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November 07, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-11-07

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LIt 3tUn
Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 7, 1985


Vol. XCVI - No. 46

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Student is
the vwtim
at library
When history doctoral candidate
Scott Wong went to the graduate
library last week, he discovered
someone had broken into his fifth floor
carrel and written "You Die
Chinaman" on the wall.
He also noticed a Chinese-English
dictionary was missing from the
carrel. It was later returned to library
officials with the words "Die chink,
hostile Americans want your yellow
hide" inscribed inside the cover.
"TO ME, THAT takes it to a dif-
ferent level because I'm an
American," said Wong. "It is impor-
tant that people realize that
'American' is simply a term of
citizenship, not of skin color."
Wong fears the racist display is the
act of one or more Caucasian
American students who believe "they
are the only real Americans.".
University Department of Public
Safety officer Tim Shannon said an
investigation of the incident is still
open, but there are no suspects. It is
unlikely this case will be solved, he
(THE GRAFFITI incident is) not
going to get solved unless we have a
suspect," said Shannon.
"Obscene, racist or otherwise very
disturbing" graffiti is reported
"maybe once a week," according to
William Shurtliff, head of
photoduplication and building ser-
vices for the library.
Shurtliff said graffiti falling into the
obscene category does not seem to be
common. Nor is it common for carrels
to be broken into, he noted.
"IF THERE WERE a trend, I think
a lot of people would know about it, in-
cluding me," Shurtliff said. However,
no records of such reported incidents
are kept on file, he said.
Wong noted the irony of the incident
occurring the same week the Univer-
sity released its figures showing an
overall minority enrollment increase
from 11.3 percent to 12 percent, the
See STUDENT, Page 3

Ten Pages
SDI goals

Ups an dow nsDaily Photo by JAE KIM
Members of the Chi Phi fraternity and Delta Delta Delta sorority teeter-totter in the Diag yesterday to raise
funds for children's cancer research.
Bill threatensdecrease in aid to
colleges, students, and research

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan redefined his goals for the
proposed "Star Wars" shield defense
system yesterday, saying he would
deploy the space shield unilaterally if
other nuclear powers can't agree on a
worldwide nuclear defense and
disarmament program.
"If we had a defensive system and
we could not get agreement on their
part to eliminate the nuclear
weapons, we would have done our best
and we would go ahead with
deployment, even though, as I say,
that would then open us up to the
charge of achieving the capacity for a
first strike," Reagan said in an inter-
view less than two weeks before he
meets Soviet leader Mikhail Gor-
bachev in Geneva.
THE PRESIDENT'S comments ap-
peared to negate the terms he laid out
in an interview with Soviet journalist
last week in which he said he wouldn't
deploy a defensive system until offen-
sive missiles had been dismantled.
But Reagan denied there was any in-
consistency in his separate descrip-
tions of his policy.
"The terms for our own deployment
would be the elimination of theoffen-
sive weapons," Reagan said to the
Soviets. "We won't put this weapon -
this system - in place, this defensive
system, until we do away with our
nuclear missiles, our offensive
missiles . . . And if the Soviet Union
and the United States both say we will
eliminate our offensive weapons, we
will put in this defensive thing in case
some place in the world a madman
someday tries to create these
weapons again."
But yesterday, he told the White
House correspondents of western news
agencies that if the U.S. research
program he calls the Strategic Defen-
se Initiative were to come up with an
effective system to defend against
nuclear attack, the United States
would call a meeting of all nuclear

powers to "see if we cannot use that
weapon to bring about . . . the
elimination of nuclear weapons.'
IF THAT conference failed to gain
an agreement for mutual use of the
defensive system, Reagan said, "we
would go ahead with deployment."
Earlier yesterday when asked if he
meant to give the Soviets veto power,
in effect, over deployment of the
proposed defensive weapons system,
Reagan replied, "Hell no."
Reagan also said in the wide-
ranging discussion that he suspects
but can't prove the defection and sub-
sequent return of Soviet masterspy
Vitaly Yurchenko and two other
Soviet citizens were part of "a
deliberate ploy" by the Kremlin in the
days leading up to the Nov. 19-20
Geneva summit.
THE PRESIDENT said he was per-
plexed by the three cases, but "we
just have to live with it because
there's no way we can prove or
disprove" that the cases were or-
Contrary to recent reports from in-
telligence sources, Reagan said the
information Yurchenko provided
"was not anything new or sensational."
As recently -as last week, U.S. in-
telligence sources were crowing over
what they called the gold mine of in-
formation from Yurchenko, who
defected to the United States three
months ago and returned to the Soviet
Union yesterday.
Reagan also made these points in
the half-hour interview:
" There is every indication that
Gorbachev is "a reasonable man,"
and that gives Reagan hope he can
convince the Communist Party chief
the United States has no expansionist
aims and genuinely wants to ease the
distrust with which the two super-
powers regard each other.
*oHis goalat the summit will be to
"eliminate the distrust" between the
superpowers, not to negotiate a new
arms control agreement.

A balanced-budget amendment currently being debated
by Congress could have severe consequences for higher
education, according to University and national financial
aid officials.
"This amendment has to be treated as a serious issue,"
said Thomas Butts, the Univerity's Washington lobbyist
and assistant to the vice president for academic affairs.
THE AMENDMENT, dubbed the Gramm-Rudman bill
after two of its Republican sponsors in the Senate, Phil
Gramm and Warren Rudman, could force drastic cuts or
total program eliminations in student aid, institutional
aid, and research funding, according to the American
Council on Education (ACE).
Other groups, such as the Consumer Bankers of
America say the bill will force banks to end their par-
ticipation in the Guaranteed Student Loan Program,
which would literally wipe out the government's largest
student aid program, ACE's assistant director for
congressional liaison, Lawrence Zaglaniczy said.

The bill has been attached to legislation to raise the
national debt over $2 trillion. This legislatin is considered
urgent because Treasury officials predict that the gover-
ment will default by Nov. 14 without it.
CONFLICTS in the two houses over the content of the
balanced-budget amendment have delayed the
legislation. Both the bills set decreasing deficit levels for
the next several years and require Congress to meet the
Under the Senate version, the president would
automatically administer the cuts if the deficit limits
aren't met. Under the House version, it would result in
automatic across-the-board spending cuts.
The House and the Senate left a conference committee
on Friday in disagreement. Sen. Bob Packwood (R-
Oregon), leader of the Senate conferees, said that there
would " ... have to be some give" on both sides in the
search for a compromise and suggested Senate
Republican leader Robert Dole, House Speaker Thomas
O'Neill and " ... someone who speaks for the president,"
See BUDGET, Page 5

Ban of pet use won't hurt
research bill, backers say

Lee Katterman, the editor of The Research News, produced a documentary entitled "Men's Music" that won
this year's Detroit Press Club award for the best college radio documentary.
Radio show studi es male roles

Special to the Daily
LANSING - Proponents of a bill
which would ban the use of dogs and
cats from animal shelters in
biomedical research yesterday
denied that their measure would crip-
ple research in the state.
Opponents of the bill, including
University researchers, testified
before the Senate's Committee on
Higher Education and Technology
last week that banning the cheap
source of lab animals would raise the
cost of research ten-fold. They said
universities and other research in-
stitutions would have to begin raising
or buying more expensive, specially-
bred animals for research.
BUT JOHN McCardle, director of
laboratory animal welfare for the
national Humane Society, told the
committee yesterday that similar
laws in three other states, including
Massachusetts, have not hampered
researchers from competing for
federal research grants.
Susan Schermann, president of the
Michigan Federation of Humane
Societies, also testified yesterday that
the bill is not "anti-research
legislation," but rather designed to
curb the overpopulation of pets.

Schermann said selling the cats and
dogs to researchers contributes to the
overpopulation problem because "it's
a cheap, easy way to get rid of the
animals. It eliminates the need to
develop solutions."
Schermann added that the largest
suppliers devote little resources to
such solutions as trying to find the
owner, or finding someone to adopt
the animals.
IN ADDITION, Schermann said
researchers buy healthy, sociable
animals; those easiest to adopt.
Selling the animals, she said, con-
tradicts the whole idea of having
"They're supposed to be san-
ctuaries, not warehouses," Scher-
mann said, "People are reluctant to
bring their pets in because they're
afraid they might be used for resear-
More than 50 people who testified
yesterday supported the bill, but one
who spoke against the legislation was
Richard Pierce, a Southfield
veterinarian who served on the state
Humane Society's Board of Directors
for over a decade.
Pierce said he appreciated the idea,
but charged the ultimate goal of the
bill's proponents is to ban all animal

research, an idea he called "absurd."
"This bill is a stepping stone to their
ultimate goal," he said.
SCHERMANN denied the charge,
saying they opposed only unnecessary
animal research.
Pierce also asked whether it is
"more humane to euthanise specially-
bred animals, than to euthanise pound
animals who are going to be
euthanised anyway?" About 3,000
more animals would have to be bred
to make up for the loss in pound
But Schermann testified that pound
animals differ from specially-bred
animals because they're not raised
for a research environment.
MCCARDLE ALSO said yesterday
researchers can find alternatives to
the animals, such as using videotapes
to demonstrate surgery on dogs and
cats, without actually operating on
the animals for every class.
"Alternatives are available," he
said, "but having this cheap source of
animals are a disincentive to finding
these alternatives."
But Sen. Henry DeMasco (R-Battle
Creek), one of the bill's supporters,
said, "If I were having open-heart
surgery, I don't want the doctor to

If some folk songs are seeds of change, then men's
music may redefine what it means to be a male.
At least that was University employee Lee Katter-
man's purpose behind an hour-long radio documentary
he produced. The program, called "Men's Music," is a
compilaton of songs written by men in protest of the
"macho male" stereotype.
THE SONGS were performed at a six-day conference
about men and masculinity held at the University in
1983. The radio station WEMU asked Katterman, who
is editor of the University's science magazine, The
Research News, to compile the songs, a project for which
he received this year's best college documentary

award from the Detroit Press Club.
Katterman found that much of men's music has its
roots in feminist music, songs about civil rights
struggles, and other social protest tunes of the past.
The folks songs, Katterman says, attempt to raise
the question in the listener's mind about the roles men
play and whether they assume the roles by choice.
"THE MALE stereotype is that a man works hard,
brings home money for the family, and deals with cer-
tain things in the home like the discipline of the
children and maybe mowing the lawn," he explains.
"It doesn't have to be that way. Men can be just as
kind and nurturing as a woman can - and it's not a


Glory days

be returned shortly, Ms. Shanahan said recently.
However, the next flag to arrive belonged to a car
dealer in Louisiana, she said. She returned the 48-star
flag and the car dealer's flag and was told again that
the county's giant flag was in the mail. Meanwhile,
commissioners have decided the problem will be
z~nA isbyflvirnn nn mollpins n n m W.nct An tc. and +th

put off payment of her debt by climbing onto the roof
Tuesday instead of last week when the weather was
really bad. "I'm a good sport, but I'm not a martyr,"
said Maschoff, who chose to occupy the roof in a down
coat with mittens in 35-degree temperature. "I was not
going to sit in the rain." Last spring, when the
!,cgneiatin'Qs mhgbrshin stood at RR. s~he bt that

SOUTH AFRICA: Opinion on "pyramid of
divestment." See Page 4.
HALF Mt Detroit Imae n reare to storm


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