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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 62
Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan- Tuesday, December3, 1985
Ten Pages
officials split over policy on AIDS
Second in a series
Around campus it is not unusual to find students who
worry they will contract AIDS simply by sitting in the
same room with a gay person, using the same dishes and
silverware, or sharing a bathroom. But University of-
ficials are split over just how severe students' miscon-
ceptions are and how they should be addressed.
Last month, members of the University's Task Force
on Sexual Orientation sent a letter to President Harold
Shapiro asking him to take action on educating the
community about AIDS and calling for the establish-
ent of a task force to recommend ways to deal with a
potential AIDS crisis on campus.
The "University has the responsibility to ensure the
effective education of its community and the respon-
sibility to prevent unjust discrimination against any U-
M community member who has AIDS or is perceived to
be at risk," the letter read.
Mark Erichson, a task force member, said the letter
was designed to ensure a consistent, campus-wide
policy on AIDS, to avoid duplication of efforts in this
area, and to make certain education efforts adequately
address the problem.
"AIDS has the potential to become an issue that will
encourage people to discriminate against homosexual
men and gay people in general," Erichson said.
IN ORDER to prevent discrimination against gays, he
said, the 17-member task force recommends that a
special task force on AIDS be set up.
This task force could focus on educating the Univer-
sity community to the fact that there is no risk of con-
tracting the disease by casual contact with gays,
Erichson added. It would also formulate a campus-wide
statement about how people with AIDS or the potential
to develop AIDS should be treated.
While most University officials acknowledge the need
for education on the issue, many did not feel a task force
was the correct forum. Others do not yet see a problem
"It (AIDS) may or may not be a problem that will be
significant for us," said President Shapiro. "My percep-
tion is that people are remarkably well-informed."
"The most important thing is that most people be
educated," he said. "The task force is not an essential
Shapiro said he did not feel comfortable issuing a
presidential policy statement on the issue. In 1984 the
University issued a policy statement condemning
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
"(AIDS) is not the only health problem for the cam-
pus," Shapiro said. "It would be quite presumptuous for
someone like myself to issue a statement on a medical
"It's a medical matter," he added.
Health Service Director Caesar Briefer said he was
told a task force might be set up in the future to "advise
the University as to what responses the University
should make to situations that may arise in the future."
Although he noted that he cannot make University
policy, Briefer said he couldn't imagine AIDS victims
being barred from campus activities.
"The data is overwhelmingly clear that the kind of
contact involved in ordinary work situations does not in-
volve any risk in the transmission of the disease," he
said, "and therefore I don't see any reason to fire any
individual who's sick or accept the refusal of others to
not work next to or with them.
Judy Levy, another task force member, said the
University desperately needs a clear policy on AIDS.
Levy, who is chief steward of dietetics at University
Hospitals, said even many hospital employees harbor
misconceptions about AIDS.
When a new male employee who wore an earring
joined the dishline, Levy said, the rest of the employees
suddenly decided to wear gloves because "they decided
he was gay and had AIDS."
During the last month, there has been a "University-
wide inquiry" into the issue of AIDS among several
departments, said Sandra Cole, a task force member
and assistant professor in the department of physical
medicine and rehabilitation at University Hospitals.
But she said University Hospitals are '"still collecting
See AIDS, Page 5,
sVandals deface
sorority with
.racist graffiti
A fraternity and a sorority were defaced with an-
ti-Semitic graffiti over Thanksgiving weekend,
leaving members angry and frustrated because
there appears to be little chance of catching the
A four-foot by four-foot swastika was painted on
the front of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, located at
800 Lincoln Ave., and someone painted a swastika
and the word "kike" on Sigma Delta Tau sorority,
.ocated at 1405 Hill St.
Many of the houses' members are Jewish.
The incident is the latest episode in the Univer-
sity's chronic vandalism problem, and minorities
are usually the target of the graffiti. -
LSA junior Tina Firestone, the house manager of
Sigma Delta Tau, called the latest racist attack
"appalling." "It's the most disgusting thing I've
ever seen in my life," she said.
Members of Sigma Alpha Mu said they were
disturbed by the vandalism, but they added that lit-
le can be done about it now.
"It's upsetting, but what can we do about it?" said
Steve Shoflick, treasurer of the fraternity. "There's
no sense getting irate over it. We've filed a police
report, and that's about all we can do."
Members of the fraternity say they will have to hire,
someone to sandblast the graffiti off the building.
LSA junior Peter Salob, another member of
Sigma Alpha Mu, said there would have been a con-
frontation if members had been in town when the
vandals struck over the thanksgiving holiday. "If
I were here and they did it, I would just tear their
Peads off," he said.
"It's not necessary," Salob added. "It's only
meant to hurt people."
Paula Glanzman, president of Sigma Delta Tau,
said her reaction when she first saw the graffiti
yesterday was "shock, because at the University
See VANDALS, Page 6
Tennessee fails;
Mkl.00.dan m l
1 _
nap tes.
They played like the Wolverines of old, but with a
new face leading the way.
An explosive first half was all the Michigan
basketball team needed last night to clobber Ten-
nessee, 87-52 at Crisler arena. The 35-point drub-
bing was not as big a surprise, however, as was the
man of the hour, Glen Rice.
THE 6- 9 freshman led all scorers with 14 points,
including two crowd-pleasing slams. Rice was all
over the boards, ripping down six rebounds, and hit-
ting follow-up shots consistently.
"He's a good shooter. He works hard," said
Michigan head coach Bill Frieder. "He's been a
good kid and he learns."
Michigan came out hungry from the start, run-
ning up a 43-20 halftime lead. Roy Tarpley notched
the points early in the contest, scoring all 13 of his
tallies before the intermission. That was all he had
a chance to do, though, as the 6-11 center fouled out
before the fans had found their seats for the second
OFFENSIVE execution was markedly improved
for the 4-0 Wolverines over Saturday's performance
versus Georgia Tech. Last night's .515 shooting
percentage is nothing for the record books, but was
more than enough to build a comfortable lead.
It was the defense, however, that allowed
Michigan to avenge last year's 81-77 loss to the
Volunteers at Knoxville.
"I thought we played with the same defensive in-
tensity we.had Saturday," Frieder said. "that led to
a lot of good situations for us."
THE WOLVERINE defense forced 28 Tennessee
turnovers as well as some poor shot selections as
the 45-second clock ticked down.
"I'm really impressed with them defensively,"
said Vols head coach Don Deyoe. "They forced us
into 14 turnovers in the first half. That resulted in 14
Tarpley was a key to that defense. The Wolverine
co-captain used his long arms and anticipation to
knock away passes and to snap up a pair of steals.
The senior found tennessee freshman Doug Roth to
be no offensive threat. The highly-touted center
from Knoxville, wearing Kareemian goggles, was
held scoreless in the first half.
BUT TARPLEY's success may have been solely
by virtue of Roth's inexperience. The pre-season
All-American appeared tentative at times, and
missed some easy inside shots.
He's altering his shot," Frieder said. "We've got
to get him holding in there.-longer down low and
taking it up strong for three-point plays where he's
following his shots up."
"I'm altering my shot," Tarpley echoed,
"because my shot is not to perfection like it was last
season. That's because I missed so many days of
TARPLEY had to sit out more than two weeks
with a hyperextended knee in early December. The
230-pound center says its the lost court time, not
conditioning, that has affected him.
"I'm feeling strong. I got a couple fouls early in
the second half, and that hurt me too."
But the victory was not without flaws. Offensive
execution was no thing of beauty. The Wolverines
missed screens all night long and committed some
careless turnovers.
"OUR OFFENSE sagged a little because the kids
See CAGERS, Page 10
,Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Michigan center Roy Tarpley skies over Tennessee's bespectacled Doug
Roth in the Wolverine's 87-52 victory over the Volunteers last night at Cris-
ler Arena. Tarpley had 13 points on 5-11 shooting.
"Politician" is one of the last words
one would use to describe Don
Grimes. A 30-year-old economics
researcher at the University's In-
stitute of Labor and Industrial
t ofl e
Relations and a Ph.D. candidate, the
scholarly Grimes admits he doesn't
quite fit the mold of candidate for U.S.
Youthful, smart, and maybe even
unexciting, Grimes looks more like a
cholar than the Democrat who is out
defeat Republican incumbent Carl
Pursell in next November's elections.
Sporting a grey sweater, matching
corduroy slacks, and Nike tennis
shoes, Grimes is tall, but not
HIS BRIGHT eyes sparkle behind
wire-rimmed glasses. Not for a
second does his speech betray a hint
of insincerity.
"I'm still kind of shy about going up
to people at dinners and interrup-
ting," Grimes says. "I'm careful about
not being rude."
While Grimes doesn't consider him-
self to be aggressive, he admits, "I'm
learning. Only, if I ever find that I
start to make decisions or lean away
from my economic beliefs, I'll get out.
I'm a scholar first and a politician
This is Grimes' second attempt at
the seat. In 1984, he lost the
Democratic bid in the primary to
Mike McCauley, who lost the election
to Pursell. Now Grimes is back,
propelled by a desire to apply his ex-
pertise in economics toward bringing
business to Michigan.
Grimes said, "This whole area
could boom. I want people to think in
terms of South Central Michigan as an
area with that kind of potential ...
That's one of the reasons I'm running
for Congress.
"NATIONAL figures think of
Southeast Michigan only, he con-
tinues. "There are other areas of the
state with different economic struc-
tures, and different weaknesses and
Grimes, a native of Michigan, ser-
Marcos reinstates
acquitted general
MANILA, Philippines (AP) -
President Ferdinand Marcos rein-
stated Fabian Ver as armed forces
chief yesterday hours after a court
declared the general, 24 other
soldiers, and a civilian innocent of
murder in the assassination of op-
position leader Benigno Aquino.
Marcos welcomed Ver with a han-
dshake and a salute at the presiden-
tial palace after the acquittal, and
issued a handwritten order restoring
him to his post. The president, who
has governed the Philippines for 20
years, said the reinstatement was
"for such a period as may be decided
upon by me and by senior officers of
the armed forces."
In their 90-page decision, the three
civilian judges accepted a version
Marcos gave a day after Aquino was
killed Aug. 21, 1983 that the assassin
was Rolando Galman.
GALMAN, a purported communist,
was immediately killed by soldiers af-
ter Aquino was shot while stepping off
a commercial airliner that brought
him home from voluntary exile in the
United States.
Ver, an old friend and confidant of
the president, had been on leave of
absence pending the court verdict.
MARCOS signed a law last Tuesday
setting a special presidential election
fro Feb. 7 that may be a contest bet-
ween him and Aquino's widow,
Corazon. Mrs. Aquino called a news
conference for today, and supporters
expect her to accept the opposition's
... enters Congressional race
Spring Break bummer
AD NEWS from Spring Break headquarters
:. from ,....e.. Ul- ml. .. c A, al
have to arrest people." Fort Lauderdale officials have
indicated in recent years they would like to end the
city's status as the nation's spring break capital,
saying the crowds have become too large and rowdy.
The new law makes it illegal to carry an open container
of alcohol while walking or driving in public places east
tions officials about what disciplinary or legal action
could be taken against the groups that ran the cam-
paign. "We don't know what to do," she said. "This has
never happened before here." Schaffer said the ap-
propriate law says "It is illegal to offer a reward to
anybody to exercise their right to vote" and warned
POLITICIANS: Opinion looks at what's behind
the smile. See Page 4.
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