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January 28, 1986 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1986-01-28

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Thatcher wins
'emergency' support


The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 28, 1986 - Page 3
Tutu goes home
with money to
fight apartheid

LONDON (AP) - Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher battled shouts of
derision and calls for her resignation
yesterday in what the news media
called a life-or-death Parliment
speech to rally her Conservative Par-
ty from the embarrassment of two
major Cabinet resignations.
Thatcher won solid backing from
her Conservatives, including former
Defense Secretary Michael Heseltine,
whom she blamed for sparking the
political crisis. Heseltime had said he
was leaving because the prime
minister had used unconstitutional
means to steer the Cabinet toward
favoring an American bid over a
European attempt to rescue Britain's
failing Westland PLC helicopter com-
Thatcher won a technical vote to
close the racous, three-hour debate
in the House of Commons by 379-219.
Her Conservatives have a 143-seat
majority in the 650-seat house, but the
significance of the action was that
nearly all her party members were
present and voted together.
During the debate, opposition
legislators accused her of a cover-up
involving a leaked letter, critical of
Heseltine, that subsequently led to the
resignation of the second Cabinet
member, Trade and Industry
Secretary Leon Brittan, took respon-
sibility for the news leak.
Thatcher said in her speech to a
racous house that both matters
could have been handled better. The
opposition erupted in laughter and
hoots of derision.
DAVID Owen, leader of the centrist
Social Democratic Party, told Com-
mons Mrs. Thatcher "is not worthy to
hold the high office that she does ."
Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock
had called yesterday's emergency

debate, saying it was to eterrnmu if
Mrs. Thatcher was involved in the
leaking of the letter and if she had lied
in earlier statements to Parliment.
"Today the Prime Minister is on
trial," Kinnock said in opening the
debate. "Now all dishonesty has to
THATCHER maintained that for 16
days after Brittan leaked the letter
on Jan. 6, she did not know of his in-
She said an inquiriy determined
that the letter was leaked to the news
media as a result of a misunderstan-
ding between officials of the Trade
and Industry Department and
bureaucrats at her No. 10 Downing St.
"I did not give my consent to
disclosure, "the prime minister told
Parliment. "It was not sought. And I
have indicated I deeply regret the
manner in which it was made."
SHE SAID Trade and Industry of-
ficials had contacted her office
seeking agreement to the disclosure,
but her staff beleived they were just
being informed, and were not being
asked for authorization.
"My officials made clear to the
inquiry that htey did not seek my
agreement. They told the inquiry that
they did not believe that they were
being asked to give my authority and
they did not do so," she said.
Philip Cole, Michigan Student
Assembly vice president contacted
the interfraternity council on behalf of
MSA over concern of a rush flyer.
Yesterday, the Daily imcorrectly
reported that MSA President Paul
Josephson contacted Sigma Alpha
Epsilon fraternity and the inter-
fraternity council.

(AP) - Bishop Desmond Tutu said
yesterday his just-completed tour of
the United States raised nearly $1
million to aid political prisoners,
refugees and his Anglican Church
diocese. He blasted "servile"
segments of the Soth African news
media for playing down the tour's
The Black bishop of Johannesburg
also accused South African media of
distorting his remarks during the
three-week tour to suggest that he
support violent revolution rather that
peaceful protest.
At a news conference in St.
Benedict's House, and Anglican
priory in the working-class suburb of
Rosettenville, Tutu repudiated South
African news reports that quoted him
as having called on Americans to
back the outlawed African National
Congress guerrilla movement in its
war against the white-led gover-
The government said it was
"shocked" that the 1984 Nobel Peace
Prize winner would express support
for a "terrorist" organization that
planted land mines and bombed
Tutu told reporters, "I said a long
time ago, I said it in the Supreme
Court, that I support the ANC in its ob-

jectives - a non-racial, democratic
society, - but that I do not agree with
its methods.
"I have said for so long, it's a jingle
almost, that I reject all violence, both
by the system and by those who seek
to overthrow it." he said.
The bishop said the government-run
South African Broadcastin Corp. and
"kowtowing, servile media" had
downplayed the success of his trip.
"The sycophants go to extra lengths
to try to discredit and vilify us," he
said. "It is important for black people
in this country to know we were
received wonderfully everywhere."
TUTU SAID the funds raised by his
U.S. tour will be used to pay political
defendants' legal fees, aid prisoners'
families, give scholarships to
refugees and aid his diocese, in debt
partly because white support has
dwindled since he was appointed
bishop last January.
Tutu said he pointed out repeatedly
that the African National Congree and
its rival, the Pan Africanist Congress,
originally were committed to non-
violence but that the government
banned them in 1960 and jailed or
exiled their leaders.
"The primary violence comes from
apartheid and its supporters. We
have been peaceful to a fault," Tutu

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Desert Hallway
A six and one-helf foot cactus, owned by South Quad residents Matt Bab-
cock, Scott Bader, and Jamie Verrico, occupied a deserted dorm
hallway. Housing security has condemned the plant as a fire hazard,
and the students said they plan to remove it soon.
Research director quits
to take position in firm




What's happening around Ann Arbor

Campus Cinema
Garbo Talks (Sidney Lumet, 1984)
MTF, 8 and 10 p.m., Mich. Ron
Silvers plays a reserved accountant
who must arrange a meeting with
the world's most reclusive per-
sonality-Garbo-to please his
dying mother (Anne Bancroft).
University Symphony Or-
chestra-University School of
Music, 8 p.m., Hill Auditorium (763-
4726). Program includes works by
Gluck and Barber.
Bars & Clubs
The Ark-(761-1451)-Herb David
Guitar Studio Revue.
Bird of Paradise-(662-8310)-Bill
Heid Trio, blues.
The Blind Pig-(996-
8555)-Microtones, ska.
The Earle-(994-0211)-Larry
Mr. Flood's Party-(995-
2132)-Falcons, rock and roll.
Mountain Jack's-(665-1133)-La
Duke, easy listening.
The Nectarine Ballroom-(994-
5436)-High Energy Dance Music.
Rick's American Cafe-(996-
2747)-Cadeau a Vous, funk.
U-Club-(763-2236)-Reggae Dan-
ce Party.
Hans C: Andersen-Molecular
Dynamics Computer Simulation of
the Glass Transition and the Struc-
ture of Metallic Glasses,"
Chemistry, 4 p.m., room 1300,
Chemistry Bldg.
William H. Dietz, Jr.-"Television
Watching and Obesity in Children,"
Center for Human Growth and
Development, 3 p.m., Thomas Fran-
cis, Jr. Bldg.
Esther Broner-"Feminizing
Judaism Through New Ritual and
Ceremony: The Feminist
Revolution in Judaism," Hillel, 7:30
p.m., Hillel Auditorium.
Michael Groden-"Adapting to
the New Ulysses: An Interim
Report," English Department, 8
p.m., West Conference Room,
Ion Patroiu-"The Unification of
Romanian Principalities in 1859 and
Completion of the Romanian
Modern State in 1918," 4 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham.
Terry Longo-"An Introduction to
the CAEN Apollo workstations,"
CAEN, 7 p.m., Chrysler Center

of Everyday Life," Psychobiology,
12:30 p.m., room 4050, KHRI.
Jim Sweeton-"MTS: Introduc-
tion to Programs and Services on the
Michigan Terminal System, Instruc-
tional Strategy Services," Com-
puting Center, 8:30 a.m., room 3001,
Bob Blue-"Using Patterns with
the MTS File Editor," Computing
Center, 7 p.m., room 1013, NUBS.
Emmet Leith-''Lasers,''
Bioengineering, 3:45 p.m., room 1017
Dow Bldg.
S. Eisenreich-"Atmospheric
Deposition of Organic Contaminants
in the Great Lakes Region
Revisited," Great Lakes & Marine
Waters Center, 3:30 p.m., Henry
Vaughn Auditorium.
Raquetball Club-4 p.m., Courts,
9, 10, & 11.
University Aikido Club-5 p.m.,
Wrestling Room, IMSB.
Cross-Country Ski Club-7 p.m.,
room 451, Mason Hall.
Spring Break back packing trip to
Georgia-7 p.m., Conference Room,
Farm Labor Organizing Commit-
tee Support Group-5:30 p.m.,
University Club.
How to Evict Your Lan-
dlord-Free University Course, 7
p.m., Tenant's Union Office.
Asian Women's Sym-
posium-Asian American Assoc, 7
p.m., Blue Lounge, Stockwell.
Power-SODC workshop, 6:30
Ford Motor Co., Systems and
Operations-Society of Women
Engineers pre-interview meetings, 4
p.m., room 1042, E. Engineering.
Choosing a Career-Career Plan-
ning & Placement program, 4:10
p.m., Aud. C, Angell Hall.
Investigating Careers in Gover-
nment - Career Planning &
Placement Program, 4:10 p.m.,
Career P & P.
Personal Line
seminar, 1 p.m., Art & Architecture
Beginning Woodworking
class-Student Wood & Craft Shop, 7
EMAIL-FOAS Information Cen-
ter workshop, 8 a.m., room 1050,
Ad. Services.
How to Evict Your Landlord-Ann
Arbor Tenants Union course, 7 p.m.,
room 4001 Union.
MTS: Introduction to Programs
and Services-HRD workshop, 8:30
a.m., room 3001 SEB.

(Continued from Page 1)
tments to jointly research micro-
"The great thing about it is that it
resulted in the first ever joint
publication between physice,
chemistry, chemical engineering, and
electrical engineering (faculties),"
Gamota said.
"A LOT of people talk about inter-
disciplinary research, but the real
proof of success . . . is when faculty
jointly publish their results and share
graduate students," he added.
Prof. Charles Overberger, Director
of the Macromolecular Research Cen-
ter, agreed with Gamota's
"I think he improved the posture of
the IST ... made it much more visible
and made it a centrix point for inter-
disciplinary research," Overberger

Prof. Samuel Krimm, chairman of
ITS's Biophysics Research Division,
said Gamota has "tried to make IST
an integral part of the intellectual and
scholarly activity of the University
and at the same time to reach out to
industrial entities in the state of
Michigan and support the transfer of
technology to the outside com-
University Vice President for
Research Linda Wilson is currently
soliciting nominations for Gamota's
replacement, according to Alan
Price, associate vice president for
Although Price speculated that
Wilson would not appoint a permanent
replacement until the spring, Vice
President for Academic Affairs Billy
Frye said Wilson may soon appoint an
interim ITS director.
Wilson could not be reached for
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PLO plan
AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - King
Hussein and PLO Chairman Yasser
Arafat are holding their most impor-
tant talks in a year, discussing a new
formula that might overcome some
U.S. objections to dealing with the
PLO, a Palestinian source said
Arafat met Jordanian Prime
Minister Zaid Fifai yesterday to
follow up two meetings the previous
day with Hussein, and the source said
the "decisive" PLO-Jordanian
meetings would continue until Satur-
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
said last month that the Palestine
Liberation Organization risked being
shut out of the peace process if it did
not accept U.N. Security Council
Resolution 242, which calls for peace-
guarantees in return for Israeli with-
drawal from land captured in the 1967
Mideast war.
The United States, a major figure in
any proposed peace conference,
refuses to deal with the PLO until it
endorses 242 and explicitly accepts
Israel's right to exist. The PLO.rejec-
ts 242 because it does not mention
Palestinian rights to a state.
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