4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 6, 1985 Truck, school bus collide on 1-94, killing four KALAMAZOO, Mich. (UPI) - A school bus carrying 20 children collided late yesterday with a tractor- trailer truck on snow-slickened Inter- state 94, killing at least four children, state police said. Officers at the scene said three children were dead at the scene and another died enroute to a Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo. A SPOKESWOMAN at Bronson said Seven other victims were brought to that facility, including the bus driver. Three victims were admitted in serious condition, discharged, and the cond others was not known she: The other victims we: Borgess Medical C Kalamazoo, including the driver, a spokesman said was said to be in critics two in fair condition, nine dition and two were un rays, he said. The driver of the semi Wisconsin driver's licen hauling steel, police said. one was POLICE closed a six-mile stretch of ition of two eastbound 1-94 as rescue personnel litonof woworked to free trapped children. Five said. ambulances were called to the scene re taken to and both Bronson and Borgess ,enter in Hospitals in Kalamazoo dispatched e semi-truck air ambulances police said. . One victim Up to four inches of very wet snow al condition, coated the highway at the time of the in good con- crash and Michigan State Police dergoing X- trooper William Summerville of the Paw Paw post said it appeared the -truck had a truck driver may have fallen asleep' se and was because the truck was reportedly weaving across both lanes of traffic. Police said the truck struck the rear of the bus, which was carrying students home from the Faith Baptist Academy in Mattawan, forcing it into a cement abutment underneath the Fourth Street overpass near Mat- tawan. Witnesses said they saw no brake lights appear on the rear of the semi as it struck the bus, which was said to have been mangled beyond recognition by the impact. Rescue personnel at the scene called for extrication tools to free. children trapped inside the bus and hazardous road conditions and scat- emergency vehicles were hampered tered steel bands from the semi which in their efforts to get to the scene by littered the roadway. 4 Show how you feel with ... Michigan Daily Personals 764-0557 0 7I134t-Uii7 -_- LOST & FOUND FOR SALE FOR RENT PERSONAL HELP WANTED TICKETS I HAVE YOU SEEN THIS DOG? SCIROCCO 1981, 5 speed, A/C, Tape deck, 43,000 mi. Perfect condition. 665-5246. 12B1211 FOR SALE: Double Suite (own room, share bath with one) in Baits/Parker. FREE loft to person taking lease. 764-4056. 06B1211 HOUSE FOR SALE - West Side 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, split ranch, Red Oak & Wendy. Help with financing - DESPERATE! 612-431-2960 or 612- 869-5895 collect. 84B1211 '79 VW SCIRROCCO - bik/blk, no rust. Immacu- late. $2400.00 Nick 662-1810. 83B1210 ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER - Smith Corona Cor- onet Cartridge 12. Excellent condition, $100 Nick 662-1810. 82B1210 DODGE DART '69 - 4 door, 6 cylinder, fair condition. $225. 429-2254. Call after 6. 55B0108 ULTIMATE STAT 402 FORMULA SHEET $15, sheet and 1-hour tutorial, $20. J.B. McCord call 761-1686. Tues. and Wed. 12 noon-12 midnite. 76B1204 FOR RENT Her name is "Silly" REWARD. CALL 769-1231 ANYTIME FOR SALE FOLD-OUT COUCH. $60. Call 761-2120. 15B1211 '75 AUDI FOX - rebuild engine new brakes and fuel pamp, body and interior OK. $350.00 call 996-4428 persistantly, eves. 07B1211 '72 VW BUG - Good condition $690 or best offer .63-3399. 08B1211 GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Also delinquent tax property. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. GH-10152 for information. 39B0131 DODGE COLT - Good mileage, great starts, '78. 40.665-7317. 68B1206 VtENAULT-ALLIANCE '84. Paid $8570/Sell $5195 or Best offer. 995-1765 after 5:00. 65B1206 _SNOW TIRES - 155SR13, steel belted radials, 0 used one season, $40 for both. Tel. 665-8432. 48B1206 e DRIVE TO CLASS-'79 SAAB 900 EMS stnd, snrf, quality stereo/cassette, engine good condition, $2900. Call 6-8 p.m. 665-5186. 80B1211 - ATTENTION STUDENTS - Giant Flea Market Household items, furniture, jewelry, vin- tage clothing, new and old. 150 dealers. 6:00- 10:00 p.m. Fri., 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sat.- Sun., 214 E. Michigan at Park, Downtown Ypsilanti, 487-5890,971-7676. cBtc FEMALE SUBLETTER for single in 3-bedroom modern apartment. Oakland near Hill. Great apartment, housemates. 668-7816- Annette. 20C1211 ONE BEDROOM in five-bed house. Near Hill/Packard. Washer/Dryer, Microwave, color T.V., Rent negotiable. 507 Benjamin 761-9763. 13C1211 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share great apartment. Hill & East University. 996-3867. 11C1211 ONE-SPACE AVAILABLE in beautiful, two-bedroom, large apartment. FEMALE, non-smoker. Free parking and laundry. $155/mo. Two minutes from Union and Law Library. Call 665-6856. 19C1211 OWN ROOM in semi veggie coop. Graduate preferred. Close to campus. Cheap. Call 995-4889 before 11:00 p.m. 16C1211 ROOM AVAILABLE-Jan.-Aug. Natural wood walls and floor. Rent negotiable; utilities in- cluded. 769-2864. 79C1209 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED: to take over Jan to Aug lease. Beautiful, 2-bedroom apartment. Call 769-5787 (ask for Paul). 77C1206 AVAILABLE NOW-One bedroom in two- bedroom apartment. Deposit, $200/month, and electricity. 994-6558. 73C1209 SPACIOUS APARTMENT FOR 1-2 people. Quiet street in old west side. Winter term. Parking. Non- smokers preferred. $390, including gas. Call 665- 8934. 72C1209 MALE SINGLE Lease, in ex-fraternity, $200, half- block from Law Quad. 995-3276. 71C 1211 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, one room already rented (male), walking distance to campus, available Jan 1-Aug 23, laundry facilities, parking, heat included. $260/month and possible $50/month REBATE. Call Cindy 761-8054 between 8 a.m.-10a.m. and 12:30-2 p.m. Mon-Thurs.75C1209 LEASE FOR SALE: Own private room, double suite, in Stanley-Baits. Suitemate seldom home. Call nights, 764-2031. 89C1211 PRIVACY. Sublet Jan.-May. Large room with double King-Size bed. Furnishings included. 2 minutes from campus. Laundry. Separate floor in house. Cheap. Call 761-5418. 85C1211 SUBLET for Winter term. Single room in spac- ious 6 bedroom house. Low rent. 761-2685. 67C1206 ONE SMALL room for rent in a 6-bedroom house. Parking, laundry, cable/VCR, huge kitch- en, microwave, plus 5 great housemates. 4-month lease! Great location. Call Sheryl, Mike or Jordan at 761-2868. 50C1206 ONE-BEDROOM - available, Jan. 1 - Sept. 1 (or May) in beautiful, huge house near campus with 7 great coed housemates. See it now and you won't regret it! Call Adam immediately at 996-4488. cCtc FEMALE BOARDER in a sorority for winter term. Do not have to be Greek. GREAT LOCA- TION. 761-8904 $375/mth & meals. cC1211 ONE BEDROOM available in two-bedroom apartment on South Forest near Hill. Call Tom 663-2013. 42C1211 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. 1108 Hill St., Apt. 2. 3 min. from Diag. Large, furnished apart- ment. Fireplace, parking provided. Smoker, or someone who doesn't mind smoke. Rent $197.50/ mo. incl. util., except elect. Call now Debbie, 996-1374 - Chris. 51C1206 SHARE TWO person apartment near Packard and State. Own room $180 including heat, available December - August. Call Paul 769-8265. 60C1206 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Furnished, carpeted bi-level, 1 bath, laundry. GREAT location. Covered parking. Jan - Aug $190/month. 662-2189. 05C1211 FOR SALE - Single lease in Stockwell, Winter term. Call Laura 764-3917. 01C1209 SINGLE APT AVAILABLE - Corner of Division & William. Spacious, furnished, new carpet, laundry, etc. Dec. 20 - Aug 31. 995-0231. Keep trying! 02C1211 MALE SINGLE & DOUBLE. Laundry, Parking, Cable TV, Social, 19 meals/week. $365 a month. Dennis at 995-9569. 03C1211 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share a two bedroom apartment. Low rent. 665-6167. 97C1211 TWO ROOMS available in 6 room duplex parking, furnished, great campus location, 1011 E. University. Jan-Aug $225.00 and $200.00 per room. Includes all utilities. 4264772. 95C1211 WANTED - One female subletter for single room in two bedroom apartment. Convenient location, low rent. Call Brigette 769-3968. 93C1211 FIVE ROOMS available in 5 bedroom duplex. Rent individually or to group. Partially furnished, laundry, parking, garbage disposal, fireplace, pets neg., new carpeting and decorating great campus location 1011 E. University Jan-Aug $225.00 per room includes all utilities. 96C1211 MALE GRAD STUDENT for two person apartment. Sublet January-August 1986. $195 utilities included. Deposit negotiable. Strong 663-8307. 98C1211 EAST QUAD LEASE for sale. ~ of Female double. Call Liesel at 764-3660. 92C1211 GREAT ROOM AVAILABLE at low cost! Large single in seven person house with cool roomies, just 5 minutes from Diag. $160 month plus utilities. Call Alan or Art at 994-3962. NCC1211 ONE PERSON apartment available winter term. Great location. Reasonable. Call 665-4362. 14C1211 SPACES NOW AVAILABLE FOR WINTER In cooperatives. Room, board, and com- munity; average of $265/month. Includes food, p hone, free laundry machines, etc. Call 662- 414 or stop by at 4002 Michigan Union. Con- tracts also available for Fall 19M. cC1211 A CUT ABOVE HAIR DESIGN - Special $5 off any service, first visit only. Call 662-2544 for appointment. cFtc NEW CREDIT CARD! No one refused. Visa/ Mastercard. Call 1-619-565-1657. 24 hours. 64F1206 CHANUKAH SALE Memorahs, candles, draidles, blessing charts on display at the Fishbowl today 11-1, other times at the CHABAD HOUSE, 715 Hill. For infadial 99-LEARN. cF1211 CONFIDENTIAL & INEXPENSIVE GYNECOLOGICAL CARE PLANNED PARENTHOOD 3100 Professional Dr., Ann Arbor (near Washtenaw & Huron Pkwy) 973-0710 cFtc STUDENT SERVICES MCAT EXAM Get a head start preparing for the April MCAT exam. Classes beginning in January at the Stanley Kaplan Educational Center. Call 662-3149. cG1211 GRADUATING? Let THE MAIL SHOPPE PACK and SHIP your personal belongings. 323 E. William. 665-6676. cGtc EXPRESSIVE IMAGES STUDIO - writing, edit- ing, and word processing experts. Call 971-1870. Special student rates. 86G1211 MERCURY'S MESSENGERS - Balloons & Cakes delivered for all occasions. Visa, MC, AMEX accepted. Call 24 hours. 668-8492. cGtc QUALITY TYPING SERVICES: Fast, accurate, professional. Reasonable rates. Call Karen 662-0913. cG0411 RESUMES - written - also word processed or. typeset; coverletters, too. 662-4530. cGtc ACCURACY INK Editing/Word Processing Reasonable Rates. 971-4139. cGtc BEAUTIFUL WOMEN OF ALL AGES have you often wondered what it would be like to be a model and have your own pictures just like Glamour or Cosmo? A well known photographer from California can now make that dream possible, call for an appointment or just stop by, West Coast Photography, Golden Gate Mall 8551 N. Lilley, Canton, MI 48187, 453-7580. cH121l GLSCo RESTAURANT & Tavern offers excellent part-time work opportunities. The following positions are currently available: cocktail server, host or hostess, bartender, busperson, cook, dishwasher. Apply between 24 p.m., Monday through Friday or after 5 p.m. daily. Corner of State& Ellsworth. 98H1206 DO YOU HAVE PIMPLES OR ACNE? Earn $75-$100. Volunteers needed to test medication for facial acne. Office visits and medication are provided free to eligible participants. You must have moderately severe acne (12 pimples or more). $75-$100 paid at the successful completion of the 12-14 week studies. Call UM Department of Dermatology Research 763-5519, M-F, 9-4, for further details. 53H1211 JANITOR (STUDENT) Needed for approx. 15 hours per week, flex- ible hours 5 days a week. Call Nancy Mc- Glothlin at 763-0550. HAVE THE SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE AND GET PAID FOR IT! Come to the Poconos of Pennsylvania and be a counselor at one-of the top brother/sister camps in the Northeast-June 24-August 20. Counselor positions available in a wide range of activities, including rocketry, arts and crafts, photography, rock climbing, compu- ter, wrestling, waterskiing, sailing, land sports and drama. Call 215/887-9700 or write 407 Benson East, Jenkintown, PA 19046. cHtc BUSINESS SERVICES LETTER-PERFECT Quality typing. Fast, Accu- rate, Reliable. 995-0325. 66J1211 TYPING: Fast - Quality work at reasonable rates. 668-6109. 81J0120 TYPING SERVICES - $2 per page - Letter Quality 663-1871. cJ423 SEWING: Slack hems, alterations, mending, and non-clothing projects. Phone O'Della: 973-0565. 55J1209 SANDI'S TYPING & WORD PROCESSING *** 10% off 1st paper (with this ad) *** Fast & accurate. Papers, briefs, resumes, letters, theses. Campus pick-up & delivery. 426-5217. cJtc EDITOR - 40 years experience in making good writing better. Best quality, low rates, fast service. 995-0772. cJl2l TYPING - ALL KINDS - Fast, efficient service. Reasonable rates. Laurie, 973-1592. cJtc A-1 TYPING - On Campus. Professional Rush Service Available. 668-8898. cJ1211 Papers/Resumes/Coverletters EXECU-TOPS Word Processing 663-7158 cJtc TYPING - Computer spell checking. Fast. Efficient service. 455-8270/459-1136. cJ1211 FREE RESUME w/20-pg. paper or 20 coverletters EXECU-TOPS Word Processing 663-7158. cJtc HOME ROW TRANSCRIPTION/WORD PROCESSING 572-0649 cJ0423 ACCUTYPE WORD PROCESSING LASER-JET PRINTER Resumes, Papers, Cover Letters, Etc. Complete Secretarial Service Available Same Day Service 761-5050 cJtc ROUND TRIP TICKET to Birmingham, Alabama on Eastern. Leaves December 19, Returns January 6. Great savings! Call Gary 764-0617. MUST SELL! NCK1206 SAN JUAN: That's where I want to spend Spring Break '86. Traveling partner needed. If female and interested, Call Deborah at 769-6155 after 8p.m. HEY, CHRIS! Do you think we'll be able to snag a ride to (Valiant) Victor's in PETOSKEY on Dec. 30? HOPE SO!! 763-1973. I NEED A RIDE to Cleveland (East-Side) leaving the 17th or after - Willing to help with gas. Call Dan at 764-2830. PRETTY PLEASE? NCK1206 PASSENGER NEEDED for drive to FLORIDA and back during Christmas. Greg 763-1777 weekdays. 00K1211 PHOENIX ROUND TRIP TICKET. Dec 24th to Jan 7th. CHEAP!! Call 662-9146 early A.M. or late P.M. NCK1211 SPEND CHRISTMAS in California. Drive my car. Free gas. Call Berger at 769-8500 days/665- 2910 eves. 57K1206 SPRING BREAK 86- Freeport, Bahamas. $379 February 22 - March 1. COMPLETE TRAVEL. 76146500. cKl2ll WANTED - UM Basketball tickets 973-9582. cQtc WANTED - 2 UM Basketball season tickets.' Blue section only. Willing to pay $. Call 668-7649 after 7:00 p.m. 52Q1206x WANTED! Michigan Season Basketball tickets. 4-8 together in Blue section. Will pay TOP dollar. Call Georgia 482-3480. 63Q1206 GOING PLACES A F F b C 9 SPRING BREAK 'ort Lauderdale $199, Orlando $189 'reeport, Bahamas, air and hotel on the each from $469. Great Places Travel onsultants, U of M Union Mall. Call 94-4777. cKtc MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe GREEK GAB ACROSS 1 Sudan's neighbor 5 Pound down 9 "- say die" 14 Aerie, for example 15 General Bradley 16 One of the Sitwells 17 Sacred bull 18 Cognomen 19 At what place? 20 Optimist's sustenance? 23 Red or Ross 24 -disant 25 Connections 27 Diner's basics 35 RR's in the city 36 Command to a canine 37 Novarro of the screen 38 Pen points 40 One kind of bath 43 Special perfor- mance 44 Easterner, in a way 46 Succulent plant 48 Tiny thing 49 Bite for Bumstead? 53 Zola title 54 Driver's need 55 Compass pt. 58 Sustenance for Maugham? 64 Topsoil 66 Thor's parent 67 Fellows 68 Forelimb bones 6 Nagpur nanny 7 Lansbury role 8 Magic word 9 Time for resolu- tions 10 Anglo-Saxon letter 11 Competes 12 To be: Fr. 13 Flightless bird 21 Original arkwright 22 Caboodle's companion 26 Unaccom- panied man 27 Bacchante: Var. 28 Cherubini opera: 1794 29 "The Diamond - as the Ritz": Fitzgerald 30 P.I. 31 Entreaties 32 Muscat resi- dent 33 Relating to the wind 34 Scythe handle 39 Cut 41 Menu phrase 42 Butte native 45 Ancient 47 Place in a Steinbeck title 50 Three - match 51 Sioux 52 Fixed in place 55 Thrall 56 Mosel feeder 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 Wagner's earth goddess Cheese center Location Atmosphere Rhone city Being Ear or hat RITA MAWN - Your Secret Santa wishes you a happy day! Hope you had fun at Mistletoe! NCE1206 SIGMA KAPPA wishes everyone good luck on finals and Happy Holidays. Looking forward to next semester! 09E1206 Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue. If you can't get a formal date. We'll go with you. BIFF and CLIFF 761-9281. 59E1206 WANT GREAT ROMANCE for your spring formal? Let us give you the atmosphere. WELLER'S CARRIAGE HOUSE. 429-2115. cEl2ll MICHIGAN UNION bookstore now hiring for book rush. Apply ground level of Michigan Union. 18H1211 ARTIST WANTED to paint portrait from photograph. Call Scott 761-9848. 30H1202 FEDERAL, State, & Civil jobs now available. Call 1-619-565-1630 for info. 24 hrs. 46H1211 SNOW SHOVELING - High earnings, part-time. Call Jeff 973-9153. cHtc DOG NEEDS RIDE! Going to Reading, Philadelphia or Allentown, PA over Christmas vacation? Earn some extra money giving my well-natured, well-trained dog a ride. Call 662-1579 or 662-4900. 99H1211 AIRLINES NOW HIRING, Reservationist, flight attendants, and ground crew positions available. Call (Refundable) 1-518-459-3546 for info. 78H1210 WORK FOR ACADEMIC CREDIT or volunteer at the Pound House Children's Center this winter. Located at Hill and East University. Come over for a visit or call 764-2547 for more information. 27Ho117 DRIVERS FOR CHRISTMAS delivery Dec. 9-24. Must have own vehicle, for local deliveries, in West Bloomfield, Birmingham, Pontiac, Roch., Sterline Hts., Southfield. Call Suburban Floral Delivery between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (313) 583-1515. 58H1206 SANDWICH CITY is looking for energetic, cheer- ful drivers and counter help. Must be 18, have own car, insurance, and safe driving record. Part- time positions. Apply in person 1160 Broadway, Ann Arbor. 62H1211 CUSTOMER SERVICE DRIVER - We need someone to work part-time delivering individual newspapers to our carriers and customers in the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area. Hours are weekend mornings and some weekday afternoons. A reli- able vehicle and a good driving record is required. Hourly wage plus a liberal mileage reimburse- ment. Apply at The Ann Arbor News Personnel Office or call Lee Ann at 994-6745. We are an affir- mative action/equal opportunity Employer. 91H1210 ANTI-VIOLENCE VOLUNTEERS Center for Non-Violence Education seeking full-time staff. Lodging, $150/mo., health coverage. Public interest group developing courses on non-violence and operating National Coalition on Television Violence National Headqtrs. Research, writing, office work, monitoring entertainment. One year committment. CALL 217-384-1920 cHtc Use Daily Classifieds ; ROOMMATES UNIVERSITY TOWERS FURNISHED APARTMENTS 536 S. FOREST 761-2680 cMtc i ATTENTION MUSICIANS: Room plus shared studio space. $195. plus utilities. Walking distance. from campus. Terry 996-1322. 61S12067 FEMALE SUBLETTER wanted. Own room in at- tractive 2-bedroom apartment. Great location and housemates. Frances 995-0724. Leave message. 6951209 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share my beautiful 2 bdrm. apt. on North Campus. Conven- iently located near campus buildings, bus stop. Leave message at 663-4355. 87S1211 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION RATE S LINER ADS: Prices are based on number of words and insertion days. Sample rates are listed below. Student discount is 20% off, with I.D. Liner and classified display contracts available. For more infor- mation, call 764-0557, or stop by The Michigan Daily at 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: SHAPE BATS ADAH MANOR OTRO SARA ELATE ORAL PLOD ETHTEA CLAM LIMAN THEAPPLECART SPOORS LEAST LURES BLIND I T 0 ERAS ELAND PAIL YEN KLE I G RONDO G I NAS NASSER THESUNSH I NES ROAST I ONE IVAN 0 R D U ANNE ABELE I DEE A G E R CLEAT SESS ASST TERNS 12/6!85 12 13 MIX-INS. Pop, juice, candy, gum, munchies and everything you need from the drugstore. Village Apothecary. 1112 S. University. cFct BON ANNIVERSAIRE Emily! Non, non il est au zoo! 90F1206 ADOPTION: Caring, accomplished woman (Ph.D.-public health) hopes to adopt infant. Offers loving, stimulating, stable home; excellent education; supportive family and friends. Will pay all expenses legally permitted. Call 301-530-9180 collect. 43F1211 WE WILL satisfy all your STEREO NEEDS. Speakers CD Players, Receivers, Turntables, Tape Decks, etc. Cassettes for lowest prices on campus. Professional advice & set-up. AUDIOLOGIC 663-4867. This month's specials include OHM Walsh Speakers and TEAC Tape decks. . 1OF1211 MDM - Happy Channukah Sweetheart! Love, DLB NCF1211 STANFORD STUDENT will be in Ann Arbor over Holidays and would like to rent a car for local transportation. Call 995-2492 after 5:00. NCP1210 Words 10 ......... 12 ......... 14 .......... 16 .......... 18 .......... 20 ............. 22 ............. 24 ............. Days S 5.00 5.40 8.10 9.00 9.90 10.80 Days 6.09 7.31 6.0 8.53 1.7 7.0 9.75 134 10.97 12.19 13.41 14.63 10 Days 8.40 10.08 11.76 13.44 15.12 16.80 18.48 20.16 THE NEW SCHOOL OF PIANO First lesson complimentary. 994-0371. cN1211 LESSONS - Special Pay for 4, take 5. Best teachers in state. REPAIRS, bows rehaired. Herb David Guitar Studio. 665-8001.302 E. Liberty. cNtc 1 I2 13 4 15 15 18 19 21 2 2 24 25 26 30 31 :3 36 37 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: Prices are based on number of column inches; with 10 lines equal to one column inch. " Each initial counts as a separate word. Street addresses count as two words. Telephone numbers count as two words. * All charges shown are based on consecutive inser- tion dates. * Pre-payment is required with order, unless there is an existing contract with The Michigan Daily. " No student checks will be accepted during the last 30 days of each semester. DEADLINES LINER ADS: Noon one day prior to publication. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS: Noon two days prior to publication. POLICIES " Ads may be removed from publication, but there: will be no refunds. " The MLic-higan Dly w,,~ill be respns~ible onlyfor- RELAX INSIDE/OUT New Age cassettes & LP's for meditation, relaxation, guided imagery, creative movement. Selections played for your convenience. Also 35" F'REE IN lNERS~?~? V,.., .,c hp io~ en I I ri