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January 28, 1986 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1986-01-28

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, January 28, 1986

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Vol. XCVI - No. 83

Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily

Eight Pages


'U' researcher
quits to take
new position




The Director of the University's In-
stitute of Science and Technology,
*eorge Gamota, resigned last week to
become president of a high tech
research firm near Boston.
Gamota, who has served as IST
director and professor of Physics here
since 1981, will leave the University
this March to head Thermo Electron's
Research and Development and New
Products Center.
HE CITED his frustration at
dealing with the slow University

bureaucracy as a primary reason for
his resignation.
For example, he said, an institute
project studying protein structures in
humans was delayed for over a year
due to a slow implementation process.
The project has since been approved
for research.
"Bureaucracy wears you down ...
by the time you get around to doing
something, the window of opportunity
disappears," he said, referring to the
University's decentralized procedure
for approving research projects.
GAMOTA predicted that working in
private industry would enable him to
conduct his research more efficiently.
"I'm looking forward to a whole new
spectrum of things . . . to do basic
research and develop new projects,"
he said. He did not know specifically
what new projects he will be working
As IST director, Gamota assisted
the University in developing inter-
disciplinary programs that included a
major effort in technology transfer to
the private sector and development of
Michigan's industry.
WITH THE support of corporations
such as Ford Motor Co., the institute
developed a program to retrain fac-
tory workers and help them adapt to a
changing workplace impacted by
technology. Gamota called the
program a success.
He also initiated the Ultra-small
Structures Office in IST, which
enabled faculty from seven depar-
See RESEARCH, Page 3

cae season

f ~
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Bone Chillng
Cool students and Ann Arbor residents became even cooler during
yesterday's sub-zero temperatures on State Street.

From staff and wire reports
MINNEAPOLIS - The University
of Minnesota basketball team will
complete its season despite the arrest
of three players on sexual assault
charges, University President Ken-
neth Keller said yesterday.
Keller also said Jimmy Williams
has been named acting coach.
Williams was an assitant coach under
Jim Dutcher, who resigned Saturday
after the university said it would for-
feit a Sunday game againt North-
western University.
TWO PLAYERS, Mitchell Lee,
Fla., and Kevin Smith, 21 of Lansing,
were charged yesterday with first
degree sexual assault in Dane County
District Court in Madison, Wis., for
allegedly attacking an 18-year-old
Madison woman.
The two were also charged
with second-degree sexual assault.
A third player, George Williams Jr.
of Oakland, Calif., was charged with
one count of second degree sexual
The student at Madison Area
Technical College reported Friday
that she had been attacked at the Con-
course Hotel, where the Goldne
Gophers stayed Thursday after

defeating Wisconsin in a Big Ten
basketball game.
misioner Todd Meurer set a cash bail
for Lee at $5,500, for Smith at $4,000
and for Williams at $1,000 at the trio's
initial court appearance yesterday af-
Lee and Williams posted bail last
night, court officials said.
Keller, who had considered can-
celling the rest of the season said
there would be changes in the athletic
program. He said the school would
place greater emphasis on recruiting
players with good character and that
the University would set up a coun-
seling program for the vicitims and
perpetrators of Sexual Assault.
IF CONVICTED of a first degree
charge, the players face a maximum
of 20 years in prison. The second-
degree count is punishable by a
maximum 10-year prison term and
fine of $10,000.
The complaint said the woman,
identified only as D.D., was forced to
engage in sexual intercourse in a
room at the Hotel with several men
whom she beleived to be members of
the Minnesota basketball team.
The victim identified Lee and Smith
See GOPHERS, Page 7

... leaving 'U'

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Profs. use
Ito enhance

Lean back in your chair, pass the popcorn,
and turn off the lights - it's showtime, er,
Students are spending more and more time in
the dark these days. No, they're not
academically inferior to the students of the
past. They're just seeing more movies - in
UNIVERSITY professors say they depend on
films to increase student involvement in issues
covered in class.
"Films are an extremely valuable sup-
plement to lectures and reading assignments,"
says history Prof. Gerald Linderman, who uses
film documentaries as a regular part of his

For political science Prof. Al Meyer, films
are especially effective as a learning tool
because they allow students to both see and
hear information.
Creating this impression is an art says film
Prof. Frank Beaver.
A PROFESSOR cannot simply turn on the
projector and expect the students to absorb all
of the important facts, he says. He or she must
know how to properly introduce and integrate
the film into the course by explaining how the
film relates to the lesson. The prof. must tell
the students what to look for during the film.
"Films exist in every area: history,
psychology, biology and other scientific and
technological fields," Beaver says. There is no

subject which can't be enhanced by film, he
"Film is a good arena for telling stories,"
says Carrie Garlick, an LSA senior.
She says documentaries are the best films for
the classroom because they motivate people to
learnhmorebabout the situation and to do
something about it.
GARLICK, for example, saw a movie for her
world hunger class that was filmed in and
smuggled out of Latin America. "I felt like I
was getting the real picture as opposed to
reading about it."
She is not the only student who becomes
emotionally involved in classroom films.
"There is no comparison between statistics
on a page and the image of bulldozers driving

through Bergen-Belsen plowing bodies," says
Jeff Haus, an LSA senior, referring to a film he
saw in a course on the Holacaust.
PROFESSORS say this type of vivid imagery
allows a student to become emotionally in-
volved in a situation.
According to Linderman, films have a
special capacity to convey the emotional at-
mosphere surrounding a historical event. This
effect is difficult to convery Through a lecture
or a reading.
"When the lights go out, I put my notebook
away, put my pencil in my pocket and it's nap
time,' one student admits.

Couzens director tackles
alcohol Policy opposition

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In the Couzens residence hall, building director Jerral
Jackson's reputation precedes him. Because of the strict
alcohol policy that he implemented last term - which in-
cludes a ban on kegs and enforcement of Michigan's 21-
year-old drinking age - Jackson, 36, said he is seen as and
'ogre" by many who know only his name.
Students who have come to know the laid-back and soft-


A l


spoken man, however, regard him as cooperative yet
authoritative figure in the dormitory.
A look into Jackson's background reveals a multi-
*alented man with a broad range of interests. A Detroit
native, he attended the University as an undergraduate.
After spending three-and-one-half years studying
aerospace engineering, Jackson decided he wanted to
transfer to another program. "I didn't like (aerospace
engineering) very much."
ALTHOUGH Jackson put his engineering skills to use,
he ended up with -a double major in psychology and
political science. Jackson worked for the University as a
technical draftsman in engineering services. He later
began a work-study job at the University's Institute of
Science and Technology, working his way up to second
*evel research associate.

"That's where I received a great deal of engineering
esperience," he recalls. "While I was there I worked on
the (Renaissance Center) project. I drafted proposals
and got them funded through the federal government."
Jackson wasn't completely ready to let go of his interest
in engineering. He also spent two years as an electrical
engineer at the Ford Motor Company. But finally his
desire to pursue such a career dwindled.
"I SAID I would try all ends of engineering to see if I like
d it. I figured out I didn't like it," he said. "So I decided
making money was fine, but it wasn't all it was trumped
up to be.
That realization provided a turning point for Jackson's
"I just wanted to get into a situation where I could have
a significant impact on people, and help them at the same
time, which is why I selected psych," he said.
JACKSON received his doctoral degree in psychology
from the University of Texas. He is currently working on
a master's degree in social work and eventually plans to
pursue a doctoral in that field as well.
Jackson's career as the building director has roots that
extend back to his days as an undergraduate. He began as
a Resident Advisor for Huber House in South Quad and
eventually became an assistant resident director and then
resident director of the dormitory.
Between his graduate work at Texas and the University,
Jackson held a student services position at Eastern
Michigan University. His responsibilities there were
See 'JACKSON', Page 2

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Jerral Jackson began as a Resident Advisor in South Quad. while an undergraduate. Many years later,
Jackson is the controversial building director of Couzens Hall, where he instituted a strict keg policy last

Bow tie knots Rocky


while teaching at Northwestern University in Chicago.
Smith said Bow Tie Day is every Tuesday and is a
nationwide tradition despite what Success magazine
says. Even the editorial writer gave himself away as a
bow tie man when he said: "Of course, an era when
people don't trust men wearing bow ties is a step up
from the era when long-hair students didn't trust

don't know how many keys are out there," Anchorage
Commissioner of Public Safety John Franklin said
yesterday. "So the sensible thing to do is to start
changing the locks." He said the $6,000 job is to begin
today at the rate of five or six cars daily, faster if the
locksmith can speed up his work. An informant told
police about the key duplication, handing over a per-

JESUS 1: Arts reviews Goddard's controversial
film 'Hail Mary.'



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