2D-T4MithigarDa4 Thursday, Soptelmbers5 . .0 _ _ _ 'L--AA~iB -. - a INSIDE cSe On the cover Like many of the products of his fer- tile mind, the cover was conceived by Peter Williams faster than you can say 35mm camera. Peter's frenetic pace of giving birth to raw wet in- spirations is fortunately balanced by a liberal abortion policy and ample drying off time. It's not all in the wrist. The photo of dB's frontman Pete Holsapple was taken by Daily Chief Photographer Dan Habib. Dance The news of the day. Somebody somewhere is playing a song, acting out a role, dancing across some stage. Susanne Baum is the most en- thusiastic of a new breed of Arts writers: Those that understand the value of getting past just superficial glorification. Talking to the artists as well as watching them perform. See page 3. Theatre It just wouldn't be the same if James Bond singlehandedly blew up an un-, derground nuclear weapons facility without first having a vodka martini, shaken not stirred. So mused Chris Lauer in a recent film review. Chris's work is textbook stuff: formal and educational, yet surprisingly in- sightful. Sarcasm is of the essence and is normally direct and unrelen- ting. See page 4. Ice Cream' It takes careful research, nerves of steel, and raw investigative muscle to turn out ice cream copy. That's why when the Entertainment section needed to assign this important coverage, the editorstturned to Katie Wilcox. A gift from the Daily news staff, Katie's style is thorough, infor- mative, and well suited for the task at hand. See page 6. Catch of the Day In his first column for the Daily, Mike Fisch hooks a keeper. Our adven- turous angler also anchored an article on comedy. See page 6. Books The coherence that pervades Ron Schechter's writing approaches im- peccable. Look for his book reviews on Thursday's Arts page. See page 7. Classical Music Neil Galanter is not on a hell-bent mission to ruthlessly expose the bridled emotions of the classical ar- tist, but he is capable likeano other writer of, telling you-in a quaint, plaintive, and fluffy style-the unex- purgated essentials of upcoming classical events. He is. a classical musician, which makes it difficult for him to criticize but actively involves the reader in each crescendo or series of eighth-notes. Incidentally, Neil singlehandedly invented the sandwich metaphor-bread, cheese, and the meat-as a convention for describing a classical performance. See page 14. Folk A man with a rational explanation for everything. And a rational footnote for every explanation. Joseph Kraus enjoys the English language almost as much as folk music. His ability to put his thoughts on paper with a sense of completeness that brings to mind Leo Tolstoy is unrivaled on the Daily Staff. See page 15. Campus Radio "arwulf arwulf" is a verb. Active, in- deed. He writes ripe and bitchy, true to form. arwulf presents jazz in a swell column Tuesdays on the Arts page. He is never squeezed off the Ar- ts page, even for a rock concert. Just watch. See page 16. Records Fortunately, John Logie is still a child playing in an adult world. His style is not unorthodox or revolutionary, but the topics he chooses often are. Typically, John will meander through a series of brilliantly orchestrated and strikingly honest points on the way to a clear and defensible opinion. A refreshing change from those who unsuccessfully write in the same style. See page 17. Campus Cinema Let's read Byron; he hates everything.Byron L. Bull's skill lies in detecting the awkward camera angle, the unnoticed cameo, and the physical and conceptual detail, of a film. His approach to movies may of- ten seem to assume the negative, but closer inspection proves that Byron's lofty expectations are merely the product of his critical ability. See page 18. Comedy Who else could get a call from a Topeka, Kansas salad dressing firm requesting that he call back and ask for the Creamy Cucumber extension? Mike Fisch is a writer's writer. Always looking for that special story, that pungent pun, that acoustic alliteration. This is Fischean writing. His sometimes rank inspirations rec- tify almost any atmosphere of seriousness. See page 19. Music Scene The most infamous writer in Ann Ar- bor, it is easy to say. A film is not merely a film to Byron L. Bull. A record not merely a record. A concert not merely a concert. Performances must meet certain specifications, cer- tain meticulously fostered standards to earn the Byron Bull stamp of ap- proval. Often piercing, usually clear, but always opinionated. See page 8. Food for thought Hunger abatement, like many primal concerns, is the priority occupation of collegiate life. While food as sophisticated entertainment is often subverted by budgetary con- siderations, it is essential to keep abreast of the diversity of eats-to be prepared for any sudden or calculated mood shift and fill the tank accor- dingly. See pages 10-11.. Jazz Accentuate the positive! Verbose, in- novative, and genuinely knowledgeable is Marc Taras. His writing on Jazz strikes a chord of en- thusiasm in even those unfamiliar with the art. Marc often takes liberty with his space, using a brilliant artist as a starting point for his inner con- sciousness. From there on in, it's all uphill, and all heart. See page 12. the germs By Mike Fisch YV OUR GRADE in this class," bellowed Mr. Caranfa, "will be on your permanent academic record." He paused to sneer at each of the potential juvenile delinquints seated in front of him and then con- tinued, "This is high school and it's time to get serious..." The sternness with which Mr. Caranfa delivered his "time to get serious" speech led me to believe that seriousness was some sort of crippling, if not fatal disease. I became susceptible to seriousness at the ripe old age of 14, but today's populace is getting hit with the disease sooner, and harder. These days there are nine-year-olds who would rather develop a software package than play monkey in the middle. One should not lose hope, however; there's something we can do. No, not a USA for Unseriousness fundraiser album. There's a cure for seriousness, and it's called, quite simply, laughter. Fortunately the Ann Arbor comedy scene can provide healthy doses of this most addictive cure. Sometimes in Ann Arbor it seems that the weekend will never come. Thankfully, Laugh Track, a weekly Wednesday comedy showcase can lighten things up, and make those middle-of-the-week blues easier to stomach. Laugh Track is an informal comedy show which is staged at the U- Club in the Michigan Union. The at- mosphere is relaxed-a majority of the show's stand-up comedians are students. Despite their amateurish rough edges, they are a lot of fun to listen to. The Laugh Track's crowd is a friendly one-most student comedians have a large rooting sec- tion to spur them on. Laugh Track is always looking for student comics; anyone interested should call the University Activities Center (UAC) at 763-1107. Laugh Track's format also includes one or two professional acts, which are certainly more consistently funny but not always as fresh as the first- time comedian doing his best to com- bat fifth degree nervousness. Tickets for the show are likely to cost two dollars, and can be purchased at the door. Did you ever think, "I should be on Saturday Night Live-I'm funnier than they are anyway." If so, you should think about joining the Comedy Company, a student comedy troupe which presents shows throughout the year, with student written, acted, and directed sketches a la Saturday Night Live. Auditions for the troupes are held once a term, and the producers en- courage talented comedy writers and actors to give them a call at the UAC (763-1107). This year's show schedule has not been decide upon but watch for advertisements. The Gargoyle, a student written humor magazine which is published three times a year, is offbeat to say the least. The Gargoyle's National Lampoon-style parodies are frequen- tly scathingly and hilariously right on the mark, and their parody of the Daily's very own Weekend Magazine was easily worth the fifty cent price. If one includes the Mainstreet ,Comedy Showcase, which presents National Comedy Talent, the comedy scene becomes much more diverse. Unfortunately the admittance age to Mainstreet is 21. One way or another Ann Arbor can provide cures for the deadly disease known as seriousness. There is also room for anyone interested in starting his own comedy group-live or radio- mixtu alway Wha agains year-o puter, is-so superi away and bo Fire it up, you jokesters: He can't be a comic if he doesn't smoke ... the same cigaret OR PEOPLE WHO can't bear the blithering banality of Ftypical entertainment writers, who demand something more than a bridge column and a list of movies with however many stars they earned, who want to be en- tertained as well as to read about entertainment-there exists the Daily Arts page and Weekend magazine. Enter- tainment reporting Daily-style is something bold, catchy, and often ridiculously pursuant of the subterranean as well as the sublime. A deviant story is valued over an unimaginative one, freestyle over inflexible, good 'n' gaudy over insipid. The Arts staff reserves the right to bend style and grammar rules for our own sometimes whimsical creative inclinations. The Daily Arts page appears every publishing day and features previews and reviews of a variety of even- ts-theatre, dance, concerts of every kind, records, films, books-and whatever else is deemed amusingly informative or just plain expressive fun. Tuesday's jazz column and Thursday's book reviews are weekly special features. Weekend magazine, which appears on Fridays, provides entertainment coverage with the benefit of more space, allowing writers to express themselves more expansively. The Weekend cover story is always something news-like, in- vestigative, and topical to the University community. The Arts staff is a growing monster, with an insatiable ap- petite for leisurely art, arty leisure, and new and talented writers. If you're interested we would be glad to give you a try. Contact Chris Lauer at the Daily Arts desk and offer your own approach. YOU CA BUY TICKE .4- . ... TO A SHOI WHETHER YOUR TASTES run to opera or dance, musical theatre or drama, y your tickets at the Professional Theatre Program Ticket Office in The Michigc WHETHER YOU WANT to be entertained or educated, horrified or exhilarate get your tickets at the Professional Theatre Program Ticket Office in The Michig WHETHER YOU NEED a night on the town or a paper topic, you can get you the Professional Theatre Program Ticket Office in The Michigan League. You can buy tickets to a show from 10-1 and 2-5 weekdays at the north end of The Michigan Leal ing. Or, you can call for the latest information at 764-0450. But what ever you do, make the tic part of your University life. Whether you want to live it up or get down to business, you can buy ti show here. Magazine Editor Associate Editor . ............** * ...... ........Chris Lauer . .........Peter Williams Sales Manager ......................Mary Anne Hogan Associate Sales Manager ......... ....Cynthia Nixon Sales Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Sheryl Biesman Harry Bucalo Yuna Lee Beth Lybik New Student Edition Editor ....... . ........ Rachel Gottlieb The magazine is edited and managed by students on the staff of The Michigan Daily at 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. ,t .. .. k a._