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November 15, 1985 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-15

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Page 8 - The Michigan Daily

- Friday, November 15, 1985


TONIGHT AT 8 p.m., the Roches
will be performing at Hill
Auditorium. And they're literate, too.
Just look:
Suzzy Roche: "My sister Maggie
and Terre made an album by them-
selves and then stopped. Later, all
three of us started singing Christmas
carols on the street and then we star-
ted singing our own stuff. It all star-
ted from there."
On their latest album, Another
World, the three sisters, former
waitresses in a New Jersey
restaurant, depart from their earlier
a capella style by adding a band.
Does this represent a dramatic
change for the group?
"Everyone of our albums is dif-
ferent," remarked Suzzy," "We're
,always changing. It's kind of like

bring harmony

Anyone who's heard any of the
Roches' music knows that it cannot be
classified into any one genre: "We
just sing. . . and whatever comes out
is fine."
The Roches treat every song
specially, in their own bizarre, unique
way: "Our songs are our children.
You don't have any favorite children,
so we don't have any favorite songs.
They're all special to us."
On their first album, entitled The
Roches, the three sisters strike a
responsive chord with their witty
wordplay: We don't give out our
ages, and we don't give out our
phone numbers. Sometimes our
voices give out, but not our ages
and our phone numbers.
The second album, Nurds, con-
tinued in the same vein, modern, off-
beat folk music with a traditional
Irish influence. Their third album

features the sisters' beautiful har-
monies, most importantly their stun-
ning rendition of Handel's Hallelujah
Chorus which they have even perfor-
med on Saturday Night Live.
On their latest album, the recently
released Another World, the sisters
add the aforementioned band (elec-
tric nonetheless) and hint at a bit of
romance and even Top 40 in their
lyrics to "Love to See You" and
"Love Radiates Around."
While the Roches may be moving at
least partially out of the wierd and
off-beat that gained them their suc-
cess, they have a reputation for delivering
their performance in costumes and per-
sonalities other than their own, for in-
stance, as college preps. This trend
will probably continue tonight.
-Peter Ephross

CAT M 123
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W .....A
Ann Arbor's own Comedy Company will be performing two shows at the Mendelssohn Theater tonight and I
tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. Laugh it up, and, hey, it's only $3.50 at the door or $3.00 at the Union ticket office.
Call the UAC office (763-1107) for all the laughable details.
Shorter:Legend returns'

Target hits bullseye


662-3149 ..M
203 E. Hoover4.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
I sew Sae KA U
Stanley H KaplanEducaonalCenterLd EDUCATIONAL CENTER

What do you get when you take a
James Bond movie and remove the
breath-taking scenery, the voluptuous
women, and the futuristic
technology? The answer is an equally
exciting spy thriller entitled Target

If You've
Arrested for Scalping Low Numbers
Bad Mimes, Experienced Amnesia

Ever Been
At A Deli, Worked As A Narrator For
And Deja Vu Simultaneously, Proof-

read For A skywriting Company, Noticed The Expiration Date On Your
Birth Certificate, Glimpsed A Subliminal Advertising Executive, Has A
Speed Reading Accident, Called Information To Find Your Socks, Vapor-
ized A Dog With Spot Remover, Or Seen Norman Rockwell Beat Up A Child,
Then You Need To See An Evening Of Comedy With Steven Wright.


which combines the excitement of
Bond with the Americana of Dirty
Gene Hackman stars as Walter
Lloyd, a seemingly boring Dallas
businessman, and Matt Dillon plays
Chris, the rebellious son who does not
think much of his dull father. What
Chris does not realize is what is hid-
den in his father's dark past.
Life is pretty much routine until the
kidnapping of Walter's wife while she
is vacationing in France. Without
delay, the father and son fly off to
Paris in search of her. The tension
begins as Chris learns the truth about
his father. Attempts are made on
Walter's life, and after one such futile
attempt in which he is saved by Chris,
Walter reveals his past to him. The
boy is told of Walter's history in the
CIA and that his skills as a top-notch
agent have not left him. They go ex-
ploring through Paris, Hamburg, and
Berlin, running into old spy acquain-
tances while narrowly escaping
death. Walter refuses to let his son in
on the action, fearing that the boy is
too green for the dangerous mission
they are on, but eventually gives in
after much pleading. The search for
Mrs. Lloyd brings out a newfound
trust between father and son and their
need for each other becomes evident.
Though the movie flows smoothly,
many scenes are perplexing and the
viewer is often unsure of who is trying
to kill whom and why. As the film
winds down, the plot becomes more
simplistic and makes up for itself in
the final scene which is emotionally
The father-son duo of Hackman and
Dillon succeeds in their acting debut
together. Hackman gives one of his
best performances in years, while
Dillon portrays the confused son per-
fectly. With the many plot twists,
scene changes, and wrong leads,
there is enough action to fill two
movies. This is an entertaining film
that depicts more than just the
revenge of the kidnappers againstl
Walter and his family; it also tells of a
new bond of trust that develops bet-t
ween a father and a son. A fine film.
- Anthony Lehv

T HAS COME to this. Sunday night at the Ark
Eclipse Jazz will be rolling out the red carpet. Bringing
on the heavy artillery. The Big Guns. The Tenth Anniver-
sary Season culminates with two shows at 7:30 and 10:00
by one of the reigning giants of jazz music. Ann Arbor, get
yourself in the proper frame of mind to welcome the
legendary saxophonist and composer, Wayne Shorter.
Shorter has been in the vanguard of the jazz community
for a span of four decades. He has been a sparkplug with
Art Blakey, Miles Davis, and Weather Report. He has led
countless dates of his own. His new LP Atlantis and his
new band mark his first venture as a leader in a dozen
years. Welcome back, Wayne.
Shorter hails from Newark, New Jersey (the home of
the great Savoy record label) where he was born in 1933.
He played with area bands as the '50's began and received
his music education degree from New York University.
He teamed up with pianist Horace Silver in 1956, spent
two years in an army band followed by a period of intense
woodshedding with John Coltrane.
"As soon as I was released from the Army, I would
spend a lot of time at Trane's house, and we would analyze
one another's harmonic ideas. He would play, I would
listen, then vice versa," he explained.
In 1959, he hooked up with Art Blakey's Jazz
Messengers, which has become a jazz institution; a
breeding ground for young talent.
By 1964, Shorter's playing came more under the influen-

By Marc S. Taras

ce of John Coltrane, who had been tearing up fantastic
new ground. It was in this year that Shorter tagged up
with Miles Davis. As a composer, he would spearhead
Miles' second classic quintet in the mid-sixties.
The music that Davis was producing became in-
creasingly radical and electric, and Wayne Shorter's
work as a leader/composer reflected these changes. Late
'60's albums became jagged, electric, and even more
emotionally insistent.
Wayne Shorter left the expanded Davis ensemble in 1971
to form Weather Report with his longtime friend Joe
Zawinul. Their coupling was an organic one and spawned
a dozen albums, successful tours, and the band - Weather
Report - became the critical and popular standard for
the new electric music or fusion, if you apply the genetric
Now we see (and hear! hear!) Wayne Shorter taking a
break from Weather Report and striking off on his own
again. By his admission he has dozens of unpublished, and
undoubtedly brilliant compositions. He has not recorded
as a leader since offering us Native Dancer in the early
seventies. He has not toured as a leader (outside of WR) in
this time. So you see, the excitement is mounting.
Yeah! This is the one! The juju comes forth! The all-
seeing eye emerges once again with the new tales of
magic, earth mysteries, and a music that is lovely almost
beyond expressiou.
Wayne Shorter will be performing two shows this Sun-
day at the Ark. 7:30 and 10:00. Welcome back, Wayne.
We'll be glad to see you!

Nov. 22
7:30 atthe

When fantasy and reality collide

1. II

Tickets available at the Michigan Union Ticket Office
and all Ticket World outlets.

e S Pi
Please join the

At a Public Forum
on November 16, 1985, on the future
of America's civilian space program
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The National Commission on Space is a Presidentially appointed
commission chartered to formulate long term goals for the civil
space program.

°d g

IT up

from the world of sit-coms and
nave to face reality in David Rabe's
Sticks and Bones which opens at the
Performance Network tonight.
--Sticks and Bones has many=-
themes," said David Bernstein,
director of the play. "It deals with
how war effects people and how
people confront or don't confront
It circles around Ozzie and Harriet,
parents of two darling children, Ricky
and David. If this sounds like a
takeoff on "The Ozzie and Harriet
Show" it is no mistake. They
represent the perfect American
family. When their son, David, comes
back from Vietnam blind and with a
Vietnamese girlfriend, the family has
to face up to this unwelcome reality.
This play of racism, war, and
reality stars Edwin and Jan Cable as
Ozzie and Harriet, Marc Willett as
David and Gregory Radcliffe as
Sticks and Bones is part of a trilogy
written by Rabe which also includes
Streamers and the Basic Training of
Pavolo Hummel. According to Ber-
nstein, Rabe takes use of many
metaphores and stilted language to
get his message across.
"This play does much more than
make a political statement," said
Bernstein," it is a show which ex-
presses events that are present in
Sticks and Bones plays at the Per-
formance Network, located at 408 W.
Washington, for three weekends.


Ed and Jan Cable as "Ozzie and Harriet" in Sticks and Bones at the Per-
formance Network tonight.
Symphony mixed success

t / >^-1
. Guitar Studio
Sales - Lessons - Rentals - Expert Repairs
Repair Bows - Repair Violin * Cello e Bass

We realize that the papers
are gone by early morning.
Unfortunately for the late risers,
The Michigan Daily can't afford
to print more than 10,000 copies.
So, please, share your paper

The Vienna Symphony Orchestra,
led by Wolfgang Sawallisch, perfor-
med Wednesday night at Hill
Auditorium. On the program were a
selection fo Johann and Joseff
Strauss's waltzes, polkas, and mar-
ches, as well as Richard Strauss's
famous "Ein Heldenleben."
From a technical standpoint, the
concert was not a success. Horns
missed pitches, winds lost control,
there was a constant intonation
problem throughout the orchestra that
marred what should have been the
richer moments of the works.
In spite of the imperfections, the
pieces were enjoyable because the
orchestra and conductor were ob-
viously having fun. By the time they.
burst into chorus during the "Egyp-
tian March," the crowd was sold.
During the "Radetskymarsch," the
audience was even clapping in time to
the music.
The second half of the performance,
consisting solely of Richard Strauss's
"Ein Heldenleben," did quite a bit to
redeem the orchestra's previous
musical errors. The seductive,
elegant playing which pervaded the
first half turned into fire, pathos, and
triumph in turn as the piece

Throughout the concert, many.of
the performers proved themselves
capable of excellence. The principal
cellist and French horn (the one who
played "Ein Heidenleben") played
their solo parts well. In addition, the
principal flute deseres accolades for
consistent beauty and expression. Last
but by no means least, the violinist
Jan Popsichal did a marvelous job
with his sustained difficult solo part in
"Ein Heldenleben."
Wolfgang Sawallisch proved himo
self an attentive, organized conduc-
tor. He did not use a score during the
concert, but by the precise hand
movements and direct eye contact,.it
was obvious that he had a definite
idea of what he wanted to hear. When
he had control, the effect was
awesome - there was more than one
breathtaking pause or change in color
and mood during the concert.
"The Vienna Symphony is often
described as "up-and-coming." Wed-*
nesday's performance indicated
that this is indeed the case. They have
the ability to unite with the audience,
something rare and unteachable. The
only major obstacle they must over-
come is inconsistency in quality.
That done, their greatness will be un-
-Rebecca Chung

-Seth Flicker


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