The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 9, 1985 -Page 3 Students use creativity to spruce up dorm rooms By MELISSA BIRKS Nine days ago, Room 6675 of Van, Duren House in Bursley Hall was an, indistinctive dorm double with a tile floor, bare walls, and twin beds, In the opinion of Mike Hogle and Mike Friedrichs, it was, well, just not gc d enough for a home away from honm , So the two sophomores added' 1 tan carpet, $60 worth of hanging plants, a $40 miniature palm try. zva a $150 loft as well as a wicker chair, straw bird cage, and other item s salvaged from their p,- ,:ts' basements and closets. NOW THE room reflects their fon- dness for plants and exotic places and; tl eir desire to create a comfortable, soothing atmosphere in which to. sleep, study and entertain - a desire they share with many dorm residents who have spurned the just-as-you- found-it look for more creative fur- nishings. "You're going to live in the dorm room the next eight months of your life," said Friedrichs. "It looks like a prison if you don't do anything with Sit." Like Hogle and Friedrichs, many upperclassmen spent their first few days back on campus as interior decorators before settling into a more academic routine. It wasn't long before newcomers caught the fever. "I DIDN'T care about decorating the room," admitted LSA freshman Leslie Olan, who changed her attitude when her roommate tacked a Mexican hammock to the ceiling of their Alice Lloyd room and brightened the windows with stained glass sun catchers. At her roommate's urging, Olan purchased three wall posters of her home state, New York, and she was on her way to buy a shower cur- tain to hide an open closet when stop- ped by a reporter. Posters of celebrities and famous correction The Michigan Student Assembly and Campus Against Weapons in Space (CAWS) will hold a conference en- titled "The Strategic Defense Initiative and Universities" Oct. 4 and 5°at Rackham Auditorium. CAWS and the conference were inaccurately w described in Sept. 6 editions of the Daily. ° CAWS is a new student-faculty group not affiliated with the' *Progressive Student Network. It has stated no position on military resear- ch. 'The conference is designed to be an objective study of the possibility that universities might participate in "Star Wars" space weapons research and the effects SDI might have on arms control, the nation, and univer- Cities. Experts with varying positions on the issue will participate in orkshops and a panel discussion. Sherry Korican, a senior merchan- dising manager at the J.C. Penney store in Briarwood Mall, sees collegiate shoppers buying "the essentials," such as appliances, com- forters, linens and throw pillows. "Students go with a lower price range - not cheap, but lower," she said. ON LESS EXPENSIVE items, area store managers say students often value quality over price. At the University Cellar, for example, heavy-duty plastic crates outsell cheaper, less durable ones, and door- length posters costing $6 and $7 apiece are sold two or three at a time. "You're willing to do what you can to make (your room) more liveable," said Mary Lewison, a supplies buyer for the store. "That outweighs the ex- pense." Lofts can range in price from $80 to more than $200, depending on whether students buy the lumber and build the structure themselves or buy a finished one. Tricia Peltier, an art school sophomore, and Kris Allen, an LSA sophomore, acquired their loft for free. When the women moved into their Bursley room they found a $250 loft that had been built three or four years ago by an architecture student and left behind for subsequent residents. "We call it a tri-level," said Peltier. Indeed, the room comes about as close to three floors as any dorm resident will find. Desks are placed on the ground floor, Peltier said, so that the second level, known as the "living area," complete with pink plush car- peting and a yellow bean bag chair can be reserved for "entertaining." A white ladder leads to the third level bedroom, where the women keep their gold-paneled French phone. BLOOM COUNTY Watch for it n 01hi M ~tn u1 Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY Art school sophomore Tricia Peltier (left) and her roommate, LSA sophomore Kris Allen, show off their newly- decorated Bursley dorm room. At right, sophomore Mike Friedrichs peeks out from behind his Bursley dorm room's tropical paradise. places, along with plants, lofts, and carpeting, remain the most frequent additions students make to their rooms. Homemade memo boards fashioned from photo collages are also popular this year. Stuffed animals and framed snapshots of friends and family allow students to add another personal touch. Sherif Emil, a resident adviser in Couzens, noted that foreign students often give an international flavor to their decor with mementos of their native lands. "Couzens has a lot of Oriental students," he said. "They bring a lot of flags, religious items, posters. It's an indicator of where they're from." THOUGH MOST students rummage their decorations out of closets at home, garbage piles, or yard sales, some are willing to invest $100 or more to buy new what they can't find used. "We don't regret spending the money," Friedrichs said of his and Hogle'sudecision to pay at least $300 to spruce up their room. das evenings,' *o . I~I' Pemnn Eeslanwi weekend"~st. NTP aiiis "*opet'T " ddctd Stanford murderer freedfroi VACAVILLE, Calif. (AP) - Theodore Strelski, a former Stanford University graduate student convic- ted of beating his professor to death with a hammer to publicize the plight of graduate students, was freed from. prison yesterday. Streleski, who spent seven years, 20 days in the prison here, was driven in a light mist to the prison gates shortly after 8 a.m. by officers who escorted him through a chain link fence, to more than 60 reporters gathered to. speak with him. "GOOD morning," he said. "where's the microphones? " The 1978 slaying of stantord mathematics Professor Karel DeLeeuw sparked widespread in- r prison terest after Strelski indicated he felt no remorse for the killing he said dramatized the plight of graduate students at Stanford. "I killed the man and I submitted the case to a judge and jury," said Streleski, who wore a light denim jacket and had his long hair tied back. He was convicted of second-degree murder. "As I stand here now, I have no in- tention of killing again. I am a mur- derer. I am not a dirty, lying dog," he said. In previous interviews, Streleski has said he couldn't rule out the possibility of killing again. He said he will not visit Stanford University, but will alert university police if he changes his mind. "Good service. good coverage, good price - That's State Farm insurance." giervice/ 542 LSA Building 764-9216 SAEFARM I-I IINSURANCE DAN JILEK 450 S. Main Suite 3 Ann Arbor 761-2666 Like a good neighbor. State Farm is there. State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices Bloomington. Illinois INSTANT: Passport - visa - A.ppilcation ' Photos while U wait hrs. 1:00-4:30 Mon ~ Fri 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT EDUCATIONAL CENTER, LTD. TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 Call Days, Evenings & Weekends 662-3149 203 E. Hoover Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Permanent Centers In More Than 120 Major US. Cities 6 Abroad' For Information About Other Centers OUTSIDE N.Y. STATE CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-1782 In New York State Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Center Ltd L [HAPPENINGS ~HighliAPPh- The Department of Physical Education's Adult lifestyle classes start Athis week. Weightlifting, swimming, dance, and aerobics are among the classes offered. Register at 3050 CCRB. Films MTF - The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Michigan Theater. Speakers Studies in Religion - Harvey Cox, "Jesus & the Moral Life," 8 p.m., MLB3. Meetings Finance Club - 4:30 p.m., Hale Aud. Michigan Business Women - 4 p.m., Michigan Room, Assembly Hall. LSA faculty -4:10 p.m., MLB 4. Inter-fraternity Christian Fellowship -7 p.m., Anderson Room, Union. Miscellaneous Gilbert & Sullivan Society - Auditions, 7 p.m., Studio, League. Microcomputer Education Center - Basic Concepts of Database Management, 1 p.m.; To Program or Not to Program: Should You Write Your Own Computer Programs? 3 p.m.; Word Processing with Mac- Write, 3 p.m., Rm. 3113, School of Education. Graduate Library - tours, 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m., North Cir- culation Desk. To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Thailand radio reports coup attempt BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Rebel military officers seized control of official Radio Thailand this mor- ning and announced they had over- thrown the elected government because of "the seriously deteriorating situation of the economy.'' There were indications that the rebels were opposed by loyal army units. Military sources said the rebel leaders were based at the offices of the Armed Forces Supreme Com- mand, while officers loyal to the government were gathering at the 11th Infantry Regiment on the out- skirts of Bangkok. Reporters saw 300-400 soldiers in full combat uniform and about a dozen tanks blocking access to the Supreme Command headquarters, the Royal Palace and Government House, where the prime minister's of- fice is located. Other troops were stationed at the Public Relations Department, the center of national communications. r rx"/4"?4?d+~..{fri}9J. ..:i~'}{ .k{Sr** r :r{' }1*i?. ~ A. k :: + {rW : ±r {Y::'i: '-'.X::{ a:a'b:{} r;{.{1c .... " ;":1 S' TO SCHOOL A L E T j 2 ay R 3 g 9 f - .- .. Augut y15f 'through Oc}>tober r5.' 3. f { An)lta teents:ains ----:--.... .- Save upto 50%/ Off List Price August 15 through October 5. Whether you're the student or the teacher, DMI's Back to School Sale is the event of the year! Everything imaginable for the accomplished artist or talented amateur, drafting professional or budding beginner, is here at DMI. And all at tremendous savings! Stop in during our Back to School Sale and save up to 50%/. You'll find everything from adhesives to portfolios, from push pins to paints. 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