4 OPINION Page 4 Monday, December 9, 1985 The Michigan Daily bre £idiigan IaOlu Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Racism: A silent By Barbara Ransby Vol. XCVI, No. 66' 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board PACs and pols kLAST TUESDAY the Senate L successfully avoided voting on an amendment which would have limited Political Action Commit- tee's contributions to congressional candidates. There just wasn't suf- ficient incentive. Instead of voting on a proposal by Sen. David Born (D-Ok.), the ,Senate managed to ferry the finan- :cially threatening legislation back into committee, where it will likely languish for a long while. Basically, Boren's proposed legislation calls for a halt to the ob- scenely exaggerated contributions labor, business, and ideological PACs are able to channel into the coffers of Congressional can- didates who champion some pet causes of theirs. The Federal Elections Com- mission reported last week that $104 million or 26 percent of all Congressional candidates con- tributions come from PACs. Boren's amendment modestly suggested that PACs be limited to spending $100,000 on house races and $750,000 on contenders for the Senate - still a hefty, helpful sum when compared to the typical private citizen's contribution of less than $100. Boren's amendment failed despite a provision for post- poning the effective date of the legislation until after the next round of Congressional elections. In short, the present system allows PACs to have a dramatic impact on the outcome of Federal. elections - a circumstance which is inherently unfair as the voice of the single voter is effectively pre- empted by the economically ad- vantaged PACs. One graphic example rests in the gun lobby. The National Rifle Association contributed to the campaigns of over 250 congresspersons in the last elec- tions, and many more accept regular contributions. It should come as no surprise, then, when legislation that would potentially strengthen gun control laws reaches the floor of the House or Senate, it fails miserably. On the other hand, the McClure-Volkmer bill which was passed by a vote of 79-15 this summer, further relaxed the minimal laws that exist to restrict gun ownership. The unfortunate reality is that many politicians' allegiances are dictated primarily by economics. If Boren's bill ever emerges from committee, each American citizen shoud remind his elected officials who their constituents are, and call for a vote of conscience. As an Afro-American and an anti-apar- theid activist who sees the struggle against apartheid in South Africa as an extension of the struggle against racism at home, I am angered and disgusted by the recent up- surge in racist, sexist, and anti-semitic "violence" on this campus. One such example of what I am referring to is the recent vandalization of the carrel of a Chinese graduate student and the racist and threatening graffiti the vandals left behind. A second and more recent example is the defacing of two fraternity/sorority houses with anti-semitic and sexist graffiti over Thanksgiving vacation. It would be dangerous for us to ignore or minimize these racist attacks in spite of the fact that the perpetrators are undoubtedly a miniscule and cowardly bunch. Never- theless, these two acts of violence against property are only one step away from violence against people. The kind of men- tality that can justify a death threat against people of color or conjure up memories of the Holocaust by painting swastikas on a building is likely capable of almost anything. Ransby is a member of the Free South Africa Coordinating Committee. Students, faculty, and staff on this cam- pus must make it absolutely clear that we cannot and will not tolerate this type of public display of racial hatred. A first step, it seems, is to demand accountability from the University in term of guaranteeing more careful and systematic monitoring of this type of activity. A formal procedure for students to report such incidents would be one positive step toward more careful looking at and evaluating the problem. In addition to what the administration can do, students must begin to seriously explore ways that we can aggressively combat campus racism, in its blatant as well as more subtle forms. Some minority representatives and other concerned students have been meeting with the Michigan Student Assembly to do just this, and I applaud their initiative. Some specific suggestions for student action are as follow: *The formation of a permanent ad hoc task force to combat campus racism. *The establishment of a monitoring program to involve 99 percent of the student body, if possible, in reporting any offensive- graffiti writing they observe or have any in- formation about. Although vandals do not generally publicize their actions, the fact that any passerby may be monitoring them may deter future incidents. We may also ob- serve a pattern through reporting. eAll recognized student groups to take a public stand condemning racist, sexist, and anti-semitic graffiti. Racists and sexists should be made to feel like the outsiders, not the rest of us. Such a joint statement could storm be published as a full-paged Daily ad. These are only a few suggestions. I'm sure that more could be generated if we see it as a priority. The bottom line is that campus racism must not be written off as harmless, because unfortunately it is not isolated from the resurgent racism in society at large. For example, the recent apartheid segregation of Dearborn's parks and the racist harrassment of black residents in Southwest Philadelphia are but variations of the same thing. These attacks are not Black, Jewish, or Asian problems, they are social problems and all progressive forces on this campus and in society must be a part of the solution. If we have any doubts about the danger of our silence in the face of racism and injustice, the message of a poem by Bertolt Brecht is a good reminder. A paraphrase of the poem's message is as follows : I was at my window and in the early afternoon, they came in the afternoon for the Blacks, the Africans. I turned my head and I said nothing. They came again in the evening, this time they came for the Jews, I turned my head and I said nothing And then they returned - This time they came for the Arabs, the Native Americans, the Latinos, the Asians, the others. I turned my head. I wept, But I said nothing. In the morning, they came for me. Wasserman al So CONQf2SS WiIL kZE VoTtw& MORE ONEY FOR. tAMS Agai 1iHAT'THE R EQ. 8rpuTY "!HE MoRe YOU DO ITTHE OF ARMS CONTR.OL- MAORE THEY WANT IT ZTV ~AN ARM5BUILDP,~ ANP Q'EOFLE DEM4AN AMS CONTPOL I Go TO eNVA AND) 'TAV ARMPS CONTROL TGN Z TEL. Co6REs TH~E ARMS BUILDUP MADE~ 6ES&EVADSIB LE.. A. Protests and Police: Shapiro 's turn Honoring Mandela UNIVERSITY HISTORY professor Tom Holt's nomination of jailed South African leader Nelson Mandela for an honorary degrees is yet another positive step in bringing the University's influence to bear on ending South African apartheid. Holt's nomination will be con- sidered by the honorary Degree Committee at its meeting this spring. In the mean time, members of the Free South Africa Coor- dinating Committee have pledged to circulate petitions to demon- strate widespread support for the move. Mandela, imprisoned since 1961 (?), is the acknowledged leader of the African National Congress, a biracial movement calling for a South African government that represents all of the country's population as opposed to the present apartheid government which has full representation only for whites, and limited represen- tation for "coloureds" and Indians. The largest apparent issue that would discourage the University from offering such a degree is the fact that Mandela and the A.N.C. have used violence in their struggle against the South African police And government and the University will probably not want to become associated with a violent movement. While violence is always a disturbing tactic for a political organization to utilize, it is impor- tant to remember that Mandela and the A.N.C. were one of the last important groups in South Africa to turn to violence. The A.N.C. was a non-violent organization for over a half a century until the 1968 Shapreville massacre when gover- nment troops opened fire on peaceful protesters. It became ap- parent then that the South African government would not react to peaceful protest and so the organization was forced un- derground. In the following years, most* of its leadership was im- prisoned, and those few who were not were forced to flee the country. Nevertheless, the A.N.C. remains popular amongst the people of South Africa. A.N.C. rallies held before a recent state of emergency was implemented at- tracted large crowds, and the exiled leadership of the A.N.C. has indicated that Mandela is still their leader even though he is unable to take part in day-to-day decision making. If the University were to grant Mandela an honorary degree. it would call further attention to the bigotted apartheid government and might help to further establish Mandela as the rightful leader of his people. The situation in South Africa demands that the University take action. The regent's decision to divest 90 percent of the Univer- sity's remaining holdings in South Africa was an important economic step. An honorary degree for man- dela, in spite of his organization's use of violence, would be an impor- tant political and intellectual one. An open letter to President Shapiro: In the last several months serious questions have been raised concerning the conduct of the police and University security forces at demonstrations on cam- pus. During the filming of the Today show two individuals were forcibly removed by cam- pus security because they were holding a protest sign, while two others were physically prevented from displaying a protest banner. At the CIA recruitment police were called in, before protestors even arrived. Eventually 26 protestors were arrested at what had been planned as a legal non-violent protest. The way in which campus security and the Ann Arbor police were used at these protests gives the appearance that the university is attempting to suppress the right of students to protest lawfully. The Michigan Student Assembly has condemned the way in which the police and security for- ces acted on these occasions and called on you to explain their behavior. The Daily has made a similar request, as have numerous individuals who have written to you privately. Even the city of Ann Arbor has taken upon itself to investigate police con- duct at these protests. Given the importance of this issue and the level of concern, both on campus and in the surrounding community, we feel that it is imperative that you resond to the questions that have been raised. Your failure to clearly address the issue is both irresponsible and an insult to those who have expressed concern about maintaining free expression at the university. -Rackham Student Government December 4 I LETTERS: I Better understan ding of gays needed I To the Daily: As a group of lesbian and gay male professionals and students encompassing all allied health fields we have worked together since 1977 to meet the health con- cerns of the Ann Arbor area gay community. We were par- ticularly glad to noterrecently that the UM School of Public Health is offering a program on "Coping with AIDS" Saturday, December 7. However, we are concerned that the opening remarks will be made by June Osborne, M.D., Dean of the School of Public Health. It is appropriate that the Dean welcome program par- ticipants and that Dr. Osborn, given her professional training as an epidemiologist, speak to aspects of AIDS. Our concern centers on comments that Dr. Osborn is reported to have made to the Ann Arbor News, the Michigan Alumnus, and the University Record. In the Ann Arbor News (August 15, 1985) Dr. Osborn is quoted as saying, "I don't go along with the argument that if the victims had been bankers [instead of gay people] more [scientific research on AIDS] would have been done. It is silly for gays to make that argument - it just enhances the level of terror in the general population." In the Michigan Alumnus (Sept.-Oct. 1985) Dr. Osborn is quoted as stating that disease, and the tests for the an- tibody and the virus. Of course Dr. Osborn may have been misquoted, but no statement to that effect has been printed in the Record.. Dr. Osborn has spoken in the Record of the risk that a "15-or-16 year-old kid who's going to declare his same-sex preferen- ce" will assume. Dr. Osborn is presumably referring to the risks of sexual activity, although "declaring a preference" does not imply a decision to engage in sexual intercourse. In any event, the term ''sexual orientation"~ is accepted by most lesbians and gay men, whereas the terms "sexual preference" and "same- sex persuasion" (Ann Arbor News) make light of the factors that determine a person's sexuality. IN a recent issue (November 27, 1985) of the New York Times, Robert E. Pollack, Dean of BLOOM COUNTY Columbia University and Professor of Biological Sciences there, sugests that one reason for our nation's reluctance to begin a national effort to develop a vac- cine againstg AIDS is "irrational fear and hostility directed at a minority [gay people of both sexes] . . . our political leaders apparently do not wish to be in- volved with this minority." We wonder whether Dean Osbornm who labels gay people "silly" for raising this issue, will similarly label Dean Pollack. In sum, Dr. Osborn's comments about the necessities of limiting the spread of AIDS might have been better received by lesbians and gay men had she offered more evidence of an understan- ding of gay people and their con- cerns. -Peter Waters, Pharm. d. Robert C. J. Boblett Cleveland K. Evans Ph.D. Thomas M. Gaughan Robert C. Victor December 2 The cosigners of this letter are members of the Lambda Health Project. Letters to the Daily should be typed, triple-spaced, and signed by the individual authors. Names will be withheld only in unusual circumstances. Letters may be edited for clarity, grammar, and spelling. by Berke Breathed &L kx/ WHT.. BF0A6 HACKING..,. JUST Y65//fmav SAKE. ac (EPs G£1V tKT Aca WPY.6 CAN WE lm~?wf IA G~ANG 7X(6 FEW F166-, 5plAC6 RQ FEW A WM5... 7W KREMLIN KKOOF? YOU hwlO165LY L1K6 XaRAM0BL6 I\ f~ ' F T&~ 5CWG4YPA! BUTq ow~~UY We encourage our readers to use this