4 OPINION Page 4 Friday, January 31, 1986 The Michigan Daily _AW i te mbtsa n Michigan Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVI, No. 86 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board i; Selective prosecution Chas THE SHUTTLE EXPLODS 7 rN CREW ARE KLLE 74 SECONDS* AFERLIFT,'CFF JANUARY 291986 w FAMILIES OF SHUTTLE CREW EXPLODE -30 -OU-NALI--" KILLD AFTER 72 NONwSTOP HOR O- - U I I N TWO RECENT cases the draft registration system has shown that it operates in ways con- trary to the American ideals which the system is designed to defend. The recent prosecution of Daniel Rutt in Detroit is an example of draft registration enforcement which stifles free speech. Rutt op- posed the idea of forced construc- tion and felt that by registering he would be acknowledging the government's right to draft him. Rutt's opposition stems from his religious background as a Men- nonite, a sect with a long history of rejecting.military service on moral grounds. The fact that Rutt was chosen for prosecution is obviously a result of the fact that he stated his refusal to register and his reason for doing so in an outspoken manner. Around the country, of all the young men who failed to register within a month of their 18th birthday, only those who have chosen to speak about their decision have been prosecuted. By following this policy the government is targeting the courageous and principled, by w doing so, are discouraging free speech. In a separate development Secretary of Education William Bennett announced plans to use computer disks to compare lists of registrants to lists of financial aid recipients and to use this method to deny financial aid to those who have not registered. Those who are affluent enough not to qualify for financial aid are not going to be affected by Ben- nett's policy. Though the policy is being justified by the need to en- force the law, what it amounts to is unequal and unfair enforcement. Targeting the poor for enfor- cement is reminiscent of unfair conscription practices which have marked the draft system since its conception. The practice of allowing those who could afford it to pay someone else to take their place on the battlefield in the Civil War and the preponderance of poor and minority draftees in Vietnam are examples of economic discrimination. If draft regis- tration is only enforced among those who require aid, registration lists will be unfairly predominated by this group. The principle of sharing the bur- den of military service not only promotes fairness but discourages military adventurism. It is easier for a policy-maker to support a conflict in which his own son will not have to fight. Registration is not the same as an actual draft. But unfair targeting simply encourages the same type of practices were a real draft to occur. The principles along which draft registration is enfor- ced should mirror those principles which the registrants may someday be called upon to defend. E1- JNUARY 31,1986 LETTERS: 0 Justice System misses point ofprison Fixing what works HE REAGAN administration, in the words of Civil Rights Commission Chairman Clarence Pendleton, believes that "Affir- mative Action is dead". It asserts that loosening Affirmative Action requirements will strengthen civil rights. It's wrong. Since 1968, government contrac- tors have been required under an executive order first issued by President Kennedy in 1965 to hire ,,and promote blacks, women, and Hispanics in approximate propor- tion to the number of available, qualified candidates in a given market. Currently these standards are enforced through any annual review by the compliance office and by the threat of debarment from federal contracts for com- panies that are not making an ef- fort to meet projected hiring goals. Mandatory quotas are not a part of Affirmative Action. Instead, requirements consist of guidelines and timetables to assist employers in reaching these goals. Reagan proposes a new executive order which: would have companies use the guidelines on a voluntary basis. His proposal would take the teeth out of the existing order and make complying companies vulnerable to reverse discrimination lawsuits by white males. One of the main criticisms of Af- firmative Action is that it has created a gender and color con- scious society. Employers are for- ced to weigh these characteristics when they hire and promote em- ployees. The administration im- plies that color and gender were not considered before 1965: the employment statistics of that period indicate just the opposite. Since 1965, the number of federally employed women and minorities has increased, but disparities abound. Wages, expec- tations, and educational standards are all significantly lower for these groups than they are- for white males. Clearly, Affirmative Action has some problems, but it is necessary to redress the past years of neglect and discrimination. As House Minority Leader Robert Michel has said, "If it's working, you don't fix it.'' To the Daily: The criminal justice system is in a sad situation. I often wonder what can be done to revolutionize our current methods of ap- propriating not only just punish- ment but more importantly also ef- fective punishment. This letter ws prompted by a Sixty Minutes show following the Super Bowl (Jan. 26 Sun.). The segment portrayed a candid, straightforward insight in- to our thoroughly disappointing correctional model. Does a child/teenager learn by: a) grounding for 3 months or a whole semester, or b) a good hard spanking or 6 hours raking the lawn and a "don't do it again because I love you." Will humanity benefit from subjecting a thief/criminal to current prisons for 5 to 20 years who, all too often, upon returning to society, commit more crimes. I don't think so, yet our prison system reflects or rather proclaims society's ignorances in addressing the situation. What can be done? How can someone who enters prison be at all improved (sensitively, morally, intellectually) after having served his time? Worse, those few who would like to rebuild, who "just wish to do their time" are most harmed; corrupted from attem- pting to pursue a virtuous life, to instead, inevitably maintaining subsistence from prison cage to prison cage. With the system of hierarchies, with the necessity for gang affiliations, the opportunity to right one's self in prison is sim- ply not an option, hence, there is no incentive, no purpose to go "straight." And shoot, philosophy aside, it would be suicide to try and be a moral upstanding citizen in prison anyway. It is obvious that our current justice system does not serve as a practical disincentive to drug dealers or shop lifters, and it is equally ineffective in rehabilitating the more serious of- fenders. It is possible that in all the cen- turies of society's progress, the methods of criminal punishment have been overlooked, or have even regressed. I elude to the tried notion of "public stockade." This idea of peer judgement works very well in China, and it worked in early America and Europe, why stop? Public persecution or public ridicule is one of the harshest and most effective curbs to criminal temptation. Temptation is the key, whether we speak of stealing, raping, or dieting, it is from this perspective that punishments and disincentives must be sought. People wonder why a rapist will, upon release, go out and assault someone again... "well he's had 10 Years to think ahout it hasn't he." prisoner will return to the street realizing half a life time, his dignity, and all his youth, has passed him by. This punishment is a severe enough deterent now for this 40 year-old who just spent 20 years in jail but an 18 or 21 year-old does not realize these consequen- ces. He will resent society for having been imprisoned, or for having been dealt a bad hand as a child, in any case he certainly Won't want to sit and study 4 or 6 or 8 years after prison. If on your 16th birthday you drive your dad's car into your mom's car would it be more effec- tive to learn your lesson by having your driving priviledges locked up all of high school until you're 18, or by spending the next summer ear- Demonstrators see film C To the Daily: I would like to thank you for printing a relatively objective ar- ticle on the "demonstrators" of the film Hail Mary. As one of the demonstrators, I would like to clarify a few details concerning our action. The Roman Catholic Church believes 'the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was a very special person. She was conceived without original sin, which no one else is able to claim. She spent her entire life in an extraordinary state of grace, doing God's work, and never once committing a sin. She remained a virgin Her entire life, though married to St. Joseph, who also remained chaste. After her death, She was assumed bodily into heaven and is given the role of Queen of heaven and Earth. It is thorough Her intercession and Her prayers to our Lord that He shows us mercy despite out con- stant provocations and offense against Him. We owe Her a great deal of thanks and gratitude for Her help, lest the current suf- ferings of the human race in- crease tremendously. Given all this, you can see why we are so upset whenever Our Lady is humiliated. We owe Her our love, and instead we make movies casting Her as a vulgar tramp. She is as perfect as a human being can be: sinless, pure, the Immaculate Concep- tion! And She loves us very much. It is our duty as Christians to go wherever Her name is belit- tled, even in the least, and pray, so that She may find some com- fort from our prayers despite the abuses she must endure. The film Hail Mary makes Her appear in- finitely lower than She truly is, and this we consider blasphemy. Our "demonstration" did involve This is what we are doing for our loving Mother. The only point in your article that I take exception to is your rendition of the prayer called "The Hail Mary." It is the most often repeated prayer, not "chant," of therosary. The rosary is a series of prayers which Our Lady asked us to recite. The correct words of the "Hail Mary" are: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy Web of lies si To the Daily: It is encouraging to see that a jury of Ann Arbor residents has acted to support the right of citizens tosprotest against their government, by acquiting the four CIA protesters tried yester- day. However, the fact that people had to stand trial and risk imprisonment for taking part in a legal protest can only be at- tributed to an effort by the police and the university to suppress dissent. Apparently several police of- ficers were prepared to lie under oath in order to see the protestors convicted. Perhaps even more disturbing is the fact that at least one university employee also ob- structed the efforts of the defen- dants to prepare their case by preventing their lawyer from speaking with university em- ployees. who witnessed the protest. This necessitated the issuance of eleven subpoenas, in- cluding one to President Shapiro himself. In addition to acquiescing to the presentation of false testimony and denying the defen- se access to witnesses in an effort ning the damages and trust back from your parents, who in the meantime good willingly, maintain their faith in you as well. 500 yea-rs ago you could go to jail, come out and become a farmer or a town blacksmith. One could earn respect and a responsible niche in society. But life moves much too fast now to expect positive results from a person after having tossed 10 or 25 years out. I surely don't propose to turn criminals loose or to simply slap their wrist, but bet- ween jail and the rocketing by of time and progress what more does a convict have to lose. It is this at- titude that a prison sentence fosters and that prison serves to perpetuate... a sorry cycle and ex- pensive waste in and out of jail. I really don't want to have criminals on the street but current methods are sorely inadequate. It is apparent that realistically, in too many cases, criminals live only one option; crime, punishmen crime, punishment, etc. What - long to see is an elimination of all these subsequent punishments and crimes. However, to achieve this one must literally revolutionize and update to terms reflecting modern civilization, that initial punishment, which is currently ineffectively manifested by Prison. -Micah Schm January 2 as insulting womb, Jesus. Hail Mary, Mother of God; pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen. This is a centuries old prayer which most Catholics know. Such are the motives behind the prayers and protests of the film Hail Mary. May God have mercy on us for insulting His loving Mother, and breaking Her Immaculate Heart. -Jon Sussman January 27 tifles dissent a0 to convict the protestors, the university also lied to get the police there in the first place. Leo Heatley, the director of campus safety, told the police that the Spartacus Youth League, a group known for disruptive protests, was planning the protest at the CIA recruitment, even though they have had virtually no presence in Ann Arbor for several years. Mr. Heatley made a similar misrepresentation to get the police to The Today Show protest. That the university would ecomeenmeshed in a web of lies and deceit in order to stifle legal dissent, demonstrates the danger for an institution of higher education when it makes itself a recruiting ground for a terrorist organization such as the CIA. The brutal terrorism that the CIA has sponsored throughout the world, and is currently sponsoring against the Nicaraguan people, has no place in a civilized society, and least of all in an institution committed to the unfettered ex- pression of ideas. -Dean Baker January 304 . v' v.....i*:4 t: .. .?4"?{: .. . .. ....... .. . .. ............ 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