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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, February 12, 1986
Vol. XCVI - No. 94
Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily
Ten Pages
'freed in
spy swap
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP)--Anatoly
Shcharansky, the Soviet human rights;
activist imprisoned for nine years as a
spy, was freed on a snowy Berlin
0 bridge yesterday and flown to a
tumultuous, emotional welcome in
The 38-year-old Jewish dissident
had become known as the "prisoner of
Zion," a focus for international Jewry
and symbol of Jews who are not
allowed to leave the Soviet Union.
ALSO included in the East-West
prisoner exchange on Berlin's
Blienicke Bridge were five people
s held in the West on Spy charges and
three held in the East.
Shcharansky was freed first, apart
from the others, to emphasize the U.S.
insistence that he was not a spy. He
was arrested in 1977 and a Soviet
court convicted him of spying for the
CIA, sentencing him in 1978 to 13 years
Prime Minister Shimon Peres and
Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir
embraced Shcharansky as he and his
wife Avital, who met him in Frankfurt
stepped from the Israeli executive jet
at Ben-Gurion Airport. The
ceremony was broadcast live on radio
and television.
"HOW ARE you?" Peres asked.
"Everything is okay," Shcharansky
said. They spoke in Hebrew.
About 3,000 people gathered outside
the terminal building cheered and
waved as the Shcharanskys and Peres
went inside to telephone President
D Reagan.
The 45-minute prisoner exchange was
the latest of several on the Glienicke
a ske(
Lawrence Norris, the Michigan
Student Assembly's minority affairs
commitee chair, has been asked by
the assembly's steering committee to
resign, MSA President Paul
Josephson said last night.
Members of the committee refused
to comment further but apparently
Norris was asked to resign because of
a work/study job he holds with the
University's chief minority affairs
IT IS unclear if the assembly has
been harmed by Norris' connection
with Niara Sudarkasa, the Univer-
sity's associate vice president for
academic affairs. But many consider
it a conflict of interest.
Norris refused to comment last
MSA last night also met in closed
session to discuss the resignation of
Cheryl Bullard, the assembly's for-
mer administrative coordinator.
Bullard was the first one to discover
Norris' situation' and inform
BULLARD resigned last week after
being reprimanded by her supervisor,
Pam Horne, administrative associate
for the University's Student
Programs and Organizations office,
for speaking to the Daily about the
Last month Bullard, along with
several MSA members, was quoted in
the Daily as saying MSA members
would be surprised to learn of Norris'
In a statement distributed to mem-
bers of the assembly last night,
Bullard said she wasn't told not to
speak to the press about the issue.
She did say that MSA ViceF
Phillip Cole asked her if shec
the Daily. "I answered him
not," she said.
COLE, however, said last
told Bullard that informat
Norris' work-study job was'
into the Daily."
Shortly after the articlea
Bullard received a memo fr
admonishing her for
misconduct" which "may le
President MSA is upset about Mr. Norris
contacted having," Bullard said in her statement.
that I did "If you as an Assembly expect Mr.
Norris to be loyal to you and not
night he receive a paycheck from a University
ion about department that corresponds to his
"not to get duties at MSA, why would you pay
someone to be your administrative
appeared, coordinator and then make that per-
om Horne, son responsible to a University ad-
"general minstrator?" she continued.
ead to fur- ANOTHER reason Bullard
'The situation as it now stands puts the em-
ployee of MSA in a direct conflict of interest,
very similar to the one MSA is upset at Mr.
Norris having.
- Cheryl Bullard, former MSA
-administrative coordinator
ther disciplinary action". Fearing
that it would be entered into her per-
sonnel record, Bullard demanded that
Josephson and Cole tell Horne she had
never been instructed to not speak to
the Daily. When both said Bullard
had been told, she resigned.
One question that arises from the
Bullard affair is MSA's autonomy
from the University. Since Bullard was
a University employee, she can be
censured for speaking to the press.
"The situation as it stands puts the
employee of MSA in a direct conflict
of interest, very similar to the one
resigned, she said, is a failure by MSA
leaders to act on her claims that
Norris threatened her. "Upon lear-'
ning that I had called the whistle on,
him, Norris came into my office,
closed the door so that it was locked
from the outside and proceeded to.
poke a finger in my face, use abusive;
language, and threaten my life,",
Bullard said in her statement. Norris
was restrained by others in the office,
and later apologized for his actions,
she said.
Neither Norris or Josephson would.
See MSA, Page 4
Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
MSA meets behind closed doors to discuss Cheryl Bullard's resignation.
University considers alternatives for old hospital
The old University hospital
building, currently scheduled to be
demolished after hospital personel
move to their new location, may in-
stead be revived for research,
teaching, or even office space.
The University has formed a special
committee to investigate whether the
building's out-of-date utilities will
allow its continued use. The commit-
tee, which will report to the Univer-
sity's Executive officers and to the
Board of Regents, hopes to make its
decision before the hospital completes
its move in 1987.
IF no consensus is reached by then,
the University may face the prospect
of paying over $2 million each year to
maintain the empty building's
utilities, according to Linda Ayers,
manager of public relations for the
Replacement Hospital project.
The hospital "is a question of
highest priority," said Billy Frye,
University vice president for
academic affairs. He cautions,
however, that "the executive officers
and regents have not thoroughly
"(The hospital)
a question of highest
- Billy Frye, University vice president
for academic affairs
budgeted to tear down Old Main,"
said Ken Trester, director of planning
and marketing at the Universtiy
Medical Center. He and hospital of-
ficials estimate the cost of demolition
at around $3 million, depending on the
contractor and the size of the job.
Potential contractors have not yet
been solicited, and hospital officials
are considering a partial demolition
which will maintain certain parts of
the building.
David Bachrach, director of ad-
ministrative and financial affairs at
the medical school, said the school is
interested in converting a floor on the
hospital's surgical wing into research
and office space.
"THE newer, air conditioned 9th
floor wing could meet the needs of the
medical school," Bachrach said.
He added that the surgical wing has
a bridge connecting it to the medical
school and could thus be easily tran-
sformed from patient rooms to of-
Trester, however, believes that "Old
Main is not an ideal configuration for
research labs. For certain things,
See 'OLD MAIN,' Page 5
reviewed recommended ideas."
Frye did not specify which option he
favored, saying only that "the Regen-
ts will choose the most viable and
feasible for the building and Univer-
sity's budget." He added that he does
not expect funds for reviving the
hospitsl's facilities to come from the
"RIGHT now the hospital is
Quad food elicits complaints
Although students have perpetually complained about
dorm food, they have often kept their grumblings to them-
selves. Now, however, a group of West Quad students, fed
up with the dorm's food, have formed a committee to im-
prove it.
Students Concerned about Residential Food (SCARF)
has distributed a survey which showed that many West
Quad students dislike the quality and selection of their
food, and demand a greater say in menu planning.
SCARF members attribute what they see as the dorm's
inferior food to insufficient equipment, poor kitchen
location, and high staff turnover.
The students say they have been working with West
Quad Food Service director Dan Schleh on solving these
* problems, but Schleh refused to comment about SCARF
or any other aspect of West Quad Food Service.
Lynford Tubbs, director of food service at the Univer-
sity agrees with some of SCARF's complaints.
"I THINK the thing that causes problems for us is the
lack of employees - particularly the students. The
student labor situation has been much worse this year,"
Tubbs said.
He also agreed that West Quad's basement kitchen, one
floor below the cafeteria, presents problems with tran-
sporting hot food.
- "We have had quite a few problems maintaining our
equipment there," Tubbs continued, explaining why the
food service has difficulty serving large numbers of
HE DECLINED to comment directly about SCARF.
SCARF members originally met with Schleh last term,
after compiling their survey results, to ask for more
cheese on the salad bar, low-calorie salad dressings, and a
bar for cold-cuts and yogurt.
THE REQUESTS were soon granted because "Dan
(Schleh) seems willing to say yes to anything just to shut
us up," according to Trish Marsick, a SCARF member.
The committee is now pressuring Schleh to fix the food
service elevators, which currently don't work. This forces
workers to carry food up the stairs.
The elevator combined with a lack of kitchen equipment
often leads to cold or soggy food, SCARF members say.
The 400 West Quad students who answered the SCARF
survey were even more emphatic in their dislike of the
dorm's food.
NINETY-TWO percent of the students found the typical
West Quad entree anywhere from poor to "disgusting"
and everthing on the menu, except lasagna, was mentioned
as a least favorite.
See STUDENTS, Page 5
W ishful thinking! Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
A woman glances at a tropical window display in Jacobson's department store on Liberty as temperatures
outside reached a chilly high of 200. More of the same is expected for today.
Unhappy hour blues
APPY HOUR" became a time for
imbibers to cry in their beer rather
than unwind yesterday when about
400 New Hampshire restaurant and
personal injury awards to $250,00 in an effort to hold
down rates. The establishments raised prices for
drinks by the same percentage their liability insurance
rates have risen--2,000 percent in some cases. At
Mark's restaurant in the resort towns
of Gilford and Glenn, a beer was $14 during "Unhappy
Hour" ; a martini, $32; a snifter of fine brandy, $40
olus. A shot and a beer could mean a bill of $45. Mark,
$14, "because everybody can identify wtih that, a bot-
tle of beer."
Dieting en masse
RESIDENTS of McCool Junction, Neb. are taking
on a big challenge to lose a ton of weight. They
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TOUTED: Sports profiles freshman hockey
defenseman Myles O'Connor. See Page 9.