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Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 79 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 22, 1986 Eight Pages
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Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
Mid-winter thaw
Students enjoy sunny weather in front of Law Quad yesterday. The warmer weather will end today, with tem-
peratures dropping to the mid-30s.
*CIA cancels ca-mpus interviews
with wire reports
Gov. James Blanchard is recom-
mending a sparse 5 percent state fun-
ding increase for the University next
fall, the state budget director said
The increases, called "disappoin-
ting" by University Vice President
for State Relations Richard Kennedy,
will mean a tight University budget
next year and probably tuition in-
creases for all students in the fall.
THE GOVERNOR'S proposal, if ap-
proved by the state legislature this
summer, would translate into about
$12.2 million more in state support
next year, which is far short of the $26
million bare minimum increases
University administrators asked for
last fall.
State support makes up over half
the University's general operating
Kennedy, though, said it's hard to
be completely disappointed when
"you take into account the state's
financial situation."
THE Governor's budget, said Robert
Naftaly, director of the state's Office
f of Management and Budget, contains
$11 million less in spending next year
than this year.
l "This is a lean budget that con-
tinues to focus resources on programs
that best meet the essential needs of
t our citizens," Naftaly told members
- of the legislative budget-writing and
tax committees.
The proposal allows for spending
more for education, prisons, and a
continuation of environmental protec-
tion programs.
NAFTALY said it is also the first
budget in six years based on an in-
come tax of 4.6 percent. The rate now
stands at 5.1 percent, but lawmakers
are moving to cut the levy sometime
this year.
Kennedy said the University's in-
creases are "encouraging when one
considers that the Governor's spen-
ding recommendations for most other
state services provide no increases
and in some cases, actual reduc-
"Even so," Kennedy said, "it is
clear that the Governor's proposal ...
falls considerably short of our
request." Last year, Blanchard
proposed a 13 percent state funding
increase and demanded that the
University freeze tuition for Michigan
residents. The University complied.
But this year, the Governor is only
asking the state's universities and
colleges to keep in-state tuition in-
creases below the 5 percent inflation
rate, said Lynn Schaffer, assistant
director of the state Department of
Management and Budget.
"The Governor felt it wouldn't be
fair to demand a freeze when we can
only give an inflationary increase,"
she said.
STATE support for higher education
overall would rise by only 5.5 percent
.under the Governor's proposals.
In addition to the $26 million bare
minimum to meet rising costs, the
University asked for an additional $9
million last fall tomake up for unmet
needs during the state's financial
problems in the late-70s and early-80s.
State support of the University fell
over that time from making up about
60 percent of the University's budget
in 1979 to about 47.5 percent in 1983.
Support has since risen to a little over
50 percent of the budget, but Univer-
sity administrators say that they
have piled up a long list of unmet
FOR EXAMPLE University faculty
have not kept up with pay increases
faculty at "peer" universities have
received over that time.
One piece of good news the Univer-
sity did receive yesterday was the
Governor's proposal for a $9 million
research excellence fund for the
University. The fund is designed,
Schaffer said, to help research-orien-
ted universities as the University and
Michigan State University pay for
research costs.
The Governor also proposed
yesterday that ACT requirements
for the Michigan Competitive
Scholarship Program be lowered
from scoring in the 85th percentile to
the 80th percentile. In addition, Blan-
chard recommended that funding for
the program be increased by $1.5
million to pay for the estimated 1,350
increasein eligible students.
CIA recruiters cancelled their interviews scheduled for
this week at the University's career planning and
placement office and will not recruit on campus this term.
According to Deborah Orr May, director of the office,
the CIA cancelled its interviews last week because it
doesn't need more employees and still has a list of studen-
ts on file from fall interviews.
BUT STEVE Gunn, the CIA's regional personnel
representative, said the CIA' "is doing a fair amount of
hiring right now."
Gunn said he would not return to campus this term
because he recruits here only once a year. He said he will
return for his regular recruitment session next fall.
Last year, however, the agency recruited on campus
during both fall and winter terms. And Gunn said that last
summer the CIA scheduled two sessions with career plan
See CIA, Page 3
Hair today: No one
student style wins
Forget the ".arrah Fawcett."
Bag the "bob." Stop searching for
the "in" hairstyle for 1986 - chan-
ces are you've already found it.
According to area hairstylists, the
era of naming hairstyles has been
replaced by a period where trends
are difficult to pinpoint and student
styles vary according to the in-
"RIGHT NOW anything goes,"
said Michael Whiting of Debut on
Main Street. "It is acceptable to be
freaky or conservative."
On the conservative side, hair-
stylists agreed that University
students tend to be their least daring
Today's student concern with pre-
professionalism and preparing for
job interviews could explain these
conservative coiffures, according to
Deborah May, director of career
planning and placement at the
"COMMON SENSE would dictate
that until you know the work en-
vironment it is better to err on the
more conservative side than on the
more avant-garde side," May said.
"Study people in the workplace and
get a feel for what is acceptable."
Robin Galbraith, a hairstylist at
Shear Impact on South University,
agreed that students reflect either
their current job or long-range
career aspirations when styling
their hair. She mentioned that
students who work in clothing shops
or art studios, for example, show
more originality with their hair-
styles than office workers.
LSA senior Leslie Baxter has
never had to style her hair within the
constraints of an office job.
HAVING WORKED for punk rock
boutiques in ,the past, Baxter has
been able to give her hairstylists
free reign.
The result, she said, has been a
head of hair she has frequently cut,
braided, and shaved over the past
two-and-a-half years for what she
calls "a new and outrageous look."
Other students not caught up in
pre-professional conservatism are
showing more diversity than ever
with hair color and head shaving,
according to the hairstyling experts.
DANA FAIR. an LSA senior, has
his head shaved close to the skull on
the sides and longer and curly on the
"This is my one chance to be wild.
(After graduation) my "real world"
hair style will be different," Fair
Hairstylists said the new hair
colorings can be used for an inten-
/ 17.
Daily illustration by CHARLES C ESTREICHER
MSA criticizes
'U' policy on
campus safety
tional "punkish" look, or can merely
enhance one's natural hair color.
and enriches a person's natural hair
color, according to Wendy Walter of
"Blonds are getting blonder and
darker hair can be highlighted with
red," she said.
In addition, Walters said that the
unnatural platinum-blond look made
famous during the 1950's is staging a
STYLISTS AND their customers
have traditionally been leery about
hair coloring, fearing that the
chemicals involved in the process
would damage hair.
But Susan Little of Debut believes
that "people aren't afraid of
coloring the way they used to be."
Although Walters said the
chemicals in coloring dry out the
user's hair, she said this process
actually helps the overall look of the
The Michigan Student Assembly
last - night urged University Vice
President for Student Services Henry
Johnson to reaffirm his commitment
to rape prevention and related cam-
pus safety issues which, the assembly
said, he has not fully addressed.
"Just because the (Sexual Assault)
Center has been instituted, doesn't
mean his job has ended," said MSA
Women's Issues Committee member
Jen Faigel, who co-wrote the
THE University's rape prevention
center was originally approved last
May after a demonstration in John-
son's office. The center, which is still
in the blueprint stage, hired its coor-
dinator last week.
The resolution asked that Johnson
send MSA a written statement "en-
suring assistance from the Office of
Student Services" in installing an
assault hotline, counseling rape vic-
tims, instituting free self-defense
courses, and improving security
systems on campus.
Faigel said she thought more could
have been done by the OSS to expand
Nite Owl Service, improve lighting on
campus, and to institute a campus-
wide escort service. MSA has started
an escort service for West Quad, Bar-
bour, and Newberry Residences,
which began Sunday night.
"We want a written statement that
it will get done," Faigel said.
The resolution comes exactly one
year after members of the Women's
Issues committee held a sit-in in
Johnson's office and demanded that
he do more to prevent rape on cam-
pus.' The administrator had
previously questioned the need for a
rape center.
Johnson could not be reached last
night for comment.
to appear
in forum
Two presidents, Harold Shapiro of
the University and Paul Josephson of
the Michigan Student Assembly, will
appear together tonight to answer
questions on campus issues.
Facing an anticipated 300-member
audience in Room 130 of the Business
Administration Building, the two are
expected to field questions ranging
from the code of non-academic con-
duct to how to deal with the recent
rash of racial incidents on campus.
ONE of the reasons we wanted this
forum was to get President Shapiro to
come out on the record on some of the
issues that concern us," Josephson
Several MSA members gathered
Monday night to form questions to be
asked by the moderator, Joe Kraus -
Daily opinion page editor - in the fir-
st hour of the two-hour session.
Members of the audience will be
able to direct questions to either of the
presidents in the second hour of the
Questions expected to be asked in
the first hour, Josephson said, in-
Should there be a possibility under
a code that a student would be
suspended or expelled for non-violent
protest, which is the equivalent of a
'One of the reasons we wanted this forum was
to get President Shapiro to come out on the
record on some of the issues that concern us.'
- Michigan Student Assembly
President Paul Josephson
" What should be done to curb the
recent outbreak of racial vandalism
ranging from attacks to threats?
Another reason for the forum,
Josephson said, is to improve the
dialogue between students and ad-
Shapiro was unavailable for com-
ment last night. But Josephson said
the University president has made
overtures lately to improve com-
munication between students and
administrators. For example,
Josephson said Shapiro has en-
couraged adminstrators to attend
MSA meetings regularly.
The forum will begin tonight at 7
simple trespass?
" What has the University done to
improve safety conditions on campus
and what efforts still need to be
" The ad-hoc committee on
classified research will issue an
evaluation of the present guidelines
on classified research in early March
of this year. The present guidelines
prohibit research destructive to
human life and research which cannot
be openly published. Is there a need
for changes to be made in this policy.?
Let him eat cake
y [ICE PRESIDENT for Student Ser-
Svices Henry Johnson was forced to
students presented Johnson with a cake in-
scribed with the infamous quote. Johnson
humbly offered to eat the "I" first, although he
said the Metro Detroit article misrepresented
his views. LSA sophomore Jen Faigel, an
DUSTY: Arts digs up some tasty art at the
Kelsey Archaeological Museum. See Page 5.
~ vice HenryJohnso-was&frced t N E- L