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January 31, 1986 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-01-31

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Tally Hall Mall
set to open
in April

The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 31, 1986- Page 3
City board rejects
divestment resolution


Tally Hall, the ill-fated indoor mall
vhich was set to open last July, still
stands incomplete on the corner of E.
Washington and S. Division Streets.
The $9 million-plus project, which
vill have two levels of stores and a
00-space parking structure, was sup-
posed to be completed in time for the
1985 Art Fair. The city's engineering
Sdepartment now estimates that April
1986 will be the earliest opening date.
THE PROJECT is modeled after
the highly successful Tally Mall in
Farmington Hills. It was initially
iproposed in January 1982 and ap-
proved by City Council in September
1983. The F.J. Jones Construction
Company won the right to build Tally
The city has imposed a $500-a-day
fine on F.J. Jones because of the
delay. This damage assessment took
effect last July 13, the day the project
!was supposed to have been com-
The assessment will be deducted
'from the city's final payment to the
construction company when the
project is finished.
ACCORDING to Molly Resnik, a
Tally Hall leasing agent, no tenants
have cancelled their leases because of
the delay.
City Hall and the construction com-
pany disagree on who is responsible
for the delay.
Bruce Laidlaw, the city attorney,
:said F. J. Jones Co. has "given a long
,list of grievances in writing and have
various ways of trying to blame it on
the city." He said that the city has
denied all of Jones' claims.
WHEN THE company delayed work
in order to winterize the site, the city
*:refused to legitimize their
"reasonable delay" because the
project was supposed to have been

completed before this winter, Laidlaw
David Todd, a project engineer in
the city's engineering department
said F. J. Jones made three major
claims blaming the city for the delay.
"They initially claimed that we
delayed them in occupying the site
due to overhead utility lines. They
said the necessary relocations of the
lines drove them into working into the
winter," Todd said. But the city
denied this claim because of contrac-
tual stipulations stating that the com-
pany had to occupy the site "as is,"
or remove the lines themselves.
A SECOND dispute arose when the
city became concerned that the com-
pany was using the wrong kind of con-
crete in construction.
"Our records showed that they had
used a weaker type of concrete than
they were supposed to for a particular.
pier, so we had an agency test the i
concrete," Todd said.
The city records turned out to be
correct, but the pier was allowed to
stand because the concrete used was
of adequate strength. The testing
caused a delay in construction,
however, and F. J. Jones claimed that
the delay was the city's fault, Todd
The final claim is the result of a
discrepancy over when the company
was to be allowed to begin work on the
"They were delayed because they
anticipated taking over the site on a
particular day. However, the wording
of the bid said that we could hold onI
for two months before taking the
lowest bidder. But they anticipated
beginning work before that time was
up," Todd said.
Frank Jones, president of F. J.
Jones, said he is appealing the city's
decision to deny their claims. He had
no further comment.

Despite pressure from the mayor
and the City Council, Ann Arbor's
pension board on Wednesday voted 5-4
not to divest $18 million in stocks held
in companies that operate in South
Instead, the board members
unanimously accepted a resolution to
support peaceful change in South
Africa "within the confines of the
duties created by the law," and
agreed to continue discussing the
political and legal issues that
surround divestment.
THE TRUSTEES who voted against
divestment questioned whether the
action would have been legal if
motivated only by moral or social
reasons, and whether it would have
any impact on the white government
in South Africa.
Last October the City Council direc-
ted the pension board to divest. The
directive was first introduced by
Council-member Larry Hunter (D-
First Ward). He and Mayor Ed Pierce
pressured the board by threatening to
remove the five trustees who are ap-
pointed to their positions by the City
Council if they failed to carry our
The pressure tactic worked on Alan
Burns, the city controller. "I voted
yes, but I voted that way because of
comments from some councilmem-
bers that I could be removed from the
job (if I don't)," he said last night.

BURNS ALSO said he was angered
that the council was directing the
board's investments because the pen-
sion money belongs to city employees.
Under state law and the city char-
ter, the board has complete control of
the city employees' $90 million pen-
sion fund.
The divestment plan the board
voted against called for selling off
one-third of the $18 million South
African portfolio every year for three
Trustees have already sold $1.6
million worth of stock holdings in
companies which do not adhere to the
Sullivan Principles, a set of guidelines
to ensure equality for blacks in the
Women can achieve equal strength
to men, but their muscle size may be
limited due to hormonal factors. A
story in Wednesday's Daily incorrec-
tly reported that a hormonal im-
balance prevents women from mat-
ching men in muscle strength.
David Waymann is an exercise
physiologist who does consulting for
the University's Department of
Recreational Sports. The Daily in-
correctly reported Wednesday that he
consults for the Fitness Research

Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
The Tally Hall Mall on the corner of E. Washington and S. Division is set
to open for business in April.
Senate co-mmittee to
vote on smoking bill


issues stat
CONCORD, N.H. - Christa
- M VcAuliffe's students returned to
classes yesterday, quietly sharing
their grief over her death in the
Challenger disaster while her husband
thanked a mourning nation for its
support and said, "We have all lost
"We wish we could comfort all of
you as you have conforted each of us,"
said Steven McAuliffe, in a statement
issued by his Concord law office on
behalf of himself and his children,
Scott, 9, and Caroline, 6.
IT WAS HIS first public comment
since he watched shuttle Challenger
explode Tuesday and take the lives of
Christa, 37, and six other astronauts
McAuliffe and his children have been
in seclusion in Florida since the
"To the families of the other crew
members we send our love and share
their sorrow," McAuliffe said. "We
thank you for respecting our privacy
and for sharing our grief."
"My children and I are very aware
of the tremendous outpouring of grief
and support across America," he
said. "We have all lost Christa."
first "ordinary citizen" to orbit the
Earth, was one of the most popular
teachers at Concord High School,
where she taught the past four years.
Classes were canceled Wednesday
but students returned yesterday and
Principal Charles Foley described the
mood as "extremely somber. You
could hear pins drop all over the
Meanwhile, in Moscow, the Soviet
Union said that the seven people who
perished in the explosion of the space
shuttle Challenger will not have died
in vain if the accident prompts the
United States to reconsider its "Star


Wars" program.
trasted with otherwise sympathetic
Soviet coverage of Tuesday's disaster,
appeared in reports by the state-
controlled news service Tass. Similar
comments were offered Wednesday
by Roald Sagdeyev, the director of the
Space Research Institute.
"Experts say that the Challenger's
explosion is a serious warning to those
planning to deploy arms systems in
space," said one of two reports filed
from Tass' Washington Bureau.
"The seven crew members of the
challenger spaceship have met their
tragic deaths not only for the great
cause of space exploration," it said.
THEIR DEATHS, which came after
the shuttle lifted off from its pad at
Cape Canaveral, Fla., may also help
prevent "the deaths of billions of
people because now mankind has
become more deeply aware of the
terrible danger that deployment of
arms systems in space represents to
our planet."
The Tass dispatch was the most
openly political comment on the
disaster in the Soviet media. National
television gave a full five minutes of
generally sympathetic coverage to
the accident Wednesday night,
shocking viewers with graphic pic-
tures of the explosion and the faces of
horrified onlookers.
The Tass articles said the accident
demonstrated the dangers in
President Reagan's dream of a space-
based anti-missile shield, which
would rely on the flawless performan-
ce of orbiting computer-controlled
"In the event of deployment of a
space arms network by the U.S.A., a
tragic chance occurrence may have
irreparable consequences," it said.

(Continued from Page 1)
The state Public Health Department
would be in charge of enforcing the
proposed law through county health
Proprietors of public places who
have no control over seating
arrangements would be excluded
from the penalties.
"If a fraternity wanted a party and
rented the hall, and the owner of the
hall had nothing to do with the
seating," Cargill explained, "(the
party-goers) could smoke there" even
if smokers and non-smokers were
seated together.
The bill does not specify how the
policy appliesto a residence hall room
shared by both a smoker and a non-
smoker. Cargill said individual
universities will have to settle that
Although the bill has failed to gai-1
widespread support in the past,
Ehlers said he is confident that this
40 &

year will be different.
But Harris McClamroch, an
engineering professor who sits on the
Senate Assembly's Financial Affairs
Committee, said he does not expect
the measure to pass, adding "that the
University might continue to take a
leading position in this (issue)."

------e-e .... COUPON-.. ....
with this entire ad $1.00 oft adult eve.
admission.1 or 2 tickets.Good
all features t hru 216186 except0F F (N Te.SniradLtehos
S"M" TesSenir and Lte Shows
Call for show times.
ann arbor civic theatre main street production
* ---------- present.
*and '
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* -2 one-act plays by James McClure
January 23, 24, 25, 30, 31
* 8:00 p.m. February 1 $5 donation
* 338 S. Main St. for further information call 662-7282

1511 Washtenaw
Dr. Paul Foelber,Interim Pastor
Sunday Worship 9:15 and 10:30
Bible Study 9:15 Sunday and
7:30 Wednesday
Sunday Supper 6:00.
* * *
Sunday Service:
9:30 a.m. at Mack School 920 Miller,
Ann Arbor
10:45 a.m. Sunday School and
Adult Bible Study
Philip H. Tiews, Pastor
For more information call 761-1999.
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(between S. University and Hill)
Sunday 9:30 and 11: 00 a.m.
Coffee Hour - 10:30 social hall
Adult Education Classes during both
Campus Group: Coordinator - Jamie
Meets for Communion 7 p.m. Wednes-
days. Program follows
Dr. William Hillegonds - Sr. Minister
Huron St. (between State & Division)
Sundays: 9:55 worship, 11:25 Bible
Study groups for both Undergrads and
Graduate Students.
Thursdays: 5:30 Supper (free) and

Tons of Challenger debris
found off of launch site
(Continued from Page 1)

five of whom live in the Houston
NASA'S investigation of the
disaster picked up steam, with
engineers across the country gather-
ng records on Challenger, its three,
main engines, the two solid-fueled
booster rockets and the huge fuel tank
that erupted into a huge ball of fire.
A review board made up of six top
agency managers was coordinating
the investigaton and a formal review

board will be formed later to report its
findings on the disaster to Acting Ad-
ministrator William Graham.
Although space agency officials
said the probe had not been narrowed
down to any specific system,
speculation centered on the 154-foot
external tank because frame-by-
frame television pictures showed
flame erupting near its base and then
spreading to the other side, between
the tank and Challenger's black bot-


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