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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, December 9, 1985
Vol. XCVI - No. 66
Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily
Ed. school
$5 mollion
The University's center for the
study of Higher and Postsecondary
Education will receive a $5 million
federal grant as part of a nationwide
education research project.
Education Secretary William Ben-
nett announced last week that $54.5
million in grants will go to 10 research
centers for studies on various aspec-
ts of teaching and learning in elemen-
tary, secondary, and higher
education. The University will focus
on higher education, according to
Prof. Joan Stark, project director for
the University.
"IN THE AREA of education this is
a very substantial grant. There are
very few of that magnitude in the
field," said Education Prof. Marvin
Peterson, director of the Center for
the Study of Higher and Postsecon-
dary Education.
More than 100 institutions applied to
participate in the nationwide project,
and 36 were given $15,000 planning
grants to prepare their proposals last
winter. Three of the 36 centers were
competing for the grant won by the
University, Peterson said.
Stark said the University's part of
the project iwll focus on five elements
of higher education: the relationship
between teaching and learning,
curiculum development, faculty
development, organizational
development, and the use of
See U.S., Page 6
Eight Pages
Federal bill
student aid
A bill passed by the House of
Representatives last week that would
extend aid to colleges and universities
differs significantly from past
legislation, according to University
Among the major changes in the
bill, which was passed 350-67 and has
yet to clear the Senate, are new
guidelines for determining whether a
student is independent, said Harvey
Grotrian, director of the University's
Office of Financial Aid.
"IT'S A GREAT departure from the
formula we use now," said Grotrian.
The new formula makes graduate
students and students age 23 and over
automatically independent and all
others not independent - with a few
exceptions - unless the financial aid
administrator decides otherwise.
Said Grotrian: "This change would
give a considerable amount of
authority to the financial aid ad-
ministrator, and thus it would be
more difficult for undergraduates to
become independent." He expects
heated debate on the topic because it
is such a radical change.
Currently, for students to achieve
independent status, they must not
receive more than $750 per year from
their parents, they cannot live with
their parents for more than six weeks
out of the year, and they must not
have appeared on their parents' in-
come tax returns as a dependent for
the two previous years.
THOMAS BUTTS, the University's
Washington lobbyist and assistant to
the vice president for academic af-
fairs, said, "One thing was clear, the
Seg BILL, Page 6
Gorging for charity Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Alpha Epsilon Pi members Geoff Mattson (left) and Jeff Adelman suck down some of the 20 White Castle
hamburgers they teamed up to eat in 3% minutes Thursday night in the Nectarine Ballroom. The event, which
Mattson and Adelman won, was to raise money to benefit Cystic Fibrosis and the American Cancer Society.
Federal judge orders stop to segregation at Auburn
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - A federal judge that, except for the presence of black athletes
has labeled Auburn University the most and the changes mandated by federal laws and
segregated campus in Alabama and given regulations, Auburn's racial attitudes have
Gov. George Wallace until Valentine's Day to changed little since the '50s," U.S. District
devise a plan to remove remnants of Judge U.W. Clemon said in his 100-page ruling.
segregation from state universities. Clemon's ruling was issued Saturday, the
"The evidence tends to support the same day a black Auburn football player, Bo
widespread perception of blacks in Alabama Jackson, won the Heisman Trophy.
THE SCHOOL in Auburn had a black student
enrollment of slightly more than 2 percent last
year and a black faculty of 0.6 percent.
The ruling also targeted Auburn's
predominantly white Montgomery campus,.
which he said needlessly duplicated programs
at mostly black Alabama State University in
the same city.
Clemon also focused on Auburn's agricultural
extension program, which he said benefited from
racial discrimination against a similar program
at the state's other land grant college,
predominantly black Alabama A&M University in
"The court concludes that the state
of Alabama has indeed operated a
See JUDGE, Page 2
Hidden phrases mayaid studies
Before resorting to begging and bribery to im-
prove your grades, consider a different approach--
listening to music with hidden "subliminal"
messages designed to help you study.
"Messages such as 'studying comes easily to
you; you enjoy it' are recorded at inaudible levels
that only your subconscious can pick up," said
Minda Hart, owner of the Earth Wisdom Music
store on Liberty street.
HART ALSO sells records and tapes with
subliminal messages designed to help people lose
weight, gain self confidence, and stop smoking.
"Study& Learning," by Steven Halpern, is one
of two tapes with messages designed to improve
study habits.
The subliminal message, "You have total recall;
f all that you study and read anytime that you;
ant and need. "is on Halpern's tape. Hart said.
"Good Study Habits," by Berrie Konicov, has
similar messages, Hart said.
THE MUSIC on the tapes is "new age music,"
which "helps relax the body. It has been used in
stress clinics and hospitals worldwide," Hart said.
Halpern did his Ph.D on how music affects the
body, Hart said. "In clinical studies his music
was tested against other music and sounds.
People became more relaxed when listening to his
music whether they liked it or not."
"New age music has a beat that relaxes the
body, unlike the beat of rock and classical music."
Some students say the recordings really work.
ROBERT KISER, an LSA senior majoring in
psychology said the "Good Study Habits" tape
helped him.
"The beat (60 beats per minute) of new age
music has been shown to be effective in helping
people to learn," Kiser said.
But despite claims like this, experts are unsure
of the actual results obtained in listening to the
Pachella said that even if there are subliminal
messages on the tape, the messages wouldn't af-
fect anyone. "There are no reputable researchers
who have found any basis for the effectiveness of
subliminal messages," he said.
"These tapes are not a magical cure for poor
study habits," Pachei: s.
David Falkner, a "local psychologist, said the
tapes may have a "placebo effect."
"People who buy the tape may reduce their
level of anxiety about studying, and therefore
study better," he said.
The music itself" Falkner said, "may be more
influential than any 'subliminal message.'
Beth Masck, a library science graduate student,
has used Halpern's tape. "I can't say I remember
more, but the tape helps me relax when I study"
Masck said. "I study more efficiently when I
listen to the tape."
"I usually listen to the tape around finals." she
Law Prof. Sallyanne Payton has purchased new
age music without subliminal messages. "I'm en-
thusiastic about the way the music relaxes
people" Payton said. "The music is very helpful
in calming the body so that the mind ean function
freely and effectively."
Student ready for Latin America march
While many University students
will escape Ann Arbor to go home over
winter break, one student will be
making his way by foot and bus
through Central America.
Mark Weinstein, an LSA junior, will
join 300 other people from more than
30 countries tomorrow to march for
peace through Central America. The
1,250-mile march through seven coun-
tries will begin in Panama City and
* end with a rally in Mexico City on Jan.
"I DECIDED it's time for me to go
and see it myself and get my own per-
ceptions of what's going on," said
Weinstein, who is a member of the
Latin American Solidarity Commit-
The marchers will travel through
war zones in Costa Rica, Nicaragua,
Honduras, El Salvador, and
g Guatemala, carrying politically
neutral banners calling for peace.
"Guatemala and northern Nicaragua
will be most dangerous, but I feel
secure" because the group will be so
large, Weinstein said.
"This march is at a very relevant
time, as many Ann Arborites are
working to pass a resolution on the
city level for peace and justice in Cen-
tral America," he said. "Central
Americans have grown accustomed to
hearing war messages from the
United States. We are going to bring
visible messages of peace."
THE IDEA for the march, which is
the first of its kind, originated in Oslo,
Norway. In the United States, the
march is being coordinated by several
peace organizations.
Julie Christie, who is assisting with
preparations for the march in the Of-
fice of the Americas in Santa Monica,
Calif., said the march is the first of its
kind in Central America and is "an
ambitious one."
The purpose of the march is "to
show the desire for peace, to show
solidarity with the people of Central
America, and to show support for the
Contadora process," Christie said.
THE MARCH will begin on Inter-
national Human Rights Day.
About 100 of the marchers are from
the United States. Other countries to
be represented include Great Britain,
South Africa, India, the Philippines,
Greenland, Sweden, Tanzania, and
Australia. The marchers range in age
from 17 to 72.
The delegation will split into groups
of 10 and will be aided by native inter-
preters in meetings with local people
and government and political leaders,
including the Archbishop of
ACTOR Ed Asner announced the
departure of the participants from
See STUDENT, Page 2
Making a Moc-ery
Daily Photo by JAE KIM
... joins peace march
Florida Southern center Ted Kennedy (24) sits back to watch a jumper by
Wolverine Mark Hughes. The Moccasins went belly up early in Satur-
day's game, losing to Michigan 91-68. See story, Page 8.
A dog's life
NEW presidential pooch, not as large as
former top dog Lucky but just as frisky,
30th anniversary dinner for The National Review
magazine. The dog replaces Lucky, the 65-pound
Bouview sheep dog that had grown too large for the
White House and was taken to the president's ranch in
California over Thanksgiving. Key statistics about the
new top dog: male, 16 pounds and probably will not
grow much larger, born last Dec. 16, and, most impor-
TV, he will climb into the ring and get married at the
conclusion of a nationally televised fight card. "They
got the idea after they saw Ahmad Rashad propose to
his girlfriend two weeks ago," promoter Dan Duva
said Friday. "They thought if he can propose on
national television, then they could get married on
national TV." Whitaker will marry Rovanda Anthony
hefnrie thbA11ndQ tof fans Dec. 21 at the VirgiiniBeach
RACISM: Opinion denounces the recent up-
surge of 'violence' on campus. See Page 4.
HOUSED: Arts reviews the Ensemble Theatre
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