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February 07, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-02-07

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, February 7, 1986


Vol. XCVI - No. 91

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Ten Pages

Shelter aims to aid homeless

The six men sitting on the sofas at Ann
Arbor's new day shelter for the homeless
seemed determined to avoid answering
One of them identifies himself as Michael
Jackson. "Yeah, and this is the Thriller
tour," says another.
WHAT IS the shelter, opened by the Ann
Arbor Shelter Association Jan. 3 doing for
"Nothing personal, man," says the
speaker. "You may have the best intentions
in the world. But you don't know nothing
about suffering. If you had to go through
what we wnt through, you'd be in Ypsi. State
like the rest of the fruit-cake white boys," he
Ypsilanti State Mental Hospital?

A FEW MEN on the couch giggle. "Yeah,
that's Ypsilanti State Mental Hospital."
Seemingly disgusted, the speaker starts to
walk out. "Put this down," he says. "God is
going to suffice us anyway." After a pause,
he adds "Suffering is a premise of
Christianity." Then he folds his arms on a
nearby table and lays his head down.
Silence fills the room. No one seems to want
to explain how they came to the shelter.
About 30 to 40 people stay at the day shelter,
located at 117 S. Division. At night some
sleep at the Shelter Association night
facility at 420 Huron Street. Neither shelter
provides food, but the homeless can eat
breakfast at St. Andrews Church and dinner
is provided four nights a week by Lades that
Care and the Ann Arbor Hunger Coalition.
"Before the (day) shelter, I had nowhere

to go. I'm here, instead of freezing on the
street. This is a place to start from. Instead
of sitting in the library doing nothing," says
31-year-old William Askew.
This week, the shelter as to begin
programs to help people find jobs or pass
high school equivalency tests.
"I THINK it's going to work. As soon as
we get the programs started up, everything
should be all right," says William, a former
Ypsilanti resident.
The next few minutes of silence are
broken by Pete (not his real name), who of-
fers to explain "what really goes on" at the
shelter. He leads a visitor up a staircase to
the second floor. He turns into a room
already occupied by Chris, and closes the
"The shelter. They birng in volunteers

and have them come in; sit down, and watch
people sit there," says Pete.
"A LOT OF money comes in here ... but,
where is it going to? he says.
"There's a lot of money coming in here,"
says Pete, referring to the $10,000 the city
government has given the shelter. "But for
all the money they're spending, they could
be spending it on getting us out of here," he
"They don't want people to leave here.
They could set out loan contracts. And loan
people money for housing to get them on
their feet. They could tell them that if the
money's not returned, they'll take these
procedures - but they won't," he says.
"THEY MIGHT find you a place in Ypsi.
But I don't want to live in Ypsi. I want to
See 'HOMELESS,' Page 3

. escapes
foul up,
Special to the Daily
nearly turned the free throw line into
the free throw away line last night,
pulling out a 80-79 basketball
squeaker that left Purdue coach Gene
Keady crying foul and fouls left un-
The Wolverines missed five of six
free throws in one late stretch, four of
those on front ends of bonus
situations, before regaining their
charity touch to make two of their last
three tries and ice the game.
ALL THE free throws resulted from
some of the 52 fouls that were called in
the game, including 33 in the second
Michigan shot 62 percent from the
line as a team, well below its 75 per-
cent season mark and also below its
t4.6.ield goal percentage for the
Despite all these infractions, the
one that slipped by stuck in Keady's
AFTER GARY Grant missed the last
of Michigan's free throws with three
seconds left, Purdue guard Troy
Lewis picked up the loose ball and
headed upcourt.
Roy Tarpley was standing in the
way and reached in to tap the ball
away. Mack Gadis got the loose ball
and heaved a prayer shot at the buz-
R Keady then chased the referees off
the floor to argue the non-call that
could have put Lewis on the line.
"We dive for the ball, they foul us,
and the referees don't call it.
There's no justice sometimes,"
Keady said.
The scales tipped slightly toward the
Wolverines, as Purdue edged
Michigan in the foul-o-rama, 30-22.
Three Purdue players fouled out, but
the Wolverines gave the Boiler-
makers a few chances to overturn all
the ruling in the last few seconds.
After his layup gave Michigan a
seemingly insurmountable lead at 80-
75 with 17 seconds left, Rellford fouled
Purdue's Robinson as Robinson drove
on the other end for a layup. The
clock stopped with nine seconds left,
but Robinson missed the free throw.
"SOMETIMES when you try not to
foul, you foul," said.Michigan coach
Bill Frieder, who nearly charged a
P Purdue fan in a post-game argument.
"We did some foolish things but
sometimes when you play that hard
for forty minutes and expend that
much energy, you get a little mentally
tired and make a couple of mental
Roy Tarpley didn't play quite that
long, sitting out five minutes of the
second half after pickinig up his four-
th foul with 15:52 left. The senior cen-
S See 'WOLVERINES', page 10

' U



Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON

Rock and rollers

Stevie Nicks (Sue McDonald) and Tom Petty (Dave Feikins) jam to "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" at the
U-Club's Rock Alike contest last night. Winners of the lip-sync contest will be announced after the second night
of competition, March 7.


Yearbook pursues

funds; questions cnrc

Local Filipinos and experts on the
Phillipines have expressed concern
about the outcome of today's election
between President Ferdinand Marcos
and opposition candidate Corazon
Political observers say they worry
about the stability ofd the archipelago
in Southeast Asia regardless of who
wins the election, and Filipinos here
fear for the safety of relatives back
home should chaos erupt there.
"PEOPLE are afraid of what will
happen after the elections," said LSA
senior Jade Gaisano. Her parents,
owners of a chain of department
stores in the Philippines, support
Marcos but live in a town that has
pledged its backing to Aquino. Several
days ago her mothe fled to Hong
Kong, and Gaisano said her father
planned to leave the Philippines this
morning after the election. Other
members of the elite who favor Mar-
cos' re-election also have sought
refuge in nearby countries, until the
next president of the Philippines is in-
stalled in office, Gaisano said.
There are 28 Filipino students at the
University, according to figures kept
by the International Center. And ap-
proximately 200 Filipinos live in the
Ann arbor area, according to George
Burgos, the Ann Arbor representative
of Sambayanan, a Detroit-based
Filipino group.
Many Filipinos were reluctant to be
quoted because they say they fear
what might happen to their families
back home if they speak out on the
election or its participants. However,
Burgos attributes this to a perceived
fear in the Filipino community, based
on memories of martial law and
rumors that it will be reinstated when
Marcos is reelected.
"THIS IS the first real election
because Aquino poses a threat to
Marcos," Gaisano said. "No one likes
what Marcos is doing, but he's just a
better choice."
Although she thinks that Marcos'
poor health might make him an un-
desirable candidate, Gaisano says
Aquino and her advisers lack the
leadership and governing experience
they need to maintain order.
Yet it isn't official qualifications so
much as a hope for change that have
rallied the Filipino people around
Aquino, the widow of Marcos' chief
opposition leader Benigno Aquino who
was assassinated.
"IN 1965, when Marcos came to
power, the Philippines' GNP was the

highest in the developing countries in
Asia," sasid Owen Diaz, president of
The Philippinies/Michigan Club in
Ann Arbor.
But now between 75 and 80 percent
of the population lives on or below the
poverty line, said Burgos. Inflation
continues to climb, he said, while
wages fall.
"(Filipinos) live trapped, with no
freedom, in the real sense of the
word," Diaz said.
THE dissatisfaction with the Mar-
cos regime has splintered the
Filipinos into three main opposition
groups, according to Burgos. Those
groups include the disenfranchised
elite, to which-Aquino-and her running
See 'PROFS,' Page 2
MANILA, Philippines (AP) -
Reports of violence, cheating and en-
thusiastic voters marked the early
hours of the presidential election
today when millions of Filipinos cast
ballots to decide between Ferdinand
Marcos, who has ruled for two
decades, and Corazon Aquino, widow
of the president's main rival.
After the polls opened at 7 a.m.,
both sides reported harassment, men
firing weapons in the air to scare
voters, stolen ballot boxes, and votes
being bought for as little as $1.
,IT'S A MESS, fraud all over," said
Ching Montinola, a press
spokeswoman at Aquino headquar-
In Albay province, a pollwatcher
reported from Luzon that voting in
four towns abruptly stopped after one
hour when unidentified men seized
seven ballot boxes.
Aquino threatened to mount a
nationwide civil disobedience cam-
paign if Marcos cheated, and
military officials said com-
munist rebel assassination
squads may have in-
filtrated Manila from the

Members of the Michigan Video Yearbook have encoun-
tered some opposition in their effort to secure funding for
increased editorial and artistic control of their product.
"It hasn't been easy," said LSA senior Eric Capstick,
president of the one-year-old organization that for $39.95
produces a 45-minute video tape depicting scenes of life at
the University.
The organization wants to do all of its own production
work except editing here on campus, and thus is seeking
to relax its agreement with its production company,
Yearbook Enterprises. At the same time, the group wants
to raise $14,000 to buy equipment and establish a reserve
fund for future members.
So far donations have tallied only $2,500 from groups on
campus. Several University agancies and offices - in-
cluding the Office of the President - have rejected
requests for grants of $500 to $1,500.
Complicating the funding issue is the yearbook's effort
to break away from its production company, Yearbook
Yearbook members say the company dominates
editorial and artistic production and fails to provide the
Yearbook with sufficient profits.
According to Capstick, students shot the footage for last
year's tape, but were unable to edit the film, or plan the
overall scheme of their tape.
In addition, he said, Yearbook representatives handled
the tapes' advertising and marketing, and pocketed 95
percent of sales.

"They were, in a sense, exploiting student labor to get
into the Michigan market," Capstick said. "We felt that
this year students had to take more control of the
This effort to assert student control may be hindered,
however, by legal confusion over the three-year contract
the yearbook signed with Yearlook last year.
The contract which gave Yearlook exclusive control
over Video Yearbook's production, was co-signed by Alida
Walker, a former University employee, and Victor
Morris, then-president of Video Yearbook.
But Pamela Horne, an administrative assistant in the
Student Organization Accounts Office, declared the con-
tract void on the grounds that Walker had no authority to
sign on behalf of the University.
"Student organizations are generally not recognized by
the University," Horne said. "We're responsive to.them,
but not responsible for them. There never really was a
contract. A binding one, in any case."
Walker, reached at Eastern Michigan University, said
she recalled hearing about legal questions concerning the
contract. She could not elaborate or provide further
Although Capstick said Video Yearbook will eventually
seek private legal counsel to evaluate the contract, he ad-
ds that the organization lacks sufficient funds and is "in
no hurry" to resolve the situation.
The yearbook plans to start negotiations with Yearlook
next week on a new agreement on how to use the com-
pany's editing facilities.
See YEARBOOK, Page 8

Trying in vein
HINGS AREN'T rosy at the Red Cross, and
Regional Representative Neal Fry has sent

this week, but weather and the flu have forced some of
those schools to close. There's still one more chance to
help out: The blood drive continues today in the Pen-
dleton Room of the Union from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Kids these days

sponge. On the backs of the cards, children find a
variety of citations, including such things as a "Bully
License" or a permit to eat junk food between meals.
Several schools have bannded the cards, and parents
have been writing to complain. Nevertheless, Topps
Chewing Gum Inc., better known for baseball cards
and Bazooka bubble gum, cannot manufacture the

"CONTINUE THE DREAM ... ": Opinion
celebrates Black History Month. See Page 4.
JOY: Arts previews the Sun Ra's triumphant

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