GOP . ." activists vie for support WASHINGTON (AP) - Conser- vative activists were getting their an- nual pep talk from President Reagan before they take a closer look at six potential bidders for their support in the campaign for the 1988 Republican presidential nomination. At a news conference opening the 13th annual Conservative Political Action Conference, David Keene, chairman of the American Conser- vative Union, said it was the first time in the history of such meetings that "the heart and soul of the conser- vative movement hasn't been, in essence, owned by a major national figure." SEN. BARRY GOLDWATER, (R-Ariz.), was the hero of the con- servative movement in the early 1960s and then its allegiance shifted to Reagan. He has been the featured speaker at 11 of the 13 C-PAC meetings, addressing them every year since he entered the White House in 1981. One potential condidate avidly wooing conservatives was Vice President George Bush, who will ad- dress the conference Friday night. Earlier that day, four of his potential rivals the Rev. Pat Robertson, Rep. Jack Kemp, (R-N.Y.), former U.N. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick and Sen. Bob Dole, (R-Kan.) will speak to the conference. Former Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker was invited to attend but declined. The opening day of the conference, delegates could read blistering attack on Bush by syndicated columnist George Will, a conservative favorite. In his column, published in The Washington Post, Will wrote, "The unpleasant sound Bush is emitting as he traipses from conservative gathering to another is a thin, tinny 'arf' the sound of a lapdog. He is panting along (Walter) Mondale's path to the presidencey." Mondale, the 1984 Democratic presidential nominee, was often criticized for pandering to special in- terest groups. I The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 31, 1986-- Page 5 Polce groups lobby against House gun law Daily Photo by PETER ROSS Dress you up Karen Emde, LSA sophomore applies Madonna's (LSA sophomore Calli Baldwin) mole during the Millions Against MS campaign kick-off in the Union Ballroom. The Rock-A-Like fundraiser featured celebrities in- cluding The Blues Brothers and Tina Turner.- CBO revises budget deficit down wire reports WASHINGTON - A host of police groups representing chiefs and cops on the beat implored the House of Representatives yesterday to defeat Senate-passed legislation easing gun controls, saying Congress' failure to do so would be "adding to the car- nage" on the streets. Insisting that the Senate bill allowing resumption of interstate sales of guns would increase the availability of handguns, the organizations urged House members to oppose the legislation "in the name of sanity." THEY URGED opposition to efforts s by Rep. Harold Volkmer (D-Mo.), chief sponsor of the House version, to bring the legislation to the floor by a rarely successful discharge petition. The petition needs 218 signatures, and currently has 102, the groups said. The Senate bill, sponsored by James McClure, (R-Idaho), passed 79-15 last July 10 affer heavy lobbying by the National Rifle Association and allied gun groups. "The far right gun lobby knows it's in trouble with law enforcement over this issue," said Richard Boyd, president of the 173,000-member Fraternal Order of Police. ASKED TO identify the "far right gun lobby," he said, "I consider the NRA and the Gun Owners of America the people over the edge on this." The bill would permit a purchaser from one state to buy a firearm from a licensed dealer in another state, provided such sales were legal in both locations. Currently, a customer can only buy a gun in his own state, or an adjoining state, if there's cooperative agreement between the states. The police groups said this would make it easier for criminals to bypass state and local statutes because dealers could not keep track of the 23,000 gun laws in the nation. Further, they contended the bill would weaken licensing and record-keeping requirements, making it more dif- ficult to trace weapons used in crimes. "CRIMINALS don't go to dealers, buy guns, get them registered and then commit a robbery or killing," he said. "The vast majority of criminals obtain guns illegally." Volkmer said the legislation "per- mits law-abiding citizens to purchase firearms in other states" and added that dealers would not "sell to a criminal because he happens to be from another state. If a dealer wante d to sell to a criminal, he could do it today. "We are trying to protect the rights of our members and all gun owners and that is the main reason for the bill," NRA spokesman David Warner added. "The 1968 gun control act has been used to harass and entrap law- abidinig gun owners and gun dealers." IN A statement on behalf of 10 police organizations, Hubert Williams, president of the Police Foundation, said: "Violent crime im- poses too terrible a burden on the nation now without adding to the car- nage by allowing more guns to slip in- to the hands of criminals." Robert Scully, a Detroit policeman and president of the National Association of Police Organizations, said the bill would "make the laws easier for criminals and harder for cops." The news conference by police organizations was held in the room used by the House Judiciary Commit- tee, whose chairman, Rep. Peter Rodino is co-sponsor of legislation that would make the nation's 1968 gun control law even stricter. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Congressional Budget Office now expects a $178 billion deficit in fiscal 1987, a lower figure than earlier estimate that could lessen the severity of Gramm- Rudman cuts, congressional sources said yesterday. The CBO revisions, which will be of- ficially released next month, closely parallel new projections by the ad- ministration's Office of Management and Budget, which earlier had predic- ted deficits in excess of $200 billion for fiscal 1987. UNDER the Gramm-Rudman balanced budget law, the deficit in fiscal 1987 must be no more than $144 billion - meaning a $34 billion reduc- tion if the current deficit projections' hold up. Gramm-Rudman requires a gradually declining deficit until the budget is balanced by fiscal 1991. Congressional sources, who confir- med the figures first reported by The New York Times, cautioned that they are preliminary but were unlikely to to change significantly before their official release Feb. 18. One congressional aide also warned against the belief that "that number will make it any easier to reach the Gramm-Rudman level or subsequent levels." He said the CBO projections assume no real growth in military spending, an assumption "I'm not going to the bank on," as well as an assumption that nearly $12 billion in Gramm- Rudman cuts scheduled for this spring are going to "stick permanen- tly and Congress is not going to restore funds (ever)." If the CBO had included a 3 percent increase in military spending, the amount President Reagan plans to request in his 1987 budget, the deficit would be about $186 billion. 'U' prefers publishable research (Continued from Page 1) classified. The University's research guidelines, currently under review, forbid accepting classified contracts the results of which would not be publishable for more than a year. The guidelines also forbid classified research; the sole purpose of which is to damage human life. SUSSMAN SAID access restrictions are often inappropriate, and the government will usually agree to change the restrictions.I "Frequently there's over- classification;," Sussman said, 'Some of the projects need not be classified at all." Price said the government willi sometimes not give in, forcing the rejection of the proposal. This wasI the case with the rejection of a proposal submitted by Prof. Raymond Tanter last May. Tanter's project would have required the use of classified documents and possible classification of the results beyond the one-year limit stipulated by the University guidelines. The proposal was rejected by the Research Polici~a Committee. In Tanter's case, Price said, the rejection was necessary because the U.S. Arms Control and Development Agency, the proposed sponsor, would not agree to change the access requirements. IRISH STUDIES IN THE WEST MAY 10 -- JUNE 20, 1986 5 WEEKS COUNTY KERRY, GLENBEIGH 1 WEEK TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN $1950.00 excluding air. Courses in History, Literature, Irish Culture. Call Rachel 764-0552 or stop by the St Publications Bu 420 MAYNA SCIENCE WRITERS The Daily is looking for people to write about science, computers, and technology. l at udent ilding kRD 6 to 8 credits Contact: E. J. Wolff Department of English University of Detroit Detroit, MI 48221 t'4 A r (313)- (313) 927-1082 or 652-3405 IN DEMAND. SEE I Adolescence Substance Abuse Therapist We have an immediate full time position available for a Substance Abuse Therapist specializing in Adolescent treatment. You will assist in developing and imple- menting an Adolescent Out-Patient Substance Abuse Treatment Program. The ability to work with local judicial, police and school officials is necessary. Job includes giving in services, resulting in a full out-patient case load. A degree in Substance Abuse or related behavioral sciences is required, plus experience with Adolescent treatment. 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