OPINION Page 4 Thursday, November 7, 1985 The Michigan Daily .. z Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Divestment is multi-tiered Vol. XCVI, No. 46 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board False faith N AN EFFORT geared for nothing more than eliminating paperwork, the Reagan Ad- ministration has initiated plans to abolish rules requiring federally funded public hospitals to guaran- tee minimum amounts of free care to the poor. Since 1946, more than 4,500 public hospitals have consented to provide free or low-cost care for the poor as a condition for receiving construction grants and loans from the federal gover- nment. The Administration's pro- posal would allow athose hospitals certified as "public facilities" to be free of this condition. If this proposal is enacted, 2444 (53 per- :cent) of health-care institutions would no longer be obliged to provide any amount of care to those unable to pay. Reagan seems confident that hospitals will continue to provide rare for the poor regardless of federal requirements. Similarly, lie seems to have enough confiden- ce in employers to consider drop- ping Affirmative Action quotas. Based on this "good faith" the federal government is relinquishing more and more of its r'esponsibility to minorities and the poor. ;But there is little reason for that faith. Despite the fact that public hospitals were chartered specifically to serve the poor, they have not followed through with these intentions. Furthermore, even those health facilities sup- posedly regulated by the gover- nment do not provide adequate care. It would be reassuring if em- ployers continued to hire a significant number of minority workers on their own volition and hospitals provided humanitarian care for patients unable to pay, but reality is otherwise. Reagan is opting to remove government regulations rather than tighten government enfor- cement of its original, well- intentioned policies. Consistent minority employment and medical care for all citizens are needs that still. exist - as they did when Af- firmative Action and health care quotas were established. The only thing that's changed is the ad- ministration's interpretation of its duties. This most recent proposal to eliminate the obligation of some public hospitals to provide care to the poor is an unfortunate in- dication of Reagan's inter- pretation. The government sees a responsibility to over-burdened hospital administrators as reason enough to jeopardize medical care for the needy. This proposal reflects a faulty set of priorities regarding a gover- nment's responsibility to its citizens. Those cumbersome governmental reports might be the only guarantee for medical care that some people have. By David Katz During the past month the controversial subject of divestment from South Africa has spawned many articles, editorials, teach- ins, rallies, and demonstrations. Most of these were designed to justify divestment as an effective solution which will result in the quick abolishment of apartheid in South Africa. While the reason for divestment is a justified one, the argument of the efficacy of divestment is both ambiguous and illogical. The ambiguity of divestment can best be illustrated in the question: from what is who divesting? Those students who have ad- vocated divestment have stated that the University should divest from South Africa. The University is only indirectly divesting from South Africa, however. The University is actually directly divesting from businesses that are directly investing in South Africa. Therefore, the argument in favor of University divestment is that if the University divests from Big Business Inc. then Big Business Inc. will divest from South Africa as a result of this economic pressure. The economic losses that South Africa suffers as a result of the divestment of Big Business Inc. will in turn cause the South African government to abolish apartheid. This complicated chain of events can be simplified into the following axiom: divestment begets divestment begets divestment ... begets the abolishment of apartheid. It should be obvious by now that divest- ment is a multi-tiered process resembling a pyramid with apartheid located at the pyramid's pinnacle. As each level of bricks is yanked out of the pyramid, apartheid becomes more and more unstable. There is a flaw in this argument, however. Towards the bottom of the pyramid is the University of Michigan. How do we get the University to yank its brick out from the pyramid and divest? By refering to the previously- stated explanation of divestment, the logical answer is that we students should divest from the University. Wait a minute. Stop. Back up. The students should divest from the university! Yep. If the students were to divest from the university, tuition would fall, and the economic losses incurred by the University would cause it to divest from the companies which are investing in South Africa. The companies investing in South Africa will then divest from South Africa which will force the government of South Africa to abolish apartheid. "But why should I leave U. of M.? Apartheid isn't my fault," asks Joe Q. Student. The standard reply, of course, is that every dollar that is invested in South Africa is supporting apartheid. Until it's abolished, no money should be invested in South Africa. Besides, a student can always invest in (attend) another university that doesn't have investments in companies that have investments in South Africa. Obviously, the idea of student divestment is a ridiculous one. This satirical approach to divestment should in no way be inter- preted as an attempt to lessen the impor- tance of divestment or apartheid. The students at the University have effectively contributed to the destruction of apartheid through their rallies, editorials and other forms of expression. If American com- panies dislike apartheid as much as they say they do then let them try to attack it using their own tactics. So far they have shown their concerns by meeting with members of the ANC in Zimbabwe, following the Sullivan Principles, and publicly speaking out against apartheid and the Botha government. The same reasoning previously used by Joe Q. Student also ap- plies to Big Business Inc. That is, why should Big Business Inc. divest from South Africa when they are not responsible for apartheid? The reasons for divestment are justified, but in this case the ends do not justify the means. Divestment is an attempt to make someone else do something that we our- selves are not prepared to do. For those who still think divestment is the best solution to apartheid, they can divest their money in- stead of telling the University to divest its money. Chassy PICYE TAT WOK-o GVATfNMALAN PCOPLZ ARM BUZZING ITd EXCI TEMENT 1$21 DL / 4 4 3Y Petition for peace THE COALITION for Peace in Central America offers a new and broad-reaching method for educating Ann Arbor residents on the Reagan Administration's policies in Central America. The recently formed group is circulating a petition that would put a resolution on the city elec- tion ballot in April to "Establish Initiatives for Peace in Central America." While any action on Central America taken at a city level is merely symbolic, it might serve to increase local awareness of gover- nment policies toward the region. To that end, the Coalition chose to gather signatures rather than ask a City Council member to submit a similar resolution to the Council. As it is, the group will need to collect 3654 valid signatures by January 6. Such a canvassing effort should expose a great number of Ann Ar- bor residents to the issue, and the resulting election debate will guarantee that Central American policies are discussed in a non- confrontational way. If passed by voters in April, the resolution would require the City Clerk to notify local Congressional representatives that Ann Arbor residents: oppose all military aid to Central America, all efforts to undermine the elected government nf Nipramauiat nd the hmhina campaign in El Salvador; support the rights of Central American countries to self-determination and U.S. efforts toward a negotiated peace settlement; and request that any funds freed up by a lessening of U.S. aggression be used for social programs in the United States and Central America. In addition, the resolution would mandate that Ann Arbor establish "sister city" relations with cities in five Central American countries. U.S. policy in Central America is generally disturbing. The Reagan administration has tacitly admitted to mining Nicaragua's Managua Bay, and has been complicit through its military aid to Guatemala and El Salvador in the vast number of "disappearances" and extensive rural bombing campaigns there. While such atrocities appear un- justifiable for many reasons, it is dif- ficult to even begin legitimate debate without an informed public. In spite of recent national publicity from Nicaraguan President Or- tega's visit to the United States and El Salvadoran President Duarte's negotiations to recover his kidnap- ped daughter, disturbingly large numbers of U.S. Citizens remain ignorant. The Coalition's drive is a small but necessary effort to educate Ann Arbor residents, to encourage debate, and, if successful, to put pressure on local representatives to change current nolicies. Si LETTERS: No suci To the Daily: Controversy over SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) here on campus has detracted much needed attention from a related project that will drain American tax dollars if not stop- ped. Between 700 million to 1.3 billion dollars is the proposed h thing as cost for the - Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) project. The Air Force GWEN project is designed to develop a communication network that can survive a nuclear war. However, this is not to coordinate emergen- cy or medical services, but rather to continue nuclear at- a winnable war LSA classrooms have gone To the Daily: The classrooms available to LS&A begin to resemble those in one of the poorer provinces of Albania or Chad. I refer par- ticularly to Srd and 4th floors of East Engineering, which are now available to us since the engineers are abandoning that hulk like sensible rats desert a rotten ship. Last year I had a classroom in East Engineering which was in- terrupted by a pigeon family roosting contentedly in the raf- ters of the gutted ceiling panels. I tried to show a film but without much success, for there were no blinds. It was a pretty good film, but largely outclassed by the room will get their money's wor- th at the Health Center. On one cool day when the radiator was banging I scouted the floor for another room, found one, and took it by squatters rights. A mistake, as it proved. This one also had a smashed window and all the interlocked chairs faced west while the blackboard was on the eastern wall. Figure that one out, if you can. But there was no banging, because the radiator didn't work at all. I realize that LS&A is not the Law School or Business School. I realize that this University is not Stanford or Washington and Lee. But is there no IMMEDIATE Rt .9V% f t Ir WiUr' tacks. The GWEN project, as well as the Reagan administration, suggest that a nuclear war is winnable. This project however is only backed by a prediction from military planners when in fact scientific evidence shows that fire, which once swept the world to the birds cure for physical conditions that would disgrace a high school somewhere in the Bronx? There is a remedy, as anyone who walks the halls of the School of Education at high noon knows. Most of those classrooms are vacant and could be used for LS&A classes if one of the Higher Powers picked up a phone and demanded it. Why hasn't this been done? Presumably because the Ed School somehow has staked a claim on those empty rooms - the Devil take everybody else. -Cecil Eby November 3 Eby is a professor of English. - and would again following a nuclear war - would undoub- tedly destroy most of the world's vegetation, poison the air and cause smoke to absorb sunlight and send temperatures plum- meting way below freezing. This is a "nuclear winter" as. hypothesized by a group of scien- tists headed by Carl Sagan. Obw viously under these conditions billions of people will die. Computer scenarios used by Sagan and his colleagues showed that even a limited nuclear war will result in a global freeze. Therefore, this thought by the advocates of the GWEN project to have, much less win, a protrac- ted nuclear war is ludicrous. The Air Force and the Reagan* administration should concen- trate more on avoiding a nuclear war rather than trying to win one. Our tax dollars should be better spent. -Marc Lewis4 Angie Kraus.' Eric Newman Duncan MacDonald Lainie Lewis October 27 m... m m- m--1 m I rY