workers and defense con- tractors with access to military secrets. Reagan said the polygraph would be used only "as an investigatory tool," and would apply to "only a limited number that actually deal with classified materials." DEFENDING the program, the president said, "that the very nature of the tests has led to a multitude of confessions of various crimes." Public statements by Reagan ad- ministration officials have confused outsiders trying to determine how many people would be subjected to polygraph tests. Last month, Secretary of State George Shultz objected to the uke of polygraphs to randomly screen government workers and said he would resign if asked to take a lie detector test. Judge dismisses Law dean suit (Continued from Page 1) Sandalow and $9 million in damages. The University said Picozzi inten- ded to use the fire to show that he was, being harassed at the University, thus increasing his chances of being accep-; ted at Yale. Such letters are common requirements for students attempting to transfer to another law school. PICOZZI, who enrolled at the University in 1981 said the fire was purposely set to injure him. He suf- fered burns and a broken back when he fell from his third-story window while trying to escape the fire.- At the time Picozzi initiated his suit, Sandalow refused to write the letter of good standing unless Picozzo passed a; lie-detector test showing his innocen- ce in setting the fire, or won the University hearing that was ordered by Feikens. At the hearing, which took place last March, hearing officer Robert Guenzel decided that no clear and convincing evidence existed that proved Picozzi set the fire. He ordered Sandalow to provide Picozzi with the letter. Sandalow complied. . Although the hearing decided a por- tion of the case, the $9 million civil suit continued. Feiken's decision to dismiss the case favored the Univer- sity. "DEAN SANDALOW and others in the case must have the authority to take prompt and reasonable preliminary action that preserves the school's interest," Feikens wrote in his decision. Picozzi argued that a University hearing should have been held sooner, but Feikens disagreed. "Picozzi him- self is responsible for the delay in the haring's commencement," he wrote. According to Feikens, Picozzi resisted the University's initial attempts to schedule a hearing. "We're going to appeal," Picozzi I said yesterday. Mark Gombiner, one of Picozzi's attorneys, said the appeal will be filed with the Sixth Circuit Court'of Appeals in Cincinnati within 30 days. "IF THIS decision stands, any student at U of M can be thrown out without reason and have to go through the circus that I went through," Picozzi said. Peter Davis, an attorney for the University, said that he expected Feikens' decision dismissing the case and added that the decision. does not set a major precedent at the Univer- sity. "There is no legal basis to support any of Picozzi's theories," Davis said. Davis said he would be surprised if Picozzi and his lawyers decide to go through with the appeal. State House passes bill allowing bars to prosecute LANSING (UPI) - The House Engler noted Arc yesterday, in the first legislative ac- election to retain the tion of 1986, approved a bill allowing "WE SEND all bar owners to sue or prosecute under- volving candidates 1 age drinkers using false iden- said. tification. "My committee ha Both the House and the Senate met full of resolut briefly yesterday, ending a holiday politicians." break which began with the close of The under-age dri activity on Dec. 18. first of two meas MOST OF the sessions in both House. It allows thc chambers were devoted to adopting who are charged 'routine resolutions and other minors using fake housekeeping chores. option of bringing In one move, the Republican- acking the local pr controlled Senate shuffled off to the charges. senate Rules Committee a resolution The bill was sent honoring new Michigan Supreme 93-0 vote. The othe Court Justice Dennis Archer. Senate minor bill dealing ,Majority Leader John Engler, who nment financing an also chairs the rules panel, said the Senate on a 95-0 vote move was not a snub to the Democratic justice, only the second Meanwhile, Hous black to be appointed to the court in Owen praised the H( during the 1985 legis fake I.D. users cher must run for e seat. l resolutions in- to committee," he as a whole drawer tions honoring nking bill was the tres clearing the ose selling alcohol with selling to identification the a civil action or osecutor to bring to the Senate on a r measure was a with local gover- d it was sent to the e. e Speaker Gary louse for its work lative year. citing its study of liability reforms, approval of banking legislation and action on child support and crime issues. i 5history. ... .,a,,,. .. . . , .... HAPPENINGS- Highlight Lee Level, Vice President and Treasurer of Burroughs Corporation, will speak on "The Treasurer's Function in an Internal Corporation." The lecture, sponsored by the Finance Club, begins at 4:15 p.m. in the Wolverine room, Assembly Hall, and will be followed by a reception. Speakers Ophthy./Pshcy./Physiology/Bioengineering - Lunch seminar, George Siegel, "ATP-ASE in Retina and Brain," 12:15 p.m., room 2055, MHRI. Meetings University Alcoholics Anonymous - noon, room 3200, Union. b U) Ulrich's is your source for all of the Art and Engineering supplies that you'll need for chool Ulrich's is also where you receive 10% OFF on everything in the Art and Engineering Department. Stop by Ann Arbor's friendly bookstore... Urich's.