The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 9, 1985 - Page BUSINESS Jobs:Reputation is best publi city By FRANCIE ALLEN with wire reports Students looking for a part-time job in Ann Arbor will be able to find openings next semester, according to local business owners. But those openings should be filled quickly. Usually a job's reputation among students is the best publicity for a job. "It looks like a fun job. It is a fun job," said Tessa Shaefer, a shift supervisor at Steve's Ice Cream. Shaefer added that almost all of Steve's employees are University students. AT ULRICH'S Book Store, Cor- porate General Manager Tom Musser said student customers, who are im- pressed with the store, often become student employees. Flexible scheduling appears to be the single most important con- sideration for students wishing to work and for employers wishing to at- tract students. Fast food restaurants, such as Burger King and McDonald's tend to hire a large proportion of college students, and managers value the ability to provide flexible scheduling for their employees. 'It looks like a fun job. It is a fun job.' -Tessa Shaefer Steve's Ice Cream supervisor "THAT'S ONE of the best things about working at McDonald's.. . they schedule you around your schedule." said Donna Armsead, a manager at McDonald's. "I enjoy working there (East Quad), andit doesn't take too much of your time. You can schedule your studying around it," said LSA sophomore Jeff Miller, a University food service employee. Student workplaces, such as Ulrich's and the MUG Eateries and Commons agree that they have little trouble in attracting students at the start of each semester. But there are frequently difficulties in retaining adequate student help towards the end of the semester, when schoolwork and other responsibilities pile up. "I THINK they (the students) get overly ambitious about what they can handle, and that's the balance bet- ween work and school," said Jeff Kloiber, the manager at the MUG. Kloiber said that the MUG loses employees but alsohattracts more customers during the final exam period. Business and campus workplaces cope with the lack of student help towards the end of the semester in dif- ferent ways. KLOIBER says that the MUG will usually try and help its student work- force out by reducing hours in order to give students a chance to catch up in their studies. But the MUG makes it a point of warning new student em- ployees that they are expected to work through the finals period. Some business owners, in fact, say they have found employees such as University graduates or high school students more suitable for their business because they live in town year round and often have more flexible schedules. However, at the University of Virginia, no one knows for certain why students are becoming leery of taking part-time jobs. "Students getting money from their parents is the major reason," said A.K. Bhagat, head of the University of Virginia's food services. "They're letting mom and dad pay for it." Bhagat said that he has 210 part- time jobs unfilled. The lack of workers is causing some delays in serving the 6,000 students his depar- tment feeds every day. Other part-time jobs at University of Virginia, such as clerical and library work, are also taking longer tc fill than in the past. Career Planning & Placement Recruiting Schedule The following employers and representatives from graduate/professional schools will be on campus to conduct in- terviews. January 13 Banker's Trust Citibank January 14 Banker's Trust January 15 Aetna CNA Insurance Co. January 16 Aetna National Bank of Detroit Sears, Roebuck & Co. January 17 IDS Financial Services Sears, Roebuck & Co. January 20 A.S. Hansen Paul Revere Insurance Co. January21 Dow Chemical- Communications Mutual of Omaha Procter & Gamble - Sales January 22 Burroughs Corporation Dow Chemical - Marketing & Technical GTE May Company Northern Trust Co. of Chicago Xerox Corporation January 23 Dow Chemical - Marketing & Technical May Company Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. National Security Agency Procter & Gamble - Customer Services January 24 New England Mutual Life Insurance University of Michigan Medical School January 27 Cedar Point Nationwide Insurance Co. January 28 Central Intelligence Agency Hewlett-Packard Co. Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Mutual of Omaha Naval Weapons Center January 29 Central Intelligence Agency Chrysler Corporation United Way of America January 30 First National Bank of Chicago General American Life Insurance Co. Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. Mass Mutual Life Insurance Co. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin. Contact the Career Planning and Placement Office for more information. l.....r..:............ . ....:.r.......................................:n.. . . ........v......:::...:::. : .... . . . . . . . ..Y.. ..... . .L....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....:.......... ..v:. ::::::::.::::.:::::.: : v:v:.:: :::..:"v::'4:::v:............. ..........:::.........:.v: ..r:.'{'. . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ........,:::,...:..:::::::::::::... .......... Middle class tin trouble, WASHINGTON (AP) - Many members of the "baby boom" generation, now in their 30s, are finding they can't match their parents' middle class achievements of nice homes, financial security and children's education, the authors of a new study said Saturday., "All around us, there are signs that the middle class is in trouble," said the study commissioned by the congressional Joint Economic Committee. "SINGLE PERSONS are postponing marriage. Families are postponing having children. Good jobs in manufacturing are being lost. Young people feel substan- tial economic pressure." The authors said some analysts fear the situation won't improve until the federal budget deficit is greatly reduced - an action that in itself would probably lower living standards in the short run. In comments released with the report, Rep. David Obey, (D-Wis.), chairman of the committee, called the situation "a serious problem." "But in some ways 1973 was the last good year," said the authors, University of Maryland public affairs Professor Frank S. Levy and Richard Michel, director of the income security and pension policy center at the Ur- ban Institute in Washington. O S study says ............ .................... ................. . . ....... .v ..... v. ..... .. *......*.....*. .r....: ...n......... ........ v.n. .. .............. .. n..... .h . .. ............ w.:v ... ...... ..... ...... Congress wrestles with deficit ceiings DOMINO'S PIZZA DELIVERS@ FREE. U®"' Limited delivery area. ©1985 Domino's Pizza, Inc. WASHINGTON (AP) - Despite serious misgivings, Congress appears to have begun an unstoppable march toward enactment of watershed legislation to force an end to federal budget deficits by fiscal 1991. "This was an idea that wouldn't die," Sen. Phil Gramm, (R-Texas), one of the principal Senate sponsors of the plan, said after congressional negotiators ended a two-month stalemate Friday and tentatively set- tled on a compromise version of the package. ADDITIONAL details will be worked out today and congressional leaders predict that final action by the full House and Senate could come as early as Wednesday. President Reagan has endorsed the concept of the measure. But some legislators are unhappy about what they are about to do. "It is absolutely irresponsible as public policy, but as a result of our public pronouncements about our new-found courage, we cannot back down," Sen. Nancy Landon Kassebaum, (R-Kan.), said just hours before the negotiators announced their settlement. "AFTER TWO tortuous months of a regimented forced march, we have reached the outskirts of a budgetary Moscow - and it has started to snow," she said. In general, the plan would revise the congressional budget process and mandate automatic spending cuts if Congress and the White House fail to meet a series of statutory ceilings on budget deficits aimed at reducing the government's annual red ink from the current $200 billion to zero by fiscal 1991. To begin on that path, the plan will require forced spending reduction of about $11.6 billion in the current fiscal year that began Oct. 1. -HAPPENINGS Highlight The School of Music is sponsoring a performance tonight by the Univer- sity Band, the Campus Band, and the Chamber Winds. Eric Becher, Steve Roberts and Larry Rachleff will conduct the bands. The show begins at 8 p.m. at Hill Auditorium. Films Michigan Theatre Foundation - Diner, 8 p.m., Michigan Theater. Performances Ark - David Bromberg and his Big Band. Bird of Paradise - Reed/Anderson Ensemble, 207 S. Ashley. South and Southeast Asian Studies - Odissi, classical dance of India, Sharon Lowen, 4 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. Speakers Chemistry - Thomas Pinnavaia, "Recent Advances in the Synthesis and Characterization of 'Pillared Clay Catalysts,' " 4 p.m., room 1200, Chemistry Bldg. Faculty Women's Club - Lunch/listen, Josef M. Miller, "Cochlear Im- plants," 11:30 a.m., Michigan room, League. Macromolecular Research - Charles L. Tucker III, "Predicting Fiber Orientation in Short Fiber Composites," 4 p.m., room 3005, Chemistry Bldg. Near East and North African Studies - Brown bag lecture, Teshome Wagaw, "The Assimilation of Ethiopian Jews into Israeli Society," noon, Commons room, Lane Hall. Population Studies - Brown bag lecture, Jersey Liang, "Population Aging in the People's Republic of China," noon, 1225 S. University. Studies in Religion - Harvey Cox, "Jesus and the Moral Life," 8 p.m., MLB 3. Meetings English - Information on graduate school in English, 4 p.m., room 7629, Haven Hall. Multiple Sclerosis Society - Counseling Group, Significant Others Group,7 p.m., Washtenaw United Way. Society for Creative Anachronism - 7 p.m., East Quad. Miscellaneous Friends of Revolution Books - Audio-visual, bilingual program on renlutinon in Peru, 7 n.m., International Center. *oe days, eveningsa We 1 a -SltoS WEDNESDAY, DEC.11 CLASSES-END HANUKKAH PARTY 6-7 Ille 1429 Hill St. (Dinner and Candle Lighting Ceremony) Call and make dinner reservations, 663-3336 Hans Kung Professor of Ecumenical Theologg at the Universitg of Tlibingen "IS THERE ONE TRUE RELIGION-- OR ARE THERE MANY?" Sat. Dec.14, 1985 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Hill fuditorium Open to the Public Free Rdmission SPONSORED BY THE PROGRAM ON STUDIES IN RELIGION For information, call (313) 764-4475 Kassebaum ... is unhappy with plan "Good service. good coverage. good price - That's State Farm insurance" DAN JILEK 450 S. Main Suite 3 Ann Arbor 761-2666 STATE FARM Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. UInsurance Companies INSURANCE Home OftIces S Bloomington, Illinois 662.3149 203 E. Hoover Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Permanent Centers In More Than 120 Major U S Cities 3 Abroad For Information About Other Centers OUTSIDE N.Y. STATE CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-1782 In New York State Stanley H Kaplan Educational Center Ltd Announcing the Annual FACULTY STAFF SALARY SUPPLEMENT DPhlchwd - ' _innth